Part 11
~~I got stuck writing the last part then remembered what the story was actually supposed to be about. It's probably just going to get more sad from here, this could be the last chance to get out while you still can.~~
You wake up Dean after a while, he seems grumpy at first but then sees that you're awake.
"Hey (y/n)." Dean says reaching his free hand up to stroke your cheek. "How're ya doin'." He says, his eyes shine with sympathy and happiness that you're awake.
"I'm alright. I don't want to leave you." You say and a single tear falls down your cheek, worry floods Dean's face and he moves in to hug you.
"It's ok I'm here baby. You won't be by yourself. I won't let you go." Dean coos stroking your hair lovingly.
"I'm afraid that might not be true." Stan says, he sure picks the best time to come back in. Sam looks through the glass apologetically at you, you don't blame him. "You need to come with me sir." Stan says to Dean, who shakes his head and holds you tighter. The older man looks confused for a second before trying again. "We have matters to discuss, now please, come with me out into the hall."
"I'm not leaving her." Dean says talking about you. "She shouldn't be alone in this place."
The caretaker admits defeat then calls over a nurse to see about removing Dean from the room. Sam walks in and looks at you like you're a lost puppy.
"Dean they will rip (y/n) away from you if you don't listen to them." Sam pleads with Dean. "Just five minutes. Talk to the guy. I'll stay in here with (y/n)." Dean looks torn, there's no way he would let the man take you away from him.
So Dean walks out of the room and talks to the guy, leaving you and Sam to converse.
"What did that guy say to you Sam?" You ask, Sam gets a pained expression on his face from hearing your brittle croaky voice.
"He wanted to know about our home, our lives, just looking for something he could take you away for." Sam says gruffly, looking down at his shoes. "He wants to come to the bunker later this week and check the place out."
"Well what's so bad about that?" You say looking at him, there's something Sam's not telling you.
"He, uh, he gave me a list of institution options." Sam says unfolding a piece of paper he retrieved from his back pocket, then hands it you you.
"You have to pick where to send me off to." You say, sounding soft-spoken and hurt.
"I'm sorry (y/n). But if this doesn't go well then you'll be forced to go away for awhile." Sam says avoiding your gaze.
Tears slowly start falling down your face and you look at Sam, wishing he would look back. You go to speak but your voice just cracks and turns into soft sobs. You love the Winchesters, there's no way you wanted to leave them, but you might have to against your will.
~~Single tear shed here~~
Dean walks in not much later and sees you crying and Sam looking on the verge of it. Something in him snaps, there's no way in hell he'll let you go, not if it causes you this much pain. He walks over to your bedside and gently moves you over so he can join you on the bleached white sheets of the hospital bed.
"It's ok baby, I won't let them take you. I know where we can get some help." Dean says holding you close to his chest, your silent sobs rack your back and soak Dean's shirt. You fall asleep eventually in Dean's grasp, listing to his soft encouraging words as you drift off. Your sleep isn't so forgiving of your actions though.
~~In your dreams~~
You're at a mental hospital somewhere far away from Sam, Dean, and the bunker. You are all alone in a plain white room, not padded though, secluded from the rest of the world for now. Doctors come in and take several tests on you, blood samples, blood pressure, temperature. There's so many hands fondling with you, poking needles into you, you can't even wriggle free from the ones holding you down.
After they finish whatever they came for you're released into a part of the hospital with many other crazy people. One pale lady is dancing with herself, one man with long curly black locks is rocking in a corner watching all the others. You don't particularly fit in with most of these people but it's not like they care. Or at least you thought so, until several of them approach you, petting your hair mumbling how you're not like the others.
"One of these is not like the others." One woman with short blonde hair says.
"Once you come in you may never leave." The woman that was dancing says, stroking your shoulder, you shudder at the touch and cower away only to run into a big beefy man.
"This one's pretty, and she'll be mine." The bald man says reaching out and taking you into a bear hug.
"She's clearly one of the chronic depressions with a side of schizophrenia." The man with the curly black hair says, he has a blue scarf wrapped around his neck and his hands placed in a praying position under his chin. He seems like the most sane one out of all of these.
"We should show her what there is to this place." One shorter man says cracking his knuckles then steps forward to throw a surprise punch into your ribs. Even here you're an outcast that nobody wants or needs. The other patients form a riot and beat you down, until you're shaken awake and drenched in sweat.
You see that Dean woke you up from your horrid dream and you start crying again, god did you hate crying this much, you hated showing weakness. Dean clutches you close to his person and rocks you back and forth.
"I'm sorry I'm so weak." You barely whisper, Dean still hears it and pulls you tighter.
"You're not weak (y/n). You just have way too much on your plate." Dean says kissing the top of your head, breathing in the scent of your strawberry shampoo scent.
"But I am Dean. I'm weak enough for a demon to take me and Cas, weak enough to cry every time I talk or when something happens. Dean I don't deserve someone like you. I don't even see why you bother staying with someone like me." You say burying your face deep into Dean's neck.
"(y/n). You're not weak. You lasted seven years against this, even longer for all I know. As for the demon, he was just a dick. Every single one of them. If it wasn't for you Cas would be a lot more roughed up, he's not the best sick person in the world. And for deserving people. Baby I don't deserve someone like you who puts up with my drunk ass all the time. I love you, and no one will ever replace you. I wouldn't trade you for all the pies in the world baby, cuz you're my pie. I will always be there for you no matter what." Dean says pulling back and looking into your endless pits of eyes.
You chuckle a little to yourself and give a weak smile, Dean always knows how to cheer you up. "I love you so much Dean. Thank you." You whisper and lay back down on his strong chest and drift off to sleep again as Dean gently strokes your hair.
~~Omg I had to stop while I was writing this because I got caught up in the character and my eyes started watering. Ok so I think this is like the best I've ever made Dean speak, normally its really hard to write Dean's speaking parts. He speaks in such a limited vocabulary and is very illiterate to my standards. So normally dumbing down my form of speaking isn't enough to make Dean's form of speaking realistic.~~
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