Chapter 6
For once in my life I didn't have nightmares while I slept. When I woke up around 4 ish to pee, I saw that the strange man was sleeping next to me, but I didn't panic, like i would normally when I saw a big scary man this close to me, instead I felt peace. So I got up to pee and went back to bed, but this time I did have nightmares, and I did wake up panicked and he wasn't in bed with me, which mad me even more upset, and I don't know why. I got out of bed very slowly, taking in the room and scanning for danger before taking a deep breath and trying to relax. When I walked into the bathroom I saw a pile of clothes and a note that read,
"I had to leave to take care of some stuff, but by the time you wake I should be back. Here are some of my sisters clothes you ca barrow and when your done showering and getting ready open the door look down the hallway to your left and the third door down is my office. Please knock before entering.
So I did as he requested because I did not want to anger the big man who could easily hurt me like those men did. After I showered and got dressed I walked to his Office door, which had his name on it and I knock three times very lightly, like I did when the men always called be to their rooms. Thee seconds later I herd a muffled "come in". At this point my hands were shaking very badly and I felt like I was going to vomit. I couldn't even turn the door handle, he repeated again, "come in.". This time he sounded more angry. I wanted to come in so he wouldn't be angry but I couldn't move any part of my body, I was frozen in fear. Finally some one came running next to me and opened the door for me, I turned to see who had did it but they were already rounding the corner in the hallway. "Finally." I herd Luke mumble like he was very pissed off, but when I came into his view he gave me a kind smile that made me feel safe.
"It took you awhile to get here, was there a problem?" Luke asked in a stern but gentle voice. I looked down shamefully.
"I'm sorry, I've never had a warm shower so I must have taken more time then I thought I did." I said in a very small voice.
He just nodded his head in response, he pointed to the chair and told me to sit down.
"Now it is Friday night and Jake is throwing a party here, he isn't going to cancel it because you showed up, your not that special. I will be attending this party and KC will not be here, she already left for her friends house, so you will have to stay up here on the third floor and do not come down. That is not a good environment for you. The party will start in an hour so go down to the kitchen and get some food before the people start showing, you can bring food up into your room because you will not be aloud back down stairs until tomorrow night." He said in a very strict voice, that made me shiver because it sounded like the guy who held me captive all my life.
"Yes Master." It came out if my mouth before I could even stop it, it was a force of habit, that's how I always had to responded to him like that. Luke's head snapped up so fast I thought he might get whip lash,
"What did you just say?" He asked getting ready to stand up but I beat him to it, I was already standing and I simply nodded and ran out of the room as fast as I could with my injures. I herd him coming after me so I pushed myself harder till I reached the room I have been staying in and then I slammed the door and locked it as quick a I could then I ran and hid on the other side of the bed and just as I sat down, I herd Luke run into the door like he was trying to break it down, I was shaking at this point, tears were streaming down my face and I was so consumed by fear that I couldn't even move. He was starting to crack the door but then I herd multiple male yells before there was nothing but silence. I waited for about 30 minutes and then I ran over to the door checked under the door for shadows and then I quickly got up and pushed the dresser in front of the door and then I pushed the bed up against the dresser. I then went into the bath room pulled out some towels from the clean stack and I started making a bed for my self in the bath tub. I didn't want to use pillows and blankets because the smelled like Luke along with the room, but the bath room smells like my strawberry soap and the towels smell like fresh laundry so until further notice this little bathroom is where I'm living.
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