Chapter 3
"Thank you Dr. Lance for coming on such short notice." I herd some one whisper, I tried to open my eyes but they felt like they were glued shut, then I tried to move any part of my body, but I couldn't.
"no problem Luke, I'm always happy to help. Now she's under a drug to keep her from moving at all. So she can probably hear us but she cant move anything so I'm going to put the reversal drug in her IV, she should start moving in about two minutes. If she feels any pain you give her two of these, and do not force her into anything, she probably has PTSD, so waking up with you in here might freak her out so, be careful not to scare her. ok?" I herd Dr. Lance say as I felt something rush through my vains. I listened for an 'ok' from the guy but instead of one, I herd two. Which means there are to guy in the same room. My heart rate started to pick up and the doctor must have heard the beeping from the monitor.
"Dr. Lance what does that mean?" One of them asked.
"Well it means her heart rate picked up which A. means she dreaming or B. she heard us and is now scared. She should be able to move, but she must be too scared to. Boys step out of the room please." I didn't hear a reply but I herd shuffling and the door opening and closing. "Sweetie? I know you can hear me, and I know you must be scared but I need you to open your eyes. Then I can help you ok?" I nodded my head and slowly opened my eyes. I was met with a white ceiling. slowly turned my head to see a man standing on the other side of the room. "Good job. Ok, now I'm gonna come closer to you ok? I'm not going to touch you. I just want to sit next to you." I nodded my head as he walked closer, I watch the way he moved to see if he had any of the signs that he was gonna hurt me, but when I looked all I saw was kindness in his eyes. He came and sat down by me, "I know this must be a lot to take in." I nodded, "But trust me you in good hands. The house you are staying in is the Masons. They are a family that owns about 4 miles of land, Luke, who is their youngest son, found you right by the house. He brought you here, where his other brother Jake, called me. I'm Dr. Lance, I'm the Masons family doctor. The boys also have one little sister name KC. She's 17, the oldest boy Jake is 22 and Luke is 20. They only have a mum, their dad died when Jake was 13, I'm sure you can do the math. Their mother is at a dinner party but I al ready called her and she wont mind you saying here. I'm gonna spend the night here since you just woke up. Now I know this is a lot to take in and I'm sure you stressed so, everyone will stay out of this room except me for the next 24 hours. You can talk to me and ask questions all you want but there going to wait until the morning because you need rest. Good night." And with all that he got up and left the room. I had almost fallen a sleep during all of that so I'm happy he left. I sat there thinking over everything, but I didn't get to far before darkness consumed me.
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