Chapter 12
The later is got the darker it became and the more nervous I was. When they took me it was during the night and the night is able to conceal many scary things. I could tell by how light it was outside that it was about 6 o'clock at night, I waited out in the garden processing Luke's words over and over again. By about 7 o'clock It was to dark for me to be out side. When I stood up I could hear he guard behind me stir but he did not wake up all the way. I walked out of the garden using my quiet feet. Now they were kind of a habit, I don't think I am able to walk loud anymore. Once I got to the door I took off the coat that KC bought me and slipped off my boots. I walked up stairs and sat down on my bed. All the bags from today were scattered around my room, I didn't want to put them away but because most of my life was spent messy and unorganized, I have to put them away. Everything I owned had its own spot, I was folding my pants very carefully when Luke came in scaring the living day lights out of me.
"Oh Thank God your safe! You left while the guard was sleeping and I thought you were lost, sorry for scaring you." He said in one big rush.
"I'm sorry." I mumbled with my head hung low in shame. I could hear his footsteps approaching and then I felt a warm calloused hand on my chin tipping my head up to look him in the eye.
"There is no reason for you to be sorry, it was my guards fault, don't ever hang your head." he said looking me in the eyes and in that moment I wanted to kiss him, I don't know where the thought came from but I quickly pushed it out of my mind. Instead of kissing him and gave him a small smile which he returned. "Why don't you come eat with KC, Jake and I? My mother had to leave again." He asked taking his warm hand away from my face, I nodded my head and let him take my hand and lead me to the kitchen. Once we were there I realized that dinner was already done and KC and Jake were making pleasant conversation with each other. All the confidence that Luke had given me upstairs went away when both of them looked at me. I dropped Luke's hand and started to play with the hem of my sweatshirt.
"Hey Sky, I see you were putting all your stuff away." KC says gesturing to my new sweatshirt I had put on up stairs because I was cold. I nodded my head and walked over to the table. I was a small table with only six chairs, two on each side and one on each end. The table was set with three place mats, one at the head and the KC on the left and Jake on the right. Luke must sit at the head of the table because he is the oldest. Luke walked over to the cabinets and pulled out another place mat and handed it to me. He went to got sit at the head of the table but then stopped in mid-stride.
"Jake is it alright for me to sit by you?" Luke said daring Jake to say no, he nodded his head because his mouth was full of food. I went quietly sat next to KC, she handed me my silverware and then the plates of food were being passed around the table, There was so much food, I only took a crescent roll, one chicken leg, and a spoon full of applesauce. Applesauce was my favorite thing to eat before I was taken and this is the first time I'm going to eat it since that night. Luke looked up from his plate and examined my plate, he gave it a disproving look before returning to his food. They all made small talk while I just inhaled my food, I was afraid they would take it away from me if I didn't eat fast enough like they always did. Once I was done I got up and pick up everyone's empty plates and dishes that were empty and started washing them by hand.
"Sky, you don't have to do that, we have a live-in worker who does all that for us." Jake said getting up and taking the plates out of my hands making me flinch back at how close he was. He mumbled a sorry before setting the dishes quietly back in the sink and leading me back to the table.
"So Sky, I herd you and I were going to start training, together." KC said while looking at Luke for approval to continual, which he gave. "We are going to start in two days. We wanted to give you a break day to relax and become comfortable with all the new things that happened recently." I nodded my head.
"May I be excused?" I asked in a voice that didn't sound like mine. I lifted my eyes just enough to see Luke shake his head yes, and before he could even blink I was up stairs. I walked into my new bedroom and took a deep relaxing breath in. I then threw my hair up in a messy bun before changing into some shorts and a sports bra. I walked over to my light switch and turned it off, I felt my way to my bed and climbed in, snuggling the little stuffed cow I had secretly bought at the mall and drifting into a restless sleep.
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