Chapter 11
When I woke up I was back laying on a soft bed in a very empty room. The only furniture in the room was a white dresser, an end table next to the bed, the bed of course, and plush oval rug on the hard wood floor and a small white plush bench that matched the rug right under the bay window. I slowly got up and walked into the bathroom, there was a pile of clothes and a note sitting on the counter.
Here are some clothes my sister loaned to you, there are also some shampoo and conditioner in the shower, and the rest of your bath room necessities. Once you have cleaned yourself up get dressed and follow the staircase to the kitchen where I will bandage your wounds and explain everything that has happened.
I quickly stripped out of the clothes I've been wearing for about 4 years and threw them in the trash. I turned the water as hot as it could go and got in. I scrubbed my hair and body till everything was a light pinkish color then I got out, I brushed through what was left of my uneven wavy hair. Once I was dressed and my wet hair was dropped over my back, I walked over to the door and peaked out. I quickly saw the stairs and ran down them with my quiet feet. Quiet feet was a name I invented when I would have to walk around the house without making noise. I am very good at it now I can even sprint while having them. Once I was at the bottom of the stairs I herd talking.
"KC you need to be very nice and calm around her, we don't need her scared and in order for my plan to work she needs to trust us other wise you and I will be planning a funeral." I knew that voice, it was Luke.
"Yes I know Luke, and I will be very gentle, what's the budget for the mall?"
"Doesn't matter as long as she isn't as shy after the trip. I will take care of the cost."
Then I decided to walk into the room, Luke saw me first then the girl named KC saw me. She made brief eye contact with me before I looked down at the ground.
"Sky! You are very quiet when you walk. Um KC is going to take you to the mall and get your hair cut and get you some new clothes and then we will start you on the right path back to health." Luke said throwing car keys at KC.
^^^ After The Mall ^^^
The trip to the mall was very awkward and silent. Luke had arranged for these two men to follow us where ever we went. KC didn't seem to mind but it was kind of bugging me she said ever since she was little she had two man with her at all times and I would find out why later tonight. We had my wavy hair cut so now it went down to the middle of my back. Before the men cut it I had not had my hair cut since I was 7, so it was down past my butt. Then we went to many other stores and some weird one too and got lots of clothes and the only time I talked was to ask to buy some food, but I was to nervous to go up and order what I wanted so I ended up not getting anything. Now we were on our way home and KC was talking with the two men, one who was driving and the other was sitting on her left side. I was on her right side pushed up against the window as close as I could get with out being outside the car.
"We are here!" KC yelled scaring me and making me jump. "Please get our bags and bring them into the house." She said to the men, I jumped out of the car as fast as I could. Once I was outside I started to kind of relax, I hated cars ever since I was kidnapped. "Hey Sky if you want you can go walk around the garden." KC said as she stood next to Luke who was staring at me waiting for my response. I nodded my head at them and started walking to the garden. I could hear one of the men following me probably making sure I won't run away. Once I walked into the garden my breath was taken away. It was filled with so many different kinds of flowers. It was like its own world. There was a small stream running through it and at one point there was a little bridge you had to cross to get over the stream. After you crossed the bridge all you could see were white roses. White roses were my favorite kind of flower because they look so perfect and pure. Truly one of natures work. I sat down on a little stepping stone, next to the stream and studied one of the White Roses in front of me.
After about an hour of just sitting there listening to the sounds of the garden when I herd someone walking up behind me.
"Hey, sky." It was Luke. I nodded my head in response. "I know your probably scared and confused but if you let me sit down with you I could explain what's going on." He said in a hopeful tone. I moved over to another stone next to the one I was just sitting on. He sat down. "I know his has been a lot and I'm sorry about the thing that happened last night. Liam can be overdramatic, but he was right in some areas, I understand that you don't want to talk about what happened before I found you now but at some point you will have to get it out before it kills you. Here is a journal to write your thoughts down, and once your ready you can tell me or KC what happened and trust me no one will ever harm you again. There are some things I need to tell you though. I am in a gang. That is why I have you and my sister followed. Both me and Jake are in it. I am the second in command, and Jake is a new member. Liam is my boss and all the men who were chasing you and were at the warehouse are in the gang as well. We do not want to harm unless we have to, Liam wanted to kill you because you would be to hard to integrate you back into the world but I talked to him and you will not be killed, instead you will train and join the next years recruits for the gang. I'm sorry that it has had to come down to this but other wise you would have been dead by now. Plus once you are trained we will start looking for your captures so you can kick the snot out of them. I know this is a lot to take in but please just trust me." And with that he got up and walked back into the house. I opened the notebook and a pen fell out. I picked up the pen and started drawing the rose I had been studying all day.
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