Leopold covered his mouth with his hand as he listened. He didn't know how Samuel knew of his brother's death. Somehow, Leopold had sensed George Somersby wasn't all he had made out to be. "He's dead, Samuel. His body was found in Hyde Park almost three months ago. Stabbed through the chest. From what you've told me I would have liked to see him hang for all he has done to you and our family. I am so sorry."
Samuel stood up and paced. He looked at Omar and hoped he could read the question in his mind. Should he tell his uncle it was he who had killed Somersby? Omar gave his head quick shake. Samuel tilted his in acknowledgement. "Because of this man, I was sold into slavery," he said as he continued to pace. "This is not something I wish to speak of."
"Samuel." Leo's heart broke. He stood up with the urge to hug Samuel again, but the way his nephew held his body told him this wouldn't be a good idea.
"All you need to know of that time, is that Omar was my saviour. Without him I would be dead. He shall be respected at all times."
"Of course, Samuel, anything." Leopold gripped Omar's hand. "I am honoured to have met you, sir."
"Omar will be sufficient, My Lord." He took Leopold's hand and tipped his head in regard.
"What of Caroline?" Samuel said.
"She is living at Denbury Hall with the child. The London house has been closed. I didn't know what else to do. After her brother, ah, George was murdered I gave her the choice of where to live. She chose to go to the hall, so I had Denyer House shut up. Denbury Hall is running on minimal staff. The way things have gone with the running of the houses under the control of George, I had to cut costs somehow. Only seven staff members are left. Caroline doesn't like it, but there wasn't much else I could do. The farms are in fine order, but I couldn't justify the cost of all the staff for one woman and child in that big house. Half has been closed up. I found work where I could for the staff I had to put off. What will you do, Samuel? You are now His Grace, Duke of Irvine." Leopold gave Samuel a curious look. "You do realise this, don't you?"
"Yes." Samuel hung his head. He felt drained and had no idea how he was going to deal with Caroline, or where to begin in his role as duke. A title he had never wanted. "I will need your help and guidance, Uncle Leo."
"You shall have it, Samuel." Leo smiled and took hold of Samuel's hand and repeated, "You shall have it." One day he hoped Samuel would be able to speak to him about what had happened to him. He could see the boy was struggling with his emotions. "You must be tired. You both must be tired. Would you like to bathe or freshen up. I will have two rooms made up."
The door burst opened. Samuel's two cousins, James and Mathew stepped into the room. "Father. What is so import... Samuel!" Mathew was the first to recognise him and bolted across the room. He threw his arms around his cousin. "Is it really you?"
James quickly followed suit and slung his arms around both men. "Fucking hell! Samuel!"
Samuel struggled to stay calm. Though he was okay with being touched, this tight contact set his nerve endings on fire.
"Mathew! James! Step away!" Leopold put a hand on each of their shoulders. "You need to give Samuel space."
"Sorry, what." Mathew ran a hand through his hair, looked from his father and at his cousin. Samuel wasn't smiling. Instead, a look of stress and sadness flooded his face. Mathew studied his cousin's clothes. He was dressed like a Bedawee. Confusion surged in Mathew's core. He blurted, "Where have you been, Sammy? We thought you were dead."
"Sit down, Mathew. James. You do the same." Leopold took charge. "This is Omar. A very good friend of Samuel's. Please make him welcome."
Each man shook Omar's hand then sat and looked over at Samuel, who had his back turned.
His shoulders moved up and down as he took heavy breaths, and then he turned to face them.
"I'm sorry. Please forgive me." Samuel was struggling. He didn't think he would handle this reunion like he was. So many memories. So much lost time. Stolen from him. His brother dead. It was all catching up. "I... I... sometimes find it hard. If you will excuse me, I need to walk." He turned to Omar and spoke in Arabic. "If you could explain a little, I would be very grateful."
"Nem fielaan." Omar nodded once, waited until Samuel closed the door behind him, and then faced the group. "Samuel has come a long way. When I found him, he was chained as you might a ferocious dog. He no longer knew himself, and was very dangerous. Samuel has many scars, both on his body and his mind. You must be patient with him."
"What do you mean chained, dangerous? Sammy wouldn't hurt anyone." James stood indignantly. "I don't understand. This is my cousin you're talking about."
"I understand." Omar bowed his head. "The man you knew as Samuel, is not wholly the man who is Samuel today. Your cousin has been a slave for three years. He has been forced to do many things the Samuel you remember, would never have done. Please forgive him. He needs you to be as you were to him three years ago, and with time, he will come back to you completely."
"A slave? How did this happen? Mathew stood and shook his head as he faced Omar.
"The man George Somersby was threatened by Samuel." Omar went on to tell the story and how he came across Samuel.
"You're saying Samuel was forced to kill people." Mathew was afraid to hear the answer to his question.
"Many. He has killed many."
"How," James whispered. This was so much worse than he expected.
"Much like a cock fight. Kill or be killed. I do not wish to say more. It is up to Mlik Sámi to speak of this."
"What does that mean? Mlik Sámi." Leopold shook his head in shock. No wonder Samuel was struggling.
"Mlik Sámi is the name he was given by his master. It means King Samuel. A joke given to him by the man who bought him. I should not have used it. I am sorry. It is a name he despises. When he is dark, I see him as Mlik Sámi, and when in light he is Samuel. Today he is in darkness, but he is very happy to see you."
Poor Samuel. I hope his family try to understand him, and help him find a little of who he once was. xoxo
Photo taken from Shutterstock
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