The dark room, the untold story.
"Where am I?" The drowsy and frightened greenette whispered, not sure what to do.
"Hello there child, how are you doing after all this time. Still playing hero with that quirk of yours, if it's really yours to begin with that is." Said a shadow in the corner, a smile graced its face, if it truly had one. It was hard to make out in the darkness. "Hows life, hope your doing well in school, though that shouldn't be an issue according to these records and reports."
Midoriya didnt make a sound nor try to produce any movement as he was to scared of the man supposedly infront of him. The shadow gave a sigh of disappointment, wanting to hear the kids voice and opinion on the data.
"No need to be frightened Izuku, I wont harm you.....not yet. Hows your mother? I haven't seen her in years but she brought you up quite well, your turning into a fine young man."
" do know my mom?" Midoriya managed to squeak out, sounding like a mouse next to a snake waiting to be demolished by the slithering reptile.
"How could I not know Inko after I've been married to her all these years. You really did get her looks Izuku, not that's a bad thing as she is truly beautiful."
Midoriya was petrified, the man who was his supposed father was a villain, and his mom was unaware of the vile act. His heart beat rapidly in his chest, threatening to break his ribs and spill out. He opened his mouth but was shushed by the shadow who placed hands on him and leaned him back onto a table, it sent chills and toxic messages up his spine, he really didnt like it.
"Now Izuku, son.....Scream for me please."
Bolts of electricity shot through him like a bullet followed by a burning pain, like alcohol on a wound, he screamed so horribly that it was almost painful to hear, his vocal cords felt like they were being but through a blender but it didnt stop there, that wasn't a pleasure he would receive. It went on for hours, not ceasing for a second.
"Good, that's it....just like that is perfect. Doctor, you know how to proceed." The man purred as he exited the room, closing the door on the doctor and subject, the doctor had a sinister look on his face as he began to work on Midoriya.
Back at UA
The heroes returned after deliberations with Nezu and a few other heroes, the arrival was anticipated by the students who wore worried looks.
"We have let you all help seeing as you got Bakugou last time. Keeping it quiet, the school is going to be closed the rest of the day so just you guys and us heroes will be here. You are all aloud to head back to your respective homes and get clothes for an overnight here." Aizawa sighed as he finished his talk.
"I would like one of you to go get young Midoriya's mother, dont tell her what happened just bring her here and I'll talk to her." All Might said as he did a slight cough.
They left the school and went to grab their things while it was agreed that Todoroki and Uraraka would grab Midoriya's mom. Within the next hour they had left and returned, ready for the long night ahead of them. Inko went to All Might who explained the situation to the now trembling woman. She managed to keep her composure somewhat contained but most saw through the cracks of her appearance.
"All right, everyone here knows the situation so let's proceed in concocting a plan to save Midoriya. We shall split into 4 teams. Those who saw Midoriya get grabbed split into a group. Next are the ones were next to his when it happened shall split into group 2. Group 3 shall consist of those close to the child in relation and know who might have producedthe kidnapping. 4 shall be the brain's of the operation." Nezu said as he directed them into their said groups.
Once the groups were set they were sent into different classrooms to discuss theories and plans.
Villain pov
Shigaraki was disgusted by the fact that his master actually grabbed the green haired brat and didnt send him to collect the so called "prize". The bastard isnt that special compared to him.
"Calm down Shigaraki, the master knows what he is doing." Kurogiri said, wiping down glasses.
"Dont start, your just a piece of the game. And if you continue I will be even more pissed." Shigaraki snapped, annoyed by the warper.
Kurogiro stayed silent and continued his duties as his master instructed. The door opened as in walked 4 people, 3 males and 1 female. As with every other day, Kurogiri made them their requested drinks without fail or falter.
Kirogiri warped to the back, leaving the villain to drink away the night. He soon after returned and looked to his young master.
"The master wishes for you to see him." He said, calm and composed as always, his voice without a hitch of emotion. Shigaraki scoffed and went to his master, wondering what he could possibly want. He entered through Kurogiri's portal that closed swiftly.
"Ah Shigaraki, you came. I hoped you would. We must discuss some important matters."
"Of course master." Shigaraki bowed, trying to not allow his annoyance to slip into his voice, ultimately failing.
"Annoyed? Dont be, this wont take too long then you are free to go." The man's voice was cold and firm, something that caught Shigaraki off guard as his master never truly used that tone with him.
With his guard now up he prepared for what his master called him for.
"What is it that you would like to discuss, master. Is it about the prize that you so dearly hold?"
"No, the matter that I called you to discuss- was you Tomura. I have come to the conclusion that you are no longer a worthy successor and shall be replaced."
The look on his former successor was one of shock, worthlessness, and fear. Before anything could be said a hand gripped Shigaraki's neck tightly, lifting his thin body off the ground.
"I'm afraid that your time is up, you served me well but you usefulness has come to an end....." Shigaraki struggled against his masters grip, his eyes pleaded for forgiveness and his quirk was stolen from him.
"Game over."
With a snap, no more like click his body hung limp and empty. His face was one of shock, tears still fresh like the blood pouring from his eyes, nose, and mouth. His body was dumped and left to rot.
"Doctor, you know where to send this one."
"0f course sir."
Back at UA
"Nezu, there is a package for you. A big one to boot. It says "For the teachers of UA. From Fans." Must be something special." Said Present Mic as he brought the package to the group of heros, curious about the contents.
"Let's open it up then shall we, Erasure and All Might in here." Nezu responded, taking a sip of tea. When the 2 arrived they cut the box open, only to regret the decision and stand there shocked instead at the broken object inside.
End of chapter
Hope that you all like this one, super fun to work on and I gave myself chills writing it.
Till next time dear readers!
Please correct me on any spelling errors that I have made.
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