Rise and shine "Hero"
A/N: Hey guys! Please comment who the traitor should be and who the ships should be paired as! I need to know for the next chapter and I'm willing to put most ships in. I have no ideas or them so please give me ideas, thank you!
Head pulsing and throbbing, Midoriya woke up to sunlight in his eyes which only grew his already crappy morning.
"So you're finally awake Midoriya, Wonderful." Nezu, who was waiting for the child to wake up chimed in at the perfect time as Midoriya sat up and became adjusted to his surroundings. "I understand that you have just woken up and returned from being held by villains, however would you mind answering some questions that I and a few others have?"
"Hmn...? Um yes?"
"Alright. I shall bring them in then." Exiting the room Nezu went to grab the two of whom he needed for the interrogation.
Recovery Girl began to check up on Midoriya to see how well he recovered after the whole event. Only moments passed before the mammal returned with two men in tow. The boy did a light bow to the both of them, before wincing from the bruise he accidently touched.
"Midoriya, are you ready?" Aizawa asked as he sat down in a corner, Tsukauchi having a notebook in hand. The boy nodded and gave a affirmative grunt. His features lightened as he fully adjusted to being awake. (considering that he slept for the last week)
"Okay, First; what did they want or talk to you about?" The detective asked, quirk ready.
"The same thing they stole Kacchan for. They asked me to join them and help destroy All Might." Such truth in his eyes, lying might become second nature at this rate.
"Okay. Second; Where did you get the scar on your chest?" The stern tone of his voice caught Midoriya off guard as did the question.
"What scar?" Confusion laced his voice as he waited for an answer from the slightly shocked adults. Exchanging glances, they all nodded at each other and decided to continue on with the morning with the means of discussing it later.
"No worries, we were just checking something; don't worry about it." Aizawa said as they continued the Q&A that occupied them until the late afternoon when Midoriya was clear to go home as long as his mother kept a close eye on him over the course of the following week.
The tears that poured from Inko could have drowned them all if they weren't careful or if they weren't quick to send them on their way "Midoriya, you're to take the week off and come for a check up on the following Monday. Understood?"
"Yes sir" Midoriya gave a small, polite bow before heading home for the first time in a week. Once the green haired duo got enough distance form them, the adults began to talk about how he didn't know about the scar that was MASSIVE and hard to miss.
"Tsukautchi. Was he lying?" Aizawa asked as he downed yet another cup of coffee.
"I couldn't tell. It was neither the truth nor a lie. He seemed sincere though...that's the odd part of it."
"Thank you detective, we'll take it from here and inform you if needed." Nezu said. The detective nodded and went on his way back to the mountain of paperwork that awaited him. After further discussion they all dispersed to their respective homes and caught on the long evaded function called sleep.
**Time skip: One week**
After checking in with recovery girl, Midoriya made his way into his class and carried on with the questions he was showed in. Aizawa stood in the front of the class; quirk ready and waiting for them to finally shut up.
"Alright. Go get ready and head to the gym. Don't be late" He walked out the door and like a serious case of Deja vu, they got ready and were in the gym quickly and professionally. As the students waited in anticipation for what they were going to do, a figure in the shadow watched with a gleaming eye before disappearing in a whirl of purple mist.
Aizawa was listening to what Nezu was telling him before groaning in a sleep deprived way. "Everyone, follow Nezu and go onto the bus. No questions." They listened and hopped onto the bus, limited chatter was heard the entire way to their destination.
After what was about an hour they came to a halt in front of an old, condemned building that lay in the middle of a large field. The sky had a mix of cloud and sun, much like a storm about to strike.
(A/N: This and the picture at the beginning for reference)
The building closely resembled an old church. Stepping out onto the grass, the students got an uneasy feeling in their gut but shook it off as simple jitters about the older construct. Midoriya was beaming with curiosity with Uraraka behind him as well as the rest of his 'squad'.
All might and Present Mic were standing outside and were waving at the students. A gust of wind blew the students off balance, due to the open plain the wind hit harder and became chillier despite it still being fairly early in the morning still.
"All right listeners here's the plan!" Mic used his quirk to boost his volume "We're going to do a battle royale! You guys against the pro's! How's that sound?"
An uproar of cheers filled the air with excitement and yet unease at he same time. After they were given instructions they entered the church and looked at it in awe.
Panels of the stained glass still stood in the window and lit the room up in rainbows that scattered across the floor. The door banged shut, though they blame it on the weather. The figure from the gym kept watching them from the balcony above them.
"Our star player is here. Everything has sent in by now" The man whispered in a creepily low tone, though no one heard it. A podium stood in the far front after the rows of benches were separated into two sides of left and right. "Let's begin to play"
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