His speed was terrifying and as was the look he dawned. He was half covered in black and red sludge and he had this dark aura surrounding him.
They could feel the toxic fear climb up their spines. Just like all the other Nomu: predictability was not in the equation.
But something told them that Deku was different this time around. In terms of strength and intelligence he still had both intact. Maybe not free will. But he still held all the smarts as when he was a hero.
Bakugou shivered at the thought. 'Was a hero', what a bitter and chalky taste it leaves. Even when he berated and despised Deku, he couldn't help but be jealous about the aptitude he held in terms of becoming a hero.
Deku's breathing was shaky and shuttered. His eyes scanning across the floor in quick and flaky moves, and no ones gaze left him. Especially the ones that belonged to the traitors: who were reveling in the cascade of emotions that swelled up in the room.
And yet there was an unmentioned pain that sat in Uraraka and Kaminari's expression. No one could put their finger on the distinct description, but they all knew what it was.
Aizawa didn't bother using his quirk just yet since he had a theory to test. But he'd have to move fast since there is no do over.... not with his students lives on the line.
"Mic, All Might! Get the students out of he-" a fist went soaring into his face and made direct contact with Aizawa's gut instead as he made an attempt to shift his body.
Shifting into action, All Might attempted to grab Midoriya instead of hurt him but it only ended in vain as Midoriya sent his foot sailing upwards and knocked him square in the jaw.
The last thing All Might saw before he blacked out was that distinct look in young Midoriya's eye that truly pinched his heart.
'Young Midoriya, forgive me' he begged before his lights went out.
Mic began to use his quirk but Midoriya remained unaffected, even with his ears beginning to bleed.
Golden whips of electricity were sent Mic's way and his gear began to spark as it over loaded.
Bakugou could do nothing but stare at the mesmerizing scene that was being discovered: his former friend fighting his current ones... his teachers getting beaten up like it was nothing but child's play and both Pink cheeks and Duracell were traitors.
Why is nothing making sense anymore?! This shouldn't be happening! If he was even half the hero De- Izuku was then maybe he could have saved the nerd from all this torture... but... he's nothing but a failure.
"Bakugou get down" shitty hair tackled him to the ground as objects flew over head. "We need to help Midoriya! Now come on!" As Kirishima stood up and extended his hand, déjà vu hit him hard.
The reminder that when he got taken by the league and Izuku risked his life to save his washed over him, he knew exactly what needed to be done.
Squeezing his friends hand he mentally prepared for what he needed to do. It wouldn't be easy, but he knows the nerd would do it for him.
"Lets go!" Despite the bleak situation, Kirishima smiled at his friend and prepared to battle with him till the end.
Light flickered, wood creaked, and bleachers split into a thousand pieces.
It was all going to plan.
Izuku doesn't seem to be using One for All, and Bakugou can use that to his advantage as he can beat him in speed.
He snapped out of thoughts as he heard a shriek. Looking around for the source as well as dodge he flying debris, he found the victim.
Izuku was standing on Jirou's shoulders and pulled out one of her ear jacks and reached for the second.
"Bastard!" Bakugou shouted and he flew towards him at full throttle; body chucking himself into the still small teen did the trick as the two were sent sailing and Kirishima grabbed Jirou, whose ear was bleeding tremendously.
What seemed to be out of slight panic, Izuku slammed his foot against Bakugou's chest and shoved him aside before getting back up mid flight.
Launching himself off one of the flying objects, he extended his arm and rammed against Iida who was rushing around saving his fellow students.
Coughing up way to much blood, his wind pipes were now crushed and would never be healed. Despite his grave injury, he continued on directing his friends around and got team three out of harms way before the injury caught up with him and he fell unconscious.
And for once in his life, not that he would ever admit it, Bakugou admired glasses and his courage. Directing Kirishima in his direction, he made sure the class rep got out of the fight.
A/N: end of chapter
How much would you guys kill me of I killed off a few characters?
Correct me on any spelling errors, sorry for the very late update, and have a good morning
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