(not a chapter) punishment
So I forgot to add to my tags book information about myself, so the punishment was to write a whole chapter (on a story we're currently writing) about my first fictional crush.
S i g h
Thank you bby_tea you are the manliest person I know 🤧 I hope this is manly to talk about my first fictional crush.
This is very embarrassing
So I can't remember for sure, but I think my first fictional crush was either Toy Bonnie from Five Nights At Freddies 2 or the Onecl-er from The Lorax.
To make this more interesting, we'll talk about Toy Bonnie.
I'm not sure why I found him "attractive" and cool, but I remember that I would come up with weird sceneros in my head where he had some sort of crush on me.
Every time my oc would just be like "I'm too cool for you" then Bonnie would proceed to beg for her to like him.
To make matters worse, at the time I was still into Monster High so I would have weird fantasies(Nothing sexual. I think I was only in fourth grade at the time) but I would be this weird cat girl from monster high, and Bonnie would love that.
I'll find a picture of her.
I'm pretty sure that was her.
I do have to admit that she has a cool character design, but WHAT THE FRICKITY FRACK WAS I THINKING!?
It's really embarrassing.
I remember that one of my best friends also love fnaf but she never had any crushes I don't think.
I'll double check on that.
Update: She said she sort of liked Freddy
Anyways, my point of that was I would always make her roleplay fnaf with me(we would rp outside on her trampoline) and she would always have to roleplay Bonnie. She did play other characters too though.
I don't think she minded too much though because we would be out there for hours.
Update: She said that they were good times so I guess it was fun xD
I can also promise you that we never did anything gay.
I support lgbtq+ COMPLETELY, we didn't know lgbtq+ existed at the time. We were also just kids so we didn't think about relationships. Both of us are also straight. (Our friend group consists of almost every gay person in our grade though so we support)
We roleplayed so all of the animitoronics(including myself) were friends. There was no romance.
I also made an oc named "nightcore", and Toy Bonnie had a crush on her(obviously).
"Nightcore" was a cat animitronic that was purple, blue, and black. I'm SO glad that my oc's have evolved because "Nightcore" was just ew.
Something really embarrassing, I had a crush on Toy Bonnie up until I learned about creepypasta.
All in all-
I'm glad the faze is over.
I still enjoy both of those things(fnaf and creepypasta), but now it's for the horror of it.
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