Chapter 4- Meeting
(I'm getting more support on this book than what I thought, thank you guys so much! I know it's not a lot, but it is for me!! Because of that I'm going to work on longer chapters!! I'm working on 2 other projects as well, so I can release a little part of that if anyone wants to give me criticism.
Can I get 3 likes for this? Once again thank you so much <3)
We were walking down the hallway, on the way to meet the boss.
I don't know if he's the actual boss, or just someone they call boss. Either way, what should I expect?
Are they going to kill me?
What if I mess up and then they kill me?
Will they torture me for information that I don't have?
I truly don't know.
'Ok, listen up y/n', I said to myself,
'Just give them what they want and you can probably leave, right? Actually I guess it all depends on what they want. But no matter what, you'll stay strong!' I keep repeating stuff like that in my head, giving myself a pep talk.
"You scared?" Deku asks, looking ahead of us.
"T-to" My voice cracks.
Oh God I already messed up-
I take a deep breath and continue.
"To be honest, yes. I don't know what he wants, or what to say. Should I play victim here? Or should I act like you guys? Or maybe I can-"
Deku cuts me off.
"Do you ever shut up?" He sighs.
"I-I'm sorry!" I say.
"No, don't say sorry. Here you're not allowed to. This is a dark place, not anything like what life used to be. In fact, forget all the people you ever loved and cared about because they no longer matter. Forget your old self and your past. This will be the new you." Deku's tone sounded deeper, cold and more threatening.
I really have to be more careful.
I know what he said is not right, but if I can just play the part for now.
Let them play with me, until I'm no longer fun. I don't want to be a puppet, but I don't think I have any other choice in the matter.
"We're here" Deku says and steps out of the way.
I stand there not knowing what to do.
"Well?" Deku looks at me impatiently.
"Uhh?" I give him a confused look.
"Aren't you going to knock?" He looks at me even more annoyed.
"O-oh! Right"
He rolls his eyes and I knock.
Some short girl with blonde hair and two messy buns opens the door, followed by a tall male with black hair and pale skin that has scars all over.
"Ummm, hi-"
The girl with blonde hair grabbed my hand, shaking it excitedly.
"Hiya!! I'm Toga!" She grins ear to ear.
Why is this bish introducing herself so quickly? What the hell happened!?
"I just love to meet new friends!" This Toga girl is starting to scare me. And who said we were going to be friends? This is all happening way too fast!
"C'mon, crazy. Lets go." The taller male says.
He looks at me, then at Deku.
"Shiguarki says you can go in."
"Right. Thanks, Dabi"
Deku said thanks? Is that a thing here?
"What about the whole 'No being polite thing?" Y/N snickered.
"Oh, shut up" Deku says, staring daggers at me. "It's habit."
"Righttt" I say back, unsure. What a hypocrite.
"Just go in" Deku says in an annoyed tone as he points to the door.
I push the door open and shuffle in.
"I am Shigaraki." I hear a man say. I look up at him, and how he looked suprised me.
He had shoulder length, light blue hair, pale nearly white skin, he was very skinny, and had a hand covering his face. Odd.
I expected him to look more like Dabi, I think that's his name at least.
"I hear from Deku that he has you on a pretty tight leash." He chuckles darkly.
This man is dangerous, you would be able to tell him from a mile away. Saying that, I really need to watch my back.
"Y-yeah", I squeaked out.
"Who gave your permission to talk?"
I stay silent. This is going to be hard to earn their trust.
"Good." He states once I stayed quiet.
"Now, this may decide if you live or die. So listen carefully."
Right. I must be extra careful.
"You so far have showed lots of loyalty. Far more than what we expected. I don't know if it's the fear, or if you're actually just listening. Tell me, what are your intentions?"
Crap. I never thought of it before.
I guess the plan was for me to join.
"I g-guess..."
No, you won't start stuttering now, me. I can't show fear.
"I want to join." I say boldy.
I see Deku look at me suprised, and I could've sworn I saw the slightest bit of a smile.
"Do you really want to join?" Shigaraki looks taken aback as well.
I take a deep breath and look Shigaraki in the eyes- I mean...hand?
"Yes. I want to join. There's no way for me to get out, and there will be no where for me to go. Not to mention, before I was kidnapped by the League of Villains, I had no where else to go."
I have a good relationship with my parents, but they live too far away to live with once I got out. I also have not been home to pay rent for my appartment, so I can imagine police are looking for me. One, because I'm missing, and two because I haven't paid this month's rent so I might be considered a criminal or something.
"You seem to really want this, I'm impressed."
Deku looks super suprised.
"You're next trail is tomorrow. Leave." Shigaraki states coldly.
Deku nods at him, and gestures towards the door.
I walk out the door and Deku follows.
"What does he mean by second trail?"
I ask Deku.
"Oops" Deku says sarcasticly.
"I guess I forgot to tell you meeting the boss was the first trail. And that it was tonight, not tomorrow night."
I glare daggers at Deku. "What."
He just shrugs.
"It's curfew. I'm taking you back to your room."
I sigh. Maybe when I officially join, I'll get an actual room. Not a cell.
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