My love...
"Jimin?" after hearing Jungkook calling his name again, he snapped out of the trans he was in and finally answered.
"Hey, um... Hi." he said with some hesitation, still unsure of what to say or what he wanted to accomplish with this call.
"Are you ok?" Jungkook asked, and all Jimin wanted to ask was the same.
"Yeah, I am... How are you?"
"Are you calling to see how I've been doing?" Jungkook asked so Jimin felt awkward, knowing that the younger probably doesn't do this kind of calls with his other fuck buddies, but Jimin isn't his fuck buddy, at least not anymore.
"No. Yes. I mean, I actually want to see you." he said, sounding a bit shy, and after a long pause, he knew Jungkook was deliberating his answer.
"Why?" he asked and the question was on point.
Why would Jungkook agree on seeing him all of a sudden. They ended their 'relationship' a month ago, haven't talked to each other or see each other ever since, so why now?
"I got fired, so I thought maybe we could meet again and talk about some new agreement... I don't know." Jimin lied, thinking how this was his best chance to actually meet with him, and finally have a normal conversation, cause he sure did need some closure to all of this.
"Um... I don't think that's such a good idea... " Jungkook said, sounding kind of sad, and Jimin's heart sink a bit deeper in his chest.
"Did you already find another partner?" he just had to ask, feeling overwhelmed by all of this, so he might just go straight to the point.
"No." firm and fast answer came in no time so Jimin felt like he can breathe again.
"Ok. So what's the problem then?" he tried again, just wanting to convince the younger to agree on meeting him, just one more time.
"I don't have time... I'm busy these days, and um... I'm not feeling well to be honest..." Jungkook said, his voice a bit shaky, and Jimin knew he was hurting. He could feel it, and it made him even more determined to see him again.
"I can make you feel better." he said and heard a deep sigh coming from his phone.
"Since it's Thursday, can we meet at the apartment tonight at 10? I can't come earlier since I have this um thing to do (work that he lied he got fired from minutes ago)." Jimin said, and pursed his lips, anticipating the younger's answer, his palms sweating, heart beating fast.
"Ok. But can it be at 11? I also have this thing planned already..." Jungkook said, and Jimin doesn't care about his thing, about anything to be honest, he just wanted to see him.
"Sure. Ok. I'll see you at 11 then." he said, feeling excited.
"Bye Jimin."
He put the phone over his chest, and felt his legs shaking underneath him.
"God how much I've missed him." was the last thought that went through his mind before the pharmacist called his name, so he went inside the office, feeling happier than he had been in weeks.
After buying the medicine, he head back home, grab a quick shower, and put on some nice, fluffy sweater, and tight black jeans. He knew he's gonna meet the younger right after the job so he wanted to look good.
His day at work went by as usual, filled with patients and lots of work so in no time he was changing from his uniform back to his clothes, ready to leave and meet with Jungkook.
He felt all kinds of things.
He just wanted to see the younger and make sure he was ok, and even if he doesn't find his so desperately wanted closure, he would still be happy, cause he got a chance to see Jungkook again.
While entering the pretty building, he can't say he doesn't miss this feeling.
Knowing he'll soon meet the younger and spend some time with him too.
He missed that a lot.
"Good evening Mr. Park. Haven't seen you in a while." A familiar friendly voice said as soon as he entered the hall.
"Good evening Hangyeol, It's nice to see you again." Jimin said with a smile, and meant it.
"It's nice seeing you too. I'll let you in. Mr. Jeon hasn't arrived yet." Hangyeol said so they walk together to the elevator.
"Ok. He's not here yet?" Jimin felt a bit sad and uneasy. Thinking about Jungkook cancelling their meeting like he used to so many times.
"No. He'll be a little late, but he'll come soon." Hangyeol assured him, as if he saw the panic on Jimin's face.
Right before entering the apartment, Jimin thanked Hangyeol and the nice man smiled widely.
"I'm very happy you're here again. It was a bit lonely seeing Mr. Jeon alone all the time." Hangyeol said and winked at Jimin, and he felt his cheeks burning up, cause did Hangyeol just say that Jungkook didn't have anyone over since the last time they were together?
He found himself grinning at that thought.
He entered the apartment and felt a weird warmth spreading through his whole body.
He couldn't hide his excitement just by being here again.
He walked through the living room, entered the kitchen, touching every surface around him with his finger tips, and just as he opened the fridge to grab something to drink, he heard the door opening.
He grab two bottles of beer, and came out, finally meeting the younger's eyes, just entering the room.
"Hey, you came." Jimin said while coming closer, putting the bottles on the kitchen island, then walk straight to younger, helping him unzip some black, thick jacket.
"Yeah, sorry I'm late..." Jungkook said, but Jimin's eyes is fixated on the white shirt underneath the jacket, that is fully stained with some colors.
"Your shirt?" Jimin asked as he was tracing his fingers over the stains, so Jungkook looked down, and saw what Jimin was looking at.
"Ah yes, I had my art class. I usually have them every Thursday at 9, but I've missed some cause of, well, our time together, and you being unable to follow the rules by being here on time. My professor used to get so mad at me..." he said so Jimin finally started connecting some dots.
"That's why he was so stubborn about the time, from 6 to 8, so that he can be on time for his art classes. Oh my God! I'm such an idiot!"
"But why didn't you say so. I would respect that if you have told me the real reason." Jimin said while looking at Jungkook's handsome face. Admiring those big, doe eyes, sharp jaw line and soft, pink lips.
"Nah... That's something no one knows. My little secret. " Jungkook said with a small smile.
"But you've told me... " Jimin felt even more proud, knowing they share something no one else knows.
They looked at each other for a while, and doesn't break their eye contact which lasted longer than it should anyways. Until Jungkook's phone rang.
He picked up the phone and answered without moving.
"Hi Hayoon..." he said and then there was silence.
"Oh, sorry, I must have forgotten. I'll draw that next time. Yes. Thank you for calling and letting me know. Bye" Jungkook said so another dot connected into this whole picture.
"Your art professor?" Jimin asked, knowing very well he figured it all out right now, and felt super ashamed for feeling jealous before, without a reason, obviously.
"Yes. I forgot to do one assignment, so I have to do it next time. I was a bit nervous today..."
They came into living room, and both sat on the spacious couch.
Jimin felt his mouth dry and unable to speak.
He came closer to the younger, and while putting his hand on top of Jungkook's he finally grow some balls and started talking.
"Jungkookah, are you ok?" he asked so the younger looked at him, and shook his head.
Jimin could see the tears pooling in his eyes, and his heart started to ache.
"Hey, it's alright. Let it all out. I just need you to know that none of it was your fault. Ok?" Jimin said so Jungkook looked at him.
"You know about the girl?" he asked shyly.
"Yeah, I overheard some old ladies gossiping and I immediately knew you're gonna blame yourself." Jimin said while still holding Jungkook's hand firmly.
"She died Jimin. She was so young and adorable. I met her and I really wanted to help her. I worked so hard on the medicine, I haven't slept in days, just trying to find anything that could help. I failed her, and her parents..." he talked through tears, and Jimin felt his own eyes water.
"We've talked about this before. The most important thing is that you've tried and your intentions were good. You can't help everyone. You can't save them all. Shit happen Jungkook, you just need to know that you gave your all, but it just wasn't meant to be. " Jimin talked so finally Jungkook's breath got more even.
" I don't think I can do this anymore. " Jungkook said in a low voice, and Jimin feels uneasy again.
"What does he mean by this? "
"I think I need a break, or I should just quit. I know that I don't want to do this anymore." he said and lowered his gaze towards his nervously entwined fingers.
"Then quit." Jimin said so Jungkook snapped his gaze at him.
"Why not? You can always explore your love for art more, and if you ever feel like returning to the pharmacy, you can just ask your parents to give you your job back." Jimin said and shrugged.
"Yeah, that sounds good, except for the fact that I will no longer be working, and the bills won't pay themselves." Jungkook said and smiled a bit wider than before.
"Well, since my job is amazing, and my salary is so damn big, how about we make another agreement where I would help you paying the rent and all you need to do is, satisfy me from time to time." Jimin said and winked at him, obviously being his playful self.
"I thought you got fired. " Jungkook said and frowned a bit.
"Um... I lied. I just wanted to see you, and that felt like a good excuse. Sorry. " Jimin said and bit his lower lip, turning his head to look at the younger's expression.
"But why? Don't you have someone else to spend your time with?" Jungkook asked, and there was that look from before.
"Um, no I don't actually." Jimin answered, still not getting the point here.
"You don't have to lie, it's alright." Jungkook said and poked his inner cheek nervously.
"I'm not lying... What are talking about?" Jimin was really confused, not knowing what the younger meant by that.
"I saw you." Jungkook said while the frown was appearing on his face.
"You saw me? What do you mean?" Jimin felt even more confused, having absolutely no idea what the younger is talking about.
"The last time we met... I went to buy those hamburgers we ate at that small fast food place we went together..." Jungkook said, but Jimin still can't understand him.
"And I saw you. With some guy... You were holding hands, talking... He was touching your face, smiling at you. Thank God I went out before I could witness anything else, but that was just enough to see that there was something going on between the two of you. " Jungkook said and Jimin could see the tension on his body, his jaw clenching, teeth grinding, muscles twitching.
"You idiot! " Jimin yelled so Jungkook turned to face him, shock written all over his face.
"Excuse me?!?!"
"That's Hobi hyung, my second best friend and if you stayed long enough you would realize that that's all he is to me. I can't believe you acted that way just because of that!" Jimin yelled, visibly bothered by the younger's behavior.
"But he was touching you... " Jungkook tried to defend his actions, but Jimin wasn't having any of it.
"He was touching my hands, maybe my cheeks too, he wasn't touching my ass or dick and we weren't kissing, cause that's not what friends do!"
"But... I thought... "
"You didn't think. You acted on impulse and that's bad. All of this could be avoided if you only came inside instead of leaving, joined us and we could all eat together and get to know each other."
"I didn't wanna interrupt your date." Jungkook said while crossing his arms over his chest.
"It wasn't a fucking date you moron. Do you even listen to me when I speak?!" Jimin got really mad.
"First you lie to me, saying you got fired, and now you're insulting me, way to go with cheering me up." Jungkook said with pout.
"Oh please. Don't play that 'I'm so innocent and pure card' with me..." Jimin said and looked at the younger still pouting while batting his lashes at him.
"It's ridiculous how cute you are." Jimin said, but still kind of frowning at the younger, and soon Jungkook came closer to him.
"So there's nothing going on between you and that guy?" he asked shyly.
"Ofcourse not. He's just a dear friend, and the worst thing is that we talked about you the whole time. You really need to work on your communication skills." Jimin said while looking at the younger, now sitting closer to him.
"And what did you specifically talk about?" Jungkook asked and started coming even closer, now nuzzling the older's neck.
Jimin felt shiver running down his spine, so he closed his eyes, enjoying their closeness.
"Just you know... About stuff that we did, and just us... This whole thing... I don't know anymore. It's all just confusing." Jimin said, and leaned closer into the younger's touch.
"Thank you." Jungkook said while putting his head onto Jimin's lap, looking at him from under.
"For what?" Jimin said while caressing Jungkook's hair gently.
"For not giving up on me. For explaining things, and making sure I was fine. I really don't know how to do this Jimin. I've always been alone, except for those agreements, so I don't know what to do or say..." Jungkook said and Jimin melted right there, just looking at him and his pretty features.
"Don't worry, we'll just take things slow... We don't even have to do anything, except for getting to know each other as friends and hang out. Ok? " Jimin said so Jungkook nodded.
"And cuddle." Jungkook added so Jimin chuckled, not expecting for Jungkook to be so cute about all of this.
"Of course we could cuddle. I love to cuddle." Jimin said and started slowly touching the younger all over his stomach.
"So, how's your new job?" Jungkook asked while closing his eyes, enjoying the warmth of Jimin's fingers all over his face and hair.
"It's so good. I love my colleagues and the kids, everything's just perfect. There's even a hot doctor just across my office..." Jimin teased so Jungkook opened his eyes, and frowned, but a small smile is appearing on his face.
"Ok. So you have to quit your job. I can't stand the competition."
"Pfff as if anyone could compete with this hot body." Jimin said and squeezed Jungkook's thighs so the younger grinned.
"You're totally right. I have nothing to worry about. And you only like me, so..." Jungkook said and closed his eyes again, and Jimin thought about how that's actually the truth.
His thoughts went to the first time they were in this apartment and how awkward he felt back then, and now, the same place gave him some sort of comfort and peace.
"I really do." he said pretty quietly, and after looking down at the younger, he saw him fast asleep with a small smile on his face. He was breathing deeply, his chest moving up and down in sync with his breathing, and the view was just perfect.
Seeing Jungkook looking so peaceful and happy was more than he expected from today.
"I'm falling for him more with every second that passes..." Jimin thought to himself, not wanting to say anything out loud, cause God knows when was the last time the younger had proper sleep. He kept caressing his hair until he felt his eyes getting heavy.
Then he moved Jungkook off his lap, the younger barely stir a bit, and he lay down facing him, and just like that, he fall asleep while holding Jungkook's hand in his, putting a couple of pecks on the soft skin before closing his eyes.
Soft pecks all over his face woke Jimin up and he wouldn't want it any other way. He smiled while enjoying the warm pecks on his forehead, nose, cheeks, chin, jaw, and then one cute little peck on his lips.
Then he opened his eyes and met the most sparkling doe eyes he haven't seen in a while, watching him closely.
"Good morning." Jungkook said, so Jimin stretched his body a bit, feeling rested and happy.
"Good morning." he said softly, and closed his eyes again, nuzzling into Jungkook's neck shyly.
"You have to get up. I snoozed your alarm 10 minutes ago, so I'm worried you'll be late." Jungkook said while kissing the top of Jimin's head.
"So you've been awake for a while now?" Jimin asked, and Jungkook hummed.
"What you've been doing?"
"Just looking at you sleeping." Jungkook said so Jimin moved to look at him again.
"That's so cute and creepy at the same time." he said and they both giggled.
"It's not the first time, just so you know." Jungkook added so Jimin frowned.
"And now it's even creepier. Thank you for ruining our morning together." Jimin said and got up, pinching Jungkook's arm playfully.
"I really have to go. I can't be late again. This would be my third time, I'll be in so much trouble."
"I'll drive you. Come on. I have to go to the pharmacy too." Jungkook said so after brushing their teeth together, they head outside and drive to Jimin's University. On their way, Jungkook stopped by one of his favorite bakery and bought them some fresh pastries to eat.
As soon as they stopped on the parking lot, Jimin looked at his phone, realizing he has another 7 minutes before his class starts so he decided to break the silence.
"So, I was thinking how we could go on a date and finally get to know each other better."
"Are you asking me out on a date?" Jungkook said with a smirk.
"No. You're gonna ask me out." Jimin answered and crosses his arms over his stomach.
"Now? You want me to ask you now?" Jungkook looked a bit surprised, but Jimin just nodded.
"Um, ok... Um... Jimin, do you wanna go on a date with me?" He said sounding super shy and totally cute so Jimin smiled.
"Yes. Where are you taking me? And I work till 10, maybe I could get out at 9 if there isn't too much work to be done."
"Oh, you mean tonight? We're going on a date tonight?" Jungkook looked even more surprised.
"Yes. I don't see why not? I'll probably miss you the minute I walk out of the car... So yeah, tonight it is." Jimin said, sounding all confident and smug, enjoying this shy and confused Jungkook more than he should.
"Oh, ok. You've got the point. How about I pick you up from work at 10 and then we'll go somewhere and just grab something to eat and drink. Is that ok?"
"Sounds perfect." Jimin said with grin on his face which Jungkook reflected with an equally adorable bunny smile.
"Ok. Well I guess I'll see you later." Jungkook said and licked his lips, like he was expecting the older to kiss him, and after a second of deliberating, Jimin leaned down and pressed their lips together in a sweet, chaste peck.
"See you later." he said before leaving a happy looking Jungkook behind.
He isn't nervous because they're going out on a date. Their first real date.
He is more ecstatic and happy and annoyed cause he doesn't know what to wear.
Always the same problem...
What to wear to look desirable and good, but not too flashy...
He picked one of his plain white shirts and a soft sweater that he paired with one of his favorite tight jeans.
He combed his blondish hair nicely on the side and after his work, went outside to meet the younger.
As he was going out of the building, he noticed Jungkook's car parked nearby, so he got in, and greeted him with a wide smile.
His heart is pounding in his chest, but he'll try to not think about that now.
Jungkook had his hair in a man bun and Jimin hated that. He hated his boyfriend look, cause it's driving him crazy. He hated seeing him in baggy clothes, with his hair up, just looking like a snack for fucks sake.
Unfortunately for him, that is exactly how Jungkook look tonight. Wearing all black, cargo pants and some loose shirt with that man bun... A trait to Jimin's wet dreams.
"So, where are we going?" Jimin asked, his curiousity is killing him on the inside.
"Well I thought about some place where we could eat and drink and have fun too. Not much was an option, so I remembered this amazing bowling place where we can do all of those things at once. What do you say?"
"I'm pretty good with balls." Jimin said so Jungkook chuckled.
"I know." he answered with a wink so Jimin laughed at him.
"I like bowling, Hobi hyung and I used to go to this place where they have bowling and pool tables, like monthly and would play the whole day."
"I like it too. I would usually go with Namjoon hyung there. He's not that good and always breaks something, so I'm happy it's you I'm going with tonight."
"You're only happy that you're with me cause your clumsy friend breaks things all the time?" Jimin asked with a pout.
"No. It's also cause I like you a lot." Jungkook said all of a sudden so Jimin felt his cheeks heating up.
"That's better." he said shyly, not being able to look at the younger.
They arrived at the said place that was pretty crowded, and first got themselves some bowling shoes.
Jimin took off his boots, and Jungkook looked at his feet in white socks.
"Your feet are so small and cute." Jungkook said so Jimin rolled his eyes dramatically.
"You always say how small my hands are, my nose and now my feet? Are you mocking me again?" Jimin said while putting the at least three numbers smaller shoes than Jungkook's.
"Not everything on you is small." Jungkook said while keeping his eyes on Jimin's crotch for a second too long, and Jimin's dick twitched.
"Calm down you desperate piece of muscle..."
"You didn't just say that." Jimin smiled at him while putting his hands on his hips.
"I did, and I don't regret it." Jungkook said while keeping eye contact with the older.
"Well if I remember right, yours is slightly bigger." Jimin said with wink, so Jungkook nodded.
"Well If I remember right, yours is slightly thicker. I'd say it's the perfect size for my mouth. It could fuck my throat deep enough, but it wouldn't make me gag too much." he said so Jimin's mouth fall wide open.
"What did my ears just hear? Am I hallucinating??? Say that again??? Please..."
"I... well... um.." Jimin stuttered and Jungkook noticed his struggle.
"I know we said we'll take things slow, so sorry if my comment made you uncomfortable. I just can't help it." Jungkook apologized, but Jimin was still repeating his words in his head, probably even adding some pictures along side...
"No it's fine. I'm ok... I just wasn't expecting such dirty things out of that pretty mouth, that's all."
"Other than being pretty, this lips know how to suck too." Jungkook said with smirk, so Jimin shook his head in disbelief.
"Unless you're gonna take me somewhere right now to proove your point, don't say things like that. Ok?" Jimin said and walked past Jungkook who was giggling at Jimin's desperate tone.
They picked their balls and started bowling. Jimin tried to bend as sexy as he can while throwing that ball down, and he loved the way Jungkook would eye him up and down every time he turn around.
It's like they are in their own little flirty bubble and there is no one around them.
Sometimes Jimin would come closer while Jungkook was throwing his ball, and he would just blow some hot air at his ear, trying to deconcentrate him as much as he could.
The younger would visibly shiver, and Jimin loved how with simple move as that, he could make him feel weak.
Later when it was Jimin's turn to throw the ball, Jungkook would came closer from behind, and while rubbing his hardening dick over Jimin's ass, he would show him some tricks that Jimin really didn't need to know.
He couldn't care less about any of it at that time, to be honest...
It was safe to say that Jimin almost felt his nose bleeding from the pressure he felt, so he turned around and came closer to the younger.
"Are we taking things slow or you're trying to lure me into the bathroom to fuck, suck or whatever?" Jimin asked directly and loved the way Jungkook's cheeks got some pink color over them.
"I... I want to take things slow... but it's a bit hard since I never dated and don't know what's allowed to say or not. According to your look, I have probably said some not so appropriate things." Jungkook said shyly so Jimin patted his head, then moved down, over his cheeks and put his hands around Jungkook's neck.
"It's not that they're inappropriate, I mean we had sex before, not many inappropriate things are left unsaid, but I'm having some problems down there when you look like that or say those dirty things to me." Jimin said so Jungkook nodded.
"All I want to do is rip those clothes off of you and lick your whole body, then suck that pretty cock of yours and got on all fours for you until my knees can take it anymore." Jimin said and now Jungkook's mouth fall open.
"Shit Jimin..." he whispered, so Jimin looked at his eyes.
"Exactly. Now you know how I feel when you say such a thing."
"I won't do it again. We'll take things slow and we'll make it worth it. Ok?" Jungkook said so they went to grab something to eat and drink, and soon enough the place is closing up so Jungkook drive Jimin home safely.
'Thank you for this date. I really had an amazing time." Jimin said while looking at the stars appearing in the younger's eyes.
" It's my pleasure." Jungkook said and there was the tension again. Something thick in the air, some uneasy things coming out on the surface.
Should they kiss?
Is that too much?
How to decide whether that would be a smart move or not...
"Can I kiss you goodbye?" Jimin asked, seeing how all of this was really new for the younger, and he really, really, really wanted to taste him again.
Jungkook just nodded while leaning into Jimin's space, so they shared this perfect little, slow kiss with just their lips rubbing one of another, not adding tongues into it.
Jimin wanted to keep the kiss short and cute so he pulled back seconds after and loved the way Jungkook licked his lips clean right afterwards. Probably trying to taste Jimin on his own lips.
"Can I see you again tomorrow?" Jungkook asked before Jimin got out and he got a bit surprised by the younger's desire to see him again so soon.
"Um, yeah. Sure. What do you want to do?"
"Actually it's a surprise. Today I saw something that I think you would enjoy, and since we only have some time off on weekends, I would like to see you again."
"Ok. Sounds like a plan."
"Wear something comfortable, and I'll pick you up at eight." Jungkook said, excitement written all over his face.
"Ok. Can't wait. Thank you again. Bye Jungkookie." Jimin said and went home feeling warm and happy.
After a quick shower (where he jerked off thinking about those dirty words the younger said earlier) he came to his room and checked his phone before sleeping.
Thank you for being patient with me.
I really had an amazing time with you.
Good night.
You're welcome.
I had great time too.
Can't wait to see you again.
Good night.
He felt a bit surprised to see the message, cause the younger wasn't usually a fan of texting, but it felt totally right and he loved how their relationship is progressing.
Slow but steady...
The next day Jimin head to Tae's place and after telling him everything they hold hands, feeling super happy and giggly.
"So what now? Are we gonna try the double dating any time soon? Jin would sure love that." Tae said while cocking his eyebrows at him, feeling excited that they are dating two friends.
"I don't know Tae. I don't know if Jungkook would be into that. We are currently trying to take things slow and just want to get to know each other. Maybe later at we will get there at some point, but for now I just want to give him some space so that he can figure out this whole dating thing, and see if he's into this." Jimin said and Tae nodded.
"So... How are you feeling about all of this? Are you ok with taking things slow?" Tae asked, knowing his best friend very well, so Jimin just pursed his lips, and thought about what to answer.
"I hate it. " he finally admitted.
"I knew it." Tae said with grin.
"I can't control myself around him. Tae, he's so hot, and cute and that dick... Oh my God, I want it in me more than anything right now. I think I might go insane after all of this." Jimin said while going with his fingers through his hair, making it messy, his roots showing already.
"But babe you have to give him some time. If he wants to take things slow, just be patient with him. He said he never dated before, can you even imagine how he's feeling." Tae tried to be supportive about all of this, actually kind of liking the whole 'taking it slow' idea, so Jimin nodded.
"I know, I know. I'll just try to distract me from my dirty thoughts and enjoy his company I guess. " Jimin decided to be the bigger man about all of this, and his wishes would work amazing well if in only couple of hours he wasn't at the gym, having some dance class, looking at sweaty Jungkook doing sexy body rolls, looking like pure perverted dream.
The thing is, Jungkook saw some add for new dance school near in the area, and they had some open hip hop class and since he always wanted to see Jimin dance (the hot lap dance doesn't count) he reserved them a spot for one of the classes and when Jimin saw his plan, he was super happy and excited.
"Do you like it? If you want to do something else we could..." Jungkook asked when they entered the filled class, at least 30 other people were stretching inside the practice room.
"I love it. Can't wait to dance again. I haven't go to Hobi's class in ages, so this is perfect. Thank you." Jimin said cutely, and they went to leave their stuff in the locker room, both of them already wearing some sweatpants, and simple shirts.
They picked their positions and started following the teacher's moves, learning new choreography on the spot.
Jimin learned all the moves pretty quickly, so he received a lot of compliments from the teacher and some people around him.
He would glance at the younger's reflection in the mirror in front of them, and every time he did so, his breath got stuck in his lungs, unable to breathe normally, since Jungkook was a sight to admire.
His hair up, shaved sides on the display, the gray shirt covered in sweat, and all Jimin wanted to do iss lick, bite, nibble all around his chest, abs, and those thighs... The way his muscular thighs would visibly twitch, and show off his amazingly built muscles, made his dick desperate and needy.
"Yeah, this is not turning out as it should..."
After half an hour practice, they had a 5 minutes break, so they went to the side to grab their water bottles, still breathing heavy from all the dancing.
"Do you like the choreography we're learning?" Jungkook asked before putting his lips on the bottle, drinking the whole thing bottoms up, and Jimin's eyes followed the sweaty neck and his Adam's apple bobbing while drinking, and he imagined his cum sliding down the younger's throat, and fuck, his dick twitched.
"I do. It's very good. Hobi hyung teaches something similar, but a bit more tough..." he said before taking a sip from his own bottle.
"I think you look great while dancing. I can't stop looking at you, so I feel a bit distracted to be honest." Jungkook said and scratched his neck shyly.
"I'm distracting you? Have you seen yourself in the mirror? Do you even see what I see. I'm this close to popping a boner any second now, and I'm not even joking. You look like sweaty, muscly dream come true, so just do me a favor, keep it easy with those body rolls cause my heart can only take this much... " Jimin said and put his hands over his chest, and sigh deeply so Jungkook smiled cutely.
"Well all of us feel the same way while looking at your sexy moves." then Jungkook said and looked around the full practice room, so Jimin followed his gaze, and saw what Jungkook was talking about.
People inside were really looking at him, whispering something, then averting their gaze... He knew he danced good, but he never paid too much attention to what others were doing around him so now it was obvious they were staring at him.
He looked at Jungkook who's face show just a hint of suppressed jealousy so he came closer, and took Jungkook's hand in his, and while coming on his tippy toes, gave the younger a small peck on the cheek.
"You're too cute for your own good." Jimin said and came back down, loving the fond look in Jungkook's eyes way too much.
After their brake is over, they came back to their positions and kept working on the ending of the choreography, but all Jimin can look at is Jungkook's reflection in the mirror, giving his best, and glancing from time to time at Jimin's direction, then blushing even more than before.
Soon the class ended so the teacher, a good looking girl with some pretty pink hair, thanked all of them, and they repeated the choreography a few times, and then she turned around and asked Jimin to dance one more time alone in front of all of them, since he was the one who stood out the most. He felt a bit shy and nervous, but agreed to do so.
He stood in front all of them, facing them now, and he turned his body towards Jungkook, keeping his eyes on him the whole time.
The music started so he began to dance, and both of them got lost in the eyes of another. There was silence in the room, filled with some sighs of admiration, and all Jimin could think about was how good he felt while dancing so passionately as the younger kept watching him.
After he finished dancing, he bowed at the people around him, giving him a big round of applause.
Then he move over to where Jungkook is standing, and while coming closer he wrapped his arm around the younger's waist, so Jungkook put his hand over Jimin's shoulder and just like that they went to changing room to change into clean clothes that Jungkook brought for them.
Changing in the locker room with at least ten other guys seemed like something Jungkook is not comfortable with. Well not when it comes to his body exactly, he felt it more towards others looking at Jimin's naked body so after putting his clothes pretty fast, too fast if you ask Jimin, he grab a towel and came behind Jimin, while putting the towel up, told him to get dressed.
"Jungkook, it's not like someone will stare..." Jimin whispered, looking at Jungkook being silly, but the younger just kept holding the towel, until Jimin was fully dressed.
"No one's gonna look at that ass except for me." Jungkook said playfully so Jimin turned around, now his back facing the younger and he squeezed both of his ass cheeks firmly.
"It's all yours. I promise." Jimin said teasingly while looking at Jungkook over the shoulder, enjoying the fucked out expression on his face.
"Just put your clothes on and let's get out of here." Jungkook said with a small smile so he did.
When they got out, Jungkook suggested to go in a nice little coffee shop that had some nice pastries cause they both felt exhausted from their dance lesson and Jimin agreed gladly.
They entered the cute little vintage place and went straight to the register to order some food and coffee.
After looking at the amazingly smelling pastries, both of them decided to get some chocolate croissants with big cups of Americano coffee.
The place felt so warm and cozy, and all Jimin wanted to do, was snuggle into Jungkook's arms and enjoy being here with him.
As soon as they sat down, the conversation went smoothly, just like they've been doing this for a long time now. Guess all of those months just being together in the apartment did pay of and now they didn't feel even the slightest awkwardness and are just enjoying each other's company.
"So what do you usually eat for breakfast?" Jimin asked after they've eaten their croissants pretty quickly.
"Hmmm, well, when I have time, I like to eat some rice and some jjigae (thick broth soup). What about you?"
"Pretty much the same, only that I love gook (clear broth soup) better. My grandma is an amazing cook, and she loves to cook for me any time she has the chance. Who cooks for you usually?"
"Well our house keeping lady. My parents work too much, and they don't have time to cook, so they have a lady who cleans the house and cooks for us too. She's like a family member to me." Jungkook said and nodded.
He thought about how they come from two totally different world. Jimin and his grandma all alone against the world, and Jungkook and his family with lots of helpers around.
"What's the most embarrassing thing that happened to you?" Jungkook asked while smiling at the older.
"Well once I went to this party where we were playing strip poker and after waking up in the morning instead of wearing my own shirt, I wore this girl's crop top and went like that to buy my grandma's medicine." Jimin said so Jungkook laughed, still finding Jimin's incident funny.
"Laugh it all out. I was embarrassed and hurt afterwards and the worst thing was, I thought how you won't like me anymore because I looked ridiculous." Jimin said while covering his face with his palms.
"Yeah right. I wouldn't like you flashing some skin, and those perfect abs and tattoo, and waist... Sure I hated it." Jungkook said sarcastically so Jimin laughed again.
All of it felt too good, just talking to each other, being here, laughing together, and he felt so proud of the younger, and how well he is keeping up with all of these.
"What do you like about yourself the most?" Jimin then asked the younger and he took a minute to think about his question.
"I really don't know. Maybe my thighs. I don't know." Jungkook said so Jimin cocked his eyebrows at him, eyeing Jungkook's thighs in those tight jeans up and down.
"It's one of my favorite thing on you too. And the thing between them. Can't forget that." Jimin said teasingly so Jungkook shook his head at the older's shameful comment.
"How about you? What you like on yourself?"
"Hmmmm I'd say my lips and my ass. Maybe my eyes too." Jimin said and nodded, pleased with his own response.
"Well that's too many things, but I wouldn't be able to choose either since you're really pretty and your ass is spectacular." Jungkook said and took a sip from his coffee, obviously trying to cover his blushed face.
"Thank you, and I love how cute you are, looking like a real bunny." Jimin said and pinched Jungkook's cheek so the younger frowned.
"I don't look like a bunny." he pouted.
"Yeah you do. An adorable one." Jimin caressed his cheeks once again and there was a smile appearing on Jungkook's face.
After an hour of talking to each other about anything and everything, they finally agreed to go home.
Jungkook drives Jimin to his apartment, so they are again in the car, not knowing how to end this amazing date.
All Jimin knew is that he wanted to respect the younger and his wish to take things slow, but he also wanted to kiss him so badly. He wants those lips against his own so much.
Finally his misery was answered and he saw Jungkook licking his lips again, knowing that's how usually their make out session starts.
"Can I kiss you goodbye?" Jungkook asked while already leaning, so Jimin nodded eagerly while leaning into the kiss too.
First there were some gentle pecks on the lips, and then Jungkook nibbled on Jimin's lower lip which only made him hornier than before, so he let one desperate moan escape his lips. Jungkook is teasing him while sucking that lip a bit harshly, only to let it slip out of his mouth and lick all over it. Jimin's breath came in gasps as he continue to enjoy the younger's lips and tongue on his, so soon he came closer, putting his hands in Jungkook's hair, taking a bit more control while kissing him roughly.
The kiss became more desperate with each lick, bite, and soon both of them were a panting mess.
Jungkook moved away first, leaving messy and horny Jimin to just sit there, unable to move, the bulge in both of their pants visible.
"Sorry. I'm not good at this 'taking it slow' thing." Jungkook said and bit his lips nervously, and Jimin just giggled.
"Well I'm not any better." he added and they both laughed.
"I really wanna make this right. I don't wanna mess things up and I'm happy with how our relationship is progressing." Jungkook said shyly so Jimin agreed with nod.
"You're totally right." Jimin said, his dick cried a little figuring that's the most of action it'll get.
"How about I plan something for us for the next week? When are you free? " Jimin said, realizing how all of this until now, was Jungkook's ideas.
"I'd love that actually. I'm excited to see what you'll came up with. How about Tuesday? I would love to see you tomorrow too, but we have some meeting after work and I know it'll take way too long." Jungkook said so Jimin felt a bit pressured, having no idea what the younger would enjoy doing, but he thought how he'll eventually figure something out.
"Tuesday sounds perfect. We'll survive without seeing each other for one day." Jimin joked and leaned down to press his lips in one cute kiss on top of Jungkook's lips and went out of the car.
He turned around before going in, and saw Jungkook still waiting for him to go inside.
Jimin waved him goodbye, and the younger winked at him before entering the building.
The butterflies inside his stomach were really having a wild party in there cause Jimin felt happy, excited and so in love.
He entered the apartment with smile on his face, humming the song of the choreography they have learned and while entering the kitchen, he got surprised to see his grandma, sitting on the small dining table, eating ice cream.
"Granny, why are you up so late?" he asked, getting worried immediately.
"Oh come on, it's not that late. Besides I was craving something sweet." the cute lady said and patted the chair next to her, indicating for Jimin to sit down.
"Grab a spoon." she said so Jimin did, and sat to share some vanilla chocolate ice cream.
"This is so good. Although I have eaten, I can't say no to ice cream."
"Would you tell me where you've been?" grandma asked after finishing her bite, and Jimin thought about his answer.
What should he tell her? He never mentioned Jungkook before cause he felt weird about all of the things that happened before, agreement, them arguing, then falling for him. Everything just felt wrong at the time so he decided not to tell her before, but now...
"I was out with a friend." he said, and thought how that's actually correct. Sure they were more than friends, but for now that's what he'll stick with.
"Mhm... Is that a guy you've been seeing for a while now?" his grandma asked, and Jimin got surprised by her question.
"How could she possibly know?"
"Um... Yes... We've been seeing each other for a while now... Um... How did you know?"
"Well around half a year ago, you started going out of the apartment more, looking super pretty, caring about your hair, appearance, everything, and not to mention the glowing look on your face, I mean its pretty obvious you're seeing someone, I just didn't wanna be pushy, so I waited for you to tell me yourself. So what's his name? " granny said so Jimin blushed, not realizing he was being so obvious.
" Um... Jungkook." he said shyly.
" That's a nice name. Is he treating you good? "
"Yes, he is. He's super patient and kind. Has an amazing heart too. " Jimin said and actually meant every word.
"I can't wait to meet him then. You should have him over one day. I promise I won't tell all of your embarrassing stories at once." she teased so Jimin started tickling her.
"I'll never bring him over. That would be a deal breaker. If he meets you, I'll be long forgotten. You know how my friends actually love you more than me, and that every time Tae's, he mostly sits and drinks coffee with you, yeah, I'm not letting you take one of my friends away from me." he joked and they both laughed.
"I miss Tae. Haven't seen him in a while. Ask him to come over and I'll cook his favorite food and make some coffee. " granny said so they agreed to do so.
They spend another hour talking about Jungkook, actually Jimin asked for her advice on where to take him out, so they tried to find something interesting, and at the end they ended up with couple of interesting ideas that Jimin will definitely reconsider.
The next few days Jimin tried to work hard on his exams, then at work, but his mind is filled with Jungkook. They would text each other regularly now, just to wish a good morning or good night to one another, and Jimin love all of that. This new feeling and the deepening of their relationship is going very well, except for the fact he had to jerk off every single night before going to bed, cause just the memory of the younger's dick made him hard and desperate. He really needed to figure something out for their date that won't arouse him too much, and will give him opportunity to get to know the younger better.
That's how Jimin had decided to take Jungkook out, on a Tuesday night, to one of the most famous Seoul's museums, called Love Museum. Unfortunately, Jimin didn't do enough of a research, so when they came inside of the museum, Jimin's mouth opened wide, and he heard Jungkook chuckling next to him, enjoying Jimin's pure first impression.
"Jungkook, what is this place? Are we even in the right Museum?" Jimin asked while turning around, looking at all kinds of erotic pictures and sculptures.
"This is the place? You don't like it?" Jungkook said and moved to a sculpture of a big dick, shooting a cum on the wall next to it.
He sat down, and patted the spot on the dick playfully, so Jimin came and sit next to him.
"I had no idea. I swear. Have you been here before? What is this place and why is it called Love Museum for fucks sake. Sex Museum would be more adequate. " Jimin asked, still looking around, feeling a bit embarrassed cause what would Jungkook think, why did he bring him here from all of the places in the city.
"I've been here before. Actually a friend of mine from Art school, works here, so all of us came here one day to just admire this kind of art." Jungkook explained and looked at Jimin, sitting there still looking a bit perplexed.
"Come on, I wanna show you some funny sculptures, you'll love it." Jungkook said while jumping off of that dick, so Jimin followed.
"We were both just sitting together on a huge dick. How crazy is that?" Jimin asked while looking back at the dick sculpture.
"I would like it better if you were sitting on mine, but what can we do..." Jungkook said so Jimin cursed on the inside.
"Look, there's sausage, banana and eggplant, which do you like the most?" Jungkook showed the food that, well, looked nothing like the food, so Jimin giggled.
"Well let's see. We shouldn't mock the art, so I'm gonna look at this seriously." Jimin said and while walking around the funny sculptures, came up with the answer.
"I'd say my favorite would definitely be the sausage. The banana is good looking, has the right length, but it's lacking in the thickness, and eggplant is just weirdly shaped. This right here (he came and caressed the sausage up and down it's length) is a hot piece of meat with just enough thickness to fill your mouth nicely, and the right length that would make you full and happy. Kind of like your dick actually." Jimin said and looked at the younger while batting his lashes ridiculously, and Jungkook just sighed deeply.
"What about you?" Jimin came closer to the younger, standing in front of him only inches away, and Jungkook just kept staring at him.
"I have no idea. I'm already somewhere else in my mind." Jungkook said so Jimin came even closer, pushing his body flush against Jungkook's.
"Really? And where are you exactly? Fucking me hard against some wall? Filling me up with your cum? Something like that?" Jimin teased, so Jungkook gulped hard, unable to handle the older so close while talking so dirty, and just before he was about to crash their lips together, he heard someone calling his name pretty loudly.
"Jungkookah! I thought I saw you. What are you doing here?" a cute looking guy said while approaching them with fast steps.
He hugged Jungkook, and then looked at Jimin, and back at Jungkook, then quickly back at Jimin again.
"Hi Beomgyu, how are you?" Jungkook asked, but the brown haired boy only had his eyes for Jimin.
"I can't believe I'm seeing you with my own eyes. Jimin, right?" the boy said, so Jimin got confused, and just smiled shyly at the boy, thinking how maybe he had met him somewhere before, but had forgotten about it.
"Jimin, this is Beomgyu, my friend from Art school, Beomgyu, this is Jimin." Jungkook finally introduced them, and he looked kind of nervous while doing so.
"It's nice to meet you. Have we met before?" Jimin asked, still not getting how did the boy recognized him earlier.
"Oh no. I would remember meeting you for sure." Beomgyu said with grin on his face, and Jungkook frowned at him.
"Take it easy Beomgyu, aren't you drooling too much?" Jungkook said in low voice, but still had a little devilish smile on his face.
"Sorry, it's just that you're even prettier in person." the boy in his early twenties said, probably couple of years younger than Jungkook, so Jimin felt even more confused.
"In person?" Jimin said and looked at Jungkook again, but the younger looked away, staring at the floor, somewhere around the place, just not at Jimin's direction.
"Yeah. I mean Jungkook can draw very well, but I must agree on this one with him. You look even prettier than on his paintings." the boy said so Jungkook pursed his lips, while inhaling deep, and Jimin's mouth dropped open.
"W-What? Your drawings? You, you have me on some of your paintings?" Jimin now turned around to fully face the younger, but he was still looking at the floor.
"Is this why you didn't wanna show me some of the paintings?" he asked while cupping Jungkook's cheek, the boy standing next to them long forgotten.
"Um... Yeah... I didn't know if you would be ok with that, and if you'll like the pictures at all..." Jungkook said shyly so Jimin came on his tippy toes and after kissing his nose cutely came back down and ruffled his hair a little, making it look a little messy.
"Silly. I have to see the picture in order to tell you my thoughts, right? "
"You haven't showed him the pictures yet?" the boy that they thought was long gone, started talking next to them so they jumped a bit, feeling startled by his presence.
"What are you doing still here? Go back to work you nosy brat." Jungkook scolded him, so the young boy giggled and after bowing to them, went in another room.
"Let's get out of here." Jimin said, feeling all hot and bothered, seeing Jungkook so sassy and just kind of dominating, always had an impact on his poor body and soul.
"You don't want to look at the little mermaid being spanked? Why did you even bring me here?" Jungkook teased so Jimin laughed out loud, his eyes disappearing, and turning into little crescents.
"Wouldn't you rather spank me instead? I bet my ass cheeks can bounce back better than hers." Jimin said while cocking his eyebrows at the younger so he just grabbed Jimin's hand in his, and started walking out towards his car.
Jimin got all excited and finally thought how he's gonna get fucked, but as soon as he realized that Jungkook was actually driving him home, and not to his apartment, his dick softened at the sad and desperate realization.
"I had fun and would love to see you again..." Jungkook said, his hands still holding the wheel, looking outside, and Jimin couldn't figure out why is he being so reserved and shy. Then he looked down and noticed a visible tent in Jungkook's pants, and the realization hit him.
"He must be super turned on right now, and just wants to put an end to his misery... Well not so fast..."
Jimin licked his lips, and moved closer to the younger, leaning his whole upper body onto Jungkook's side.
"How about a kiss goodbye?" he whispered to his ear right before licking it, and Jungkook shivered in pleasure.
"Sure..." he said and Jimin was already all over him, kissing his lips hard, adding tongue right away, while pulling the younger's hair roughly.
Then he started licking up his neck, up to his defined jawline, and started biting there softly.
"Jimin..." Jungkook said through fast panting, but the older acted as if he didn't hear anything.
He felt so horny and needy so next thing he knows, he came up a bit, and moved over to Jungkook's seat, and straddled the younger skilfully.
The moment his ass felt how hard Jungkook was underneath him, he let a desperate moan and started grinding his hips against the younger's crotch.
"Ah... Jimin... Wait..." Jungkook whined, but deep inside Jimin knew that's totally opposite from what he actually wanted.
"Want me to stop?" Jimin whispered while sliding his hand down, trying to reach the younger's hard dick.
"No, but we shouldn't do this... We agreed on taking things slow... And I really want to take things slow, but you're making it impossible for me...ah Jimin... feels so good" Jungkook really tried hard, so hard to be patient, to be respectful, but when he felt Jimin's hand gripping his hard dick firmly, he just lost it...
"How about you come with me upstairs. We don't have to do anything. We can just cuddle. I kind of don't want our date to be over yet." Jimin said and looked at the younger.
"Is that ok? Would your grandma mind?" Jungkook asked, looking a bit concerned.
"Ofcourse not. I'm allowed to have friends over, and my room is kind of at the end of the apartment, far away from her's. Come on, just follow me." Jimin said and Jungkook did so.
He came right after the older and as soon as they entered the cute, little cozy apartment, they went straight to Jimin's room.
The moment they entered the small, but cozy room, and looked at each other, both of them started taking their clothes off frantically. There was not a word in the room, just city lights illuminating the space from the outside, rush, adrenaline and two panting messes trying to make the less noise they can.
"I want you so badly..." Jimin whispered to Jungkook's ear before nibbling roughly on it, so Jungkook moaned softly, trying his best to keep it quiet.
"Jimin, we can't... lets just calm down, and... oh God..." Jungkook tried to be the reasonable one, but having Jimin's hand deep inside his pants made his head spin so he just let go and started kissing the older hard.
They laid in bed, Jungkook on top of Jimin, and while kissing roughly, Jungkook started grinding down onto Jimin's crotch, making him moan in pleasure.
"Jimin! you can't be that loud." Jungkook scolded him while whisper yelling into his ear, so Jimin pouted.
"Ok, I'll keep my mouth shut. I promise, just don't stop." so they continued with kissing and soon Jimin's hand is on Jungkook's dick, stroking him slowly, and now Jungkook let out a moan a bit louder than he should.
"Jungkook no moaning, remember?" Jimin said it smugly so Jungkook bit his lips.
"There's no way we could fuck here. Both of us are way too horny to take things slow, and you are a moaning mess when you have my dick up your ass." Jungkook said while getting up, into sitting position, looking at naked Jimin from above.
He put his hands on his waist like he was deliberating his next move, and then he looked around and saw one of Jimin's soft scarfs, on the chair next to him, so he grabbed it, and throw it at Jimin's face.
"There, take that, and if you feel like moaning just bite at it." he said, and went down, without warning and next thing Jimin knows, he felt his dick deep inside Jungkook's mouth, sucking him roughly and with some fast pace from the very beginning.
"Oh God... Jungkoo..." he tried to say something, but remembered he can't so he took that scarf and bit on it as hard as he could, trying to suppress those inevitable moans coming to the surface.
Jungkook is down there, sucking and licking, and doing it so good, and all Jimin can do is lay back, close his eyes and enjoy.
Then he licked lower and lower until he got to his hole and then started licking there eagerly, just the way the older liked it. Jimin started moaning again, and tried to suppress his moans as much as he can, but he wanted more of it. He wanted Jungkook to touch him, kiss him, devour him, do whatever he wants with him...
Jungkook put his tongue in and started rimming his hole till Jimin started squirming , the precum leaking so much out of the tip of his dick, indicating he's on the edge of coming.
Then Jungkook got up again and started sucking on Jimin's head again. He did it fast and eagerly and in just a few bobs Jimin was gone. Spilling his cum inside Jungkook's mouth without any warning. The younger didn't seem to bother, instead he just sucked it even more, prolonging Jimin's orgasm while swallowing his cum completely.
Jimin just layed there, while feeling the younger's lips and tongue cleaning his dick nicely, and as soon as he got up, Jimin kissed him deep, licking over his tongue, tasting himself inside the younger's mouth.
"You came pretty quickly, am I really that good?" Jungkook teased, so Jimin rolled his eyes at his smug face.
"You're ok. I mean I was so desperate even if you looked at my dick for some time I feel like I could come. There's still room for improvements. I could always show you some tricks, since I'm way better at it than you." Jimin teased while cocking his eyebrows at him.
"Care to show me now?" Jungkook asked and rubbed his hard dick onto Jimin's thigh, and that's exactly what Jimin wanted.
"Lay down and enjoy." he said, while coming down, kissing his way to Jungkook's hard dick, enjoying the view of the younger's perfect abs, and muscly thighs in front of him.
Jimin started slowly, just wanting to enjoy himself with the younger as much as he can.
He licked all around the head, getting the already leaking precum off the head, while licking around the slit he than put the tip of his tongue in the slit and started flicking his tongue teasingly. Jungkook tried to suppress his moans, using the same scarf that Jimin was using minutes before, but Jimin can still hear him perfectly.
Then he started licking just below the head, where the slit ends and he felt Jungkook's hands grabbing his hair slowly. While looking at Jungkook enjoying himself, Jimin took his head inside his mouth and started sucking on it with a little suction, just sucking on the head in and out, but not taking any out of his mouth at all.
Jungkook moaned louder, and put his hands over the scarf in his mouth, but Jimin did it too good and he knew it.
"Can't control yourself can you? Am I sucking you good? Hm? Are you enjoying yourself?" Jimin asked while looking at the younger's flustered face, unable to speak.
"Yes..." that's all Jungkook could muttered so Jimin kept going with his teasing but satisfying sucking.
He put Jungkook's dick deep in his throat and tried to swallow first, just trying to make his gag reflex relax and have his mind go blank so he could go down as far as he could. He stayed down for a while, sucking on the base of his shaft while rubbing his tongue up and down over his shaft. He used his tongue like that periodically throughout the blowjob.
He felt the younger tensing, grabbing onto Jimin's hair a bit firmly, while fisting the sheets under him.
Too bad Jimin felt like teasing the younger some more, so he got up to the head of the cock, and with more suction than before, he started sucking and also kept popping of the head with a popping sound.
"Jimin! "Jungkook whined, cause the pop was too loud, and he really looked like he can take it no more.
Then he licked Jungkook's shaft all the way down to his balls, and started licking them, taking them as much as he can in his mouth, sucking on them as they roll around in his mouth.
"Please Jimin..." Jungkook whined, so Jimin chuckled, enjoying his desperate state way too much.
"Did you learn something? Isn't my sucking on another level? he teased while pumping Jungkook's dick faster now.
"Yes...It's amazing... Never had anyone suck me so good before...Just don't fucking stop..." Jungkook said while propping himself on his elbows, looking at Jimin with dark eyes.
"Mmmmm I want to taste you so badly. Want you to come in my mouth." Jimin said and saw Jungkook's face frowning while biting on his lips harshly and he knew he was gone.
He took his dick fast into his mouth again, welcoming the first spurt of Jungkook's salty and thick cum. The younger kept spilling his juices inside, and Jimin tried to swallow it all eagerly.
"Fuck Jimin...Ah..." the younger moaned, and after Jimin felt the last pulsation in his mouth, indicating the younger was done coming, he licked his dick clean, while looking at the younger's fucked out face.
"You look so good when you come." Jimin whispered while coming up, laying on top of the younger completely, like he was a blanket covering his muscly body.
"And you look way too good when you suck my cock." Jungkook said with smug smile, and tugged Jimin down into another fervor kiss, thanking him for the amazing blowjob the older just gave him.
They kissed like that lazily for another couple of minutes, until their eyes felt to heavy so they just drifted into sleep while listening to one another's heart beats beating peacefully.
"Jimin... Jimin...wake up..." Jungkook was whispering, but Jimin could only faintly hear him.
Was this a dream?
How could he feel like he was in his own bed, and still hear Jungkook's voice so firmly?
What's happening?
"Jimin..." then he heard the voice again and finally got up into sitting position, still with his eyes closed, just trying to adjust to the brightness of the room.
"Jungkook, what's going on?" he scratched his eyes, finally remembering last night's events, and while slowly opening them up, saw an already dressed Jungkook in front of him.
"Where are you going? What time is it?" Jimin asked, looking around to find his phone, but Jungkook sat down beside him, and started talking.
"I have to go to work. It's eight in the morning already, and I think you have your classes at nine, so I thought I could go first to the bathroom, and then I realized that I might see your grandma and I got scared cause what if she freaks out, or think I'm some burglar and gets scared so much she gets a heart attack." Jungkook said with eyes wide open, so Jimin giggled at his silly words.
"Don't worry. She knows who you are. Besides, I think she's already gone. She has this early meetings with her friends, it's actually just coffee and gossip at one another's house, but yeah, she's never home when I got up." Jimin said and got up, putting some clothes on his naked body, not registering the hungry look in the younger's eyes, dazed by the sight in front of him.
"You look so good." Jungkook said out loud, unable to hold it in, and Jimin just gave him the cutest little eye smile, loving the compliment way too much.
"Thank you, and you always look so handsome." Jimin said while leaning closer, kissing Jungkook's lips softly, the younger responding with a small mmmmm while kissing back.
They went outside of the room, and as soon as they entered the living room, they heard some sound coming from the kitchen, and in no time a cute, pretty looking lady came inside too.
"You're up. Good morning boys." she said with some warm smile, and Jungkook's cheeks blushed a faint shade of red, obviously looking super ashamed at the moment.
"Good morning Ma'am." he answered, and Jimin just giggled.
"Hey pretty lady. You're looking so cute this morning. I thought you already left." Jimin came closer and put a small peck on his grandma's cheek, and Jungkook smiled fondly at their obviously pure and real connection.
"I'm just about to leave, but I wanted to make you boys some breakfast before I go, and I couldn't miss my chance in meeting this pretty boy here." she came closer to Jungkook, and after a heavy gulp, he extended his arm, and with the nicest smile introduced himself.
"I'm Jungkook, I heard only the nicest things about you and I'm happy to meet you." Jungkook said, so the small lady tugged his hand which she took in hers firmly, and gave him a nice little hug, which melted Jimin's heart on the inside.
"I'm Sena, and it's so nice to finally put a face to the name, and let me tell you, you're even more handsome than Jimin has told me." she said so Jungkook looked over at Jimin, who was rolling his eyes at her words, so Jungkook chuckled at his reaction.
"Just go already and stop embarrassing me even more..." Jimin said while entering the kitchen.
"I will. I'm sure you're hungry, and since both of you always have a busy day at work I made you some rice and jjigae, and there's some kimchi with meat left from yesterday so eat while it's hot. Jimin said that's your favorite dish." she whispered the last sentence, only for Jungkook to hear her, but Jimin was whining in the kitchen already.
"You made jjigae and you know I love gook more!"
"I got to go, bye boys." she said, ignoring Jimin's little outburst, so he came out of the kitchen, pouting while putting his hands over his chest.
"She made it cause she knows you like it more." he said while squinting his eyes at the younger, and all Jungkook could do was smile at him cutely.
"I know. I love her already." he said while coming closer, hugging a pouty JImin, and looking at his cute face.
"Great. Now she has you wrapped around her fingers like all of my friends." Jimin huffed while looking down, somewhere on the floor.
"There's nothing to worry about. You know I love..." Jungkook tried to speak, but cut himself off, and as soon as Jimin heard his words he snapped his gaze towards the younger, trying to stay calm, but hating the way his hear started beating super fast inside his chest.
The look on Jungkook face showed that he, himself, was also surprised by his own words, cause he looked like he could have a stroke any time soon.
"You l-love jjigae..." Jimin tried to finish his sentence, while still looking at the younger with wide eyes, and Jungkook just nodded.
"I do. Yes. That's... yeah..." he said and after sighing deeply, went to the bathroom first, while Jimin started frantically preparing the plates for them to grab a quick bite before leaving.
"I wasn't gonna say that, you know," Jungkook came back, and looked like he had some freshly splashed water over his face, and just started talking.
"I was gonna say something other than that..." he said, so Jimin looked at him a bit shocked, but tried to cover it.
"It's ok. We don't have to do that right now. It's fine. Sometimes things just slip through our mouth and we don't even mean it." Jimin tried to make him feel better, feeling scared that Jungkook could run away, being unable to control his almost little outburst.
"But I do mean it. I actually think that I never felt this way before, and I know we're taking things slow, but I just want you to know that I really, really feel it and that I'm gonna work on how to express myself better since all of this wouldn't even happen if I only asked you out like a normal human being, instead of just doing it all wrong like I did." Jungkook said, and all Jimin could do was stop with his every movement, cause this is something they never addressed before, and even if he wanted to, for so long, he never did it cause he thought that would scare the younger away, and he was already in too deep, so now was his chance. Now he could finally get some answers.
"Come here." Jimin said softly, and patted the spot on the couch next to him.
"I'm so sorry Jimin. For all of this. Everything I told you before was the truth. I really never had time to date or to be with someone in relationship other than the 'fuck buddies' agreements, but now when I think about it, that's not completely truth. I think I never wanted anything more with those people I used to have agreements with, it's also cause I never felt any kind of connection with them, but with you, I felt it instantly."
Jungkook was speaking, and all Jimin could do was listen carefully, while holding his hands in his own, caressing his skin softly.
"Like literally the first day I saw you, when you came to the office with your grandma for the first time, I just saw something in you... It's hard to explain, but you don't remember that. I came in and brought you the papers that your grandma had to sign, and you were shaking your leg nervously, obviously feeling too nervous if the treatment would help her or not, and then I put my hand on your shoulder, and you stopped shaking your leg, and just took a deep breath while looking at me for a second, and I just felt something right there. I should've just ask you out, but the more time passed, the more I liked you, and it felt weird to like someone who you don't even know, and not to mention, who you've never talk to before. Anyways, it's all my fault and I just hope you can forgive me one day, and that we could move pass that, cause I really wanna have you in my life as whatever you want to be..."
Jungkook said, and Jimin's mind went to that first day when he went with his grandma to finally sign the papers and start her new therapy in Jeon's pharmacy. He felt so stressed, being unable to sleep, eating irregularly, trying to somehow help his grandma who was in pain 24 hours a day, but being unable to do so. He heard through some colleague about the new medicine in Jeon's pharmacy that was supposed to help with her bone condition, and he just had to do it. He had to try at least that option since any of the ones they tried before, didn't help the poor lady even the slightest. So there they were, sitting in the fancy open office, listening to some lady talking about all the pros and cons of the medicine his grandma should start taking from tomorrow, and he felt scared. He felt scared so badly that he felt like he was about to suffer from a panic attack, and all of it felt too much to handle.
"Please God give me some sign... something just to know that I'm doing the right thing here..."
Even if he wasn't that much of a believer, his thought went straight to asking for some kind of help from above, and next thing he knows, he felt a warm hand on top of his shoulder, just landing there smoothly, and staying there for a while. He looked up and saw the prettiest, dark doe eyes he ever saw in his life, and finally felt like he could breathe again. The handsome man put some papers on the desk in front of him and left the office, while glancing once again at Jimin, so Jimin looked back, trying to take one last glance at the handsome man that just made his day better without even knowing.
All of it felt too much, and he thought how he might actually start crying if they continue talking about this further, so he decided to leave his thoughts for some other time, and focus on making Jungkook feel better.
"It's alright, Jungkook, I get it now. You're just super weird and awful at communicating, and not to mention your lack of sensibility and just usual common sense." Jimin said, and tried to look serious, and Jungkook just looked at him with open mouth.
"Can you explain again why you like me at all?" Jungkook said so Jimin burst into laugh.
"It's cause of your amazing dicking game of course." Jimin started laughing even more, and Jungkook just shook his head at his silly comment.
"You're really something else." the younger scoffed.
"I know, and I hope you know that I'm joking. I really enjoy your company a lot, and I think you're funny, cute and kind hearted. I really want this, us, to work, and I want to be by your side for whatever will come next, and to share everything with you. I think there's so many things we still don't know about each other, and I would like to know it all, and to show you all of me too. If you want that of course." Jimin said with all sincerity in his voice so Jungkook nodded while looking at him fondly. He leaned closer and Jimin did so too, so they kissed one more time before getting ready to go to work and University.
Jungkook drove Jimin first, and kissed him goodbye, and this time Jimin isn't nervous about it he did before. He kind of knew the younger wanted it too. He could sense it in the way he smiled at him, and the way his eyes shined so bright, and just the way their lips moved one against another with so much love and fondness.
"See you soon, ok?" Jimin said before getting out of the car, so Jungkook nodded.
"Can't wait." he added and Jimin smiled widely.
Not even an hour after Jimin looked at his phone and saw a new message from Jungkook.
Stop thinking about me!
I can't! What should I do? Help?!
You tell me, I feel the same way.
I guess we'll have to wait until tomorrow to see each other again.
Tomorrow? Missing me already? Do we have another date?
No. It's Thursday and I'm gonna see you at your office dummy.
I'm gonna be there at 11, getting my grandma's medicine.
So I guess I'll see you tomorrow.
Yeah. I forgot.
Ok then, I'll see you tomorrow.
Try not to miss me too much.
Unfortunately can't promise anything.
Bye. See you soon.
Bye Jiminnie.
Oh God that Jimminie at the end just went straight to his heart.
Why was he such a wuss when it came to sharing some deeper feelings with the younger. Maybe cause never in the million years, he would consider this an option, but here they are, sending each other sweet messages, missing each other like crazy and Jimin loved every single minute of it.
The next day he decided to bring his A game when it comes to his looks, so after a long shower, he did his hair nicely, combing it slightly off his forehead, putting his long, fluffy, ashy blond bangs aside, and while looking at his closet, he decided to wear one of his favorites turtle neck shirts, with a pair of his tightest jeans. He knew how Jungkook felt about him showing off his body, and he thought that the younger should get a little treat while working hard at the office.
After his three morning classes, Jimin had his usual break, and went to Jeon's pharmacy, enjoying the pretty cold, but sunny day.
He came inside, and after greeting the receptionist, went straight to elevator, and then to the waiting room. He sat in one chair that was pretty far, and he knew Jungkook wouldn't be able to see him there.
At 11 o'clock sharp, he heard the familiar voice calling his name, so he got up, and walked straight to her office, only glancing slightly at Jungkook's direction, but there was no sign of the younger inside the spacious office.
He felt a bit worried, thinking about how they talked about seeing each other just yesterday, and the younger seemed interested in doing so, and now, he was sitting here, and Jungkook is nowhere to be found.
"Good morning Mr. Park. How is your grandma? Is the medicine still working well for her?" the lady said and he finally snapped his thoughts and decided to just have his usual meeting, while not thinking too much about the younger's behavior.
"She's doing great. Thank you for asking. The medicine is still helping her a lot." Jimin answered with a soft smile, and the lady nodded.
"I'm so happy to hear that. I hope she'll get even better as time passes, and we'll be here to monitor her progress through the whole time..." the lady continue talking while handing the bottle to Jimin, so after paying, she asked him to sign some papers, and as he was doing so, he heard the door opening up, and the well known manly smell mixed with some fresh fabric softener invaded his senses and he knew Jungkook is right behind him.
"Hi Chohee, how are you?" he heard Jungkook's voice, and the lady smiled fondly at him.
"I'm good Jungkookah, how are you? You look good." the lady said so only then Jimin turned his head to finally look at Jungkook, and boy did he look good.
He was wearing black button up shirt that showed off his muscly arms and shoulders, and the ends on the shirt were tucked in his usual black slacks, that showed off his thick thighs. His hair was also nicely styled, clean and combed neatly, and now Jimin is drooling.
"Thank you." he said a bit shyly to his colleague, which made Jimin smile, and then he came closer inside.
"Jimin, are you done here?" he asked so Jimin looked at him a bit perplexed, just seconds ago he thought how the younger was probably avoiding meeting him in his working environment, maybe hiding somewhere, waiting for Jimin to finish his meeting, and now he was asking him some question he totally forgot to answer, cause they are inside his colleagues office, and Jimin had a slight panic attack deep inside him.
"I took a break to grab some lunch so if you're done here we could go now?" he continued, so Jimin thought how this is the right time to say something. Right?
"Huh?" all he could muttered.
"Amazing job Jimin, that's just fabulous." he scolded himself mentally and soon he felt Jungkook coming even closer while taking Jimin's small hand in his, he lowered his gaze and looked at the older.
"Are you ok?" he asked, so after looking at their hands, their fingers slowly entwining, Jimin looked back up at the younger and nodded while grinning silly.
"More than ok. Let's go." he finally said something reasonable, and then they greeted Dr. Chohee goodbye, who had some fond look on her face, and they left outside her office, while still holding each other's hands.
They entered the elevator like this, just cutely smiling while holding hands like two teenagers, and when they saw each other's reflection on the mirror, their fond eyes were telling everything they needed to know. Jimin looked at Jungkook, and wasn't surprised that the younger was already looking back at him, so he did what he wanted to do more than anything right now. He turned towards the younger, and while still holding his hand tightly in his, kissed him firmly. Jungkook kissed back, but there was nothing rushed in this kiss, just pure fondness, and admiration they had for one another.
Soon they went out, and Jungkook suggested for them to go to one nearest restaurant where he would usually eat, and Jimin agreed.
They ate some nice dishes, soup, rice and grilled meat, and enjoyed the conversation and an oddly sunny weather.
"So, do you have any plans for later?" Jungkook asked, so Jimin shook his head.
"Not really, I'm gonna go earlier to work today, since there are some new interns that needs to be guided, so I'll probably finish earlier with work. How about you?"
"I'm gonna probably be stuck till at least eight. We have some new paper work so I'll be here the whole time." Jungkook said and pouted, so Jimin came closer and kissed his forehead.
"Well don't get too stressed. Do as much as you can, and what you can't do, just leave them for tomorrow." Jimin said and Jungkook nodded.
"I will." he said, and after looking at the older for way too long, and having this deliberating look on his face, Jimin looked at him and simply asked: "What's on your mind?".
"Ah it's nothing. I just thought how, maybe, we could see each other tonight after work, and well since you're gonna probably finish first, maybe you could go straight to the apartment and wait for me there." Jungkook said a bit shyly and lacking confidence so Jimin just smiled at him.
"Sure. That sounds great. I'll even make us something to eat. Instant ramen probably, but it's the effort that counts." Jimin joked, so Jungkook smiled at him, and after they finished their meal, they got up, and walked hand in hand to the pharmacy again, and they stopped there for a second more.
"Thank you for spending my lunch break with me. I like having you around."
"It was my pleasure. Thank you for inviting me." Jimin said and leaned closer, kissing the younger's lips softly.
"Here. Take the keys. There's no need for Hangyeol to open it up for you, and make yourself home until I come back." Jungkook said and Jimin took the keys gladly, loving the new moments in their relationship.
"Ok. Don't be too late. I would hate to miss you too much." Jimin teased while winking.
"As if you won't miss me too much anyways." Jungkook teased back.
"Cocky brat." Jimin muttered right before Jungkook leaned down and kissed his lips into one firm kiss. There was no tongue, just their lips pressed tightly together, while enjoying each others warmth.
"Go now. You'll be late." Jimin moved away first and went to finish his classes and later to work.
The whole day, Jimin played with the keys of Jungkook's apartment in his hand, just feeling how it would be if the keys were his and if he was about to go back home to his partner.
He grabbed some groceries on his way back and as soon as he came to apartment Hangyeoul run to him, trying to help him with the heavy bags.
"It's ok Hangyeoul, I got it." Jimin said, but the man was stubborn and just kept helping him anyways.
They head upstairs, and when Jimin saw Hangyeoul taking the keys out of his pocket, he reached down into his backpack and grabbed the key Jungkook gave him.
"I got the keys, don't worry." Jimin said and saw a confused look on Hangyeol's face.
"Oh, Mr. Jeon gave you the keys."
"Yes, we grabbed lunch together today so he gave me the key and said to wait for him till he's back from work." Jimin said and felt some kind of satisfaction while saying it, like it was some big deal, like he was important.
"Well that's a first, and I have to say, I'm happy for you two." the polite man said, so after thanking him, Jimin finally came inside with blushed cheeks.
The feeling he had while entering the apartment was always kind of different.
At first he hated the place.
Than he started feeling kind of good in there.
Than he started feeling lust the moment he entered the place.
Than came the warmth, and now, now all of it just remind him of Jungkook and all he could feel was love.
He made them some ramen with all kinds of grilled veggies, and while waiting, decided to call Tae just to tell him where he was right now.
"Babe, guess where am I at this moment?" Jimin said the moment Tae picked up the phone.
"I don't know. On Jungkook's dick?" Tae said so Jimin chocked on air.
"You alien! As if I would call you while riding him!" Jimin said so Tae laughed loudly.
"I'm at his apartment, waiting for him to come home, and all of this feels kind of domestic and good, and I even cooked for us. Can you believe it?"
"Not really. Are you trying to poison the two of you. Not that I care too much about him, but babe, please, let him eat first, and after you make sure he's not dying, then you can eat too." Tae said so Jimin rolled his eyes as if he could see him.
"Ha ha. Funny guy. I just want to brag how we're taking things slow and are enjoying each other's company as grown adults that know how to control our urges."
"You want him to fuck you so bad, don't you?"
"Oh God Tae, I'm desperate. I thought about getting naked and just bending myself over the kitchen isle for him to just fuck me right when he comes home. I'm so fucked up."
"That's kind of amazing actually. You should definitely do so. I'll guarantee you'll get some fine dicking." Tae said while giggling, but Jimin got another idea.
"How about a double date? That way I won't be tempted to do anything and all of us can just have drinks together or something. What do you say? Please. I'm so desperate. Pretty please..." Jimin begged so Tae said yes, and now all Jimin needed to do is, eat some food with Jungkook when he comes back and than go and grab some drinks so that he doesn't do something stupid instead.
Like jumping on him the minute he walks in.
Or get down on his knees while eating perfect, romantic dinner together.
Or going on all fours when Jungkook tries to turn on the TV, cause Jimin on all four is much better sight.
All of those thoughts crossed his delusional mind, and just as he was about to give up on himself, the door opened and he saw Jungkook coming in.
"Honey I'm home!" the younger yelled from the hall, and Jimin giggled, cause even though he knew the younger was joking, all of it looked so real and he could only hope that one day he would hear the younger say those kind of things, but really meaning it.
"I made you dinner, come in while it's hot!" Jimin yelled beck, and scolded himself mentally for already sounding so horny and desperate.
"Mmmmm smells delicious, but you really didn't have to. We could order in or something." Jungkook came inside, so Jimin pursed his lips, just biting on them hard from the inside, trying to feel something other than complete failure, cause his poor dick twitched the moment he saw Jungkook taking off his coat, looking so fine in that black slacks and button up shirt.
And when he unbuttoned only two buttons, up on his collar, his dick twitched again, cause he could see the younger's exposed neck, and all he wanted to do was lick, bite... anything.
"You desperate moron..."
"It's just ramen and some veggies, we'll probably eat something else later. I actually talked to Tae just minutes ago, and Jin and him are going out to grab some drinks, here nearby at the Cheers pup so I said if you're not feeling too tired we'll gladly join them. Is that ok?" Jimin said while already preheating the food for them, just trying to busy himself from not staring like a maniac at Jungkook while he was taking off his belt, socks, rolling his sleeves... Oh God look at that arm filled with those hot tattoos and veins, and...
"Ofcourse I want to. That sounds amazing. I actually wanted to get to know Tae better since Jin hyung always says the sweetest things about him, and I haven't had the chance to see him in that light. He's just overly protective when it comes to you, I guess." the younger said so Jimin's dirty thoughts got cut off, thankfully.
"Yeah. He's the best. I'm sure after spending some time together you'll find a way to make him like you and otherwise. " Jimin said and called Jungkook to sit in the dining room, so they ate his little bit too salty dinner, but Jungkook said that he likes it just like that and even if he didn't liked it, he ate all that Jimin made.
"Do you mind if I just check the emails since I ran off the work earlier and then we can go meet Jin hyung and Tae?" Jungkook said while sitting on that chair in the living room. The one he sat down when Jimin jerked him off first time they were here, preformed a lap dance for him, rode him like crazy... Yeah he sat on that chair, and while checking his emails, he started unbuttoning his buttons one by one, and all Jimin could do was stare.
The more buttons he unbuttoned, the more excited Jimin's dick got, and he knew he had to do something or he'll explode.
He washed the dishes, glancing at the younger's exposed chest all the time, imagining his lips trailing down those perfect pecs, all the way down, to his amazing dick.
After washing the dishes properly, at least he hoped he did so, Jimin came to the living room, and without saying a word, took the laptop off of Jungkook's lap, and after positioning it on the desk, he straddled the younger's lap, and started unbuttoning the few buttons that had left undone.
"What are you doing?" Jungkook said in low voice, and Jimin just continued.
"Making you feel good." Jimin said and started licking Jungkook's neck, then down to his collar bone, then his nipples, and then came back up, kissing the younger's lips eagerly.
"I've missed you." Jungkook said while enjoying Jimin's lips all over him, and as soon as Jimin felt Jungkook's grip tightening around his ass, while pushing him up, he wrapped his legs instinctively around the younger's waist as he carried him into the bedroom.
Jungkook took off his shirt, revealing his perfect sexy body, and then came down, and started taking the rest off Jimin's clothes one by one, leaving them somewhere on the floor.
He looked at the older from above, just laying there for him, exposed and naked, and so so horny. Jimin thought how he could come just from the hot gaze the younger was giving him, and he wasn't even kidding.
Then Jungkook took off the rest of his stuff, and layed on top of Jimin, both of them totally naked, just enjoying the soft skin and warmth radiating from their bodies.
"You're so perfect Jimin... I wanna kiss every inch of you..." Jungkook whispered while kissing Jimin's whole body, and he just moaned in pleasure. He kissed his lips, then his jaw, then his neck, then his collarbone, then his chest, then he licked his nipples slowly which made Jimin a mewling mess, then he continued down his smooth stomach, and all the way down to his hard dick. He kissed the tip teasingly, and started twirling his tongue teasingly, and Jimin knew he was doomed. He knew he would come too soon, and there was nothing he could do about it. Jungkook put his head inside his mouth and started sucking on it firmly, and then he lowered his head, getting as much of Jimin's dick inside his mouth, until he gagged and then came back up.
"Oh God... you're doing it so good..." Jimin cried out so Jungkook continued even lower now, going with his tongue teasingly around Jimin's hole, and after some long licks with his flattened tongue, he started poking inside with his pointed tongue.
"The way you taste Jimin..." Jungkook said while eating him out, and then coming back up to suck on his dick, and Jimin felt it. His orgasm approaching too soon, and he moved a bit up, trying to get away from Jungkook's face, and he moved more than he should, now his head was falling off the bed, but he couldn't care less, he just lolled his head all the ways down, and stopped fighting the sensation running through his whole body, Jungkook's hand firmly stroking his dick felt too good, and finally he let go, coming all over his stomach and Jungkook's hand, while he was eating him out thoroughly.
While still recovering from his mind blowing orgasm, he felt the younger licking his cum covered stomach, and got turned on by his action. Soon Jungkook got up, and went to the bathroom, bringing a towel soaked with warm water, and while having his head still lolled all the way back, Jimin opened his eyes and saw the younger coming out of the bathroom, his dick still stone hard, and coming near him. He looked like he was turned upside down, while looking at him from this position, so as soon as the younger was close enough, Jimin grabbed his wrist, and tugged him closer, now Jungkook's dick standing right up his head.
"Come here." Jimin said, his voice low, and Jungkook did.
Without moving from this position, just laying on his back, his head hanging off the edge of the bed, he pulled the younger down a bit, and licked his hard dick eagerly.
"Give it to me deep." Jimin demanded, so Jungkook let a desperate sigh and stepped closer forward. He had to bend his knees a little to line his dick up with Jimin's mouth.
Jungkook began sliding into Jimin's waiting mouth slowly. He closed down on him and swirled his tongue around his head and shaft to get him good and wet. He began a steady suction on him. After a few seconds Jimin reached back and grabbed Jungkook's muscly thighs to pull him closer, trying to feel him deeper.
As the younger neared the end of Jimin's mouth he continued sucking and swirling his tongue around him the best way he could. When he felt his throat relax a bit more he pulled him even deeper.
A second later the base of his dick was tickling Jimin's chin and his balls rested on his closed eyes. He was as deep as he could go.
Then Jungkook pulled back, obviously thinking he'd gone too far.
"Fuck me!" Jimin demanded, his words slurred a little by the piece of hard dick in his mouth. He pulled hard on Jungkook's thighs until it was physically impossible to get more of him down his throat.
Then he started swallowing motion in his throat while his tongue kept up a side to side stroke on his shaft. At this point he couldn't get it all the way around the younger's dick. Then he began alternating between the swallow and a long moan to vibrate his cock in his throat.
A minute of this was all Jungkook could take.
Jimin heard a deep, guttural moan and felt the younger's legs tighten. He pulled him out a little and then back in. He wanted to see if he could let him fuck his mouth like this. When Jungkook realized what he wanted, he took over, thrusting his dick into Jimin's willing mouth.
He was leaning over the older, holding himself up on the bed.
Jimin continued his swallowing motion the best he could. It took only few thrusts for Jungkook's thick cum to shoot deep into Jimin's mouth.
The younger stopped thrusting, his entire body was stiff. Jimin took over and began jerking the tiny bit of his shaft that wasn't in his mouth and continue sucking as hard as possible on the part that was.
As Jungkook's convulsions slowed down, Jimin returned his hands to his thighs and held the younger in place until he went completely limp in his mouth. He caught even the final few dribbles of his cum before he released him. The younger's cum and spit wet dick slid over his face. Finally he collapsed on the bed beside Jimin.
Jimin got up, trying to stretch his neck from side to side, figuring it will probably get sore from being in this position for too long, and he looked at the younger just panting beside him.
He looked like he was hyperventilating. Every exhale was a grunt, and every inhale was a wheeze.
"Jungkookah, are you ok?" Jimin asked, sounding concerned.
"I. Am. Just. Never. Had. Anyone. Do. That." he could hardly talk between ragged breaths.
Jimin took the opportunity to kiss his muscly thighs, up to his wet, shrunken dick. The younger flinched when Jimin's lips touched his sensitive head. He kissed farther up his abs and chest to his neck and lips.
He then shoved his tongue into Jungkook's mouth, hoping he could taste some of his own cum still lingering in his mouth.
Jungkook remained unmoving on the bed for several minutes. Eventually, his breathing returned to normal.
"Baby, can you move now? Did I suck you so good you can't stand on your feet?" Jimin teased while caressing the younger's chest, the pet name just slipped naturally out of his mouth.
"You literally sucked a life out of me through my dick. This was the best blow job I ever had. Like ever, ever." Jungkook said while pulling Jimin closer to his chest, kissing the top of his head delicately.
They stayed like that for another 20 minutes, just caressing each other softly.
"I could get used to this." Jungkook said and broke the silence.
"What? Me sucking you off?" Jimin teased so Jungkook pinched his sides.
"No. Just you and me, together all the time. I like this. I like being with you." Jungkook continued so Jimin looked up at him.
"That's what a healthy relationship looks like." Jimin said so Jungkook smiled at him.
"Did you just ask me to be your boyfriend?" Jungkook teased, so Jimin hid his face inside the crock of Jungkook's neck.
"No, I didn't. You're hallucinating, I obviously sucked all the good brain cells through your dick." Jimin mumbled, still being hidden in Jungkook's neck.
"Will you be my boyfriend?" Jungkook asked so Jimin snapped his gaze to look at him.
"Really?" he asked, feeling a bit overwhelmed.
"Yeah really."
"I do. I can't believe I'll get to call you mine all the time." Jimin said sounding excited and kissed Jungkook's lips once again.
They rolled over in the bed, and kissed softly until they heard Jimin's phone ringing for the nth time.
"Oh God, we're late." Jimin jumped up and ran into the living room, answering the phone as quickly as he could.
"Tae, babe, I'm sorry, we'll be there in ten minutes." he said after hearing Tae cursing on the phone, and after looking at his naked body, he continued: "... Probably 20, but we'll get there. Sorry, we got distracted... Um... You know..."
"Are you being late cause you're fucking??? Oh my God, who does that? Fuck afterwards you idiots, we agree on this double date and we're excited to see you two..." Tae was yelling so Jimin moved the phone away from his face. Trying to save his ears from exploding.
"Is Tae overreacting again? Just tell him that's what normal people do in a committed relationship." Jungkook said and came closer to slap Jimin's naked butt, and then the real yelling came.
"Did he just say committed relationship?!?! As in the two of you? In committed relationship!!!??? For fucks sake why didn't you tell me. Aaaggghhh I need to hear everything... Minnieeeee...." Jimin frowned at how loud Tae was, and Jungkook just laughed at him.
"Now he's freaking out even more?" he asked and Jimin nodded, so after they took a quick shower, helping each other out with washing their bodies, their hands rooming around more than necessary, they got dressed, and hand in hand walked out of the apartment.
"Bye Hangyeol, see you later." Jimin said while looking at the man's fond face, and he bowed at them politely.
They walked outside, still holding hands, loving the warmth between their palms, and Jimin felt so good, so fulfilled, like he finally found a missing puzzle that he didn't even know he was missing in his life.
They decided to walk to the bar where Tae and Jin were waiting for them, and after some thinking Jimin looked at the younger.
"You know what? I think our love story is actually super fun and interesting. We kind of liked each other from the very beginning and just needed to find a way to work together as one. I think it's cute." Jimin said while looking at Jungkook's pretty dark eyes.
"And don't forget the 'bribing part' where I made you my fuck buddy and you liked it too much so you fall in love with an actual asshole." Jungkook teased through a grin, and Jimin frowned, and then opened his eyes wide in realization.
"Oh God our love story is the worst and no one can ever know the truth. We'll just say that you saw me coming to your office one day and you fall in love with me immediately, cause I looked breathtakingly good, so after going out on a date we clicked and that's it." Jimin said and Jungkook nodded.
They arrived in front of the small bar and looked at each other's reflection in the window in front of them, and both loved what they saw.
Two of them looking happy and cute while holding their hands together.
Jimin felt so good, and just so overwhelmed that something like that could turn into such a beautiful thing.
Right before going inside, Jimin turned to face the younger, and looked at his cute red nose, pretty lips formed in a small smile, and those fond, big eyes looking at him with such fondness.
"I love you." he said and loved the way his heart skipped a beat, like it was showing him how special and precious this moment truly is.
Jungkook's eyes filled with happy tears, and as soon as he opened his mouth to say something, Jimin put his index finger on top of his lips, and shook his head slowly.
"You don't have to say anything. I know exactly how you feel." he said and moved closer, capturing Jungkook's lips once again in one of many sensual kisses they'll share while being inseparable together...
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