"Wow... Oh my God..." Jimin said with his mouth wide open.
"You like it?" Jungkook ask a bit shyly.
"I-I... Am I that pretty? Really?" Jimin asked, sounding confused so Jungkook giggles at his reaction.
"Ofcourse you are. Even prettier. As I said, I like my paintings of you, but I still think nothing can compare to the original." Jungkook said and move closer, now hugging Jimin from behind, wrapping his arms around him tightly.
"Thank you baby. It's really pretty. I'm so happy you're doing this, and I love how much doing art is making you happy." Jimin says and turning his back to one of many Jungkook's pictures that he had drawn of him.
Jimin wrapped his hands around his neck and pulled the younger down so that he could kiss his lips softly.
"When did you even find the time to draw so many pictures of me?" Jimin asked in between the small kisses.
"Well, the first drawing, I did it the first time you slept here." Jungkook started explaining so they move to the kitchen, pouring two cups of coffee to drink.
"First time? Is that when we fucked and then I fell asleep and later you made us some pizzas?" Jimin tried to remember since nowadays he sleeps in the apartment at least four days a week, sometimes even more.
"Yes, it was that night. I remember it clearly. We had sex and you got super tired and you just fall asleep, and after coming out of the shower, I saw you sleeping and you were just so beautiful that I had to draw you." Jungkook said with a small smile on his face.
"So how did you do it? You took a picture on your phone and then draw it later? How does this thing work anyways?" Jimin was curious, cause he really didn't understand.
"Um... something like that... see, us artists, we love to draw the person in real life, since there are things that you can't see when you take the picture on your phone. So I just grab my sketchbook and some pen and I did the outlines of your face, while looking at you directly, which took me about 20 minutes, and then I took a picture of you on my phone so that I could finish the rest later." Jungkook explained and Jimin's eyes widen at his words.
"You want to tell me how you spend 20 minutes just sitting in front of me and staring at me right after we had sex?" Jimin asked so Jungkook pursed his lips.
"Yeah that doesn't sound normal when you say it that way..."
"God I'm dating a total creep!" Jimin said dramatically so Jungkook threw a kitchen towel at his face playfully.
"Yeah and now you love this creep, so... who's creepy now? Jungkook asked while rising his eyebrows at the older, like he was expecting the answer.
"You. You're still creepier. And always will be." Jimin said dead panned, so Jungkook pouted after which Jimin kissed his pouty lips softly.
"And I'll always love you." he whispered into his lips before kissing him delicately again.
"Stay here tonight please." Jungkook said after they pull away from the kiss, and Jimin rolled his eyes at him.
"I can't. That would be six day in a week. My grandma misses me you know?" Jimin said, but not moving away from Jungkook's grip.
"I'll miss you too if you leave." the younger said and started kissing Jimin's neck, which was a breaking point for Jimin to just let go, and let himself be tricked into staying another night here in Jungkook's embrace.
Ever since they cleared things out, and started dating, they couldn't get enough of each other, so every time they would go out, they'll end up making out in the car later, then continue with heavy make out session in the apartment which always led to them fucking their brains out, and ofcourse Jimin would just fall asleep right after, relying on Jungkook to clean him up, and cuddling him while sleeping through the night.
The mornings were tricky and they always seemed to fight somewhere between 6 and 7 in the morning. Jungkook would always get up with a hard dick pressed onto Jimin's ass, and after waking him up while stroking his dick slowly, while Jimin was still asleep, both of them knew where their morning routine is going.
"Jungkook not again... I've been late three times this week... Baby stop it..." Jimin would always whine...
"Jimin you're literally rubbing your ass onto my dick. If you want me to stop, stop with the fucking teasing!" Jungkook said, loving the firm, bubbly, round cheeks rubbing up and down his hard length.
"Fine. You win. But make it quick Jungkook I really have to be on time at least for my second class." Jimin was a weak man and would always give in too easily.
Unfortunately nothing about their morning sex was quick, so Jimin is happy to come on time at least for his third class, while limping.
"That fucking asshole... " he would grunt on the inside, but secretly loved the soreness he felt all over his body, especially his ass.
Yeah, that was their daily routine and both of them wouldn't like it any other way.
As time passed by, they finally let their guards down, and started getting to know each other on another, deeper level.
Of course there are some things they don't like about each other, but they would still find a way to make things right, and those things only made them stronger.
Jimin doesn't like how Jungkook is too invested in his job, and would usually end up sleeping on the floor or at the desk, or just leaned on the chair, after which he would feel pain all over his body, neck and back the most, and Jimin doesn't know what to about that. He didn't want to bother the younger while he was working, but he didn't like seeing him overwork himself either.
He was needy and always wanted them to go to bed together, but the younger was just too occupied with his job. Some would call him professional and super invested, but to Jimin he was just a workaholic dummy.
Another thing that drove Jimin insane, was Jungkook and his games. As soon as the younger find some extra time to rest or do something else, he would start playing games, and Jimin wanted his boyfriend to play with him instead.
Greedy and needy, that's what Jungkook called him.
Luckily for him, Jimin found just the right way to stop Jungkook's long hours of playing some stupid game, as he would call them, by parading his nice round ass in front of the younger, or just walking all over the place while being naked.
Usually the younger would stop playing in about a minute and focus on Jimin right away.
Fun times.
Not to think that Jimin was some kind of a saint or something like that, Jungkook would complain all the time cause the older was being just way too messy, and now that they were spending so much time together, and the cleaning lady is only there once a week, they needed to clean the place regularly, change the dirty sheets, wash the dishes, their clothes... All the things Jimin usually forgets to do, cause his grandma spoiled the shit out of him, and at one point Jungkook had enough of the hot slob in the house.
That was also one of Jungkook's secret nicknames for Jimin - hot slob.
"Jimin, you know there is a lid on top of the box where you put all of your dirty clothes? Just open the lid and put it all in? Why are you always making a pile from your dirty clothes in here?" he said and Jimin knew exactly how to soften the younger's heart, so while batting his lashes ridiculously fast, and pouting at him silly he would apologize and even if the situation is too serious, he would go down on his knees and the younger would have to give up.
Being mad at cute Jimin while going on his knees for him was just impossible.
Then there's the snoring...
Ofcourse Jimin knew that snoring is a condition that happens not willingly, but still, sometimes he would find himself just laying there and trying to sleep for hours, counting how many hours of sleep he would get if he falls asleep in that moment, or in an hour, or in two hours, or at all... and all of that made him even more frustrated.
One time, he was super tired, Jungkook was also, so after work the younger just grabbed a quick shower and went to sleep and Jimin knew there was no sleeping for him that night cause the sounds that came out of the bedroom, literally the minute Jungkook laid down, were nothing but horrifying.
"Fucking hell is this even normal???" he thought and after grabbing a shower himself, he laid down next to his snoring boyfriend and thought about what to do. He tried to fall asleep, he really did (for a whole 11 minutes), and then one thought came to his mind and next thing he knows he started moving his body and hands uncontrollably around, imitating someone who is having some serious nightmare, and while doing so he slapped Jungkook across his chest which resulted in the younger waking up from his very needed sleep.
"Baby, baby it's ok. You're having a bad dream. Everything's alright. I got you." Jungkook whispered while hugging the older, wrapping his arms and legs around his petite body, nuzzling into Jimin's neck and kissing it softly.
"God I'm such an asshole." Jimin thought cause now Jungkook is tired and awake, and all cause of his own stupid plan.
"Are you ok baby? Do you need something? Want me to get you a glass of water or something?" Jungkook whispered into his ear, and then kissed it gently.
"I wanna suck your dick." Jimin said, and felt the younger stiffen in his movements, obviously not understanding the reason behind Jimin's wish.
And Jimin felt so guilty and bad for waking his caring boyfriend the way he did, that all he wanted to do was to make him feel better, and maybe after having an orgasm, the younger would sleep better (and snore less).
"What did you just say?" Jungkook was still not moving, just laying there, nuzzled into crook of Jimin's neck.
"You heard me. I wanna make you feel good. You're so good to me and I missed your cock." Jimin said while his hand travelled down to Jungkook's bulge, obviously turning hard and horny from the thought of Jimin going down on him.
"How can you miss my dick when we had sex this morning?" Jungkook asked, so Jimin tightened his grip around the younger's member.
"Are you saying you don't miss my ass right now cause you fucked it hard this morning?" Jimin said and moved closer to Jungkook's face, kissing his lips softly.
"Point taken. I miss your ass all the time, always..." Jungkook moaned, feeling the older's strokes better now, so after some hot kisses, Jimin sucked him off good, then the younger returned the favor, and when they laid in bed together, Jungkook looked at his phone, to check the time, and got surprised cause it was only midnight.
"How is it just midnight? So I haven't slept that much, not even an hour before you came to bed." Jungkook was surprised since he thought it was at least 2-3 in the morning.
"Yeah, I missed you the moment you fell asleep, so now let's sleep together and enjoy our cuddles." Jimin didn't wanna get into details, and just tugged the younger to spoon him tightly.
As usual Jungkook fell asleep immediately, and started snoring again, not as much as before, but still pretty loud, but Jimin didn't mind it this time. He was too tired and felt the rhythm of Jungkook's snoring relaxing, lulling him into deep sleep.
So all of their fights kind of get solved with lots of talking, kisses and understandings.
Sex helps too.
There was this tiny little fight where Jimin got a bit carried away, but Jungkook nicely showed him where his place was.
It's Saturday, and all of the boys are supposed to spend the weekend at Tae's summer house which he recently renovated, so all of them got really excited about it.
Jimin knew what kind of an eye Tae has for antique and pretty things, so he bought a nice pretty clock for his soulmate as a gift.
He wanted the clock to be even more personalized so he had a sweet little note engraved on the back of it, and all Jungkook needed to do was to pick up the watch after finishing his Art class.
Ofcourse the younger forgot to do so, and just when he entered the apartment, and wanted to come clean about his tiny little mistake, he saw a naked Jimin, just walking around the apartment, his round ass jiggling with each step.
"Baby what a-are you doing?" Jungkook asked, a bit confused, so Jimin looked at him even more perplexed than the younger was.
"What do you mean? You told me about your new assignment yesterday. Remember? Drawing a human body naked?" Jimin said while putting his hands on his hips.
"Oh God I forgot. Yes. I need to do that today. I just thought my boyfriend is the best in the world and is waiting for me naked to have some fun.." Jungkook said while coming closer to the older, putting his hands on Jimin's lower back, then sliding down slowly, but right before he could squeeze that thick ass cheeks, Jimin moved his hands away, and shook his head.
"No. We don't have time for that. Jin hyung is gonna be here in an hour. We have to hurry. You have 40 minutes to sketch and then we have to go. Tae would be so pissed if we make all of them wait for us. Ok? Grab the pen and paper and I'll wait for you in the bedroom." Jimin explained and moved to the bedroom, so Jungkook pouted, rubbed his awakening dick a little, just to calm down the poor muscle throbbing inside his pants.
After gathering everything he needed, Jungkook came inside and saw Jimin already laying on the bed.
He was down on his back, hands laying freely next to his body, his right leg slightly bend up in the knee, hiding his dick.
"Is there some pose that I should do?" he asked and after a long look, Jungkook shook his head.
"Nope. That's actually perfect." he said and sit on the chair across the older, and started with the body contouring. He didn't need much time. He was skilled, and fast, and all of the details, he should do on his next class anyways.
"How was your day?" Jungkook asked while focusing on Jimin's neck and shoulders, trying to draw all of it perfectly from the angle he was seeing it.
"It was nice. I went to dance class, then grabbed coffee with Hobi hyung, then we went to buy some clothes and some gifts for tonight, and then I met my granny, and we went to grab some lunch..." Jimin talked, but only one thing got stuck in Jungkook's head.
The fucking gift!
"Shit! " he said and Jimin looked at him confused.
"What? What did you do? " Jimin asked, knowing the younger did something stupid since he had his face covered with his hands.
"Actually I did nothing..."
"Ok, so what didn't you do and you were supposed to do Jungkookah?" Jimin asked, now sensing the problem.
"Baby, don't get mad at me..."
"You forgot the God damn clock?! Really Jungkook? The one thing I asked you to do. It was literally two fucking minutes away from your Art class building. I can't believe this!" Jimin yelled, while sitting up, and then slumped his body down onto bed again, looking frustrated.
"I'm so sorry babe, please... " Jungkook tried to apologize, but Jimin wasn't having any of it.
"Oh just spare me your apologies and finish the drawing quickly I don't wanna be fucking late and come without a gift." he said with frown that didn't leave his face for the next ten minutes.
Soon it was time to draw Jimin's face, and Jungkook tried to lighten up the mood a bit.
"Baby, I can't draw your face while you're being a sourpuss. Can you change your expression to something a bit more pleasurable." he tried to make a joke, but Jimin didn't think it was funny, instead it only riled him up more.
"Really? You want my face to be more pleasurable. I can do that." Jimin said and while looking at the younger, and an interesting idea came to his mind. He slid down his hand and wrapped it around his dick and started stroking it slowly. Just like that, unexpectedly, and Jungkook's mouth open slightly in shock.
"There, mmmm, all better now... Is my expression good enough for you now?" Jimin asked and loved the shocked face that the younger had.
"Jimin... Stop it..."
Not only that Jimin didn't stop with what he was doing, he even leaned closer to a nightstand and grabbed a bottle of lube and after pouring some onto his fingers, he started playing with his hole too.
"Jimin! That's so unfair." Jungkook whined, while completely stopping with the drawing, pen and sketchbook resting on his lap.
"Why? Didn't you say you want my face to be more pleasurable. I'm just giving you what you asked for." Jimin said and right after pushed his index finger deep inside his hole, making a hot grimace while moaning softly.
"Jimin... Baby... I said I'm sorry, stop torturing me..." Jungkook felt desperate, his own dick twitching in his pants like crazy.
"You have 10 more minutes, better make it work... Aaahhh... I'm not gonna be late to our game date with the others, just so you know..." Jimin said and pushed another digit inside, stroking his dick with some persistent pace now. His face nonetheless sinful and gorgeous.
Since there was nothing he could do to stop this, and knowing how mad Jimin was, he knew the older won't let him near his ass, or anywhere else, so Jungkook took the pen in his shaky hand and started drawing his boyfriend with much more pleasant face expression than before. Much more...
Jimin looked at the younger squirming in his seat, biting on his lower lip, wiping the sweat off his forehead, and he almost felt sorry for the poor guy.
After adding his third finger in, thrusting as hard and fast as he can, Jimin felt the heat pooling all around his lower belly, indicating his orgasm was close, and he really missed Jungkook's longer fingers in his hole, loved his strong grip on his dick, his lips all over his body, but he didn't wanna give in. He's gonna come just like that, to teach the younger some lesson, he already forgot himself, the pleasure took over his dazed mind.
"Aaahhhh I'm gonna come... Jungkookah.." he moaned while looking at Jungkook's fucked out face, the younger's dick hard and visible to Jimin inside those pants, and while looking at him just sitting there, looking so good and desperate, he let go and came all over his stomach and chest.
He jerked off a few more times, prolonging his orgasm as much as he could, and he let his eyes shut down, enjoying the after glow of his high.
Unfortunately his rest didn't last, and next thing he knows, Jungkook's phone was ringing, and he heard him speak.
"You're already here?" Jungkook said sounding a bit shocked, so Jimin snapped his gaze at him.
"No. No. We packed our stuff already, it's just that Jimin is in the bathroom, but we'll come down in a minute." Jungkook said and signaled at Jimin to hurry up and get dressed.
"Jin hyung's here already? Shit, shit, shit..." Jimin said after getting up, the cum on his stomach sliding down, so he grabbed his shirt which was laying on the bed, and cleaned himself as much as he could.
"Can I grab a quick shower?" he asked while looking at Jungkook who is changing his shirt into some long white one, obviously trying to cover the hard dick in his pants.
"No Jimin. We don't have time. We don't wanna be late. Remember?" Jungkook said with smug, annoying face so Jimin looked at him in a dead panned manner, and said annoying little fine.
He grabbed some wet baby wipes and after cleaning his stomach the best way he can, got dressed, his ass hole feeling sticky from all the lube he didn't have the time to clean properly.
Right after going out of the bedroom, Jimin stopped outside Jungkook's art room, new thought came to his mind.
"Jungkookah I have even better idea!"
An hour after, they are right outside Tae's pretty summer house, looking at the freshly colored facade and fence.
The house is pretty big, a two floor unique space that Tae had been working on since forever. Knowing his friend is an interior design addict, Jimin like the idea of gifting him something unique and special, just as the whole space was.
"Baby this place is so pretty." Jimin said the moment they entered the cozy two floor house, and Tae is super excited to hear everybody saying how his summer house really looks amazing. He had really put his heart and mind into it, and his friends opinion mattered ofcourse.
"This is for you." Jimin said while giving Tae a big bag with something hidden inside.
Being his impatient self, Tae pursed his lips, and widen his eyes, showing excitement before opening his gift.
"May I?" he asked so Jimin nodded.
As soon as Tae looked at the painting in his hands, his expression changed into admiration, and he looked like he was lost in words.
"Do you like it?" Jimin asked while observing Tae, and Jungkook who was standing nervously next to him.
"Oh my God. It's perfect. I love it. Thank you baby, and I have just the right place to hang it." Tae said, sounding super excited, and soon he just stormed into the kitchen, Jimin and Jungkook following him right behind.
"Remember how I always told you how I don't like this dark picture on the wall?" Tae asked Jimin, and he actually did remember, so while trying to take the old painting down, Tae struggled a bit, cause he didn't wanna let go of the new painting in his hand, so Jungkook came in front to help him.
"Thank you Jungkookshi, and who is the artist?" Tae asked so Jimin looked at Jungkook and smiled a little, so after following his gaze, Tae looked at Jungkook's direction too, and looked shocked.
"No. Really? Jungkook made this? You did this??" Tae asked, and as soon as Jungkook turned around, after taking the old picture down, the look and the blush on his face says it all.
"It's gorgeous. I love it so much, even more now. And to think that my sweet Jungkookah didn't like me, and he made this perfect picture just for me..." Tae said after hugging the younger, and Jimin tried so hard to suppress the chuckle that threatened to come, knowing very well how Jungkook would never gave Tae one of his paintings if he didn't forget the real gift earlier.
"I have to go and tell everyone about this." Tae yelled and went to find the others who were looking around the house.
Jungkook took the pretty painting with nice purple looking sky on it, and hang it on the wall.
As he did that, Jimin was intently watching his muscled back move under his t-shirt while trying to put that picture just above the kitchen cabinet. His white shirt got up, revealing the younger's thin waist and strong, muscly thighs.
Jimin drooled over the sight in front of him, and bit his bottom lip in lust.
Jungkook turned around and looked at him, and was about to say something, before his eyes zero in Jimin's lips. The look that morphed on the younger's face made him hitch his breath.
Jimin gulped as Jungkook's predatory gaze trailing him over from head to toe. There's a sudden absolute silence that filled the bubble around them, and they just stare at each other, none of them moving a single muscle.
Jungkook slowly came closer, and put both of his palms on the kitchen table while staring deeply into Jimin's eyes.
"Come here." he mouthed in a low authoritative tone that had Jimin's body moving even before his mind truly realized what he was doing.
As if he couldn't move fast enough, Jungkook's long strides meeting him halfway, quickly taking a hand into Jimin's hair in a gripping hold and he crash his lips into the older's. Ravenous is the only way to describe how Jungkook consume him.
"We'll take a look around the house guys. We'll be right back." He said after detaching his lips off of Jimin's, still holding him tightly in place.
The other's are already in the living room, and after they heard Tae telling them to go and see everything, Jungkook tugged Jimin's hand and in a few fast steps they were out and Jungkook was walking fast towards what it looked like a garage or something like that.
Jimin's dick is throbbing desperately in his pants, cause he knew what kind of beast Jungkook turns into when he's horny and mad at the same time, and he is mad indeed.
Being horny and hard for this long, with a teasing Jimin on his side, who could blame him?
Soon they entered a door which led them to a small garage, that looked more like a small workshop, and except for some tools, there was one car parked inside.
"This'll do." Jungkook said in low voice and turned to Jimin who is licking and biting his lips in anticipation.
Why is he feeling such a lust at this moment, getting instantly completely hard hearing Jungkook's tone and the things he said.
The younger bit his ear, then started licking it aggressively before sucking his lobe into his mouth.
His lips continue to trail down Jimin's neck alternating between licks and bites and his hands going lower to Jimin's crotch to unbutton his jeans and to lower his zipper.
Jungkook stepped back and the older whined from the sudden loss only to feel Jungkook's hands grip his hips while roughly shoving both Jimin's jeans and boxers down to his feet. Then Jungkook turned him to face him and Jimin's hands immediately reach out for the younger's cargo pants, only to be slapped away.
"No, we are doing this my way since you have been a very, very bad boy Jimin."
He shivered in response to his words, feeling bare under Jungkook's possessive yet lusty gaze.
"Turn around, ass up and bend over as much as you can." The younger bark, and all Jimin could do is obey.
He turns around, and lean his upper body on the car in front of him while sticking his ass in the air as much as he could, holding that arch for the younger to be pleased.
Jimin feels vulnerable, naked, his lower body naked, exposed under the younger's heating gaze.
He shivers at the possibilities, never having felt this way before.
He is a bit scared, the others could easily find them, but at the same time, he is in state of wanting, wanting all that the younger iss willing to give him...
"I think you deserve a little punishment for your vanishing act. You know that thing you did back in the apartment was not okay, and now you can't stop teasing me..." Jungkook said in sinful voice.
Jimin is breathing hard, panting, his heart feels as if it would beat out of his chest any second now.
Then he feels a heavy hand placed on his lower back and he flinched.
Jungkook's face suddenly comes into his view. The younger's eyes gentle as he takes in Jimin's fearful eyes.
"Baby, do you trust me?" he asks.
Jimin doesn't have to think. He would trust this man with his life and with that, he knows whatever happens now, he would be just fine.
He simply nodded and whispered a little yes.
Jungkook gave him a smile that makes his heart full, dissolving whatever remaining tension away.
Jungkook's face disappeared and after a moment that seems like a lifetime, Jimin feels his hands run across his hips and ass. He eagerly pushes back like a greedy little thing that he is, and he hears Jungkook chuckle.
"Not yet." The younger said as if denying a treat to a pet.
"Unfortunately baby, you haven't earned that yet." He whispered to Jimin's ear, leaning his body over his naked ass, and continues: "Naughty boys who touch themselves in front of their boyfriends need punishments before they get to have the toys they want to play with." He says wickedly, and Jimin shudder with desire. He is anticipating what's gonna come next, waiting to get anything from the younger, but what happens next, shocked him slightly.
Jimin was startled out of his reverie by an unexpected hit on his left cheek. The surprise wore off as the sting quickly set in, immediately realizing that he doesn't hate it. He started panting even faster.
"That's it baby, that's your punishment." Jungkook said in a husky voice.
This time it's the right cheek.
Jimin's ass move away, but quickly came back to position.
"Good boy." Jungkook said, and Jimin's dick has never been this hard before.
A small drip of his precum pools below him as a testament to his hunger for Jungkook's domination, hunger for him.
Smack! Smack! Smack!
"Uuuuugggghhhhh" Jimin moaned from the sudden rapid – fire blow.
Jungkook's hands started to rub gently into his backside, slowly rubbing in opposite circles on his cheeks and further exposing his pink hole in their manipulation. There was a brief pause and a moment later Jimin heard Jungkook spitting on his hole, making it wet, and then he felt his two fingers enter him as the other hands continued to rub into the heat of his ass.
"Didn't have time to clean your lubed hole properly? Amazing, then I can fuck you hard without waiting." the younger said, feeling his fingers getting covered with the remaining lube, Jimin didn't have time to clean just hours ago.
Jimin pushed back onto his fingers, only for them to be removed and soon he felt another smack on his ass.
"No." Jungkook said and then continues:"...you don't get to move. I will give you your pleasure if I think you deserve it."
"Yes..." Jimin whines in need for the younger to continue.
Jungkook went back to rubbing and thrusting his fingers into the older, and Jimin had to fight to stay still.
The younger pulls back out, to Jimin's disappointment.
"Please Jungkookah, baby..." Jimin moans, feeling too desperate for his touch.
"Please baby fuck me!" he said, not recognizing the neediness and whine out of his own voice.
Who is he right now? Does he really care at this point?
"Not yet. You haven't earned it yet, but soon baby. I just need to make sure you understand the lesson." Jungkook said while rubbing all over Jimin's ass.
"Jungkookah..." he gasped.
"Can not"
"Tease me"
Smack! Smack! Smack!
Jimin moans in pain that soon turned into pleasure, and then he felt three of Jungkook's fingers enter him easily, stretching him good.
Jimin's balls are aching in their need to explode. Sweat broke out on his forehead as pain and pleasure wrecked through his body sending his mind spinning into bliss.
"Fuck Jimin..." he heard the younger say, right before he could feel him moving into position behind him, pushing his pants down below his ass, and it didn't take long before he finally felt the head of Jungkook's cock at his entrance. Jimin fought with all his being the need to slam back onto his hard length, only to realize he doesn't have to do so. Jungkook's need is just as great as his own.
Jungkook slams his dick in, not taking it slow, determined to give him all his frustration and Jimin revelled in the pain and intense pleasure that shoots through his body in that one single thrust.
After a few moments of pause and only hearing Jimin's lusty moans, Jungkook stated in an aggressive rhythm quickly speeding up into a punishing pounding. The rhythm and intensity of his thrusts quickly produce seismic activity which made the pleasure to grow within him. Jimin is out of his mind with lust, drooling onto the car that he was leaning over into, his mouth open in a constant moan.
The feeling of Jungkook's hands gripping his hips, the meet of his pelvis as it flushed bruising, repeatedly, against his ass, announcing the heat of his body as they meet in unison. The faded sting of Jimin's ass cheeks all combined in a thrilling ecstasy that has him shouting almost immediately.
"Ahhh I'm gonna come!" Jimin yelled out, but Jungkook had a different plan.
"No!" he said quickly, reaching under, squeezing the base of Jimin's dick, making him mewling out loud.
Jungkook stilled, breathing hard, until he is sure Jimin is no longer on the edge of coming.
With a curse he turned Jimin over, and moved him up on the car, Jimin's ass exposed, spreading himself wide on the cold, metal surface. Jungkook pushes his legs even further apart and after grabbing his ass cheeks roughly, he pulls him closer, and slams down into him again.
Jimin cursed under his breath as the younger keeps pounding into him relentlessly.
There is something sexy in the way Jungkook is fucking him fully dressed, his pants and underwear pushed down just slightly under his ass.
Jimin couldn't see the sweat dripping of the younger's forehead, nor he minds the voices somewhere in the distance, laughing loudly, he doesn't hear the street sounds from the city , everything in his being is focused on touches and sensations of Jungkook.
He is everything.
"Please baby... please, please, please..." Jimin whines, unable to control himself anymore.
"Come baby, come for me..." the younger said in a low roar that ignites the long awaited culmination of sexual satisfaction.
Cum erupts from the head of Jimin's cock, his eyes were blurry as he feels the hot fluid hit his stomach and chest. It was almost painful in it's intensity.
Jimin's hole flutters and squeezing around Jungkook's dick as his thrusts sped up to a near blinding pace.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck baby... fucking take my cum!" Jungkook yells and Jimin feels his dick expand, his hot cum fires deep within him as his own dick spitted what little it had left, causing more pleasure upon his still wrecked body as he felt Jungkook once again claiming him.
The younger released Jimin's legs, then collapsed on him. They stayed there for a moment, just hugging each other tightly, Jungkook still not pulling out of Jimin's hole.
Jimin needs his comfort, needs his closeness.
He feels too sore to do anything else, but to clutch onto the younger like a lifesaver to keep him from drowning.
Eventually, when Jimin's heart rate slowed down, along with his breathing, he broke the silence.
"Baby?" he said softly.
"Yeah Minnie?" Jungkook answered, his face still buried deep into Jimin's neck.
"The fuck was that!?" Jimin exclaimed.
The small chuckle erupts from the younger and it didn't take long before they were both looking at each other while laughing hard. It was healing in its absurdness.
"I seriously don't know what came over me. One minute you were biting that sexy lips and every thought from then on seemed to go straight to my dick. You can't blame it all on me though. That thing you did back at the apartment... Not cool Jiminah..."
And Jimin chuckled again, slapping the younger's shoulder playfully.
Then they heard loud voices again, coming from the inside of the house, and finally moved away from each other.
Jungkook just pull his pants up, covering his ass and dick, and after zipping his pants, he helped Jimin to clean and dress up too.
"Your cum is gonna leak all night out of me, slowly..." Jimin said so the younger chocked on air.
"Shit Jimin, don't say such a thing. Makes me wanna strip you again just to watch." Jungkook said, his voice lustful, so Jimin smacked him on his arm lightly.
"You're such a perv I swear..." Jimin said before they walks outside, hand in hand, heading to the house again.
"Hey you two, grab a beer or something. We already started playing some fighting game." Hobi said the moment they walked in, so both of them took a bottle of cold beer, and sat down on the floor, Jimin in front of Jungkook, who is hugging him from behind.
"So which room do I need to disinfect after your little get away?" Tae asked so both Jimin and Jungkook blushed, the younger hiding in a nape of Jimin's back.
"Taeeeee stop it." Jimin whined while rolling his eyes at him.
"It's obvious what you did. I just need to know if you made a mess, that's all..." Tae kept teasing, and the others chuckled.
"We didn't make a mess. You're fine." Jungkook said, so Jimin turned a bit to face him.
Jungkook is hot like this. Sounding all smug and unbothered, and Jimin already wants him again... It's this crazy attraction that is growing with every touch, kiss, fuck...
They stayed like that for a while, just playing games while drinking some beer, and Jimin felt Jungkook's arms wrap around him just slightly tighter.
"Was that too much?" Jungkook whispered into Jimin's ear, making him shiver from the pleasant feeling of hot air in his ear.
"No baby, just when I thought I couldn't love you more, mmmmmm it's perfect." Jimin answered while leaning back into Jungkook's embrace, turning his head slightly just so he could look at him with his side eye.
"Minnie, that was only for you to realize that you can't behave like you did today, cause there will be consequences." Jungkook whispered, and Jimin just hummed.
"I know, and I love it." he moaned into younger's ear.
"Jiminah..." Jungkook whines while gripping the older's hips tightly.
"I'm gonna be so bad baby, and you'll love it..." Jimin teased more, nibbling the younger's ear.
"Oh God what have I done?" Jungkook said, exaggerating his concern.
"Hmm baby, you have no idea..."
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