Chapter 4
Alice was torn between conflicting feelings towards Evan, towards her father, and towards the gang.
Evan was a maniac, but he loved her. It was difficult in deciding whether or not she should actually accept him in her life in the state he is in now. On one hand, she cared for him deeply although she didn't want to and he cared for her. On the other hand, he was crazy and basically keeping her hostage.
Then there was her father. Learning that he was alive had sent Alice in tears. She loved her father more than anything, but would she risk actually risk staying with Evan for who knows how long just to get her father back?
And another group of people who impacted her life was the gang. If she wanted to stay with Evan and find her father, it would mean not being able to see the gang for a long duration of time. She loved them all. They respected, loved her, and treated her like family when she was all alone. There was nothing she wouldn't do for them, but that made the situation even worse.
She had to make a decision. Would she stay with Evan and find her father, but leave the gang? Or would she escape and go back to the gang, but risk never finding her father and leaving Evan? If she didn't make a decision now and stick with it, Alice knew that the situation she was in would become even more complicated than it was now.
Removing Evan's arm off of her waist, Alice slowly got up from bed and walked down the tiny flight of stairs that reached the ground. She wasn't going to trouble Evan by waking him and besides, she needed time alone to think.
Not bothering to leave the room, the young woman changed into a white one-piece swimsuit and put her hair into a ponytail. It was around four in the morning so she figured she'd brush her teeth and wash her face a bit later. For now, she was heading to the indoor pool.
The water was cool, just as she expected, but it was still a bit difficult to fully submerge herself in the water due to the cold. Alice timed herself on how long she could hold her breath underwater just to get use to the cold. It didn't take long until she was doing laps to and fro, from each side of the pool.
Swimming wasn't exactly helping her think. It wasn't like when she'd go out at night and use her crossbow. This was entirely different and although it was nice, it wasn't her. Maybe that's how she felt about Evan. Even if she might love him, she knew that he wasn't right for her. Being hostage wasn't right for her, none of this was.
Before Alice could choose a final decision, she felt something hard grab her head and push her down. The fact that her head was being forced underwater was already bad enough, but since she had opened her mouth to scream while being pushed down, the time she'd last was close to nothing.
With all her strength, Alice moved her head just enough for her mouth to reach her attacker's hand and she bit as hard as she could. As soon as the force pressing down on her vanished, Alice raised her head above the water, gasping for air.
"The bitch fucking bit me!"
Her vision was a bit blurry from the recent lack of oxygen, but she could make out who the attacker was.
Although it wasn't him who had tried to drown her, Alice could see Dmitri Mendoza staring at her with a huge smile.
"You should've pushed her head even further down then," Dmitri replied to his henchman. "Leave the house for now and take the boy with you. Alice and I have some important issues to discuss. Isn't that right, darling?"
Alice, now fully out of the water, flipped him off. She watched as the other man left the room, leaving her alone with this murderer.
"Sorry about the informalities, darling. I had planned to incapacitate you and bring you back to my place to have a little chat, but I guess this will do," he said, handing Alice a towel, which she snatched from him with a glare. "I can see you're mad. I guess we'll have to fix that."
Grabbing her by the arm, Dmitri pulled her up off the floor and pushed her onto the nearest wall. He immediately put his lips on her neck and made sure that there was not an inch of space between their bodies. Alice wasn't able to move. Dmitri's strength was no match for her and she was still too weak from almost being drowned.
Dmitri lifted his mouth off her neck and moved to her ear. "Evan's told me about you. The fiery young woman who's never been so intimate with a man." His hands began to move away from her hands and towards her waist. "I wonder how he would feel if that was changed."
Suddenly, she felt his hands grip her thighs and pull her up so that her legs were wrapped around him and her back was against the wall.
"You're such a fragile little thing, aren't you? Can't even fight in a compromising situation. I can see now why Evan is so infatuated with you. I'm contemplating whether I should take you home myself."
Alice was silent.
"Though, I guess that'll have to wait." He set her down. "Now that you aren't as mad. I'm going to tell you a little secret. Evan's intent is for other reasons."
"What do you mean?"
"He's helping you find your dad, but he could have already gotten him by now. Hes just waiting. He's using your father as an incentive to keep you on his side after he kills your gang." That earned an audible gasp from Alice. "He wants revenge, but he didn't want to hurt his precious little toy so he made you believe he was trying to help you."
Alice couldn't believe anything he was saying. "Why are you telling me this?"
"Because my little brother is in your gang. I need you to believe me, just for now and take care of Brock for me okay? In return, I'll make sure your father gets back to you safe and sound. My men are in the back and they're going to take you to your gang. All you need to do is go back and hide until I contact you again. Once you leave, I'll convince Evan that my men killed you."
Everything was rushed. She had just learned of Evan's true intentions and now she was leaving him. If what Dmitri said was true, then she had to leave right away. She escaped to the back where a car was waiting for her, just like Dmitri said and right before the car drove off, she heard a single gun shot and hoped to God that Evan would believe she was dead.
The house was quiet, but Alice couldn't really blame anyone since it was around five in the morning.
Suddenly, a head peeked out from the top of the staircase and she began to laugh when Lui's eyes went wide. In seconds, after Lui began shouting, the rest of the gang appeared at the top of the staircase wondering what the hell was going on.
"I'm home."
Such a confusing chapter, but hopefully you guys get most of it. Tell me your thoughts on the story so far. I love when you guys write long comments telling me what you think of the plot and characters. It makes me happy^-^ so vote and comment
And as always I hope ye enjoy (:)
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