Chapter 1
You know that feeling when you wake up in the morning and really don't want to go to school? That's how I felt this morning, when my alarm woke me up.
I cut off the alarm by slamming my hand on the stop button, and groan as I bring my hands up to rub the sleep out of my eyes.
Just one more week, Jess. One more week, and you're out of that shithole they call a school.
Nobody at West Albany High looks at that place as a school. They've called it multiple things.
The ward, hell, prison, torture chamber, anything you can think of a young adult saying about their school, the people here have said it.
A few light knocks break the silence in my room and I flop my arms on either side of my body and sigh heavily.
"Jesus Christ, I'm awake!" I bark, knowing it's my mom. She always knocks on my door a couple minutes after my alarm goes off to make sure I'm awake.
An exaggerated sigh escapes my mouth as I sit up, pushing my comforter off as I do so.
Another day in fuckin' paradise, I think to myself as I walk to my dresser, and pull out a pair of light blue jeans, with the bottom hems rolled up, and a plain white tee shirt, which is half button up.
After I get changed into my day clothes, I slip on my black converse and grey hoodie before opening my bedroom door and heading towards the bathroom.
"Dammit, Avery you always take so long in there!" I complain, folding my arms over my chest as I lean against the wall across from the bathroom.
You'd think a three bedroom house would have more than one bathroom. But nope, my brother, Mom, and myself all have to share one. It's annoying, especially when you have to go really bad but someone's always in their taking their sweet ass time.
"Jeez, I'm almost done! Hold your horses!" He barks back at me through the bathroom door.
I roll my eyes and stick my tongue out at him. I know he can't see me, but he's being a little shit. He deserves it.
A few minutes later, he waltzes out, looking down at his phone.
I watch him walk away before walking into the bathroom, and immediately covering my nose and mouth with my hand.
"Avery!" I snap as he starts down the stairs.
"You disgusting little turd, at least spray Febreeze or something before leaving the bathroom after you took a shit!" I bark.
I sigh, frustrated with my brother. Every time he takes a shit, he stinks up the bathroom and doesn't bother to spray Febreeze or at least turn the fan on so the next person to use it doesn't have to smell it.
Deciding to just put up with the stench, not like I haven't been, I walk into the bathroom and shut the door but leave it open a tiny crack so the air can filter out.
Breathing through my mouth, I do my morning routine.
Use the toilet, brush my teeth, brush my hair, which I usually would put up in a ponytail but I decide to leave it down today.
I swipe on a few passes of mascara over my lashes, and tease my hair a bit to give it some volume, then leave the bathroom, looking down at my phone.
Scrolling through my social media, a small smile flickers across my face as I see a selfie of Nathan Bradley - my best friend, who I call Nate - who I happen to have a crush on. But I would die if he found out.
I like the photo and tap on his username, causing his profile to pop up.
My heart drops a little when I see a date in his bio, followed by a heart and a lock emoji.
10-05-20 💖🔒 A.D.
Call me crazy, but I begin wracking my brain to think of someone we know in school with those initials. Then it hits me. Addison Delaney.
Addison Delaney was my best friend in elementary and middle school. After middle school, we sort of drifted apart and through high school she's been one of my biggest bullies. I wouldn't doubt it if she did it just to spite me.
I sigh with a huff, and shove my phone in my back pocket as I walk into the kitchen and grab a pack of Pop Tarts from the cabinet.
Tearing the packaging open, I turn around and see my brother sitting at the table with a bowl of cereal, spoon in one hand, phone in the other.
"I'm assuming you saw your lover boys bio?" He asks, looking up at me.
I glare at him as I start eating my pop tart.
"First of all don't call him that," I start.
"He's my best friend. Don't get it mixed up. And second, yes, I did. And I'm happy for him, mind you." I sass, taking another bite of my pop tart.
Half of that was a lie, but if I told Avery, he would tell Nate. And if anyone were to tell him, it's gonna be me.
He scoffs and rolls his eyes then looks back down at his phone as he scoops another spoonful of cereal into his mouth.
Mom walks into the kitchen, buttoning up her over shirt in her usual I'm-in-a-hurry walk.
"Alright, I have an interview this morning right after I drop you two off for school, so hurry up and finish your breakfast." She says as she grabs her purse from the counter, shoving her wallet and phone into it as she does so.
I roll my eyes and hurry up and finish my pop tarts as I continue scrolling through my Instagram feed, liking a photo every so often.
Once I'm finished with my pop tarts, I throw the wrapper away just as Avery comes to dump his bowl of milk in the sink.
"Move, butthead." I tease as I walk by him, my mom faintly chuckling from behind me as she's used to our banter. That is, until it's actual arguing. She doesn't really tolerate that.
"Alright, you two ready?" Mom asks, as I pick up my backpack from the kitchen bar stool.
"Yup," my brother and I say in unison, as we walk towards the garage.
Mom opens the garage door, and unlocks her car, my brother and I racing each other for the front seat, like usual.
"Asshole, you always sit up front!" I bark as Avery touches the door handle just before me.
"Better luck next time, sis," he laughs as he pulls the door open and jumps in.
I huff at him and jump into the rear passenger seat, playfully smacking his shoulder as I do so.
"Alright," mom starts, "seatbelts on, and we're off!" She says, like usual as we pull out of the garage and down the driveway, shutting the garage door as we do so.
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