Chapter 21 - Sex Slaves
Authors Message: I am so sorry it took so long to update, I have been swapped with doing work, school, and eating xD I am joking, I just have been planning out the next few chapters. And let's just say, it is going to get a little bit dangerous..... ENJOY
Hayden's POV
"Sit down" Troyan demanded. I gulped and obeyed what he told me to do. I walked over to the seat in front of his desk and put my head down so I wouldn't have to look him in the eyes. I swear, it's like looking at the devil.
"There is some things I would like to discuss with you, pet." Troyan said with a tone so deep that it had my body trembling.
I looked up at him with fear and waited for him to talk once again. He looked me deep in the eyes like he wanted me to sell my soul. Why must my parents give me up to him?
He huffed and crossed his right leg over the left, tapping his finger on the desk. "Do you understand the meaning of sex slaves?" He asked me, making me gulp.
I shook my head no.
"Answer me pet." He demanded in his dominant tone.
"No master." I whispered, enough where he could have heard me.
He got up from his chair and walked over towards me, gliding his hand across my shoulders. I shivered instantly from his touch.
"Sex slaves is where you are sold to someone and you do what they say." He stopped and leaned down, whispering in to my ear. "Just like how you was sold to me, pet." He told me and leaned back up.
"But you told me I was your submissive," I stated and looked over at him where he stood behind me. He turned my head back around, making me extremely nervous.
"You are, but that is only because you are doing what I told you to do. Understand?" I nodded at him, saying yes before I got punished.
"You see, your adopted parents sold you to me but they are not in charger. These are the people that are in charge." He informed and slid a yellow folder over to me that was stamped, 'Confidential'. I gulped and opened it up, revealing a name.
I looked up at Troyan who was looking at me curiously. I looked back down at the file and felt tears forming in my eyes.
"You see pet, these are your real parents. They sold you from the beginning. They never wanted you, nor they wanted to know you. Does this make you feel special?" Troyan asked me. I shook my head and said no, pushing back the tears that where fighting their way out.
"No one never wanted you. Neither did your adopted parents." He told me as I bit down on my bottom lip. "That is why you only have me. I am the only one who will ever care for you, love you, and treat you right. Do you understand?" He asked me.
I nodded and said, "Yes, master." He grinned and leaned down, placing his lips on mine for a quick peck on the lips.
"You will always be mine, pet." He told me before telling me to go clean up the play room for later.
He will always claim me as his...
I sighed and grabbed my cup of coffee from the barista and made my way out of the coffee shop and back in the car with Smith. He still was mad at me from yesterday so I am guessing he asked his, our parents if it was true.
"I am guessing you asked them?" I questioned him. He looked up at me from the mirror with so much hate, anger and sadness that it made my insides turn.
"I am sorry that they did that to you. And I am sorry that I didn't believe you." Smith said and looked back at the road. I wanted to tell him what his parents actually do, but I couldn't do that to Smith. Smith is a wonderful guy and obviously close to his parents. If he found out this, it would destroy him. Somethings are better kept hidden.
I shrugged and took a sip from my coffee before saying, "It's ok, Smith. Besides I got to meet you so that is all I am worried about. I don't care about meeting them."
Smith nodded and kept his eyes on the road. I knew that upset him but it was the truth. I do not want to meet my real parents.
"I know you have a lot of anger and hatred towards them, but can you put that aside just to meet them? For me?" He asked with pleaded eyes.
Should I? I mean Smith just begged me to do something and I never heard him beg before. I know his parents mean the world to him but I just do not want to meet them. What if they start drama with me? Or what if they try to sell me again?
"I know what you are thinking, Hay. Travis nor I will let them hurt you." Smith told me, looking back at me through the mirror.
"Fine, I'll do it."
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