Woman up
Well well well.
Look who finally decided to update. Enjoy~
I hear a voice whisper quietly, slightly afraid. Well that makes the two of us.
I slowly open my eyes to see yukino on front of me. I groan and sit up.
'Yes?' I ask tiredly
'I came to visit you... they said I would be a suitable guest.'
'I'm not insane.' I reply insistently.
I hear her take a shaky breath before stepping forwards a bit.
'I came to tell you something...
I-it's about Sting...'
I jerk suddenly, bashing my head against the wall.
'What? What is it? Is he ok?'
'He's... doing better...' she sighs and walks over to me.
'I think it would be a good idea for you to talk to him.'
My eyes widen as she says this and I feel like someone's stabbed me in the chest.
'I can't.' I reply quietly.
I start to cry and yukino hugs me, stroking my hair soothingly.
'I promise you he does not blame you for any of this, no one does. They had a look at your symptoms and it seems you are being possesed by a shadow. It's not your fault.'
I hug her back, letting all my emotions run wild.
I watch through the one-way glass as he bursts into tears, sobbing my name as yukino tries to comfort him.
What did he do to deserve that shadow. I'm gonna kill it.
I will make sure it is buried in the deepest depths of hell where it can't touch him.
I feel my doctor's worried glances towards me and I can hear the scratching of pencil on paper.
I try to relax my jaw a bit, taking a deep breath.
'I have to see him.'
'Mhmm... yes...' my doctor replies thoughtfully.
'Not today but maybe tommorow. We'll inform him that you want to see him.' He says.
'Thanks.' I reply before walking out.
As soon as I step out of the observation room I am confronted with everyone asking how rogue is doing.
'He's better... well... I'll be able to see him tomorrow...'
'Really!? That's great!' Lucy replies optimistically.
'I hope he'll be okay...' says natsu, trying to disguise the fact that he had been crying and do is see gray comforting him?...
'U-um... sting I did more research on his condition and... can we talk in private for a sec?' Levy says quietly.
I can literally feel gajeel's eyes boring into the back of my head as we go to an empty waiting room.
'Yes?' I ask, starting to feel nervous again.
'Well... the sadow possessing him... is a creation of great depression and self loathing... and many dark mages have trouble with shadows.' She pauses to take a book out of her handbag entitled "the healing properties you never knew you had!"
'Let's see... page 207... page 209... aha! Here we are; so basically the only way for someone to get rid of their shadow is for them to experience the exact opposite of what they were feeling at the time it was created, and it says here...' she turns the page and scans the text with her finger.
'That if they can find someone with contradicting magic to theirs, and if that person can defeat the shadow in a duel -god this book is so old- or influence the one being possesed in someway, they could help stop the shadow from coming back or being passed on to the person's children.'
'Right... so what exactly do you think I should do?'
'Isn't it obvious?' She looks at my blank expression, 'nevermind... So you need to make rogue feel happy, like really happy and loved ,make sure you are always around him, and if that motherflipping shadow shows up again give it a birch slap for me will ya?'
I nod in reply, when suddenly it dawned on me.
Wait. Really happy and loved!?
'Y-you don't mean... r-really
h-happy? H-how do I do that...'
I feel my face go red and
she smirks at me.
'Yes! Now my ship wil- I mean um... now you have to woman up and tell him you love him you deranged pinapple!'
I'm sorry. I had to. Though I can honestly imagine levy being unable to swear so she uses the 'safe' versions.
(And some made up ones XD)
Until next time!~
P.S. I was going to call this chapter "deranged pinapple" but I thought that it would be too misleading...
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