Jewel Blue Eyes
Hey guys! Btw this chapter will be in rogue's pov because who doesn't want to know what goes on in that (raven) head of his? Oh yeah and it is world doodling day today!
I wake up to the usual sound of gajeel's music.
'Urghhh... gajeel it's 7:00... why are you playing-'
'BECAUSE MY MUSIC IS AMAZING.' he says bursting into my room. 'and your watch is broken. It's 8:00.'
Oh yeah... I should get it fixed...
'NOW GET UP!' he says going back downstairs. I follow him down to the kitchen and make myself some toast and nutella. Once I'm finished I turn on my laptop and go onto fairy tail group chat.
Darknessmage has logged on
Darknessmage: hello?
Frozenpancakes: hi!
Darknessmage: why are you up so early gray?
Frozenpancakes: my brother lyon is blasting adele 25 through the house and I cant get back to sleep
Darknessmage: poor you. Gajeel is just playing the usual stuff. At least he has a taste in music though.
Frozenpancakes: yeah my brother... *-*
Frozenpancakes: anyways continuing our convo yesterday
Not this again...
Darknessmage: I just met him gray. You don't like someone you met the same day. Besides were just friends.
Frozenpancakes: 'just' friends huh
Darknessmage: yes.
Frozenpancakes: then why were you staring at him the ENTIRE strategy class?
Titaniatheepic: hey guys!
Titaniatheepic: are we talking about sting and rogue?
Darknessmage: NO GO AWAY.
Frozenpancakes: yep~♥
Titaniatheepic: thought so
Titaniatheepic: omg its 8:30 already gtg bye!
Titaniatheepic has logged off
Frozenpancakes: we should go too
Darknessmage: yes.
Frozenpancakes has logged off Darknessmage has logged off
I turn off my computer and quickly get dressed. I look in the mirror and fix my hair.
'Gajeel, come on! We have to go!'
I see him on his phone in the car. I get In the car and jet black heart by 5sos starts playing. I hum along with the tune. I can sing but I don't like singing on front of people.
I wonder what kind of music sting likes...
No. Stop thinking about sting. I couldn't stop thinking about him since yesterday but that'd normal right? I mean it's not every day that you meet someone with the equal opposite magic to yours.
It's not every day yoy meet someone that ho- STOPTHINKING
I sigh and look up at the sky. It is a jewel blue colour, like a wolf cub's eyes. I liked that colour.
'Thinking about sting?' Gajeel says smirking.
'No why would you think that shut up we are just friends I only met him yesterday.' I say in one breath.
Just friends... NO STOP BRAIN
'Ok whatever.' We finally pull up at the school and the time is 8:45. Not that many kids are around as most kids don't get up this early. I go inside and head to my locker whilst gajeel goes over to his. I see gray and go over to him.
'Hi gray.'
'Hey rogue, what do we have today?' I look at my timetable.
'Uhh... art, musical magic, battle strategy, script writing, ancient languages and fighting class.
My favourite subjects! Wait I like all the subjects
'Damn I hate all those subjects. Except for fighting class, that's cool.'
Yeah because you get to be with natsu you idiot.
I check my watch to see the time is 8:50 so I go to our first class and sit down. Erza and levy are the only ones here so I take out my books and start reading
Might as well get some reading done. Yeah I like books deal with it.
The class starts to fill up as more people come in. I notice that natsu and sting aren't here.
Idiots. Probably slept in somehow.
The teacher comes in and sits at the desk just as natsu and sting run in.
'Sorry we're late miss evergreen.' They both go and sit down, and I look at sting noticing how his blonde hair was now a bit messy and how his blue eyes shine brightly like deep blue tropical seas, so full of life. His tie is on crooked, and the top button of his shirt is undone. Same with natsu.
Yep they slept in alright. Sting looks kinda cute like that. WAIT NO I MEANT STUPID
He notices me staring and winks at me and I quickly look back at the teacher, my face a bit red.
Damn him and his stupid eyes.
I try to pay attention to the teacher but my mind keeps drifting to blondie. I can see him repeatedly looking at me, and then looking down at his notepad and drawing something. I turn my attention back to the teacher who is showing us an old roman-looking sculpture and I take down some notes. Eventually the bell rings for next lesson and I pack my books into my bag and head towards the music rooms. I love music, and I can play the guitar and the piano well. We all sit down and our teacher walks in.
'Hello kids! I am going to be your musical magic teacher this year and my name is mrs Strauss!'
She sounds really pumped for a music teacher...
'Now today we will be having a look at fairy music and demon music!'
Demon music?!
She smiles happily round at us before sitting down and grabbing her guitar. She starts playing a mystical tune I feel I should recognize, but I have never heard before. Then she starts singing with her heavenly voice in an ancient language that I can only guess is fairy, and the world stops turning as I feel complete peace. I start drifting off to sleep when the music stops and I snap out of it. I look around and everyone else seems to have fallen asleep except for me and erza.
'YOU CAN WAKE UP NOW!' mira yells in her demonic form.
Her satan soul. Oh god.
Everyone suddenly starts and she yells
'THAT WAS FAIRY MUSIC. NOW I WILL PLAY DEMON MUSIC. YOU MAY COVER YOUR EARS IF YOU WANT BUT I HONESTLY THINK THAT IT IS THE BEST MUSIC EVEEEER!' she pumps her fist in the air and starts playing on her guitar. I look around me and see people cringing and covering their ears, whilst others cower in fear, and I listen intently. This tune speaks of fear and anger, and some great dark power looming ahead. I recognize it.
Why do I remember this tune?
I see, again, one of the people not affected by the song as me is erza, and our eyes meet for a second. I see that she is crying. I realize something.
Our past. We are both affected by our pasts. Erza was used as a slave when she was young, and I lost both my parents in a car crash. I remember that day.
I feel tears in my eyes and I hastily wipe them away.
'Don't cry, rogue.' I turn around to see sting smiling sadly over to me.
How did he know? WAS HE WATCHING ME
'I know what it is like to have a sad past but don't cry about it; now is now, then is then. You have to move on. The past is in the past.' I smile gratefully back at him and turn back to face the front, to see that mira has stopped playing and is back in her human form. She speaks gently.
'Now since we have some time left, I will play you the song of time. This song will tell you of your life. Past. Present. Future.' She then starts playing a happy tune, and i feel a smile creep onto my lips. I look around me and I see that most people are happily swaying along to the tune with bright smiles on their faces. I look to sting, and see that he is looking at the floor with his face in his hands, shaking a bit. I turn back to the front as the tune is getting slower, building up to something. All of a sudden it crashes, and I feel a deep wave of misery wash over me. Hate. Hate for me. Hate for that carless driver. Hate. Slowy the tune gets mellower and I feel the self loathing and hate ebb away. I look back at sting, who is looking up, almost hopeful. The tune soon turns to a normal one, not so sad anymore, and soon it turns to a happy one, speaking of everyday life in fiore high. I look back at sting and I see that he is no longer shaking but smiling sadly, and soon just smiling. The tune then starts to change. At first slowly but then all at once.
I feel myself smiling giddly and I feel content. Finally the music stops playing and I look around to see people with various expressions on their faces. Sting has a grin on his face almost identical to mine. The bell soon rings and we pack up and leave for battle strategy.
~time skip, brought to you by pretty flower crowns and rainbows~
Once the bell rings I go out the door and go to the lunch hall along with everyone else.
'Hey rogue!' Natsu is beckoning me over to his table.
'Hey guys.' I sit down next to him and start eating my lunch.
'Guys! I have finished reading this ancient nordic spellbook and it has some really cool sounding spells I want to try!' Sting, sitting across from me raises his eyes at this.
'Maybe you can use them in fighting class then.' Gajeel says.
'Be careful levy, they may be dangerous.' Erza says.
'Of course you know all about dangerous things don't you erza?' Natsu says smirking. 'I'm sure jellal's private lessons will have helped.' Erza's face matches her hair.
'I-it's not like that. He is just helping me with advanced magic circles. Thats all.'
Sting looks confused.
'Who's jellal?'
'Oh he's a student who goes here but is a member of the 'wizard saints'. They are a group of elite students who go to special classes and train together.' Lucy explains.
'Wait so like s-class?' Sting asks.
'One more up from that but how do yoy know about s-class?' Levy replies.
'Oh my brother laxus is going in for the trials.' He says proudly.
How powerful is his brother?
'Erza is already s-class. And is now training hard to be selected by our headmaster to be a wizard saint.' Lucy says.
'So she can be with her jellal-sama.' Lisanna interjects.
'I never said that!' Erza says, still red in the face.
'Uh-huh. Sure.' Lisanna replies.
'Lisanna.' Lucy says worriedly. 'You are starting to sound like your sister mira.'
Omg she IS
'What!?' She replies suprisedly.
'Yeah she will be shipping us soon with weird names like 'jerza' or something!' Levy says grinning as she sees erza shiver at the word 'jerza'.
Mira used to 'ship' all of us with someone, and some ships happened whilst others didn't. Erza had a particularly bad time when mira started shipping her with jellal. I was shipped with some girl named yukino. That one didn't work as we aren't even friends anymore, I'm gay and she has a boyfriend called rufus.
'Wait mrs mira is lisanna's sister?' Sting asks.
'Yeah and she's cra-zay.' Says lucy, twirling a finger at her temple.
'Hey she's not that crazy.' Lisanna protests.
'Sure whatever. Mira junior.' Gajeel says. 'Levy what do we have now?'
'We have ancient languages then fighting class. Your favourite.' She replies getting up from the table. I finish my food and stand up as well.
'Cool! In fighting class I will get to be up against you again rogue! I will win this time!' Sting says excitedly. I smirk.
'Idiot. You didn't even come close to beating me last time. And you didn't even see my full power.' He gets up as well and we start going to ancient languages.
'Yeah, well the same applies to you!' He replies.
'Ok then. We'll see how it goes.' He grinns happily.
I wish I could always see him grin like that. wow
that sounds weird...
We reach the classroom as the bell rings and we sit down. I find ancient languages very interesting. We learn old languages such as latin, greek, fairy speak, dragonese and sometimes even demonician (which we aren't allowed to use as it is mostly for curses.) And we learn also about their ancient cultures. The teacher mrs polyursica comes in with the usual disaproving look on her face.
'Good morning class. Turn to page 1586 in your textbooks. Your homework is to learn of by heart the dragonese riddle on that page. It uses the runes we have been learning and you have to solve the riddle by tomorrow. You can learn it for Thursday.' I hear most of the class groan as I write down the homework. 'Now turn back to page 1934 and continue from where you left off yesterday.' Sting leans over to talk to me and she adds 'you will work in silence.' I start my work.
Although this subject is interesting, I don't really like it that much. (Levy obviously loves it) firstly the textbooks are WAY too long. Secondly some of the stuff we learn doesn't seem that useful. (Aka how dragons like old riddles best but adapt them to become more complex.)
I look over at sting to see him doodling. again. I see that he is drawing a swirling pattern of what looks lkke fire but is black and more wispy. It gives off some kind of dark glow.
He is amazing at drawing
I turn back to my work wondering what he is thinking about. Eventually the bell rings and we all leave and go towards the gym for fighting class. As we go in I see Bacchus, with the usual beer in hand, smirking at all of us as we come in.
He has something planned.
I notice there are more people here than usual.
How could I not have guessed. Levy probably lent him the hunger games to read.
'MAY THE ODDS BE WITH YOU AGAIN AND GET WIIILD!' he says and we begin. Sting and I jump into action. We are attacked by freed and bixlow first. We both fight them at once but we get in each others way a bit. All of a sudden a stray sword from erza's heaven's wheel takes out bickslow so it is two on one. We are starting to overpower him when he is snipered by either aslack or bisca, I can't see them. I duck down as I hear another gunshot. Other people are ducking for cover and I go up against the wall and drag sting next to me. Another bang goes off and jet is taken out. I look in the direction of the sound and I see aslack and bisca aiming and different people. Then I have an idea.
But we will have to work together for this to work.
'We need teamwork. We need to be in sync with our attacks. But first I have an idea.'
'What is it?'
'Remember my shadow form?'
'Oh yeah! Should I distract them?'
'Yes, then we'll go to their vantage point, and get people to fight us.'
'Got it. In sync right? One second?'
'Only one'
I turn into a shadow, and creep up the wall to the high windowsill they are sitting on. I wait for sting to walk out and when he does, we both count one second before we attack them with spheres of light and darkness, knocking them out.
That was so epic!
I help sting up and he grinns at me happily.
'We should have a cool team name or something.'
'Like what?'
'The twin dragons sounds cool, as we have opposite magic but the same.'
'Yeah, thats a good name! Now lets focus, who's next?' I look around to see that only cobra, midnight, erza, gajeel, levy, natsu and gray are left.
Everyone else Is unconscious...
'Lets go for natsu and gray!' Sting says exitedly.
'And they are already fighting cobra and his boyfriend, so thats a distraction!' I see cobra look up at me annoyedly.
Oops super hearing.
'Wait that guy is cobra's-'
'No... hehe... he could hear me...'
'Well he is busy now so we should be fine.'
We start forming a plan, and I find that in terms of strategy he thinks in a very similar way to me, which we can use to our advantage.
'Ok are we clear?'
'Clear.' He replies.
I turn into a shadow and wait patiently by the fight, getting ready to pounce. Sting is also in position, poised against the wall with one leg bent to push of at any second. Finally they stop fighting for a bit. One. Two. We both spring into action and I knock down gray and he knocks down natsu. Then, having caught cobra and midnight by suprise, one, two, and we kick them both into erza.
Now they're done for.
Natsu and gray get up but we have aready activated our drives. They do some attacks but we block them, at the same time. Then, we activate our dragon force, and a surge of power rushes through me. I look over at sting. He has a swirling aura of light around him, and white glowing markings on his face making him look heavenly. His blue eyes shine in the light making him look even more like an angel.
He is so bright... his eyes... they are so... NORMAL WHAT WAS I THINKING
I look back to natsu and gray and me and sting take a parallel stance joining our hands. At the same time we say
A huge swirling sphere forms on front of us, looking a bit like a yin and yang symbol. But all of a sudden It dissapears; the bell for the end of class rings. (If you could call it a class) And everone is conscious again. We all go out and head towards our lockers.
'We were winning that one!' Sting says exitedly
'Yeah that was cool! The unison raid looked epic!' I reply
Gray then comes up to us.
'You guys were cool! But it wouldn't be enough to beat me and natsu.'
'Uh-huh.' Sting says.
We start walking towards the doors.
'You should totally see midnight's magic though! It's so powerful!' Natsu says coming up behind us.
'Yeah he would probably be an s-class if he didn't mess around so much.' Gray replies.
'Got to go guys, laxus just texted me!' Sting says running up ahead.
'Bye!' I shout.
'See ya!' He shouts back.
When we get outside I see gajeel's car and I get in.
'Have fun fighting erza?' I ask him smirking.
'It was ok, since levy was with me. Although shoving midnight and cobra into her did make the fight a bit more complicated.' He replies.
'I'm sure it was much better with her.' I tease.
'Shut up you know what I meant. She gave me some iron and helped me fight.' He replies annoyedly.
'Ok then.' He starts the car and the radio comes on. Teenagers by my chemical romance is on and I hum and tap my tune to the beat. Soon we arrive home and I go up to my room to get some homework done. Once I am finished I go downstairs.
'Gajeel can I order pizza?' I ask him.
'Sure.' He replies, and I go to the phone. I order one pepperoni and one ham and pineapple with stuffed crust. (This is making me hungry) once it arrives I pay the person at the door and yell
'Gajeel! Food!' And start eating the ham and pineapple one.
I go back upstairs after dinner and onto my laptop. I check group chat but no one is on so I decide to go to bed early.
I dream of tropical seas, blue skies and little playful wolf cubs with jewel blue eyes
*breaths* ok wow. LONGEST. CHAPTER. EVER.
The next one will be shorter but if you find any spelling mistakes please comment so I can fix them.
It is also world nutella day today!
Until text time~
(Which will be as soon as I can)
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