His Face
Sorry I had to write this in two parts I was so wasted last night... but anyways, enjoy~
I am lying once again in the hospital bed, and faces with no mouths still stare down at me.
But this time everything is clearer, the faces, the hushed voices; I can even catch a few words here and there.
I try moving and I feel a sharp pain in my back.
'-should heal-'
'-fractured spine-'
'-mother was not so lucky-'
As soon as they mention my mother, my ears perk up. I try as hard as I can to make out what they are saying and I hear this;
'-tragic accident, stupid really. It's all over the news; the nutorious mage igneel killed in a car crash. His three children luckily survived, some say-'
Suddenly I feel a wave of pain wash over me, and I have to wait for it to subside before I can keep listening.
'-and now because of his careless driving, he got himself and an only mother killed; leaving her two young sons orphans.
Orphans. Orphan. He was an orphan. His mother was killed by igneel.
I feel myself slipping away from the painful hospital bed and back into the freezing fog.
It is clear what I have to do now. I must avenge my mother;
It is not enough that he died, someone must pay the price.
I will take the life of one of igneel's sons.
I feel the fog around me swirl and thicken, almost exited when I think this. It is egging me on, urging me to kill.
How will I escape this prison to do my task?
Almost immediately a piercing light answers my call. I feel the warmth, the joy and love spreading through me as I see in an instant sting's face above mine.
But almost as soon as this happens the cold takes over, and the freezing fog urges me.
This one will do.
And I use all my remaining strength to clasp my hands around his throat.
Sorrynotsorry ^-^'
See y'all next time!
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