153 (New office for Author-chan)
Author-chan: *stands up from her desk* HEY BOYS!!! DO YOU LIKE MY NEW OFFICE?! ISN'T IT AWESOME?! *sits at the chair*
Sting: *looking around the room* Wow. You did it all by yourself?
Author-chan: Well... I used some of my Author-chan's great magic. It was a huge help. Want me to describe all of the changes? *smiles*
Sting: Why not, but where is the couch?
Author-chan: In the right corner. *points there* As you can see, I brought everything new and made this room a little more bigger.
In the center we have a brand new, brown, wooden desk with huge, swivel chair and two extra, for my guests. As you can see, all my office is full of a light colors and even have a balcony. I set more of the walls green but one of them have been painted in orange color, to keep this place fresh. I brought too, a dark green carpet, which is placed at the middle of the floor.
In the right corner, like I told is a huge creamy couch, bigger then the lost one and a brown coffee table. Next to them is one of the windows and glasses's doors to the balcony. On the orange wall are placed, photos with my ships and my friends from fandoms.
I brought some shelfs for all things, like my plush pokemons and exceeds. The rest of them, are for the video games and action figures.
Aaaaa.... I got a huge TV for us, a new Play Station 4 and Xbox One to have fun together, along with games. Of course, to make the books on Wattpad, I need a computer but my old laptop is still good working, so I left him be. And we have a small kitchen's wing with fridge, coffee and popcorn machines.
I have a special wardrobe, behind my desk for all my caps. Do you like my office?
Sting: *sitting on the couch* Not bad, Author-chan.
Rogue: *nobbs* It's so cozy now. I love the idea with balcony.
Natsu: *standing in the door* Nia..... something is missing in here.
Author-chan: What?
Gray: *gives her a rolled up poster*
Author-chan: What it is?
Natsu: Poster with all your's ships... Stingue, Gratsu, Ereri, Fraxus and the others.
Author-chan: Thanks, guys. I will hang it on but I don't know on which one of the walls. Thanks again.
Natsu: You're welcome. *hugs Gray* We should thank you for supporting ours ships. You help us a lot.
Author-chan: Wait till, I will start my one-shots's book.
Sting: I can't wait. *smiles*
Author-chan: Me too. *smiles back* And about that photo
For me: 100/10
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