waRNIninNG; if youre not comfortable with sexy scenes then i suggest you turn your ass around after you see the line breaker and a bold dash thingy. it's really not that bad, it doesn't say anything like he shoved the dick in her but you know. precautions and shit.
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"I spy something blue."
"Sage, I swear to god, if it's your damn pants—"
"What?" Sage gawked. "I said my jeans already?"
Derek Hale and Sage Connelly sat on opposite ends of the distillery room, a good distance away from each other but still able to hear one another due to the silence the forest brought. She wasn't too sure how long they had been sitting there, maybe hours just watching each other and playing ISpy.
Clearly, it was long enough for the repetition to set it.
"Five times now," Derek muttered, rubbing at his face. "I wouldn't have brought you if I knew you were going to be so annoying."
Sage crossed her arms over her chest, pulling her knees closer to her body. "I would have found you either way. The others are probably looking for us right now, or at least trying to figure out where in the hell we went."
"Are you going to tell them?"
Sage's eyes softened upon Derek's question. "You don't need to be alone right now but you definitely don't need to go back there. Besides, I need a little exclusion from society, even if it is in an abandoned distillery."
Derek nodded, and she watched him go back to brooding at the floor. She couldn't help but feel completely useless just sitting there, not knowing what to say. When in situations like this, where Derek was in pain, she normally had at least a few words of comfort. She wasn't sure what she could say to make the agony any less painful.
After Boyd's death two days ago, it seemed like Sage and Derek were bombarded with questions from Cora and Stiles. Neither one found it in their heart to reply, just sitting in the water and allowing themselves to drown in the emotions they both tried so desperately to mask ever since they came back.
Then, they left.
She assumed that Derek would try to make a getaway and had been there by his side before he left her alone to fend off the others. So, for two days, Sage and Derek had been sitting in this damn distillery, only moving when they made another visit back at the Hale house.
Sage knew how Derek felt. She knew the gut wretching feeling building up in his chest. She knew that the alpha felt everything as his beta fell to the ground right in front of him. Sage knew only because she had the same emotions flaring through her body like a wildfire the day that Jackson died.
She was aware that the pain was in no way similar on supernatural levels. Being an Altor meant that she was emotionally and physically tethered to a single pack, while being an alpha meant having that responsibility to watch over your flanks and protect them when they didn't know how to protect themselves. The two were absolutely different, but so completely connected that Sage couldn't help but know what Derek was experiencing.
Sage also knew, however, that this wasn't just about Boyd.
"You don't talk about her much," Sage mused, tugging her jacket tighter around her body when she felt a cold chill come along.
She knew she was surfacing on uncharted territory. Derek very rarely ever spoke about the first girl he ever loved. The only time Sage had heard anything about the young girl was when she was eleven years ago and couldn't go to sleep at night, which resulted in Derek telling her a story about how a boy fell in love with a girl but there was not a happy ending.
She was young, and that had been when she came to the realization that the world doesn't revolve around happy endings. She realized early on at such a ripe age that the world is cruel and the world is unfair. You don't always get what you want and happy endings only exist in fairy tales told to ignorant children.
Sage had never really had a chance to be a true child, her whole life revolving around theories of what she would grown up to become and secrets that bound herself to the Hale family for life. When she was six, she remembered overhearing a conversation between Luke, who had been twelve at the time, and her parents. Luke had always been the one to fight for her, fight for the hope she wouldn't have the same druidic abilities as her family.
That, maybe, she would just be a normal human like her father.
But, as stated before, people don't get what they want. Luke ended up dying to protect Cora the night of the fire, and Sage ended up sitting in a cold machinery building across from her werewolf best friend, avoiding the reality that this might be her last night to actually drown out the world.
"You don't talk much about that night," Derek retorted after some time, his eyes lifting up from the single spot on the ground to glance at Sage.
Sage pursed her lips and shrugged once. "Doesn't matter much now, does it? Nothing has changed since then, that was showed pretty clearly after what he did. I figured I would just erase the memory completely."
"But it came back."
Sage frowned. "So did your's."
The night at the loft had been too closely a reminder of two years ago. It had been too closely a reminder because she had been split apart like that, void of emotions as she watched someone die without the ability to help. There was a feeling of utter inadequacy, knowing that Boyd was dead before Kali had even grabbed a hold of him.
It was what the Alpha pack did.
They manipulate people to get what they want. They tear apart the hopes and dreams you have and they use it against you. Sage knew better than anyone the inferior complex they hid behind, she knew what they were capable of doing to people just do become monarchs — just to become alphas.
Sage knew that she needed to tell someone. "So, who goes first?"
Derek let out a deep exhale, knowing that it would be him. The memory of Paige was not something he wanted to divulge into. Just like Sage, he made sure that was a part of his past that stay hidden from the world. Even the reminder of the first girl he ever loved sent a large stab to his chest and he felt like he couldn't breathe.
"I met her sophomore year when I was fifteen," Derek began, swallowing hard. "I was messing around playing basketball with a few of my friends in the hallway while she was trying to practice her cello."
Sage's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "She played cello?"
Derek nodded, a small smile on his face at the memory. "She refused give me her name, told me that I would only find it out if I could play one of the instruments in the music room. I ended up finding the triangle and—"
"You didn't," Sage gasped, her eyes shining with small amounts of amusement. "Seriously? The triangle?"
Derek stifled a laugh. "I was fifteen, Sage. I didn't know how to play anything. She didn't seem to care, and she actually laughed at me. I remember knowing that I would fall in love with her right then, that there was no way out of what I had just been sucked into."
"Yeah, I know the feeling," Sage muttered, playing a few of the rings on her fingers.
Two of them had been given to her by Lydia, while the one that resided on her middle finger was a birthday present from Stiles on her seventeenth. She doesn't really touch it much, too afraid that she might end up losing it. The blonde promised her boyfriend when he gave it to her that she wouldn't take it off, no matter what.
She would keep that promise.
"We started to date about a month after I met her," Derek explained, shifting around so that he was more comfortable. "Neither one of us wanted anyone to know too much about what we did or where we met, so we came here. She lived closer to the borders of the town and I could run fast, so it worked."
Sage glanced around the room. "You're a real charmer, Derek Hale."
"She thought I was," Derek opted. "She just didn't see in herself what I saw in her. We were in here one night when she asked me why I liked her, thought that it was just because she couldn't stand me in the beginning. She didn't realize it was because she brought out something in me no one else had before. She was a spark."
"What happened to her?"
"Peter got into my head. He made me worry about her finding out about me being a werewolf and he manipulated me, went off on making me believe that turning her was the only way that the two of us could be together forever."
Sage's mouth fell slack and she flinched, knowing enough about the transition into a werewolf to assume what happened next. Peter probably found an alpha, manipulated that alpha's weaknesses and got him to bite Paige. She learned enough about werewolves when she was younger to know that you either complete the transition or you reject it.
She didn't need Derek explaining that.
"Derek," Sage interrupted, the man's head lifting up. "You don't have to tell me anymore. I know what happens next."
The older man nodded once, a weight lifting off his shoulders knowing that he didn't have to relive his history. It was hard enough speaking about her, and he couldn't even say her name without feeling all of that guilt and misery hit him like a ton of bricks.
He fell in love with Paige when he was small, and that had been one of his fatal flaws. He fell in love with a girl and ever since then, anyone and everyone he has ever loved has been put in danger. Derek has known that for the longest time, known that any person that walks into his life will not walk out of it without scars and bruises.
Sometimes, they don't walk out at all.
He knew that he couldn't judge Sage. He couldn't judge her for falling in love with Aiden because he had done the same with Paige. The younger blonde across the room from him was a replication of everything he used to be when he was her age, and a splitting image of all the past mistakes he has made.
No matter how hard he tried, Sage was inevitably left to lead the same fate as him.
"I guess it's my turn then, yeah?" Sage muttered, her hands clasping tightly around each other as she gave a large huff. She figured if Derek could talk about Paige then surely she could talk about what changed everything between herself and Aiden.
Derek leaned forward. "You don't have to."
"Yeah, I do," Sage dismissed, weakly smiling at her best friend. "It's okay, really. Um, do you remember the old warehouse that was a few miles away from our apartment back then?"
Derek nodded. "The one that you found with Laura?"
"That's the one. I went there with Aiden and Ethan every Saturday just to hang out with them, mostly because Laura still didn't like it when they came over to the apartment because they would always mess up the couches."
"I remember," Derek answered, shoving his hands into his pockets.
"That's where we were earlier that night celebrating my sixteenth birthday."
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"California? Seriously?"
Aiden gaped at his girlfriend. "What? California looks like a nice place!"
Ethan started to crack up on the other couch in the old building while Sage just snorted at Aiden's plea for Cali. They had been at the place for, at least, an hour now doing nothing but talking about where they would go when they turned eighteen. Sage and Ethan both agreed that they would move somewhere like London or Sydney, but Aiden wasn't having it.
He chose, out of the whole world, California.
Sage rolled her eyes with a grin, shoving his face away from her. "California is a nice place but wouldn't you want to go somewhere else? Surely, Disney Land and all of those movie stars can wait, babe. Besides, I used to live in Cali when I was younger. It's not all it's cracked up to be."
"I don't know," Aiden shrugged. "I guess I just want to go somewhere that means something to you."
Sage stared at him for a few seconds, genuinely surprised at the honest answer from him. Then, a grin broke out onto her face and Ethan let out a groan. "At least wait until I'm out of the room, Jesus Christ, guys. I'll see you later."
They didn't, however, and Aiden's lips were on Sage's a second later. He felt her smile into the kiss, something she would do on multiple occasions whenever they were making out, but it always brought a since of security for him. Her smiling meant that she was happy, and that was all he needed to know to be happy himself.
The kiss got steamy fast, though. Sage's smile broke when Aiden pressed his lips harder onto her mouth, her hands finding their way in his hair as she climbed on his lap so that she was straddling him. His tongue found her bottom lip, nipping at it until she finally gave in and parted her lips, fingers digging into the base of his neck.
Aiden left her lips rather abruptly, his trail leaving her mouth and moving down the side of her face until he found a certain spot on her neck that made her moan out. A shiver ran down Sage's spine when his teeth met with the soft flesh of her collarbone, and tried to control her breathing when he nipped at it.
"Aiden," Sage warned, just before she was silenced as he grabbed a hold of her waist, moving so that she was now under him on the couch.
They had never gotten this intimate before, mostly because Sage didn't want to until she was sure that Aiden actually loved her and didn't just want to use her like some toy. But, now, she knew. She knew that she would run away with Aiden in a heartbeat and she knew that she would give him what he wanted.
Aiden pulled back when his hands fell on her hips, touching her bare skin right under the hem of her shirt. His eyes were darker than usual, hinting that he wanted this as much as her, and honestly, she couldn't ask for a better sixteenth birthday than doing this with him, being here in this moment.
He squeezed her sides lightly. "Are you sure?"
Sage rolled her eyes and grabbed a hold of his face, pulling him back down so that their lips connected once again. His hips rolled against hers, both of his arms on either side of her to keep all of his weight from completely crushing her.
Despite the fact that the beam of the couch was, quite literally, poking her back to the point of being uncomfortable, she didn't stop kissing Aiden. His hands slowly moved from her hips up to her rib cage, her shirt trailing up with his fingers and exposing her to the warm, summer night. He tugged once on the clothing, a message that he wanted it off, and she raised her body slightly to give him that.
Then, of course, the teenagers lost their balance and went crashing off the couch.
Sage was the first to crack up, giggling into Aiden's chest as she tried to contain herself. His chest began to rumble as well, holding tightly onto Sage's bare body as he looked down at her. Aiden realized how lucky he was then to have her— to have a girl that saw beyond his flaws and his issues and loved him.
He kissed her again, and then his shirt was off.
Sage was pressed on top of him, her fingernails leaving long scratch marks on his bare chest as she moved her lips from his over to his neck. His hands wandered, moving from her back down to her ass where he squeezed just before he found the zipper of her shorts, all while expertly flipping them over once again.
When their clothes were off, the two of them already breathing heavily as they tried to catch their breaths, Sage knew that this was what she wanted, this was her decision. She didn't regret it when Aiden became her first time.
She didn't regret anything.
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"Oh, gross, Sage," Derek mumbled, his face contorting in disgust.
Sage frowned, feeling goosebumps on her arms. She obviously didn't give her best friend the whole foreplay, only telling him about how Aiden talked about wanting to go to California because of her and that he was the one who took her virginity.
The blonde rolled her eyes at the man. "You're the one who fucked my English teacher."
"So," Derek began, clearing his throat. "You and Aiden did... that. When did everything else happen? I mean, whenever you came home that night you—"
Sage snorted, interrupting him. "I looked like I came out of Carrie. After that, we ended up just sitting there for a while. Ethan ended up coming back though, and when we saw the look on his face we knew that something was wrong. The two told me before that Deucalion and the other alphas had been keeping a close eye on them because they were twins, but it wasn't a serious issue at the time."
"I'm assuming it became an issue?" Derek asked, his brows raising.
"It was more than an issue, Derek. It was a bloodbath."
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Sage and Aiden lay on the couch, her halfway on his chest as she kept her eyes closed. It was quiet outside apart from the occasional chirp of a bird, something that she had grown to enjoy over the past few months. She liked how secluded the town was, how she didn't have to impress anyone when she went to school and didn't have to act different.
She could just be herself.
Sage felt a pressure on her forehead and glanced up to see that Aiden was looking at her, a small smile on his face. "You know that I love you, right?"
"I know," Sage answered, moving slightly so that she could press a small kiss on his lips. "I love you too. But no matter how much I love you, Derek will still kick my ass if I'm home any later than midnight. Which means I've got to go."
"Aw, come on, Little Red," Aiden whined, holding on to her tighter. "Don't leave me yet."
Sage huffed out. "You know I hate it when you call me that."
"You're the one that fell for the big, bad wolf," Aiden retorted, kissing her cheek. "We should go, though. Ethan's probably pissed that we left him."
Sage cringed. "Again."
The couple got up off the couch, Sage wincing slightly at the pain in her abdomen, but shrugged it off. She's been through much worse than a little cherry popping. Aiden must have noticed because he tightened his grip on her waist before his hand found hers and the two of them made their way to the exit of the place.
However, just before they made it to the door, a figure came barreling into the place. Both teenagers whipped their heads back in surprise, Aiden immediately moving so that Sage was protectively behind him. It wasn't a threat though, the two relaxing when they noticed it was just Ethan having rushed in.
"Aiden, we need to go. Now," Ethan hissed, his eyes wide as he began to take large strides over to his brother. "They're here. They've got Marcus, Claire, Brandon, all of them."
Sage's eyebrows furred as she stepped out from behind Aiden. "Who?"
"Deucalion. He's got our whole pack outside."
Aiden's grip on Sage's hand tightened. They had been waiting for this moment for weeks, waiting for when Deucalion and his other two flanks finally made their move on the twins. They were valuable to Deucalion, the superior alpha constantly raving about all of the power and control the two could have if they went with him.
What scared Sage wasn't Deucalion's offer, it was the possibility that the twins might actually take it. She's seen firsthand how their pack treats them, like bitches of the pack, absolutely nothing. It wouldn't surprise her if they actually took out all of their rage on their alpha and the other members. She knew about that pent up revenge, clawing its way out of the two betas.
"Sage, you need to go," Aiden muttered, glancing down at her. "You need to leave before they realize you're here and they kill you."
Sage took a step back, startled. "I'm not going to leave you. Either of you. I can call Derek or Laura and they can fix all of this—"
"They can't do anything," Ethan denied, shaking his head. "It's too late anyway. They're not going to let her just walk away, Aiden."
Aiden's jaw clenched, his hand falling out of Sage's as he ran his hands through his hair. Sage watched his anger boil over, jumping slightly when he grabbed a hold of a lamp she had put in at the beginning of the year, letting the glass sharps spray over the place. She had only ever seen the boy this angry once before and that was when his pack called Sage a whore.
That hadn't been pretty.
When he turned back around to face his brother and girlfriend, his eyes were shining their deep fluorescent, golden yellow. Sage noticed how they flickered from her to the door, and realized a second later what he was planning on doing.
"Aiden, don't! You'll get yourself killed!" Sage snapped, watching in horror as he ignored her pleas and just headed towards the exit. "Aiden! This isn't your fight! Aiden!"
Ethan snarled from beside her, and she glanced over to see that he had shifted, his eyes an exact replication of his brother's. She could do nothing, then, but watch as both twins fled outside and follow after them. She shouldn't have; she should have just stayed inside until everything was over but she couldn't.
She couldn't just leave Aiden to die.
The second that she got outside, her converse hitting the dirt that surrounded the place, she was surprised to see the three alphas that had been stalking the twins. Deucalion, the leader, had a tight grip on Aiden and Ethan's alpha, Marcus, while Kali and Ennis took care of Marcus' flanks, Claire and Brandon.
They were set up for an execution, Sage realized, and stopped in her place when she noticed that her abrupt intrusion had given her all eyes. Kali had began smirking, something that Sage found herself trying to ignore due to the overall feeling of creepiness that the woman gave off.
Deucalion was much worse though, a smile plaqued on his cold, hard exterior. "What a pleasure to finally meet you, Sage. Your mother and I used to be acquaintances back when you were just a little one."
"What do you want?" Sage spat, her hands clenching tightly as she unsteadily took a glance to her right to see that Aiden and Ethan were still on opposing ends, claws outstretched as they waited for a fight.
Deucalion gave a brilliant laugh and tightened his hold on Marcus. "My dear, you're just here for the show."
Marcus barked out a growl, his whole pack struggling in their designated alpha's arms. Sage caught on to what Deucalion was hinting and whipped her head around to see that the twins had taken a step closer to each other, preparing themselves. The war that was about to break was inevitable, no matter how hard she tried someone was going to die tonight.
"Aiden, don't do this," Sage begged, trying to get the boy's attention back to her and not on murdering his back. "What's any of this going to do, Aiden? You get to watch them suffer but you lose me!"
The werewolf tensed at that, his back arching. Sage tried to ignore the tears that were building up in her eyes, refusing to let the Alpha pack think she was weak. Aiden's head tilted and he turned to look back at her, his eyes softening slightly when he saw how much pain was hidden in the green eyes that he fell in love with.
He uttered two words that changed everything. "I'm sorry."
Then, Sage was watching as Aiden and Ethan completely mauled apart their whole pack. She watched as the twins grew so ruthless in their murdering that they became one, conjoining together as though it was a second nature; as though they were born to become monsters all along.
A part of her saw the irony of it all. Aiden had been right all along by saying he was the big, bad wolf, because she was finally seeing all he was created to be. He wasn't created to love her, or even be a good guy. He was created to murder and manipulate and pull at all of the strings that he once held together.
While her ears rang, the screams piercing her like a thousand bombs going off in her head, she finally understood that she could do nothing. Deucalion had known all along that she would be forced to watch this instinctively, that there was no way for her to turn away because how could she? How could she turn away?
Deucalion knew all along that she wouldn't be able to handle it, and that had done so much more destruction to her than death ever would. No, because death was easy and death was permanent. He wanted her to suffer, he wanted her to feel everything.
Sage Connelly hadn't even realized that while Aiden and Ethan gained power and control, she lost a part of herself that made her human. She lost a part of her that believed in love and believed in hope. Her heart had been obliterated, and she couldn't ignore that no matter how hard she tried.
She couldn't.
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"He made you watch?"
Sage glanced up at Derek and nodded once. "The whole thing. The ripping, the blood, the cries for help. After they left, I tried to see if any of them were alive. That's how I got all of the blood on me, trying to save them."
"None of them were alive, were they?" Derek asked, crossing his arms over his chest.
Sage's jaw tightened and looked up to her best friend. He should have expected to see the tears forming in her eyes, especially with how many times he has seen her cry in the past few weeks, but he still didn't expect it. Sage had cried more now than she had in the past seven years.
"Claire was," Sage began, picking at her nails. "I watched her die in my arms. The last thing she ever said was "I'm sorry," and I realized then."
Derek watched her. "What did you realize?"
"We surround ourselves with people and we care about them — we love them. We don't even take a chance to consider the possibility of them being the monsters that are breaking us every second of every day. We fall in love and we get so consumed in that fantasy," Sage explained, her voice cracking as she struggled to keep herself together. "That when it's over, we feel nothing."
"Nothing at all."
Sage couldn't tell Derek that she felt like she was the monster all along, not Aiden.
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SEX IS BAD. SEX IS VERY BAD. but saiden sex is good because yasSsyasgS.IHQIJERHEW. okay, anyways, this is basically how visionary turned out. i'm not exactly sure if i like it or not but i figured why the hell not. i wanted to at least include paige and derek so it would make more sense and fit in easier with the whole plot.
also, i chose to shove sage with derek so that they could grieve together. i did this only because she was always there for him any time something bad happened, whether it be when their parents died or when laura died, she was always there. so that happened.
now everyone knows what saiden used to be and what happened. now i only have four episodes left to write of 3a and im v v excited. there is going to be a lot of shit that goes down at the end of part one of the story.
3b is going to be, like, ten times worse though.
(enjoy fetus sage gif btw)
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