Chapter 5
My eyes fluttered open to reveal a new area yet again, but this time there was no movement and instead I was in solid ground. My surroundings were dark, not that that was much of a problem, and all I could see was 3 tall walls and bars replacing the forth. I scanned the area with narrow eyes, until I heard a loud crash and rumble from the space on the other side of the wall, followed by a very familiar voice. Alpha.
I yipped slightly to the sound of his voice and struggled to my feet because of the shooting pain in my shoulder, once I was on my feet I walked around my new environment with mild curiosity. Until I yelped as a dull ache flooded my mouth and an emptiness filled the area where one of my canines should be. I growl rumbled up from deep in my through but slowly faded as I felt eyes resting on me.
My eyes flickered to the front of the cage to see a little creature watching me with wide eyes, my eyes scanned the tiny human as I edged closer to her until I was looking down at her and my head was against the bars. I blinked, flinching slightly as she reached a hand up towards my head. She rested it between my eyes and dragged it slowly down so it was resting on my muzzle. I watched her closely, holding still trying not to startle her as she gazed at me in wonder.
She moved her hand to the start of my coloured patter that gained me my name, I could easily attack her now but something, my subconscious was telling me not to. She breathed out a soft sigh as she looked at my stripe, a look of recognition settling across her features," Hello Dawn." I straightened up at the sound of my name causing her to giggle. During my interaction with her I didn't even notice the shrill whistling from the cage beside me.
The tiny human opened her mouth to say something but she was cut off by a loud crashing as a Pachy burst from its cage, sending the door swinging open and banging against the wall, causing me to jump slightly. It shook its head from the impact of hitting the pole outside it's cage before trotting off down the hall. Two figures clambered out of the cage behind the pachy, two figures I soon recognized to be Alp- Owen and his red-headed 'friend'.
The little girl moved to the centre of the hall, staring at them with wide eyes and sniffling. She took off down the hall running when Owen and his 'friend' Claire's attention. They bolted after the girl causing me to start yipping and cawing at the flurry of movement. All the figures disappeared and round the corner and I tried to listen closely to conversation but I only caught a small part, which was the little girl saying,"I saw you... With the velociraptors, Blue and Dawn." The conversation continued along for a while with the girl letting out a few choked sobs, until I heard," If you help us, I'll tell you everything you want to know about Blue and Dawn." The little girl replied to him with a soft, almost undetectable voice," I've already met Dawn." You could hear the absolute shock in Claire's voice when she asks," Dawn is.. here? I thought they would have taken her to the infirmary to change her bandages." The little girl replies to Claire with a shaky voice," No she is right round there."
I heard their footsteps coming round the corner, so I stuck my muzzle between the bars of my pen, and cawed to them. I saw all three figures round the corner and make their way towards my pen. The little girl picked up a light jog towards my cage then slowed down, I assume in an attempt to not startle me. I purred to her slightly, in my reptilian way.
She stepped towards me and though I was focused on her, I could see Claire make a move to pull her backwards out of the corner of my eye but Owen put a hand on her arm to stop her. He watched intently as she rested her hand against my muzzle once again and stroked me gently. I closed my eyes relaxing into her touch but tensing up slightly as I felt another hand rest on top of my head. I relaxed once I breathed in the familiar scent, Owen.
I chuffed to them and opened my eyes blowing air out of my noise, blowing bits of the girls face out of her face, causing her to giggle. I turned my attention to Owen, who was smiling down at me," It's great to see you again Dawn." I rubbed my head against his familiar touch before a loud clang rang through the room, making me jerk my head back from the cage and Owen, Claire and the little girl dart back round the corner out of sight.
I turned my attention to the Humans exiting a small room, each of them had their gazes locked on my cage. I darted into the far corner of my cage, laying down and curling up glaring at the approaching figures.
Each person who was in front of my cage had a stick of lightning in the hands. I pushed myself to me feet straight into a hunters crouch but pushing my side against the back wall for my own protection.
One of the Men pulled a small device from their pocket and pressed a button on it making the back walls of my cage slid apart. I tumbled into the room behind the walls,snarling and disoreintating myself.
Before I could run back into my original cage the walls had already slammed shut once more, locking me into the new room.
I looked around the cage, noticing bars on all four sides instead of walls. The cage was a lot brighter because of this causing me to shut my eyes briefly against the attack of the light.
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