Chapter 14: Kota
That white-haired kid was weird.
Kota groaned, their whole camp was flooded with hero wannabes.
He's not surprised in the slightest.
Dozens upon dozens of beat up students flooded their little camp lodge, but it was really weird that the white haired kid wasn't even dusty.
Aw geez, Kota tuned them out. A loud blonde kid was hovering alongside the whitehaired one, saying a lot of swear words.
Real heroic of him.
"Alright, hellspawn, headcount." A... homeless man? Pulled up and announced.
Kota yawned.
"20 sir, all present and accounted for." The black haired boy rolled his eyes, teacher's pet...
"... And I've told you for the last time, the support department has rejected your appeal to use a sledgehammer as a support tool, Midoriya hand it over." Kota blinked, where did he get that hammer, he wasn't holding one a second ago.
"I saw that clip on your pocket Midoriya, hand it over." The white haired boy chuckled before handing something over to the teacher.
The man clicked his tongue, shoving the item in his own pocket. "How many times-" he turned to another student, the black haired girl with a ponytail this time was the one looking sheepish. "Yaoyorozu, give Midoriya another weapon and you're under house arrest... Camp arrest... Room arrest." He huffed.
Kota... was befuddled with the group of herolings, all different personalities, chatting about how exhausted they were, it really was-
Oh. There was a clamour of sound behind him, he covered his ears and groaned.
His aunts were here.
The Wild Wild Pussycats introduced themselves, to which the young boy tried to slip into the background, go back to his room maybe?
"Who's the kid?" someone asked, he instantly groaned as PixieBob picked him up and showed him off to the class like some pet cat, he thrashed and struggled, but to no avail.
"This is Izumi Kota. Please take care of him everyone." she shoved him face first infront of one of the hero kids. Ugh, Kota shoved and kicked to try and get away. "You! You look like you're good with kids, are you?" the blonde woman shoved him face to face with the white haired kid, was it Midoriya-something? "If you take good care of him, I give you a little reward." She winked back at the hero in training. Kota whimpered... not again.
"That's enough, Pixie." Oh thank the stars. His aunt, hero name: Mandalay finally picked him up. "No need to stress them out." Midoriya just chuckled back at them, the bastard. The boy growled at both his aunt and the little heroling.
"You can go back to your room..." She whispered, Kota nodded and slipped back to the only safe space he had in this entire camp. Well, ONE of the only safe spaces anyways.
Oh yeah, nap time.
The kid let out a sigh of relief when he tossed his cap at his nightstand and flung himself to his comfy bed. He'd want to get this over with as soon as possible, he forgot how long they were gonna stay here, so he might as well just sleep it off.
His eyes fluttered shut.
Something... Something was smelling good.
Kota's eyes fluttered open, yawning as he stretched, it was dead dark now. He scratched his head, the night was abuzz with the students eating and mingling with each other.
His stomach growled, well now. He blinked, the food was starting to smell good.
The brunette slowly opened the door, rubbing the sleep off his eyes as he quietly made his way to his aunt's lodge.
Students were conversing with each other, the smell of cooked meat and vegetables filled the cold night air, Kota narrowed his eyes.
He frowned when the white haired boy, Midoriya was it? Approached him with a tray in hand.
"Go away." He was being polite, he didn't like any of the U.A students in the slightest, and he didn't want anything to do with them.
Midoriya gave him a soft smile, gently giving him a tray of greens, grilled meat, soup, and rice. "Let's not go hungry, okay?" and like that, he went back to the other hero kids.
He looked down on his tray, it smelled amazing, he won't sugar coat it, so he huffed and went back to his room to quietly eat his meal. The night was starting to get rowdy, he groaned.
The food was... good. Real good. It's been a long while since he ate something this... well, good.
He kept eating, watching the hero students from the windows. Again, it was that white-haired kid a black-haired ponytail girl conversing with a spiky-haired blond kid who he can clearly hear in a completely shut room. They were talking with the other kids, he could see plain as day how the black-haired girl subtly gave Midoriya an item behind their backs.
Was... was that a pocket knife?
Midoriya didn't even look the least bit surprised or had a creek in his step as he smoothly shoved it in his back pocket without anyone noticing.
He poked at his greens, observing a red haired kid lift a blonde one with a thunderbolt on his hair above his head. Whoops, looks like a blue haired heroling and an orange-haired girl were chewing them out for doing so. Honestly he didn't really care to learn their names, they'd just be gone by a couple of weeks tops.
Nice. Looks like teachers are getting involved. It's pretty funny seeing them apologize and be bashful about horsing around when they know damn well they'd do it again if they had the chance.
There were... clothes floating? Very cool of U.A letting ghosts into their school, he'd admit that it was nice of them to give them that chance.
Kota sighed, watching the hero students some more. It was a bit, just a tiny smidge infuriating the way they would joke around, and have fun, mess around. Like they weren't fighting tooth and nail, training to be a hero.
He huffed. It was annoying, heroes die all the time, and they aren't taking this a single bit seriously.
Kota's eyes fluttered, he yawned, after the hearty meal and some prime clown entertainment that was the U.A staff and students, he was getting sleepy.
So he tucked away the empty tray and headed off to bed.
Mornings were supposed to be peaceful, tranquil, quiet. Filled with the sweet songs from the birds and breeze, but alas. This just wasn't one of those days.
He groaned, covering his ears with his pillows as the grunts and yells from the heroes in training filled the entire camp like a cacophony. He tossed and turned, but nothing would help tune out the noise that the students were making from the outside.
With a reluctant whimper giving into his fate, he sat on his bed. Sleep fresh on his eyes and breath. He quietly walked out of his room.
Yup, they were training alright. The blue-haired boy was running laps around the empty field like his life was depending on it, somehow somewhere, he could hear explosions and very heavy cursing from afar.
Well, there looked to be an eating contest between the black-haired ponytail-girl and another black-haired student, another one was just shooting out cloth? Tape? 'Till he looked like a mummy, and of course, Midoriya was bench-pressing the bus that they arrived in.
Kota looked for breakfast in the common room, the pussy cats were absent except for his aunt, Mandalay.
"Here." She gave him a plate of breakfast, "You know, it wouldn't be so bad to get to know the other kids." She spoke softly, she nudged him.
"Nah." Was all that he replied, he kept eating, but it was short lived. The door burst open with the two teachers, mr. Homeless, and... a vampire? Covered in sweat and wheezing.
"Did you make them take five?" Mandalay asked, tossing them bottles of water.
"No..." the vampire added. "You'd be surprised how much it takes to observe 40 students all within a kilometer of each other." The two both chugged the bottles of water like there was no tomorrow.
"You got that problem with the Todoroki kid down?" he asked.
The homeless man groaned and his hand reached his face. "No." The vampire just gave him a pat on the back. "No matter what I do, he just won't use the other half of his quirk. Endeavor and the principal's got him locked into my class for good, would've expelled him ages ago if he wasn't."
Mandalay walked in again, this time tossing them some dry towels to wipe their sweat off. "What about the- uh... weapon problem you've been having?" the man gave another groan in response.
"I... can't for the life of me get them to stop." In one moment his serious and no nonsense attitude melted into straight up depression. "I shake the kid to stop him from using the sledgehammer, confiscate it, Yaoyorozu makes him another one. I go to the support department to have him banned as a requirement for continued enrollment, they do it- doesn't stop him. I asked, I pleaded to principal Nedzu to tell the hellspawn to stop using it during spars and quirk training, I made a spreadsheet on how collateral and maintenance costs have near quintupled since the hellspawn's arrival, but the rat just snickered at me and said it was fine."
The vampire gave him a hearty chuckle and a good rough smack on the back. "Couldn't be me."
"You should just let him be, Aizawa, Pixie and the gang said he was really impressive on how he controlled it." Mandalay sat next to Kota, taking a handkerchief and wiping off some food schmutz.
"The last stage is acceptance, after all." Mandalay replied.
"How's the gash you got last week?" they segwayed into another topic, Kota was barely listening in.
"Just scar tissue now." Aizawa gingerly rubbed his shoulder. "I don't know why the perp wasn't aiming for any joints or vital organs, it was strange, at first I thought it was a requirement for quirk use. But they left the scene right after."
"You looked like a horror show when you walked into the hospital, and you should be thankful that they weren't aiming to kill." Mandalay replied, "You were bleeding so much that the janitors were struggling to get it all off the tiles."
The black-clad man huffed, "Surface level, thank God they didn't hit an artery."
It was lunch time, Kota sat by the Pussycats and watched the hero students scarf down their meals like there was no tomorrow.
"Any of them catch your eye?" his aunt, Mandalay asked him, the brown haired boy scoffed and poked at his meal.
"Like I care." He spoke, barely above a whisper.
Mandalay huffed, going back to her meal momentarily. "You don't have to be like that Kota." She ruffled his hair, much to his hat's dismay, "this is your summer break too, you should make the most of it, have some fun, talk to the other kids. They're really nice people if you just get to know them, you know."
Kota silently growled, his meal was starting to taste sour in his mouth.
The soft buzz of conversation around them filled the air.
"If I wanted to have fun I wouldn't've come here, but you dragged me here, so boo hoo." His aunt rolled her eyes with a smile.
"You'll look back at this fondly, back when you didn't have to worry about your thesis or anything, God, I could only wish that I was a kid again." She replied.
"And what- back then when you weren't some dumb hero who's just gonna get themselves kil-" his quip was cut short by himself catching the words on his mouth, he didn't have to go so far, he bit his tongue and looked away from his aunt. He didn't want to see what expression she had on her face.
He had lost his appetite.
"I..." Mandalay tried to reply, she really did, but a soft beep on her wristwatch caught her at an inconvenient time. "I-I'm sorry Kota, but I have to tend to the students..." he scoffed back, the prickly signs of tears starting to rear their ugly heads on his eyelids.
She gave him a warm hug, far longer than he would've liked. "I'm sorry..." she whispered to his ear. "I'll make it up to you later, 'kay?" she spoke, he didn't look back at her.
"Alright, lunch break's over! Tiger, could you be a dear and watch over Kota for the afternoon? Got some stealth training with the A and B kids." She called over.
Kota turned his head petulantly, this sucked. A lot. He grabbed his plate and stomped his way over to the cleaning area while Tiger trailed behind him.
"Stupid- Stupid!" he grumbled to himself, angrily putting down his plate and utensils on the pan of water.
He shouldn't have said anything.
He'd 100% admit that he was wrong to say that to aunty. Well, not vocally at least. It sucked.
It sucked so much.
He knows that she only had his best interests at heart, but God.
He didn't want to be here.
Didn't want to be surrounded by hero brats who were going to get themselves killed in a few years.
Leaving everyone else behind.
This sucked.
Kota hastily wiped away at the moistness around his eyelids, no one wanted to see the little poor kid grovel.
"Are you alright?" the boy glared, it was that white-haired kid again, Midoriya was it?
Kota was glaring him a mean one, the two of them refusing to acknowledge or move an inch.
They were both just staring at each other, Midoriya was holding onto a plate, his other hand a sponge.
There was an awkward silence.
"Here, let me." He wiped his hands on his shirt, he produced a handkerchief from his pocket and gently wiped away at Kota's tears.
Kota froze, almost reminiscing the days that his parents would go on and wipe the tears leaking from his eyes when he was younger.
The gentle touch of cloth lulled him, for half a second.
He broke away from the white-haired student with a growl and a shove. "Don't touch me!" he snarled back.
Midoriya blinked before smiling back at him. Kota wasn't having any of it.
"Midoriya." Tiger, oh right, Tiger was behind us. Tiger called out to the heroling. "Aizawa requested for us to spar if I do recall."
The boy grinned, "Yes, he did."
Kota groaned, he was being led by the hand by Tiger to the more remote training fields within the forest.
The wind blew, the birds chirped, and Kota wanted nothing more than to go home and play video games.
But here he was.
Sitting on a rock, watching two knuckledheads stretch before they beat the everliving snot out of each other.
He gave a resounding and exhausted sigh. What could he do?
"Ready kitten?" Tiger cracked his neck, Midoriya nodded with a grin.
Power surged.
With a leap that kicked up more dust that he'd give credit to, Midoriya lunged at Tiger, fist going straight for the kisser.
"Good start- good start." The cat-themed hero commented as he took the quirked fist on with his palm- er, paw.
Kota observed, shielding his eyes from all the goddamn dust there was.
Tiger slinked and weaved his way through Midoriya's blows, one stray haymaker from the whitehaired boy resulted in the bulky hero wrapping, very literally, wrapping his arm around the kid's own arm and tossing him over his shoulder.
"Good one kitten! Almost got me there!" he bellowed a laugh, Midoriya was having none of that. He localized his quirk to his legs, sparks of power showered them, the boy jettisoned to the air.
Kota would've seen more if there wasn't so much dirt in the way.
The white-haired student used several quirk-powered flicks of his fingers to redirect his trajectory, resulting in a very chaotic and, dare he say? Spastic movement. Midoriya maneuvered through the air, his heel raised to the sun before crashing down, barely managing to miss Tiger. The earth below him crumbled.
Such a generous gift to the hero was given back to Midoriya twofold, a mean sock to the face was what the boy had gotten as a result of all his efforts.
Midoriya gingerly rubbed his chin, ooh that didn't look too good, it was an angry shade of red before power surged once more.
"Very creative Midoriya, I'm liking what I'm seeing." Tiger puffed his chest in glee, "Now let's see you on the defensive." Midoriya raised his fists, the power under his skin sparked to life.
Kota would admit.
Very begrudgingly.
That it was pretty cool.
But God, were they kicking up a storm or what?
He huffed, might as well, every hit Midoriya was dealing to the ground sounded like thunder anyway.
Midoriya was taking some stray hits every now and again, Tiger's grappling fighting style proving a real sore spot for Midoriya's own brawler-esque style.
Kota couldn't count how many times the white-haired kid ate dirt.
Maybe 12? More than 10 for sure.
Tiger's arms wrapped around Midoriya's waist, he tossed the boy to a tree, Midoriya attempted, key word attempted, to flick his way back to the ground. But Tiger knee'd him in the face before the boy could do anything.
Midoriya coughed on the ground, he wiped the sweat off his forehead before he grinned and his quirk roared back to life.
"Woah kit, keep your cool, let's take a quick fiver, okay?" Tiger raised his paws nonthreatening, "Pretty damn good if I say so myself, very very solid foundation." Tiger complimented the boy, to which he replied with his own awkward grin. "Dunno what U.A's been feeding your batch, but it's been doing wonders, can't even compare to when I started out." He rubbed his chin with his paw.
The training went on throughout the afternoon, nay for an entire week. Kota slinking in and out of his room, randomly following whichever of his aunts and uncles that would get their hands- er, paws on him.
Kota was genuinely surprised at how fast time was flying.
Before he knew it, the hero kids were already at the midpoint of their little training vacation.
Nothing much happened during that point, he knocked off some perv from the hot springs.
He kicked that loud blonde kid in the balls. It was decent.
And so, the night he was dreading was coming up.
The test of courage.
He groaned, he already spotted his aunt Pixiebob put on corny masks on her quirk golems.
So he left.
He left to leisurely walk to his favourite spot.
It was quiet.
It was nice.
The moon really was beautiful out here.
Kota sighed, the earthy smell of the forest and soft chirps from the crickets always calmed him down.
He looked to the cliff, the stream below flowing softly, tranquil.
"Hey." A hand made its way to his shoulder.
He screamed.
He stumbled, his face mere inches from the cliff as a strong hand held his wrist, and body, from falling into the chasm.
His heart was pounding, a bead of sweat dripping from his forehead. He looked back behind him with renewed anger.
It was Midoriya, with a plate of curry and rice in his hand.
"The hell's your problem?" he shoved Midoriya's hand off himself. Kota dusted himself off, incredibly irked at the boy before him. "How'd you even find this place?" he asked, a snarl on his face.
Midoriya smiled that annoying grin of his, "You're easy to find." Was all that he said. "Mandalay was looking for you, we thought that you'd want dinner." He presented Kota with a plate of curry and rice, still steaming.
The brunette growled, "The hell? N-." So did his stomach.
Red tinted his cheeks and ears, he looked away. "F-fine. Whatever."
He ate, the two of them sitting on a log, a bit further away from the cliff. Kota was still a bit stunned by that encounter.
Oh god.
The curry was good.
"We should go back to the camp, it's getting quite late." Midoriya spoke, Kota rolled his eyes. How long was this guy trying to keep up this "cool silent type" act?
"Later." Was what Kota replied, shoveling the curry into his mouth.
Midoriya nodded, producing a notebook from his... back? Behind? He just got a notebook from thin air for all he cared.
The soft chirps of the crickets and gentle night breeze swayed through the night.
The sounds of a pen softly scribbling through paper... and mouth breathing?
"Why are you breathing so deeply?" Kota asked plain and simple. Midoriya titled his head, he smiled. Urgh, this guy.
Midoriya shook his head. "I'm sorry, force of habit." Kota rolled his eyes in response.
Kota would admit. Midoriya wasn't the worst of the little hero students.
He's pretty sure it was the loud blonde one screaming obscenities.
The now empty plate laid down on the ground, Kota observing the white-haired hero student.
The full moon shone brightly, bright enough for Kota to see what Midoriya was scribbling down on his notebook.
"We should go, I think Mandalay and the others are starting to wonder where we are." Midoriya spoke, his notebook getting shut as soon as Kota tried to steal a peak.
"No." Kota made a face. Midoriya shook his head before opening his notebook once more.
"Why aren't you leaving?" Kota asked, his annoyance growing more and more as time passed. "I already ate dinner, now leave me alone."
He grinned.
Kota growled.
"What? You're just gonna watch over me? Like I'm- like I'm some sorta kid!?" Kota snarled back at the boy, that goddamn smile getting on his nerves.
"You are a kid." Okay, so he might've walked into that one. Kota grumbled, a frustrated noise came out of his mouth as he pulled on the edges of his cap in anger.
"Here." Midoriya scooted closer to the boy, nudging his notebook for Kota to see. Kota turned his face away in defiance.
"Look Kota, it's you." The brunette blinked, confusion marring his face as he glanced over to the notebook.
Yes. He was there, drawn in black ink, Kota was... surprised to say the least. He was there, drawn in extreme detail.
Extreme meaning that Midoriya also captured his scowl.
"Nerd notes." Kota spoke out. There were journal entries beside him, daily logs of the entire camping trip. "Why?" he asked, anger being replaced by genuine confusion.
"Well..." Midoriya shrugged, "I think that it's rather productive to count one's days." He answered honestly, up to now Midoriya's tone was nothing short of soothing and gentle, but there was just a slight hiccup when he spoke once more. "You never know." Midoriya smiled, his tone cryptic and all mysterious-like.
Kota rolled his eyes.
Izuku smiled.
Kota scowled once more.
"You're a real nerd-ass, you know that?" the brunette muttered, mostly to himself since he didn't really like it when people heard him cuss like that, well, he did want Midoriya to hear it, if just a little bit.
Midoriya giggled, his snow-white locks bouncing to his jive. Kota narrowed his eyes and titled his head. Hmm, laughing wasn't really Midoriya's strong suites was it? It honestly sounded a bit foreign on his lips. Urgh.
"Do you like to write or draw, Izumi?" Midoriya asked, it was the first time he heard the boy speak his name, if he wasn't mistaken. Kota shrugged and shook his head, he'd draw sometimes, not like a hobby or a genuine interest. Nothing of that sort, just something to do to pass the time in class or when he was bored.
"Nah." He replied.
Midoriya nodded, flicking through his notebook, the pages fluttering before he stopped on a particular page.
"What about this?" the white-haired teen asked. He showed Kota his notebook once more.
Splayed on a two page spread was an intricate depiction of the Wild Wild Pussycats, doing their signature pose with the forest and the U.A bus in the background.
Kota shrugged, "It's pretty cool, I guess."
Midoriya nodded, "Heroes are so fascinating, aren't they?" the younger boy furrowed his brows, what. Midoriya continued.
"Saving people, I'm not quite sure how or when it caught on, but don't you find it interesting? I'm sorry if I'm rambling a bit, forgive me." Kota didn't reply, but Midoriya was more than willing to fill the dead air.
"I think it's rather interesting, the way the current system works, right? Incentivised justice... I remember... sorry, back then; At the dawn of quirks, people were fighting tooth and nail for equal rights for the quirked. It's... it's fascinating in its own right how the script has been flipped recently, and then the heroes came."
Kota listened, he didn't show it, he kicked a small pebble off his feet, looking at the ground beneath him.
"We... they. They were called vigilantes at first, criminals, miscreants, heretics, hoodlums, rebels, mutants, the filth, freaks of nature that had no part in God's plan for the world. Those who fought for normalcy, just for the right to walk out into the world and be who they were born as." Midoriya rambled on, Kota looked at him, Midoriya looked back. A somber smile drenched his face as he looked at the younger boy.
"You-" Kota struggled to get his words out, "You're so full of shit, man." He snickered, Midoriya shrugged. "What are you even talking about?" Midoriya shook his head.
"It's... normal now... everything's fine now, it's... well, it's quite overwhelming, you know? It's nice to think that the vigilantes of old fought for change, and that change happened. Embraced even. Don't you think that it's nice that heroes are out in the world?" Midoriya asked, he took a deep and measured breath, savoring the night air.
"What are you even talking about man?" Kota asked once more, absolutely lost and befuddled by what Midoriya was saying.
"I'm not sure." Midoriya replied. He gingerly traced over the drawing of the pussycats with his finger. "Heroes are people... I suppose... Making the decision to put their lives on the line for others." Midoriya smiled, "I wish we were called heroes during my time."
"And what?" Kota scathed back at the boy. "Just let heroes die out like flies? Leaving everyone behind? I don't get it! I just don't get it how you guys just....!" Kota shuffled his hands in contempt. "Just... do that! Leave and die off like noone else cares for you, I just don't get how you guy can be so FUCKING SELFISH sometimes!" tears prickled at his eyes, his breath becoming labored and ragged, Midoriya nodded and produced a handkerchief from hi pocket.
He gently wiped the tears off Kota's cheeks.
"No!" Kota smacked the handkerchief right off Midoriya's hand and stood up, confronting the hero student. "Y-You! I just don't get you, you're so dumb! So so dumb!" he argued.
"I know." Midoriya smiled, Kota let out a frustrated growl. He was so frustrating!
"I know the risks of my... line of work, quite well." Midoriya replied. "But I do it for the greater good, Izumi, better me than them." He spoke.
"That's it! That's it! You just- You just think that no one cares! No one cares!" Kota was sniffling, he didn't care anymore about what the hell he looked like or how he spoke, he was fuming. "You- You think no one's gonna miss you huh!? No one? You think it's okay huh!? Just to see someone you lo- you care for one moment, the next they're on a headline! I don't get it! I don't get it! What, you saying that YOU don't care?" tears rolled off his face.
"I'm... sorry, Izumi. It wasn't my intention, forgive me." He stood up, grabbing the handkerchief, dusting it off and wiping the steadily flowing tears from the you boy's face. Kota protested, but Midoriya didn't relent.
"I have no intention to die, and neither does anyone else who's working as a hero. It... just happens, I'm sorry- if you've lost anyone... I'm sure they never wanted to lose you either." Kota's sobs were muted by Izuku's shirt, the boy sniffling and crying, clutching onto Midoriya's shirt for dear life. "I'm not the best with words. My... brother was far better than me in that area, I just wish to say that whoever you've lost, Izumi, wouldn't want to see you like this... they... they gave their lives for the innocent, it's not a pretty picture, I'm sure. But... They wouldn't want you to remember them like this..."
Kota wiped his eyes, bleary from the water works, Midoriya assisted with his handkerchief. Urgh.
"You- you're such a know-it-all." Kota replied, though a bit strained.
Midoriya smiled a bitter and somber smile, petty meaningless pity in Kota's eyes. "You have so much ahead of you, Izumi." Midoriya embraced him, he felt almost nostalgic wrapped in his arms. "Don't wallow in grief, I know it sounds so so shallow. But that's the best I can word it in, again, I'm sorry."
The two were cut off by a crunch of twigs and leaves. Midoriya let the boy go, leaving him to wipe his face on his own.
"Midoriya, Izumi. The camp's been looking for you. Do you know how late it is?" a disheveled man with rings around his eyes asked them, he gestured back to the camp with a sway of his head. "Chop chop, we'll decide your punishment back at the camp." Midoriya gripped Kota's hand all of a sudden, Kota stared back at his hand before looking over Midoriya.
His gentle smile wiped from his face, the boy narrowed his eyes.
"What? You got cotton in your ears? Double time." Aizawa was it(?) commanded the two.
"Stay close Izumi." Midoriya whispered to the boy. What was going on?
"Well?" Aizawa asked. Midoriya launched his pen with a flick of his finger.
His body glowed.
The pen flew faster than a bullet.
The stationary nicked the side of Aizawa's face, the hero narrowly dodging the projectile.
"Midoriya! What the hell?!" Kota jostled his hand that Midoriya grabbed. Midoriya grunted, his face slowly morphing to a thin grimace.
"You're a real sharp one, aren'tcha?" Aizawa gave a wild grin, fangs showing on his teeth as he slowly melted.
"But you're a real cutie too." A girl in her birthday suite and two blond buns cooed. "Why don't we have some fun, hunny?" she squealed in excitement.
A knife.
A knife was headed straight for Midoriya.
The boy caught it, lightning rippled through his figure, he crumpled the tool as if it was a piece of paper.
"Buff too!" she swayed, jolting through the tree lines. "Oh if Shiggy didn't want you unharmed, I'd gobble you all up!"
The trees jostled and crunched, Midoriya was gripping onto Kota's hand. Tight.
"Mi-Midoriya..." Kota shook the boy, thoroughly spooked.
"Don't worry." Midoriya huffed, following the intruder's movements with his eyes. "I'm here."
She jumped from the bushes, the leaves and twigs throwing themselves off as she lunged at the hero student, knife aimed straight for the heart.
Midoriya was having none of that, so he moved. Twisting his body around as he grabbed her hand. Kota was in on the ride that was Midoriya's quirk maneuvers. He wanted to puke.
Midoriya grabbed her arm with his free hand.
Then he used his quirk to tighten his grip.
The girl screamed.
Then she cackled.
She melted, a sickening squelch of liquid tore through the night air.
"Too..." her body melted right through Midoriya's hand, the white liquid dissolving right before his eyes. "Bad..." She gave him a wink.
Midoriya huffed, "We should go back to the camp." He told Kota, who was nodding furiously. "Stat."
"Wha- Hey!" Kota protested, Midoriya carried him before he tore through the treelines with a quirk assisted jump.
The air howled, explosions can be heard from a distance. What was going on?
Midoriya leapt through the foliage, Kota gathering all the debris and leaves with his mouth before deciding it was high time to shut his eyes and mouth as Midoriya sped through the forest.
They landed.
Land was a generous term.
Because they were immediately jumped by a huge bar of steel.
Midoriya was having none of that. He swatted the pound of metal like a shuttlecock through the air.
The white-haired boy growled.
"V-villains..." Kota cowered. Five or so villains were engaged with the heroes and the hero students.
"Sup?" a man with chin length brown hair non-nonchalantly recalled the piece of metal back to his hands. Midoriya narrowed his eyes.
"Hellspawn!" Aizawa (?) yelled for Midoriya. "Where the hell were you two, I swea-" he was cut off by a million or so... clones (?) yes, clones of one villain, all trying to dog pile him.
Midoriya grunted, the piece of steel flying for his face once more, he huffed, he caught it out the air and positioned it for his own use.
"Poor choice there pal." He was hoisted up through the air by the villain's quirk. Midoriya let go, making a beeline back to Kota.
Dust kicked up, Midoriya's eyes were darting through the scene. Both Vlad and Aizawa were overwhelmed by the clones, the hero students were all dealing with their own batch of cloned villains, the loud blonde one was cussing so hard and loud every time he downed a clone.
Because two more came back.
"Hi darling!" the blonde girl popped up again, this time not completely risqué. "Like our little shindig?" she, and three more villains surrounded Midoriya and Kota.
Where were the pussycats?
"I'm sorry for this Lord Midoriya, but you'll soon understand." A Lizardman bowed respectfully before drawing on a massive sword... made of other swords.
"Yo." The same brown haired man nodded to the hero student.
"Greetings Midoriya, to the final act of the performance." A masked man with a suit, tie, and top hat tipped his headgear to the boy. Bowing pompously with his hand on his chest. "Prepare yourself." He announced.
Midoriya was having none of it.
The blonde girl lunged, knives on knives on knives, Midoriya pulsed with power, sidelining and dodging through her strikes.
Midoriya focused his power in his right arm, the air shrieking from the energy, he threw a punch that lead with a shockwave right at the girl's kisser.
"Woah there!" all the metal bits from the girl carried her to safety. The long-haired brunette launched his bar of steel.
Midoriya growled. Swatting the piece of metal once more, the lizard man pounced, his weapon grinding against Midoriya's forearm, sparks flew as they made contact with his body.
"Fantastic Lord Midoriya!" he yelled through grit teeth, the lizardman was tossed away as Midoriya swung.
All the while, the masked man watched from the sidelines.
"Enough." Midoriya grit through his teeth. Power accumulated on his leg. "That's enough." He spoke.
Then the earth crumbled. The villains lost their footing, though the blonde girl tried to launch herself at the boy once more, she was stopped by the lizardman who tried to get his own hits on the boy.
They were... sloppy at best. All trying to play at their advantages.
"I agree." The masked man snuck his way to the boy as chaos ensued. "That is enough." He spoke out, smug pride reeked through his voice.
"Boop." A gloved finger gently pressed itself onto Midoriya's nose.
Then he disappeared.
"Nice one!" the lizard man cheered.
Kota only watched in horror, his heartbeat pounding through his ears.
"And now for my next trick, my dear audience." He raised his hands, he snapped his fingers.
All the clones disappeared, melting into the disgusting white mud. "A clean getaway."
Aizawa launched his capture tool at the villain as soon as he was free.
The villains faded into darkness.
All carried by a black gateway.
Aizawa yelled.
Bakugo yelled obscenities.
Kota cried.
(A/N) Hello everyone, this chapter took a lot out of me, but I hope you enjoy it. More to come soon, hope u guys are doing alright, and again, sorry for the delay. (ᕵ﹏ᕴ)
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