Chapter 13: All Might (Part II)
Izuku was a strange kid, All Might had no doubts about that.
The moment he saw him, he was instantly met with a strange feeling that he'd seen the boy before.
That was, of course, back then when Midoriya's hair was still green.
When it turned white, everything clicked into place.
All For One.
All Might's heart dropped like a concrete block in the ocean when Naomasa brought up his findings.
Torino's added comments weren't of help either, the many All For One-isms the boy had almost made the aged hero catatonic.
Looking back on it, All Might should've seen it coming, honestly, with his bad luck he shouldn't be surprised.
"Young Midoriya", he asked for the boy during their debrief post internship. His disciple was chatting with his friends, Yaoyorozu and Bakugo, before he looked back towards the hero.
A shiver went down All Might's spine when Midoriya peered back at him, those eyes, the light it holds has a different meaning now, what with all the revelations that he had since Naomasa dug deeper. Yagi let out a sigh, he was his disciple, he kept his cool. "May I have a word?" Midoriya nodded towards his friends, Bakugo shrugged while Yaoyorozu giggled towards the two boys.
And so they walked to his private office, Yagi locked the door behind him before he gave out another long sigh. This was going to be a long one.
Once they were in the privacy of his office he deflated with a puff of smoke.
"Anything wrong sir?" Midoriya tilted his head, his peridot orbs glinting curiously at the hero.
"I'm sorry my boy, It's just; there's been a lot on my plate lately." Well, there really has been.
First, teaching the first years.
Second, the investigation that Naomasa privately took on the Midoriya family.
Third, Nedzu seemed to have gotten wind of it and is writing his own thesis on how this can be twisted into a benefit.
Fourth, Gran Torino just charged him an absurd amount of money for what they did during the internship, but that wasn't really an issue.
Fifth, secretly vouching for Midoriya after his scuffle with the Hero Killer: Stain back in Hosu, that whole ordeal had the chief of police breathing down the boy's neck, so he decided to use a little All Might Magic to fix that.
Sixth, Sir Nighteye seems to have a few select words to say to both him and his disciple, but thank God, ignoring him seemed to be doing All Might wonders.
And Finally, the Seventh, All For One's on the move again.
All Might sighed a final time, pinching the bridge of his nose, "Midoriya, my boy, you know you can tell me anything, right?" he asked.
Midoriya brushed his fingers on his notebook, the one and only that he keeps on his person at all times. "Where do I begin?" the boy gave All Might a gentle smile, All Might gave back his own wobbly smile.
"All for One." With three words, the temperature of the room dropped by several degrees, the fact that the boy didn't even flinch and just nodded at the mention of the name made All Might all the more concerned.
"My... father." All Might nodded, truth be told, he never wanted to acknowledge that little nugget in his brain that was telling him that the devil himself and his disciple had any connections. But it did hurt a bit that All for One got to his disciple before him. Ah hell.
"I've come to realize that he's looking for me... whether to pull out One For All from my person, or for me to join him, I don't know." So it was like that?
All for One and One for All, two sister quirks that are destined to clash every time, no matter who the current holder was.
"And... you haven't considered joining him, my boy?" All Might asked him, a shaky breath escaped his lips. "Midoriya, I'm... sorry. It's just-... It's just a lot, you know? I never thought something like this would happen." Midoriya nodded. "I'm... not going to sugarcoat any of this, okay?"
This was... a difficult situation to say the least. He'd never imagined that the sole person to trust with the most powerful quirk on the planet, was the son of the scourge of Kamino. The quirk thief himself, All for One.
"There are... people who are interested in you now, young man. I'm sorry, I should've seen this coming, picking up my quirk, me being so close to you constantly, I should've been more careful. Let me ask you something..." Midoriya sighed, which honestly surprised All Might, he didn't think the boy had it in him to express exasperation like that.
"Let's clarify some things, alright?" All Might asked, "Just so we can be crystal clear, what do you know about All for One? Anything that you feel might help us. Please."
The silence in the air was heavy, the low hum of the airconditioning filled the room. All Might's leg was bouncing, he was nervous. Tremendously so. His hands, though clasped together, were fidgeting in place.
"I'm sorry..." Midoriya admitted, he looked sad. There was a smile on his face, though strained and askew. "I don't think I have anything reliable or up to date sir. It's... been a while since I last saw him, saw that side of him."
The blonde hero let out a sigh, his shoulders slacked as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "For what it's worth sir." Midoriya started, "I have a few ideas on some companies where he siphons funds from. But if they're still in operation, I'm not too sure." The hero shook his head, he looked back at Midoriya.
That face, he remembers the way he looked like it was yesterday.
When thousands lost their lives.
Those green peridot eyes looked back at him.
His were a deep scarlet, neutral, judging.
Midoriya's mouth settled on a gentle grin, sad, almost ashamed, wobbly, relieved.
All Might looked back, he remembered his cold smile.
The fangs shone under the moonlight the moment he shot Nana out of the sky.
"I'm sorry sir..." All Might's thoughts were cut off by his disciple. Yes, despite everything.
Midoriya was his, not All for One's.
All Might didn't say anything, he couldn't, he stared back waiting for Midoriya's words.
"Do you... want it back?" the boy asked, All Might blinked.
"Pardon?" the hero asked.
"One for All. Sorry- I feel that I've been deceiving you for some time now, I think that it's only fair that I return what's not mine" Midoriya's quiet voice peeked out, he couldn't tell what was behind his tone, was it shame? Did Midoriya feel guilty?
"She's... She's yours my boy." All Might ruffled his white hair. "I've already made my decision, villain's kid or not, I chose you Midoriya- and sure, this whole situation... complicates some things. But what I said to you that day, when I offered One for All to you..." Tears began to peak, Izuku gave him a wobbly smile, he sniffled.
"Nothing's ever gonna change my decision, alright?" the boy started to giggle despite wiping off the tears on his face, Toshinori couldn't help but give his own chuckles, it was like a weight was lifted from his shoulders. Yes, this was nice, being this open.
Midoriya always was an enigma, he had his secrets, both large and small.
But Toshinori didn't care.
He could feel the warmth that came with his student's words, his smile, his actions.
He didn't regret giving him his quirk.
Not one bit.
"Midoriya, can this old man request something of you?" the hero asked, using a handkerchief to help wipe off Midoriya's tears.
"When you see your old man, kick his ass for me, will you?" a cheeky grin crossed his face, Midoriya sniffled.
Izuku gave him back his biggest grin.
"Of course." His boy replied. Toshinori beamed.
A/N: Sup sup everyone, the next few chapters are going to take a bit longer to write than usual. We're in the end game now, expect an update every 2-ish weeks since the length per chapter near tripled because I didn't want to skimp out on all the little details, so forgive me if it takes an uncomfortable time to update. On a positive note, almost done! Hopefully you guys enjoyed what I've been rambling on about, and thank you again for all your support. (੭ˊᵕˋ)੭.*・。゚
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