Chapter 07: Tsuyu
Midoriya was weird. It didn't take much to see that he stuck out like a sore thumb against his fellow classmates. He didn't move like his other classmates, it was all the more apparent by the people he chose to associate himself with.
Tsuyu was genuinely curious to how Midoriya managed to wrangle someone like Bakugo into being their friend. Total opposites, it's like the white-haired boy had Bakugo on an invisible leash or something.
Not to mention he almost made Uraraka cry yesterday. Unfortunate, but it was to be expected from a powerhouse like him.
Hmm, thinking about it now, it really was strange how little he cares about what other people think about him. She's pretty sure that Mina and her clique think that he's a psychopath, and recently Uraraka probably joined that thought band too.
That's not too fair now is it?
"Fucking stop staring at us, Kermit." Asui tilted her head, Bakugo was glaring at her, was she staring?
"Sorry about that Midoriya." She apologized, he replied back in a smile and a shake of a head. Hmm, she had his attention now had she? Might as well try and get to know the class representative.
Now, Midoriya and Bakugo were sitting in front of herself and Jirou, the bus could only accommodate so many people, she had to reach to tap on Midoriya's shoulder. "Midoriya, is it okay if I ask you some stuff?" The white-haired boy tilted his head, his peridot eyes staring back at her.
"Sure." Was his reply, barely above a whisper.
"I hope you don't mind, but I'm a bit frank." Tsuyu started, the bus jived and bounced making it hard for her to see what expression Midoriya had on his face. "Your quirk's awfully similar to All Mights."
Midoriya stared at her.
The class stared at her.
There was a beat of silence around. Did she...?
Tsuyu was cut off from her thoughts by a soft giggle, Midoriya was laughing. She didn't really think he was capable of doing that.
"What the fuck are you even smoking?" Bakugo's confused reply ignited the chaos in the bus, her classmates debating on whether or not Midoriya was a byproduct of All Might having an affair. "He's not All Might's bastard! I met his creepy-ass dad before!" Bakugo yelled.
"So you two grew up together?" Tsuyu placed a finger on her chin and tilted her head. "That's cute" she added.
Bakugo was redfaced now, whether it was from frustration or embarrassment, she didn't know.
"He's like the brother I've always wanted." Aww, Midoriya had his sensitive side too. Though, she didn't know how much shaking he could take from Bakugo gripping onto his collar like that.
"And no, I'm not directly related to All Might, no." Something twinkled in Midoriya's eye, Tsuyu caught that mischievous glint.
"So you're saying there's a relation then, even though it isn't direct?" it was Kaminari this time who continued the conversation, Uraraka was sitting next to him, doing everything in her power to avoid eye contact with Midoriya and Bakugo.
The snowy shrubhead just chuckled back, his soft giggles really were something to behold compared to his usually stoic expression. "Now, I never said that." So he had his little mischievous side too, that was a relief.
The bus ride was consumed in comfortable chatter, it really was a relief seeing Midoriya and Bakugo interact with the others, y'know without general fear of dismemberment or anything.
"Hellspawn" It was pretty concerning how Midoriya would perk up to that title. "Gather them up, single file. We're here." And so they did, a lot of them marveled at the scale of the place. U.A was big, but numerous scaled cities? Wow.
"Greetings everyone!" The Space Hero, Thirteen began. Tsuyu glanced to her side, she could definitely see the stars in Uraraka's eyes. "Welcome to the Unforseen Simulation Joint! We'll be running through some common disaster situations and the standard protocols to follow when one such event should happen. But first," The Space hero gestured to a table "We'll be going over first aid."
There were some groans from the class but Tsuyu didn't really blame them, she's pretty sure a lot of them went through basic first aid before applying to U.A as well.
"Wasn't All Might supposed to be here?" Tsuyu overheard Thirteen whisper to Sir Aizawa, to which he just shrugged at the question. "Well, the show must go on I suppose" Thirteen muttered to herself. "Alright! Everyone have their own first aid kits? Good, now follow me- " Tsuyu's eyes darted to Midoriya, something... shifted. His calm and lackadaisical eyes sharpened, she could feel the heat of his quirk slowly rear its head. What was going on?
There was a noise.
A strange distorted howl of wind emanated from the center plaza, a black cloud of smoke emerged.
"Are these like in the entrance exams?" the red-haired one asked, Kirishima was it? There were people coming out the smoke. No those weren't robots, or dummies, or examiners. Tsuyu whimpered, Aizawa and Thirteen gathered the students closer.
"Greetings little herolings." Tsuyu knew that scent, there was a villain his teal blue hair covered his eyes. "We're the League of Villains." Hands. He was covered in human hands. It reeked of embalming liquid. "And we're here to kill All Might."
Chills, all she felt was ice.
"Kurogiri, if you will." The smoke condensed, two yellow strips narrowed in on them.
"Of course."
And so they were consumed by darkness.
It was horrid, Tsuyu felt like she was being pulled all around. She couldn't explain what she was feeling, like being dragged through the darkness, losing the floor, losing the ceiling, where was up and where was down?
She couldn't breathe.
Then the light returned, she gasped for air, she heaved. The floor rose and fell, looks like she wasn't the only one here.
"Heads up Asui." Midoriya offered her a hand which she gratefully took. "A lot down there." He spoke, her heart was still racing, but his tone was cold as ever. She made her way to the deck, assisted by Midoriya.
More than a dozen villains just waiting for them down by the water.
"Are you alright Asui?" Yaoyorozu was with them, she just nodded her head. The ship was rocking back and forth, all the villains below the waters had aquatic based quirks. "Any plans Midoriya?" Yaoyorozu asked the boy.
"They didn't take our quirks in mind when they warped us." His eyes narrowed, the dangerous glint still present on his peridot orbs. "If they did, Asui wouldn't be with us in the aquatic zone." He was right, if they really wanted to get rid of them, the villains could've sent her to the forest fire area, or the landslide zone. Midoriya took a step forward, "I might know how we'll be able to get back to the central plaza." He announced.
He gave Yaoyorozu a look, Tsuyu didn't know any of their nonverbal ticks, but Yaoyorozu just nodded and produced a sledgehammer with her quirk.
"With enough power I can get us across the lake." Oh. Tsuyu blinked, she... she expected something a bit more nuanced than that. Was she disappointed?
"I have the power, no need to complicate the process." He shook his head. Energy gathered on his legs, he lowered. "Come, we're needed at the central plaza." Using the handle of the sledgehammer as an improvised grip, she and Yaoyorozu held onto dear life as Midoriya leapt.
Land was a generous term.
Crash was more fitting.
Tsuyu coughed, the dirt and dust settling around them. Looks like Yaoyorozu didn't fare any better. She widened her eyes, Sir Aizawa was battling several villains at once, Thirteen on the other hand was laid on the floor, her back lacerated and bloodied. Her breath quickened, Tsuyu's eyes dazed at the blood. "Mi-Midoriya!" She called out, "We need to help Thirteen and the others."
Midoriya used his quirk and brained a villain off their feet. "Don't worry." He helped get back up. "I won't be accepting any casualties today."
Looks like her other classmates started to gather near the plaza too. She could see Bakugo, Todoroki, Sero, Jirou, and Ashido nearby repelling the villains. "Bakugo, upfront; I need you and Sero to disable and incapacitate. Ashido, Jirou, capture anyone who slips by. Asui, Momo, stay close and slowly make your way to Thirteen." Midoriya commanded.
It was terrifying, most of the villains were armed, blades flew all around as Bakugo and Sero dealt with the majority. "Todoroki, with me, we'll be going to the plaza main." The red and white haired boy nodded, a large glacier soon followed as the two powerhouses of 1 A left the scene. Tsuyu looked onwards, a bead of sweat gliding down her brow, she watched.
She watched Todoroki clearing the path, Midoriya plowing through the villains like a storm.
The air crackled with energy.
"FUCKING DIE!" Bakugo screeched while launching several villains off. Sero grinned, using his tape to snatch up any villain that Bakugo blew up. Thirteen wasn't looking too good, Tsuyu wanted to throw up, her back was bloodied and mangled, like the skin was stripped away. She swallowed the bile in her throat as she started to dress the wounds.
"Kill him!" her head twisted back to the main plaza. She saw something.
That wasn't there before.
A behemoth. A creature with tar black skin, wailed in inhumane agony. It tore itself free from the ice that Todoroki sent its way, Midoriya was already rushing in, twisting his own body to prepare to land a quirked strike.
Midoriya swung.
His hits exploding like thunder against the creature's skull.
The creature fell.
Then it rose again.
The villain cackled.
"All Might's not here." He began, his voice was chilling. Hoarse, strained, like gravel being ground against asphalt. "Maybe a few dead kids'll wake him up?"
A portal opened, Tsuyu wasn't fast enough.
The familiar strangled feeling of black returned.
All was darkness once more.
There was something around her neck, the light came back.
"Oh the things he'll say..." The villain had his hands around her neck. Please, anyone help. His lips chapped and bloodied, he smiled.
It didn't look right on a face like that.
"What do you think little hero?" he violently adjusted her head to show sir Aizawa on the floor, bloodied, battered. "Pretty cool right?" she wanted to puke.
"Too bad, too bad." His strained laughter filled the air. "Too bad little white brat one and two can't multitask, yes?" Please. God, Tsuyu was shivering. Tears began to roll down her face.
"Aww, don't be sad now." He wiped one of her eyes with his thumb. It felt like sand paper, she reeled back in protest. "It'll all be over, once All-" A sledgehammer flew by. The Villain violently cursing, someone grabbed her, she didn't know who. Whoever tossed her up was soon followed by a leu of tape wrapping around her and wrangling Tsuyu back to her classmates.
Her heart was throbbing. The tears going down her cheeks.
All she saw was Midoriya, clashing with all three of the main villains.
The winds blew with every hit he dealt, the sounds of metal hitting flesh reverberated throughout the area.
She never saw him this angry before.
His eyes were glowing with energy, his mouth clenched into a scowl.
And his sledgehammer thundering with every swing.
"You good?" She was caught out of her daze by Sero patting her back.
"No." Was all that she replied.
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