Promise (actor)
Stiles x Famous Actor
Stiles Stilinski. anyone who thinks of that name automatically associates it with his best friend Scott Mccall. though what many don't know is that he had a best friend long before he met Scott, one he'd known since they were both still in the womb. Stiles' mom Claudia was best friends with Nikki Holland ever since they were teenagers. they got engaged, married and pregnant at the same time.
they raised Tom and Stiles together as best friends until they turned five and the Hollands had to move to London to stay closer to family. the two boys were devastated when they learned about the move and begged for it not to happen but it was the best opportunity for Tom's dad to get a better job while staying close with Nikki's family.
Claudia promised to spend every summer in London with them, she would save up money on the side for the plane tickets and expenses. that promise was kept until she began to exhibit signs of frontotemporal dementia and had to be kept in a hospital. after the death of his mother, eight year old Stiles was never the same. the only moment of true happiness he felt was over a year later when his dad told him he would be spending the summer in London, to keep his mother's promise alive.
though they grew up together, Tom and Stiles also had enough time apart for it to not feel like they were brothers. which is why it was so easy to fall for one another, neither of them could pinpoint the exact age or time in which they fell in love with the other boy but they know they have always felt something for each other.
while growing up in London from such a young age, Tom started having more and more of an accent as he got older until it became very heavy and much deeper when he was fifteen though he could perfect an american accent when needed. this new development in his voice, coupled with puberty hormones and Stiles' inability to shut up sometimes is what finally pushed them to get together.
they were watching a movie together one night while cuddling, every now and then discussing Tom's acting career when a flirty scene came on with the main couple. Stiles, already out as bisexual to his best friend, couldn't help himself when he remarked, "god, i'm telling you there is something about men with accents that drives me completely insane" Tom smirked at that and decided to mess with Stiles, not thinking anything of it.
he leaned down and whispered in his ear "what about me Stiles, does my accent do things to you?" he asked, ignoring his own heart about to beat out of his chest. he was only doing this as a joke, he had to remind himself. Stiles was too focused on the movie and had forgotten to take his adderall that morning so without realising, he replied "you have no idea what you do to me, it's bad enough that i've been in love with you since we were kids but now with that damn accent and puberty hitting you like a damn train i-" he stopped himself when he realised he was saying all of this out loud. to Tom.
"you've been what?!" he pulled away and tried to backtrack "i-uh-um-" he realised he couldn't get out of this so he decided to just tell the truth and hope he doesn't get his ass kicked "so maybe i've kinda sorta been in love with you for as long as i can remember and i have no clue why i said what i said out of nowhere i wasn't even thinking about it but please don't be mad i have spent a long time hiding my feelings and not acting on them and i can keep doing that just please don't hate me because you're my best friend in the world and i don't know what i would do if i lost you all because of my stupid big mouth but if you feel uncomfortable i understand that too and i'll leave right now, i can change my ticket to tomorrow morning and you never have to see me again no matter how much it's gonna hurt because if that's what you want then i-" he was cut off by a soft pair of lips on his.
"i'm sorry but you were about to have a panic attack and didn't hear me call your name, that was the nicest way to tell you to shut the fuck up for a second so i can tell you how madly in love with you i've been since i learned what love was" Stiles looked at him in shock for a minute before his face broke out into a smile "you know i think i feel another rant coming along, i might need you to shut me up again. preferably in the same way but it you have other things you wanna occupy my mouth with then i'm okay with that t-"
"Stiles" "yeah?" "shut up and kiss me again" they both smiled into the kiss, knowing that their lives would be filled with many more after this. they spent the rest of summer in complete bliss together until Stiles had to go back, long distance wasn't easy but they made it work. they would constantly facetime eachother, fall asleep on the phone, have virtual movie dates and when Tom started landing more roles and getting more money he was able to visit more.
more than a year into their relationship Stiles got a call from his boyfriend, he picked up with a smile on his face when suddenly he heard screaming "babe? what's wrong? is everything okay?" he asked worriedly until he listened better and realised those were his boyfriend's happy screams "have you checked the news or social media today?!?!" he smiled at the excitement in his tone "no, i've been stuck studying for my exams, why?"
"Darling you will never guess the role i just landed!" Stiles could practically imagine the grin on his face right now "well don't keep me waiting, i need to know what tickets to buy in the future so i can see my sexy boyfriend in the cinema" he laid back on his bed to get comfortable for the conversation but jumped up as soon as he heard the next words "i got cast as Spiderman!" tears immediately welled up in his eyes at the words "are you serious?" he asked and got a notification in return.
he looked at it to see the news article announcing the casting and tears quickly started to fall down his face "this is huge oh my god! i always knew you were destined to be one of the greats" he heard the most beautiful laugh in the world come from the other end of the line "well i wouldn't go that far but-" he stopped when he heard a sniffle coming from Stiles "Sti? Darling are you crying?" his tone instantly shifted to worry and Stiles couldn't help but smile.
"they're happy tears, i promise. i'm just so damn proud of you, your dreams are finally coming true my love. i still remember when we were six and you would wear your Spiderman costume every day, no matter where we went. your mom had to buy three just so that she could have time to wash them" they both laughed softly "i always knew you could do it and i can't wait for everyone else to see what i already know. that you are a gorgeous, smart and incredibly, immeasurably talented, you are gonna do so amazing my Spidey"
now they were both crying and they just wanted to be in eachother's arms right now, having their own celebration but they could wait another month until the summer started. luckily, when filming for the movie starts Tom would move down to LA and they would be much closer to eachother. that day was when the nickname Spidey became a regular thing for Stiles to call his boyfriend, he barely ever called him anything else other than love unless he was mad at him.
two years after Tom had got the role, they were both eighteen now and still together, Stiles started thinking about finally coming out to his pack and telling them who his boyfriend was. though Tom was supportive of the coming out part, he always got weird and quiet when he would mention something about telling people they were together. their parents have known the whole time and Zendaya and Jacob already know about them, they were actually pretty close with Stiles.
Stiles was already in a bad mood when he woke up because him and his boyfriend had argued two days ago and they still have yet to talk to eachother since. he tried to hide behind a smile with his dad but it wasn't as easy with the pack, the wolves could always smell his sadness no matter how hard he tried to hide it. still he told them all he was fine, that he didn't want to talk about it and most of them dropped it. they would hug him everytime they saw him in the halls and Isaac even sat on his lap the entire time during lunch, no one daring to say anything about it.
Lydia hadn't been in the same classes as everyone else in the morning and didn't have the ability to smell peoples emotions so she was left in the dark about what was going on. which is why she came running to him between lunch and their next period, much like she did every time she was excited over something that no one else cared to listen to her about "Stiles oh my god, my OTP just got together! i'm so happy!" he laughed at that "Lyds you have like thirty fictional and real life OTPs, you gotta be a little more specific"
she rolls her eyes at him but the smile never leaves her face "Tom Holland and Zendaya, real life Spiderman and MJ!!" he scoffed at that and let out a small laugh "you know i always indulge your obsession with these ships but they have stated on multiple occasions that they are just friends" she got a smug look on her face, not knowing the damage she was about to do "really? do you also make out with people who are 'just your friends'" she turned her phone around to show him the paparazzi pictures along with the headline "HOT NEW COUPLE GETTING STEAMY IN THE FRONT SEAT"
he took the phone from her hand to take a closer look because there was no way, right? there was no way that three years of being together and a lifetime friendship could be thrown down the drain like this right? there has to be some sort of mis- "oh my god" he whispered as his heart dropped to his stomach, that really was them. his boyfriend and someone he thought was his friend, in the front seat of his car, kissing.
he couldn't even hear what Lydia was saying after that, only bits and pieces but he caught on to one thing "the people who took the pictures said that they had never seen a couple more in love, they were laughing and couldn't keep their hands off each other" he swallowed hard at the words, handing her back her phone and running a hand through his hair as he walked away "Stiles where are you going? our class is this way" she called after him but he wasn't listening, he had to get home or at least to his jeep before he broke down.
he made it to his driveway before he started sobbing, luckily his dad's police cruiser was nowhere in sight so he didn't have to worry about him being home right now. he was about to open the door and walk inside so that no one would catch him when his phone started ringing, his breath caught in his throat as he recognised their song that he set as Tom's ringtone. he tried to hold back a sob as he answered but he couldn't "Sti-" he interrupted him before he could finish his sentence "tell me it's not true-please tell me you didn't kiss her"
he heard sniffles on the other end of the line, it was clear that they were both crying "i'm so sorry Sti but...i-i did kiss her it's not what you think though, please let me explain" his cries worsened at the confession "explain? explain what? that you took out eighteen years of friendship, our three years together and threw it away like it was nothing to you. like i was nothing to you? we-we had one argument-just one-and you think that means you can go kiss someone else, if that is even the only thing you guys did-"
"it was i swear, it was just one kiss and it meant absolutely nothing to either of us. you mean everything to me Sti, i love you with everything i have. just please hear me out, let me explain everything Darli-" he cut him off once again "don't. please don't call me that. is this why you didn't want me to tell my friends? the whole argument we had-was it-was it because you were already seeing her? you were planning on leaving me and you didn't want my friends to know about us because you didn't think there was a point? you were gonna leave me for her" he began to spiral and overthink everything about their relationship, not knowing what was real and what was Tom just pretending while he planned out how to let him down easily so that he could be with Zendaya.
"no-no it wasn't like that! i promise, there has never been anything between me and her. it has always been you" something about their relationship and even back when they were just friends was that they agreed that a promise was sacred, just like the promise Claudia had made for Stiles to be there every summer which he was. they agreed to never make a promise that they couldn't keep and to never lie on a promise. so normally when one of them promised something, the other would believe them instantly-normally.
"you also promised you would never intentionally hurt me, you promised you would never cheat on me and then i saw pictures of you making out with your best friend. how am i ever supposed to believe another one of your promises? i can't-i-i have to go- i can't do this" a loud sob came through the phone as Tom tried to protest, all sound cut out when Stiles hung up the phone. he walked through the door and collapsed the second he made it to the couch, his phone started buzzing with notifications from his boyf-ex boyfriend and Zendaya, begging him to talk to them. he couldn't take it anymore and threw his phone at the wall, he didn't know if it was broken but at least the buzzing stopped.
he didn't know how long he spent crying into his knees on the couch but the next thing he knew he was being held in someones strong arms, immediately knowing who it was and cuddling closer. he cried harder into Isaac's chest as the rest of his closest friends in the pack gathered around them, all comforting him in some way. after a while he calmed down and pulled away enough to wipe his face "sorry guys" he said quietly, embarrassed by his actions but he was quickly pulled into another hug by the young wolf "thanks Izzy"
"tell me who made you cry so we can track them down and-" he smiled softly and interrupted him "easy there pup, no need to hurt anyone. he's not worth it anyways" he gives a sad smile before getting up to grab a water bottle from the fridge "uh Scotty could you check on my phone, i kinda threw it at a wall but i really don't wanna look at it if it is still working" he sighed and splashed his face with some water "sure thing buddy" Scott replied as he picked up the phone.
"it's not broken, you just muted it somehow when you threw it" he nodded as he walked back over to the couch "Sti what happened? you ran out after i showed you my phone, you missed a pop quiz in Bio" Stiles contemplated telling them everything, but ultimately he knew he couldn't do it. no matter how hurt he was, he knew Tom had worked hard for his career and he wouldn't intentionally jeopardise that.
"i-" he knew he couldn't lie to them either so he decided to tell the truth, while leaving some details out "i know i haven't told any of you, but i've been seeing someone for a while...a long while and they cheated on me. i found out recently and i guess that picture stirred up some things, funny enough his name is Tom and he looks a lot like the actor in the article you showed me" she rubbed his shoulder and kissed his cheek softly "i'm so sorry Stiles"
he hadn't even realised that he let the fact that he was dating a guy slip, but none of his friends seemed to care about his sexuality or his secret. he didn't know what he was worried about, all they were focusing on was the fact that someone hurt their best friend. "it's not your fault, i should've known there was something going on. he was acting so weird but i never thought he would do something like this to me, three years down the drain like it meant nothing to him" he shook his head sadly.
they all gasped at the information "three years?" Scott asked, surprised that his best friend had kept such a big secret for so long but before he could answer they heard a car pull up. Stiles got up and looked out the window "fuck. fuck. fuck. i can't face him right now!" he says as he saw his ex walking up his driveway "guys you have to go" he says, panicking about them finding out while being overwhelmed by seeing Tom so suddenly.
"we're not leaving you alone with him" Isaac insisted but he shook his head "no you don't understand-" before he could finish he heard loud knocking on the door followed by a loud yell "Stiles please let me in! just let me explain!" he heard Tom say through tears, making Lydia's eyes widen as she recognised his voice "Stiles is that who i think it is?" she asks confused but he doesn't answer "i really need you guys to go. now."
suddenly the door opens and Tom walks in, shocking the three other teenagers in the room "what are you doing here?" he asks angrily, forgetting about everything else "you need to listen to me please! the kiss isn't what you think i swear!" he begged, tears streaming down his face "right you just slipped and fell onto her lips, while sitting in a car. a parked car." he replied with a scoff "my management team found out about you, they went through my phone while i was filming and they found out about my sexuality. they said that it was bad for my career and that i had to cover it up"
Stiles felt tears building in his eyes as he continued "they told me that i had to get something called a beard, it's like a fake girlfriend that they set up paparazzi encounters with. i tried to stop them, to convince them that my fans were accepting and even if they weren't i could keep everything a secret if that meant i didn't need to lie but they refused. they said that millions of people were shipping me and Zendaya, that she was the easiest option and they thought i would be more comfortable with this whole bloody arrangement if it was my best friend. the pictures and the article were planned, they set the whole thing up and had us kiss. it was only once and it was very short, they used Photoshop to make it look like so much more and my manager wrote everything so that it seemed like we were a couple"
he was close to collapsing as he explained, scared that Stiles wouldn't believe him "why didn't you tell me before you kissed her? or at least before the article came out?" he asked, still hesitating to believe him "i wanted to tell you before it happened but i was in constant meetings and phone calls, i didn't want to spend the little time i had to talk to you arguing. i was so scared of how you would react if i told you what i was going to have to do, i didn't want to lose you, which really backfired on me. they told me i had more time before the pictures were actually posted but they lied, thinking it would get us to breakup and their problem would be solved. i was going to tell you the day we had our big fight but i was so stressed out and i took it all out on you because i knew my manager would kill me if he ever found out you told your friends about us, i wanted to be supportive because i knew how hard it was for you to make that decision but i just couldn't. i'm so sorry Sti, for everything. you have to believe me, i would never intentionally hurt you, never. i love you so much, there is no one else in this world that i would rather be with"
Stiles looked into the eyes he's known his entire life and said the only thing he could think of in this moment "promise?" he asked with a soft but scared smile, contrasting to the big grin that was now on Tom's face as he ran up to him, grabbing his face between his hands and kissing him with all the pent up emotion from the last few days "i promise Darling" he said as he pulled away, only to go back in for another kiss right after. they both cried into the embrace, not thinking they were ever going to do this again "i love you too by the way Spidey" they pulled away after they heard someone clear their throat behind them.
they turned to see the surprised faces of Stiles' three best friends, turning red as they remembered them being in the room "i can explain?" Stiles said hesitantly as he rubbed the back of his neck "no need" Scott replied "we'll leave you two alone but i expect a detailed conversation in the morning" Lydia continued, the three of them start walking out but before they get to the door Isaac stopped and turned to the couple "if you ever even think about hurting him again, i will find you and i don't care how public it will be. i. will. hurt. you."
"never" he paused to look at his love's face "i promise"
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