Kicked out
Somehow Stiles knew. He knew the second he got a text from Scott about an emergency pack meeting. all his worries were confirmed when he got to Scott's house and him and Lydia were the only ones there to talk to him. he really wasn't surprised that they wanted him out, ever since he was possesed they had both been cold to him. they acted like he wanted to hurt any of them, like he wanted to kidnap Lydia and like he wanted to hurt Allison. Ally had been like a sister to him at one point, not even Chris blamed him for her death because he knew how close they were but Scott never forgave him.
so when they told him he was out of the pack he didn't even flinch, no emotions went through him as he just shrugged and replied with "okay" but the next second is when his world came crashing down "it was a unanimous decision so stay away from the rest of our pack or else" he stopped in his tracks on the way to the door "there's no way everyone said they wanted me out" he said with disbelief and hurt in his voice, he wouldn't do that to him...right?
"yeah well it's true, we had a vote and every hand was up. we don't want a weak human in our pack, especially after everything you did" just as he was about to say something else someone burst in through the door "not everyone apparently since neither of us knew anything about a vote and would never leave Stiles" Isaac said angrily as he and Jackson stood behind Stiles "yeah well we knew you wouldn't agree so we didn't bother asking you, you two have gotten soft" Lydia answered.
the two wolves took Stiles out of there before they got mad and did something stupid, they took him home as he wouldn't say a word and they were the only two people he would trust to drive his precious jeep. that might come as a surprise to some people but Jackson and Isaac had gotten extremely close to Stiles in the last few years, they trusted eachother like brothers. they didn't say a word that night as they fell asleep holding eachother in a small puppy pile that brought them all comfort.
it had been two weeks since everything happened when Stiles didn't show up to school and the pups went to see him to make sure he was okay only to find him in bed, looking as though he had been crying for hours. they quickly pulled him into a tight hug and let him cry into their arms, they waited until he quieted down to ask him who they had to kill "what happened?" Jackson asked angrily, ready to tear someones face off "i expected this from Scott and Lydia but it kills me that everyone else is ignoring me at school"
he sighed and rubbed his face angrily "i thought they cared about me like i did them...i thought he cared" he said the last part quietly but they both heard it and looked at him confused "who Sti?" Isaac asked softly "Derek" he said quietly before continuing "none of this hurts as much as knowing that i was wrong about Derek" they hugged him again before Jackson continued "i didn't know you guys were close" he wiped the single tear on his face before answering "yeah, you weren't supposed to know Jax"
he told them everything while trying not to break down "me and Derek have been sleeping together for almost a year now" they both gasped and he looked down, hiding his face from them "at first it was just meaningless sex so that the both of us could deal with all the crap going on but at some point everything changed, one night i asked him to stay after because he would always leave and he did. ever since that night it became so much more and i stupidly fell in love with him, i guess i just thought he might of felt the same way but i was wrong. he wouldn't have voted me out and he wouldn't be ignoring me like everyone else if he actually cared"
Isaac got up and tried to storm out of the room "i'll kill him" but he was stopped by Stiles grabbing his arm "it's fine Izzy, i was an idiot for thinking i was anything more to him" they held eachother until they fell asleep but they were woken up from their nap an hour later by a big thud, they got up to see Derek in the room. he was looking at them hurt and both wolves immediately jumped in front of him, blocking him from Stiles "what are you doing here" "stay away from him Derek" they told him which made Stiles smile at their protectiveness "i just wanna talk, please" he replied.
Stiles sighed and got up, putting his hands on each of their shoulders "it's fine guys, just go and i'll call you later" they each hugged him before they left, they would never think of disobeying Stiles as he had always felt more like their alpha than Scott ever did. "why are you here Derek?" he asked defeatedly which made the alpha angry "what am i doing here!? i came because i need answers" he yelled and Stiles didn't even react "yeah whatever, what do you need me to research this time. i thought after i was kicked out of the pack you guys would find some other idiot with a computer but i guess you didn't have time, what do you need" he said defeatedly as he went to turn on his laptop
"kicked out? what the hell are you talking about Stiles i came to get answers on why the hell you left us... why you left me" he said the last part softly as he sat on the teens bed, before Stiles could answer he continued "i get what Scott said, you needed a break from all the supernatural crap but i don't understand why you wouldn't let us even talk to you. you let Isaac and Jackson stay friends with you but you didn't even want to see me, i thought..." he stopped there, not wanting to continue and show his vulnerability "thought what Derek?" before saying anything else and telling him what really happened Stiles needed to know what he meant.
the older of the two looked up to meet his eyes "i fell in love with you Stiles" he said and he heard a small gasp from the other man "i know we said that we were gonna do this thing with no strings attached but the last few months have been different, i thought you felt the same way but i guess i was wrong" he looked down at the last part but his head immediately shot up at Stiles' answer "you weren't" "what?"
"you weren't wrong, i love you too Sourwolf. Scott lied to you just like he lied to me, he kicked me out of the pack and told me none of you wanted me there anymore except for Isaac and Jackson since they heard the whole conversation. i thought you didn't want me in the pack anymore, i thought you didn't care abo-" before he could continue he was cut off by a very familiar pair of lips on his aand he melted into the kiss, wrapping his arms around the alpha's neck.
Derek pulled away and pulled Stiles out of the room "let's go" he went with him as he asked "where?" to which he replied angrily "to tell everyone the truth" when they got in the jeep Derek texted the pack to meet him at the loft as quick as they could and Stiles texted the same to Isaac and Jackson. when they got there everyone was surprised to see Stiles walking in with Derek, especially Scott and Lydia who looked like they were about to explode.
"what the hell is going on here?" Scott asked which made the older wolf scoff "why don't you tell me Scott? actually why don't you tell everyone how you kicked Stiles out of the pack and you've been lying to us this entire time" gasps were heard throughout the loft as they heard this but the only one who said something was Erica as she stood up and walked towards Stiles with a hesitance that they hadn't seen in her for years "you didn't actually leave us?" she asked scared and he rushed forward to hug her "i would never leave you catwoman"
she smiled at the nickname and held him tighter, they were all suffering ever since Stiles had left "i missed you batman" she sighed happily and everyone joined into the group hug, even boyd which was confusing but happily accepted "what are all of you doing!" they heard the 'true' alpha shout "he's a murderer! he killed Allison and he kidnapped me how could you accept him back with open arms!" Lydia continued and they all glared at them before Derek decided to speak up.
"get the fuck out, you are no longer welcome in my loft or my pack" they left without argument as they saw the fact that they were outnumbered and could never win this fight, as they left everyone heard Stiles speak up "wow, that was hot" they all laughed as they were used to the teens weird input and had honestly missed it but their laughs were quickly turned into groans as Derek replied "thanks baby" and kissed him, they pulled away confused before Cora answered for all of them "ew it's like seeing your mom and dad kiss" they all made noises of agreement and Derek and Stiles kissed again just to annoy them.
they all screamed at them to stop or get a room but they were secretly very happy for the couple, they spent the rest of the night watching movies and bonding again as if nothing ever happened between them. Scott and Lydia were long forgotten that night and every night since.
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