Jealous wolf (shadowhunters/sterek)
ten years ago, on Stiles' ninth birthday, he figured out about his powers. now as a shadowhunter, he already had many abilities but this was different in many ways. he figured out that he had the powers of a warlock but he could use a stele, draw runes on himself and activate the weapons they used in the institute.
the first person he told was his parabatai, Allison had rushed into his room when she felt his intense fear and he told her everything. then he told his siblings, Alec was the only one who was responsible enough to call their parents while Jace and Izzy comforted him.
that day changed everything for the young boy, the Lightwoods made him move in with his uncle Noah, brother of Maryse. he was also a shadowhunter back in the day but he was forced to leave like many others that wrongly believed in Valentines plan.
they told him that it was for the best, that they wanted to protect him from the clave but he knew that his parents just wanted to keep up their perfect image in front of everyone. his siblings fought against him leaving but he assured them he would be alright, Isabelle was the hardest to say goodbye to as she was his twin sister and they were the closest of all of them.
the second he tried to say goodbye to his parabatai however, she smacked him in the back of his head and smiled with a simple "when do we leave loser?" that let him know that she would be joining him in this strange town he had never heard of.
he only kept casual contact with his family for a few years after everything happened but when they reached their teenage years and had a bit more freedom they always found ways to see each other.
about a year ago his siblings met Clary and he became quick friends with her and Simon, a lot changed when she came into their lives but it seemed to be mostly for the better. for example, Alec started dating a warlock named Magnus Bane a few months ago and he would regularly portal in to teach Stiles more about his powers.
it also made it easier for the siblings to see each other as now they had a warlock helping them with portals, as well as Stiles who very recently learned how to do that with his own magic. all of this though was kept secret from the people in his life.
Beacon Hills was a strange place with many supernatural creatures but it was different for some reason, it also had nothing to do with the shadow world so Stiles could never reveal himself as a shadowhunter to his friends, Allison remained the only one who knew about it all.
tonight though he didn't need to think about anything, not the secrets he kept, not his parents abandoning him and not how much he constantly missed his siblings. tonight all he had to think about was the werewolf in his bed and the feelings spinning around in his head.
for almost six months now Stiles and Derek have been sleeping together secretly, the alpha always told Stiles that they would never be anything more and he told him he was fine with that. he never expected to fall for the older werewolf like he did but he won't let that affect what they're doing, he needs Derek to make him forget everything.
that's exactly what the alpha was planning to accomplish as well when he entered through the younger mans window, he needed to forget the thoughts that had been invading his very being for so long now. that night they took their time stripping each other's clothing off.
it was rarely ever like this between them, normally rough and rushed just to get an orgasm. but sometimes they both needed more than that from each other, they needed the intimacy and love they craved from the other. they explored every inch of each others bodies as the shared passionate kisses through the night.
Derek would prep Stiles slowly without separating their lips and they would whisper each others names in rushed moans as they neared their high, the alpha buried deep inside his partner. they would kiss lazily as they steadied their breaths and Derek would fall asleep holding Stiles, who cherished these moments with the man he loved and so desperately wanted to be with.
the only problem was that every time something like this would happen Stiles would wake to an empty bed and a sad feeling in his chest as he got up to clean his bed sheets and take a long shower. getting out of the shower this morning Stiles expected to find his room still empty but as he opened his door what he saw brought a big smile to his face "Iz?"
his sister turned around from whatever she was looking at on his desk to smile at him "hey little brother" he rolled his eyes at that "i'm only younger than you by two minutes" she waved him off "that's not the point, now get dressed because we are going to order some pizza and watch a bunch of movies"
he smiled at her with a mock salute "yes ma'am" he replied, making her laugh at his stupidity. however, as he was pulling on a shirt he realized something and he told her it was okay to turn around as he crossed his arms over his chest "what?" she asked innocently "Ally told you to come, didn't she?"
her blush was enough of an answer for him as he sighed in frustration "Izzy i'm fine" now it was her turn to glare at him with her arms crossed "she's your parabatai Stiles, she knows when something is wrong. she told me that she could feel your sadness growing stronger everyday and that you wouldn't let her help you so i had Magnus portal me here to check on you" she confessed and his held the bridge of his nose in annoyance.
"i told her i was fine and that she has nothing to worry about, i've just had a lot on my plate recently but it's nothing a movie night with my favourite sister can't fix" she scoffed at that "i'm your only sister" he puts his finger on his mouth as a sign to be quiet as if it was a big secret and she just throws a pillow at him in retaliation.
they watched many movies that night until they fell asleep on Stiles' bed, none of them seeing the alpha werewolf who watched them subconsciously cuddle together in their sleep or him running back to the loft with a broken heart. in the morning they had to go their separate ways because Izzy 'had to go do something important'
it's funny how his sister and his parabatai thought that they could keep their relationship a secret from him, he's known about their feelings for each other since before they even knew and he felt it the second they finally got together. just as he felt the overwhelming sense of happiness from his other half suspiciously just ten minutes after his sister left his house.
he was doing some research on his desk as he felt a surge of fear and sadness coming from his best friend, he quickly got up and changed so that he could go to the Argent household and figure out what the hell happened. before he could leave his room though his window was pushed open and a very angry looking Derek found his way into his room.
Stiles didn't notice his expression immediately as he was too worried to think about anything but Allison and his sister "sorry Sourwolf i can't talk right now, i need to go do something real quick but i'll be back soon i promise" he didn't stop on his way until he heard a scoff and a dark voice reply "what, going to see your little girlfriend?" he asked angrily, hiding the hurt in his voice.
Stiles turned around quickly to gape at him "excuse me?" he asked confused but the wolf just rolled his eyes "don't act dumb Stiles, i saw you last night with that random bitch in your bed" that got Stiles angry, no one calls his sister a bitch and Derek had no right to be acting this way.
for over a month now Stiles has been struggling with the fact that he's in love with Derek but he was never able to say anything because HE made it clear that they could never be more "and so what if i was?" he asks, wanting to know where the alpha got the audacity to be judging him right now.
"so what? Stiles you don't think i have a right to be angry that you're fucking someone else behind my back" now it was his turn to scoff at that "angry? says the guy who never stays after we sleep together and on the rare occasion you do you're still gone when i wake up in the morning. you were the one that made it very clear you didn't want this to be anything more than sex so why would you possibly be mad if i started seeing someone else?" he knew it was wrong to be lying like this, but he wanted to know what was going through the werewolf's head.
the answer he would never expect though was exactly what he got "BECAUSE I LOVE YOU" he had yelled and they both stood there frozen for a while, not knowing what to say after Derek's confession. just as Stiles was about to answer his door burst open and a frantic brunette came rushing in "Stiles, thank the angel!" she had said.
"Ally, what the hell happened?!" he yelled as he rushed over to her, she had cuts on her face and she looked like she had seen a ghost "it's Izzy" she replied and Stiles froze "what happened" he asked slowly and she took a deep breath "we were um- we were doing something and we fell asleep but when i woke up there were these guys in the room and they took her. Sti i tried to stop them but i couldn't and sh- she's gone"
he hugged her tight as she finished, Derek confused as ever as he stood behind them "Der in my closet, top right there's a piece of the wall broken get me the box that's in it" he nodded and did as told quickly. Stiles opened the box and grabbed his old stele from inside, he lead Allison to the bed and he traced over her healing rune to get rid of her injuries.
he sighed and turned to Derek "there's a lot i need to explain but first i need to find Izzy, the girl you saw in here last night was my sister and Allison's girlfriend" he smiled softly when he heard a noise of protest from his best friend "how the fuck-" he just flicked her forehead "please Ally, you're my parabatai and she's my twin sister you guys were cute to think you could hide anything from me"
she blushed intensely at that but he ignored it in favour of continuing what he was saying "you may have heard stories of the shadowhunters as a child but i'm telling you that it was all real, i was and still am a shadowhunter, so is Ally and so are my siblings. i'm sorry i had to keep so much of my life from you but right now i need to get my sister back"
he reached into his box and pulled out his seraph blade along with his bow and arrow that Alec had taught him how to use when they were younger, he removed the glamour on his runes and picked up something Izzy had left there to track her. it didn't take long for him to find her and he called for backup before he did anything else.
in seconds a portal opened in his room and Alec, Magnus, Jace, Clary and Simon walked through. he hugged all of them and Clary quickly sat next to Allison to comfort her as Stiles told them all where she was and what they had to do, Derek was standing still in the corner of the room as all of this went down.
before they left Stiles walked over to him and gave him a light kiss "i love you too by the way" he told him before they all left to get their sister and friend back. the fought off a couple of rogue circle members that had followed Isabelle before finding her chained up and taking her back to Stiles' house.
as they rushed upstairs Allison got up from the bed and hugged her girlfriend tightly "i thought i lost you" she whispered and Izzy smiled "you can't get rid of me that easily" they let them have their moment but after a few minutes Stiles cleared his throat "guys as cute as this is, i have my own relationship troubles i have to fix so if you could please continue this back at the institute that would be great"
they all laughed at his words except for Derek who was surprisingly still there waiting for him to return "until next time little fox" Magnus said before opening a portal and stepping through with the three girls, Alec stopped before entering to hug his younger brother again and to turn around to the wolf in the room "if you hurt my baby brother i will come back and kill you"
he walked through the portal and Jace did the same, hugged him goodbye and proceeded to threaten Derek before leaving. Simon was the last to go as he too hugged Stiles and turned to Derek "i know i don't seem like much man but if you hurt my friend i will drain you of every ounce of your blood" he bared his fangs before Stiles hit him in the back of the head and he jumped through the portal.
they sat in silence for a minute before Derek spoke up "sorry i called your sister a bitch" he laughed at that "really? that's all you have to say right now?" he asked surprised and the alpha just shrugged "i know you had your reasons to keep this all from me and i know i haven't exactly been the best person to talk to but i'm trying to change that. Sti i really do care about you and i want to be with you"
Stiles smiled up at him "only if you promise not to leave in the morning" he replied and Derek rushed over to the bed where he was sitting and pulled him into a deep kiss "i promise" he said against his lips and connected them with his once again. that morning and every single one since Stiles woke up with strong arms around him and a feeling of warmth and safety in his heart.
A/N god this oneshot is so shit lmao, i have no clue what happened towards the end but it kind of just went everywhere. i hope yall like it anyways and let me know what other shows i should crossover with and what ships you would like to see of Stiles and a character from another fandom.
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