XVI. Deadpool → Stilinski
Warning; Angst.
[Season 4]
I don't know how long we've been in the Hale vault. By 'we', I mean Scott, Kira and me - along with my sister, Malia. Stiles hasn't arrived either, he leave 15 minutes ago to check the others above us.
This virus is affecting every supernatural in the school, including the pack. Stiles -who is my bestfriend- is the only one who isn't supernatural from the rest of us, so the virus didn't affect him that much.
Then there's the deadpool. I guess that is the reason why this is happening. This virus is by another assassin.
Both Malia and I were leaned against a counter, breathing heavily. The more minutes passed, our condition becames complicated.
I can see less.
Smell less.
Hear less.
Even though Stiles' jacket were placed in my body, I can't stop myself from shivering.
"Do you think we're gonna survive this?"
"We survive cougars chasing us, we can get passed this."
"The cougar is different, we're coyotes back then with fur and we walk in fours. This, this is worse. We're only humans, we can't even control our shift. Its slowly killing us and we can't do something to stop it."
I can feel Malia placing her hands on top of mine, reassuring me.
"We can survive this together."
I notice that the sleeve of the jacket is slipping so I placed my another hand at it's sleeve to pull it up. As I do, I hear paper crumpling beside me. More specifically, inside the jacket.
I took a peak at the paper as I can hear Scott yelling at me to not open the paper. And by that, the curiosity bubble through me. I fully open it but before I can read what contains it, me eye sight and my other senses goes into the trash. Gone. Just blankness.
"Scott, Scott! what's going on?! why can't I see?!" I yelled as I desperately try to stand up but failed miserably.
I can't hear the other's in the vault. This is it, we're all going to die down here.
After some 5 painfully blackened minutes, we all regain our posture.
Once again, the paper. Curiousity bubble within me for the second time around.
As I read it, I can feel tears pouring down my face. Its the third part of the deadpool, and I know Malia and I were in here but I assume its typed as;
Malia Tate 4
Y/N Tate 4
But I was completely wrong. It was typed as;
Malia Hale 4
Y/N Hale 4
I could feel the emotions swirling inside of me. There's sadness, hurt, anger but mostly betrayal.
I'm so mad. I though while the tears in my eyes makes my eyesight blurry. Why would they hid this from us. Why would Stiles hide this from me?
"Y/N? what is it? what's that paper?" Malia asked, obviously staring at the paper in my shaking hands.
I passed her the paper without looking at her, she immedietly snatched it in my hands. I guessed she's done reading ut because she let out a low but threatening growl.
She immediatly stand, causing me to slightly jump. She crumpled the paper and throw it infront of me as she did so, she held out her hand to me. As I take it, Stiles come running towards us.
"Y/N! are you... Where are you two going?" he shakily asked. I don't know if he's nervous because we found out or because of the adrenaline of saving us.
"Anywhere but here." I mumbled.
"W-What's that mean?"
"Thank you for lying to me, Stiles," I sarcastically said. "Thank you for keeping Malia and I in the dark all this time. Yeah, I really appreciate our bestfriends lying to us."
I can feel my throat tightening as I continue to talk. The more I talk, the more louder my voice become. "Is it because we were coyotes for 8 years that you take advantage of our lack of humanity? that makes all of you lie to us!" I yelled.
"We did it to protect you. You and Malia." Stiles said as he raised his hands in the air. Showing that he's harmless.
Even though there is a true alpha in the room as me, a werecoyote siblings can be a danger for the alpha too. Although we're omegas.
"Bullshit." Stiles eyes widen when I said those words. Malia walk towards the door, me in tow then suddenly Stiles snatched my arm, making me stay that resulted Malia to snarled at him.
"Just let go, Stiles." I whisper. He shook his head, stubbornly. Refusing to let go of me."Please. let go, Stiles."
He slowly loosen his grip as Malia snatched my arm away from him. We walked out, without looking back but not without hearing Stiles whisper,
"I did it to protect you, Y/N."
Word Count; 820
Thank you for reading!
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