X. I Wouldn't Mind → Stilinski
Warning; fluff.
Third Person's.
Stiles nervously fiddled his fingers while sat at the bench as he wait for Y/N at their 'Special Place', specifically the park where Y/N agreed to be his girlfriend 5 years ago.
His leg anxiously bounce sgainst the concrete as his patience goes thin. He looked down at his lap and then he smiled after he caught the site of a small box inside his khakis' pocket.
Stiles- being Stiles and all- pulled out a not so clean paper and read the lines that he's going to say when he proposed to Y/N, memorizing it.
As he scanned the note, he didn't notice Y/N's car parked beside his jeep. He didn't even notice that Y/N was standing infront of him.
She cleared her throat, that's when Stiles realize that Y/N was there already as he quickly crumpled the piece of paper that is once in his hands.
"Hey, you alright? you don't look so good." she worriedly asked, seeing how pale he actually is.
"I-I'm alright." he lied. The truth is, he's way far from fine. If Y/N was a werewolf, then she will smell the anxiety radiating off of Stiles.
"Let's just get over this."
As Stiles closed his eyes, trying to remember the words he's supposed to say, a sob coming from Y/N made him open his eyes.
Although she try to block the teats that are trying to fall, some of them escaped eventually. She uttered the words that will break her, "A-are you bre-breaking up with m-me?" she cried
Stiles eyes goes wide, he didn't even realize that the words he said earlier doesn't came out as a whisper like he hoped.
"No no no no, baby. I-I'm not breaking up with you. I'm gonna do the exact opposite actually." he quietly kneel on his one knee infront of her as she put her hands against her mouth.
"We've been bestfriends since forever and I though that was the happiest day of my life, be your bestfriend. But I was wrong, the happiest day of my life was when I asked you out before high school. But then again, I was wrong. Here, right now, is the happiest day of my life," he paused, "On this day, I'm officially asking you to marry me. Would you let me, Stiles Stilinski, be your husband? be your savior and partner? forever?" he asked.
Y/N is no doubt, crying right now. The love of her life is actually proposing to her, her heart is beating really fast that might blow off of her chest.
"Yes. Yes Stiles, I will marry you."
He laughed as he shakily take her hand and slipped the beautiful diamond ring in her finger. He embrace her while tears falls down in her cheeks, happy tears.
They pulled away as they lean in and kissed. The kiss felt different for them, they weren't kissing each other as boyfriend and girlfriend. They were kissing each other as soon to be Mr. and Mrs. Stilinski.
They pulled away, foreheads touching, hands at each other. She closed her eyes as she smile, "Forever is a long time, think you can handle me that long?"
"I wouldn't mind spending it by your side. When we get married, I got to wake up to that smile. Trust me, I wouldn't mind." he smiled.
thank you for reading!
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