chapter 3
"I'm adopted." I told them crying even more. But I looked around to see my pack and family reactions. Derek hugged me tighter being careful of my injuries. Peter looked at me with shock and sadness. I saw jackson look at me with understanding since he is also adopted. Isaac, boyd and Erica look like gold fish. Scott, Alison, Lydia and Melissa where crying and Chris had a poker face but looked like he might cry. And bob he was crying his eyes out.
"What do you mean your adopted? Why didn't she tell me?" Bob shouted making everyone look at him with shock and surprise.
"He told me 3 months ago when he started drinking again." I said through my tears.
"Why didn't she tell me?" Bob asked. But I just shrugged.
"He started 3 months ago?" Jordan asked.
"Drinking yes but the rest." But I looked away not being able to look at anyone.
"When did the abuse start?" Taking a deep breath I told them the truth.
"Over a year ago."
"Why didn't you tell me?" Scott asked looking like a kicked puppy.
"I tried running away from him once. He caught me broke my arm and 2 ribs he then said." I took a shaky breath.
"What did he say?" Chris asked like a dad does. Sounding like he cares about me and like he might go and kill john soon. I looked at Scott.
" He said that he will kill Scott or Melissa. I couldn't let that happen." I then broke down crying again. I felt hands touch my legs and arms in comfort but I froze up at first and I know everyone else knew but then I relaxed a bit.
"Couch what are you doing here?" Steve asked. I saw bob look at me so I nodded.
"Stiles is my nephew." He said not paying attention to anyone. "Are we done here?"
"We have everything we need to arrest him and send him to prison." Steve said.
"Did you know that stiles was adopted." Steve asked.
"No she left with john for a few years and when they came back they had stiles with them." Bob told them.
"But know for the hard bit." Jordan said. We all looked at him confused. "Your still under age. So we need to find somewhere for you to live."
"Stiles can live with me." Derek said.
"He needs a legal guardian." Steve said.
"What about me." Chris, Melissa, peter and bob said. We all looked shocked at bob but he just dismissed all of our looks.
"He could stay with you bob but with stiles being adopted its a bit hard." Jordan told everyone.
"Well why can't I stay with bob. It said in my mums will that if she dies I will go into his care." Everyone looked at me with shock.
"Why was you with John then."
"I only found her will yesterday." I told them.
"Well I guess you are staying with me then." Bob told me. After a few more minutes the police left. "Ok you can stay with Derek only when you tell me where you are. I don't need my house getting destroyed because of a werewolf trying to stay with his mate." He said looking at me and Derek. I swear I don't think any of us have been more shocked then we have been today.
"You... but."
"Your mum never told you?" I looked at him confused. "She was a werewolf." At that we all was shocked.
"How?" I asked.
"When we where 10 we went to the woods. It got dark and we where lost a bit later we both got bit." With that he flashed his eyes that are gold. I jumped in Derek's arms who's eyes flashed red. But then there eyes went normal.
"You both turned?" Chris asked.
"Yep it was hard at first but claudia was determined to keep it a secret and to help me through it. John was her mate or so we thought. They moved away together and then came back but she was different more distant." He told me. That's when I realized something.
"She didn't die from frontotemporal dementia did she?" I asked as tears rolled down my face. Everyone looked at me confused but bob and chris.
"Yes and no." He told me. We all looked at him. "Someone gave her wolfsbane which caused her to die slowly and it gives the victim frontotemporal dementia."
"Who would do that?" Melissa asked.
"John." With that me and Melissa burst out crying. Peter, chris and bob went to Melissa while the others came to me.
"I am so sorry." Alison said.
"Please don't cry." Jackson said.
"Don't cry mum." Isaac said in a small voice. We all looked at him. He went red in embarrassment. Derek was sat behind me trying hard not to laugh.
"Did you just call me mum?" I asked.
"Erm..... No." He said trying to convince all of us.
"Its ok Isaac." I gave him a soft smile. I saw him smile happily.
"Wait can I we call you mum." But surprisingly it was jackson who asked the question. I saw hope flash in all of the packs eyes. I saw all the adults laughing at the situation.
"Yes." I said with uncertainty. They all cheered with happiness. That's when Derek burst out laughing. We all stopped and looked at him in shock.
"What? Im shocked that they asked and that you agreed." He told us all.
"Pups that does mean that you have to call sourwolf dad." I told them all with a smirk. Derek stopped laughing.
"Don't even." But he never finished.
"Dad." Erica and boyd said at the same time. Making all of us even the adults laugh. But I had to stop because of the pain. After that we all sat around talking about anything trying to distract me from what has happened to me but also to help the pups who looked really sad about everything. Jackson hugged me after a while and whined. After he finished all the pups wanted a hug so I gave them one. I even hugged peter and Chris. But through it all Derek never let me go.
Please tell me what you think of the story at the moment. And thank you for reading my book.
Who do you want to be together. You will find out who stiles parents are soon xx
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