GC 3
Twig created a new group.
Twig added Red, Bob, Jhonnie, Stik, Beth & 8 others.
Twig: Hey Guys!
Twig: It's been a while since we've talked you know?
Jhonnie: Yo
Bob: Waht??
Zione: Yo
Red: True 🦅🦅🦅
Beth: Honestly, life was good til this moment.☝️😔
Jhonnathan: Sorry, can't talk right now I gotta go get some stuff for my inventory real quick.
Stik: Ngl true 😔🙏
Branch: Hey yall
Jr: Hewwo!!!
Brute: bro wtf is this 💀
Shadow: hello children
Cody: hey guys
Uku'a'bukui'i: I shall use my free time on this cellular device as you creatures call it.
Red changed 13 people's names.
Skinny ahh: What just happened??
Wannabe Stik: I am NOT a wannabe.
Psycho patient: Eh, my name lowkey kinda fits
Annoying Purple Guy: I am not even sure who tf that is but ok?
Emo Kid With White Shirt: uhhh
Wannabe YinYang: bro—
Autism Diabetic: Waht?
Tiny Midget: whats a midget??
Big black boi: wtf im brown
Jeffery Dohmer 2: bruh
Red: womp womp 💀
Stik changed 1 person's name.
Period blood: wtf 💀
Nigger left the chat
Jeffery Dohmer 2: YOU NAMED OUR DAD NIGGER?!???!??
Annoying Purple Guy: Okay, that's dark man... even for you Red...
Period Blood: well I mean... 😬
Big black boi: I gtg see yall l8r.
Period blood: bye pussy 🦅🦅🦅
Tiny Midget: I'm gonna take a nap bye bye! ❤️
Wannabe YinYang: Bye buddy! See u when I get home!
Annoying Purple Guy: Love you Jr.
Period Blood: yall better be on tmrw. 🔪🤫
Jeffery Dohmer 2: ight watch me biatch
Unga Bunga: I shall see thine all in the close future.
Wannabe YinYang: Bro is a warlock?
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