~* s t i g m a - a mark of disgrace associated with a particular circumstance, quality, or person*~
Devian sighed as he stared at the painting, finally unwrapped. He was left speechless not just because it was beautiful but it was so damn expressive. The shades of dawn, the hope of rising sun, the lush glorious green fields and the one flower among them all.
She depicted herself as the flower and Devian as her sun, her little hope of a new day, the romanticism of dawn. She has valued her more than he could imagine but he feared that maybe his deceit will cause her to mistrust him in the long run. The thought bothered him a little too much.
But he vowed to himself that he would love her for however, they both will live. He would not waste another life punishing himself or torturing her. Seeing her die twice was a brutal reminder of what his life would feel like without her. The pain was enough to bring him death as well.
Even though he knew she loved him but it was time he needed to make it official.
"She is still at her class, she has to catch up with a lot of stuff and pulling allnighters to prepare for coming exams," Wendy informed Devian who was now more out in public.
He was getting used to girls staring at him but it still felt awkward.
"Does she even care about herself a little bit," Devian muttered in agitation having built a bond with Wendy since both of them wanted to protect Delia.
"You know her, she doesn't."
"Where is she?"
"At the library." Wendy said and threw a sandwich to Devian, "Give her this, she might not have eaten."
"I am a terrible boyfriend." Devian grimaced.
"Yeah guarding her in this century and another, definitely," Wendy said with an amused smile at the gorgeous man whining about being a bad boyfriend when he was anything but.
Devian rushed towards the library and Paulo noticed that. Sighing at his boss he got down from the car and followed him.
"You were once a feared, silent cold man and now look at you," Paulo said and Devian turned to give him a glare.
"I was cursed in my defense." He said lightly running towards the building now.
"I will be waiting outside then." Paulo chuckled to see his lovestruck boss.
Devian entered with a little more noise-making heads turn. The females in the library either giggled or gawked at him in awe. Avoiding the looks his eyes searched for Delia and at once he noticed the girl almost disappearing in her oversized hoodie which she insisted on wearing for comfort even though he bought her new clothes.
Her fingers were barely peeking out of the long sleeves and he realized with the logo on the sleeve that this was one of his hoodies. For some reason, his spirits lifted in delight.
"Delia." He whispered as he came closer and she lifted her head up looking absolutely adorable.
For a moment Devian forgot what he was here to say.
"Yes?" She asked her lips lifting in a small smile.
"Have you eaten anything?" He asked since this is the first thing he remembered.
"Yes, I had breakfast." She said looking guilty because it was three in the afternoon now.
He handed her the sandwich and gritted his teeth together to hold in the anger.
"I am sorry. I have not been able to text you much. I am dying with classes and homework."
"It's okay but at least take care of yourself."
Maybe it was lack of sleep or just pure joy of seeing him there, she propped her hands on her elbows and cupped her face giving the cutest smile to Devian, "What's the use of having a boyfriend then. You are supposed to take care of me."
Devian recovered from shock quickly and bent closer to kiss her forehead making her blush successfully.
"Behave Devian." She whispered.
"You started it."
She just shook her head and continued studying.
"I will help you in any way possible."
"No, I will do this on my own. If it gets out of hand I will tell you." She said with a smile.
"Ok." He said and relaxed into the chair and leaned back.
After a while, Delia sighed and looked up, "What are you doing?"
"Just sitting and not helping as you said."
"You are distracting me Devian." She mumbled and that made Devian chuckle.
"Then let me help you. I don't want you to see overburdened."
"Ok, I will bring all my assignments home tonight." She said with a smile.
And Delia shook his head at her utter innocence.
"Honestly Delia, you in my house is not going to help anyone."
For a moment she was surprised but then the meaning of the words set in and she ducked her head low in embarrassment.
"Fine, what do you suggest then?" She said in a small voice.
"Meet me in the cafe." He said and she nodded excitedly about it because she liked that place very much.
"You think this is the best time?" Wendy asked looking more nervous than Devian.
"Are you kidding me, I am already freaking out," Devian said pacing inside the cafe now empty.
Delia's exams were done. And she did quite well for the Queen of Light who had to go through all the tragic stuff. People took more interest in her now and wanted to be her friends. But Wendy and Devian's intimidating presence kept most people at bay.
"She hasn't got her results yet and she is nervous about the year-end exhibition," Wendy said.
"I have waited a whole month for her to settle down and even helped her as much as she allowed," Devian said trying to convince himself than Wendy.
"And you painted these paintings in just a month?" Wendy asked and Devian avoided her questions.
He has barely slept past month, mostly because he never shared that he was seeing dealing with the aftermath of seeing Delia almost die. He would wake up with her dead in his arms. He has painted all the scenes stuck in his head like the day they met in front of the cafe or how he came to like her mess of a hair or time she slept like a furry little bunny in front of his car.
And so many other incidents which made him fall in love, it was all on canvas now.
And the centerpiece was hidden with a white cloth which Delia herself shall unveil.
The cafe door clicked open and Devian's heart stopped. Even Wendy and Paulo were nervous as Delia walked in with a bag and fresh set of paintbrushes. She was dressed as usual with the splatter of colors on her palm and few on her jeans.
"What is happening?" She asked in a small careful voice.
"Art Exhibition," Devian answered.
He was lacking all the courage he usually had as the Light Guardian.
Wendy winked in her direction as she pulled Paulo out of the cafe to leave Devian alone for the mission.
He grabbed her arm and gestured her to move with him as she looked at each and every painting in the cafe which was made over into an esthetic art gallery with the lingering aroma of caffeine still there.
Her eyes welled with tears as she realized what the artwork was about. He has painted the most memorable moments of them on a canvas. Her tears were freely flowing down till the time she was lying in his arms as she was half-healed and his emotions in that picture were heartbreaking.
There was a picture of her painting in the art room, the night they worked together for an art project.
When the exhibition ended, she was sobbing too hard and a chuckling Devian pulled her closer for a hug and she cried for a few minutes feeling overwhelmed with emotions.
"Delia, there is still the centerpiece." He said feeling less nervous now.
"I don't think I am ready." She said sniffling her voice heavy from emotions.
Devian smiled at her, "You have to it's important."
They moved towards the centerpiece and still sobbing Delia lifted the white cloth up and gasped out loud.
It was her painting but a different rendition of it, it was dawn, there was a lush green field but there was a blooming flower now and vines wrapped around it and a huge leaf over the flower. The vines around the flower protecting it was Devian as he tried to depict. He has painted in even more beautifully.
Devian had to pull her along to other direction as she was smiling and crying through the whole thing.
The other side of the same canvas was scene Devian planned for today. The cafe was painted with the art set in place. And then there was Devian sitting on his knee with a ring in his hand in the painting.
Wide-eyed in disbelief she turned towards him and he was exactly replicating the scene, on his knees with a ring in his hand.
"Delia..." He said but before he could complete his questions, Delia sat down on her knees and cupped his face in her hands.
"Yes." She whispered crying even more now.
Relief flooded through Devian as he put the ring on her finger and pulled her for hug until she stopped sobbing from the effect of the whole proposal that wrecked her heart.
He was finally free of the curse and instead got a blessing.
Feel free to cry with me.
Also, I always planned a happy ending for them so I was proud to share it with you guys! :)
Hope this really makes your Saturday better.
This is officially the end and nothing more will be added in this story.
Hope you like it and share it with our friends:)
All those who are reading this, I wish you can join me in a new ride for EPIPHANY and if haven't done it yet, go read BLADE PRINCESS.
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