Two hundred reads special?
Me:my brain is a crisp..this is where it goes down hill,this book is doomed!
Wattpad:in the time you've been a lazy piece of trash a little over another hundred people read your book.
Me:*eye twitches*HOLY-
Me:sorry Patton,where's Virgil and Roman?
Roman:*is holding Virgil*i think I gave him too much catnip.
Virgil:HeY,mY pEePs!
Logan:how am I related to THAT!?
Me:anyways,I'm bored and lack inspiration so I'd like to hang out with you guys.
Virgil:YoU oNlY sHoW uP tO sCrEaM aT a WaLl ThEn YoU hAnGoUt WiTh ThE "sChOoL dAyS"vErIsOnS oF uS!
Me:yeah...because I write them more.
Virgil:WhY tHo?We ArE fUn To!
Me:*laughs nervously*i know that..I just-don't have the brainpower to come up with a decent chapter yet.
Roman:*Pets Virgil*sorry that he's being loud.'s fine!
Patton:*looks at the readers*WOW!Author,I can see who you are screaming at all the time!*waves*
Me:*looks to the readers awkwardly*yup.*waves*
Virgil:HeY,I CaN tOo!
Logan:Virgil,you're looking at a rock.
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