Catnip pt.2
Virgil slept contently as Roman opened the door,Patton and Logan went out so it was just them.Roman fell back on the couch and sighed"Virgil..can I talk to you?"Roman asked as Virgil sat up lazily"Of CoUrSe!"Virgil purred(yes I'm writing it like this)Roman smiled as Virgil sat in Roman's lap"well..being a actor doesn't pay well around here,what if i can't pay rent then me and the rest of you have no where to go?"Virgil nestled against Roman"YoU'lL bE fInE."he assured flicking his tail against Roman's face"you want to know something?you are probably the best thing to happen to me,Virgil.i've never met a cat as smart as you and recently...I feel like I can hear you talking."Virgil tensed"BeCaUsE i'M nOt A cAt!"he exclaimed,Roman gaped at Virgil"d-did you just say you're not a cat?"Virgil rested his tail on his paws"DiD yOu JuSt HeAr Me?"he asked,purring still messing with his voice"you can talk!"Roman exclaimed"R-RoMaN,i'M nOt A cAt.NeItHeR iS lOgAn!"Virgil explained jumping off Roman's lap"ThE sPeLl MuSt Be WaRiNg OfF!"Virgil cheered"what spell?how can you start talking?"Virgil placed his front paws on Roman's knee"A dRaGoN wItCh MaDe Me AnD lOgAn LiKe ThIs,It CaN oNlY bE bRoKeN iF cOmPaSsIoN aNd KiNdNeSs TaKe OuR hEaRtS aNd NeCkLaCeS!"Virgil ignored its this meant he fell for Roman,he just had hope for going home and forgetting the streets.
"Virgil!"Logan yowled making Virgil shot up"w-what is it?"Logan as next to Virgil on the couch now"you were dreaming Virgil.."Virgil sighed,Roman then came home from work and putted up his jacket.Virgil felt hot blush go to the very tip of his tail I just dreamed that Roman broke the spell..oh god Roman sat next to Virgil and smiled at him,Virgil smiled back and flicked his tail"hey."he mumbled this is so embarrassing!
A/N It's gonna write on my other fanfiction.
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