Bored pt.2
Roman lead Virgil through the streets,after a moment of silence he looked down at the cat.Virgil looked back up at Roman did his eyes always look that human?he thought,the cat gave a shy smile wait,cats don't smile.Roman thought,the sun was beginning to go down at the time making Virgil's midnight fur seem like a birthmark in the light.Roman bit his lip alright,this cat is pretty.WHY DO I THINK IT LOOKS PRETTY!?Roman screamed to himself,the cat quickly looked away,to a woman and her dog.Virgil hissed at the dog,the dog barked in response"sir,you need to get your animals under control."the woman muttered,tugging her dog away from Virgil had had the fur on his shoulders on end"same with your rat!"Roman muttered squatting infront of Virgil"hey buddy,you wanna get a ride?"Virgil raised his paw to swat Roman"ugh,I would never!"he groaned but putted his paw back down"I'm not a lapdog."he grumbled"c'mon,virgie."Roman purred hesitantly putting a finger under his chin and scratched at the fur underneath,Virgil purred silently"fine,you win."he muttered putting his front paws on his shoulder and scrabbling up his other half.Roman stood up with Virgil draped on his shoulders,Virgil digged his claws into Roman shoulder making Roman flinch"I forgot that you needed a trim."he muttered as he began to walk.Virgil flicked his tail to Roman cheek making him squirm away"that tickles!"he giggled,Virgil smirked and wiggles him tail on Roman's nose making Roman go into a fit of giggles"Stop!"Roman demanded"no way,princey.I'm bored!"Roman laughed then said"if you don't stop then we're not get ice cream~"Virgil stopped and tilted his head before looking at the building Roman was now standing at,it was a ice cream shop called Sanders Sweets with a doodle of a family on the seemed cheesy but Virgil immediately remembered going there as a kid after school,Logan always payed of course.Virgil letted out a excited mrrow!and Roman walked inside,at the resister was a guy with sunglasses.his hair was a mocca color at the bangs with strands of whip cream colored hair"hey babe!"the guy called"babe?"Virgil hissed defensively why do I care?he thought"hey Remy,how's work?"Roman asked walking to Remy"it's been good,toots."Virgil didn't like the way this guy talked to Roman"Remy,are you flirting with the customers again?"a guy came up from a door behind Remy,half of his face was tanner then the rest and he wore the little paper hat like most places unlike Remy"of course not,dee!"Remy purred kissing his cheek ok,there not a thing...wait,why do I care again?Virgil thought to himself"are you guys making out again?"another voice called as another guy came in.he wore a tan sweater vest with a pair of glasses and a pencil behind his ear"of course not,Emile."the hat guy mused pecking his forehead(for someone that ships this and demus I had to chose the cutest in my opinion*screams over fanart*)Roman had a glint of jealousy in his eye"single Pringle's want to mingle."Virgil mewed getting the attention of the the three at the resister.Emile squealed and jumped over the bar to the other side and walked over to Virgil"who's this?"Emile asked,Virgil flipped his ears back and glared at Emile"his name is Virgil."Roman replied"he doesn't really like strangers,Emile."he mumbled.Emile nodded and gave Virgil his space"how did you name him?"Remy interjected"honey,the cat obviously looks like a Virgil."(I'm laughing because when I was typing Virgil my autocorrect was bitch XD)the hat guy shook his head"it must mean something."Roman shook his head"Virgil told me that was his name."there was a small silence"how?"Remy asked taking a sip of Starbucks that seemed to appear out of nowhere"he clawed it into wet cement,he's really smart."Virgil blushed at Roman calling him smart"must be."the hat guy mumbled"Danny!are you still working?"someone called before coming into view.this guy was the only one that Virgil remembered,it was the owner of Sanders Sweets:Thomas Sanders"Dad!"
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