3 (End)
Normally I don't add fanart to my stories but this shit was bussin mad respectfully yo
Yoongi fell.
And groaned at the weight of the heavy man landing on top of him.
Before he could even flip over to try to push the weight off of himself, someone was already doing that.
"Yoongi!" Namjoon shoved the bleeding man off the student with adrenaline filed strength. "Yoongi!"
Yoongi caught his breath as Namjoon grabbed him, pulling him back to his feet.
An officer rushed over, keeping his gun trained on the cursing, bleeding leader, whose leg housed the bullet the officer had fired.
"You kids okay?" The cop asked, cuffing the leaders hands together behind his back.
Yoongi gave a shaky nod. "Physically, yeah. Mentally though, I might need therapy."
Namjoon sighed in relief, hugging the smaller boy tightly.
Yoongi chuckled, wrapping his arms around the taller boy. "This is the second time in less than ten minutes that you've hugged me, Kim Namjoon. I'm starting to think you're doing it on purpose."
"I'm glad you're okay." Namjoon breathed.
"You can't get rid of me that easy, nerd. I'm riding your back all the way to a free A+ if it kills me." Yoongi teased, pulling back.
Another officer came up as the other one led the criminal away.
"Come with me you two, I'll take you back home."
Gladly, the two students hurried after him, until they got too far away and a baby's cry suddenly pierced the air.
"Steve!" Yoongi gasped.
"Arabella!" Namjoon raced back, Yoongi right behind him.
The next day, Namjoon handed the doll back over to the teacher.
He looked impressed as he ran through the recorded material the doll had stored of all the times it had cried, and how long for. "Only cried a few times, and you met all its needs. Good job boys, A+"
"Don't call Steve an it." Yoongi said.
"Don't call her Steve, her name is Arabella." Namjoon glared.
"Don't start this again." The teacher warned them, signing off on their papers to record their successful grade.
Yoongi admired his paper as they walked out. "Damn, my first A, and all I had to do to get it was nearly die."
"It's easier if you just study." Namjoon said, pocketing his 286th A+ grade.
"Okay, genius." Yoongi huffed.
"I'm not a genius, I lied to him. You're only considered a genius if your IQ is over 160." Namjoon shrugged as they stepped outside.
"You also said it's like impossible to determine what makes a genius." Yoongi said. "Well I determine that you are. All that shit you did back there saved our lives. So...thanks."
Namjoon looked surprised. "Me? You're the one who actually saved us- you called the cops and came up with the bug idea. And picking the lock was cool."
Yoongi chuckled. "I'll teach you how if you teach me math. I got a test on Friday."
Namjoon pulled out his car keys. "Deal. Need a ride home?"
Yoongi smiled.
"You know I do, nerd."
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