Chapter 18
Seto's POV
I heard what Mark said, but I asked him again anyway. 'What!?' I asked, looking at Marks smug face, admiring the effect he had on me. 'If you want to stay here're said slowly, as if talking to a young child 'You have to let me borrow your spellbook so I can shrink you to your original size' he finished. I looked at Jewel, who looked happy, and I knew why. 'Yep, okay, I accept your offer' I said after a moment. I summoned my spellbook, which appeared in Marks hands. He flicked through it and stopped because he had found the right page. He squinted at the page then said the words with difficulty. I get tingly, and saw everything around me get bigger, and I felt my bones compressing. I couldn't breathe until he finished the spell. I lay on the floor panting. I heard more pages flipping, and another spell being read. I felt a woosh of air and saw a pair of stylish boots in front of me. 'Get up, lazybones' Jewel said, and I lifted my hand for her to grab. I felt her hand grab mine, but I couldn't feel her individual fingers. When I actually looked up, I wasn't looking at her face. 'What the heck!' I looked up, and saw Jewel standing above me. My neck was at its breaking point, so I asked if she could come down. She knelt down in front of me, and I realised how tall she was. 'U-um.. what's going on here?' I asked shyly. Her ears twitched and I saw her smile. 'I'm really not sure, Seto' she said to me. She looked really pretty up close, and I could finally see her properly. She stood up, and I realised I only came up to her knee. I jumped as Jewels tail brushed my shoulder. It was really soft and smelt like roses, and it wrapped around my waist. Jewel called for Mark, and I froze as his shadow fell over us. He was huge now and scared me a bit. He picked us up and I gripped her tail, causing her to stare at me. Mark carried us to the couch and he sat down, placing me on one knee and Jewel on the other.
Marks POV
I felt happier now that I knew my friends were safe and Seto couldn't hurt them. Seto was looking at me angrily, but I couldn't take him seriously at this size. 'What did you do to me?' he asked. 'I shrunk you, and I grew Jewel' I said to him, and his eyes turned red. 'Yeah, you shrunk me to, like, one inch. That's a bit small, don't you think? He said angrily. I shrugged my shoulders, and his anger subsided. I scooped him up and held him up, studying his brightly coloured eyes. He stared into mine with fear, so I put him down on the arm rest and left to get André.
Jewels POV
As Mark stood up, I fell off his knee and onto the leathery surface of the couch. It knocked the wind out of me. I felt the couch dent slightly as Seto came to me. I pushed myself up, and saw him on top of me. It made it hard to breathe so I pushed him off with two fingers. Seto was pretty small now, so I crept behind him and jumped. He yelped and we tumbled into a ball of cloak and fur. I pinned him down, with one hand and he pouted. 'Hey, not fair! You have a size advantage' Seto said in a baby voice. I thought and then said 'Well, you know what they say, size doesn't matter' I picked him up and hugged him. He went limp in my arms, and hugged me back. I put him against the back of the couch and he sat up, cloak wrapped around his shoulders. I walked over gracefully and sat next to him, making his eyes turn pink. I felt the familiar rhythmic pattern of footsteps and knew Mark was coming back. His form appeared and André was perched on his shoulder, he looked at the couch to find us, so we waved our arms. His brown eyes locked on us and he smiled, kneeling on the floor in front of the couch and letting André jump off him. He looked up at me with suspicion and when he saw Seto he grinned. André walked over to him and made a show of looking down at him, which made Seto frown and walk over to me. I ruffled his hair with my finger, and he looked annoyed. 'Please don't do that, it's demoting. I'm the smallest of the group, and I don't like it.' He said, and my face fell. I picked him up and looked him in the eye. 'No matter how tall you are, I will always love you' I said and held him to me. Seto nuzzled me with his small face, and hugged me with his tiny hands. He pushed away and said 'Even though you like your new size, I don't and I want to do something about it' I squinted and asked 'Who said I like my new size?' Seto's eyes widened and I quickly put him on my back, jumped off the couch and ran to the kitchen.
Andrés POV
As I watched Seto and Jewel run away, I called Mark. He put his face close to mine and I said 'You think they're up to something?' Mark thought a bit and then said 'Maybe, but they can't really go anywhere, when they're this small' gesturing with his fingers. I jumped on his shoulder and whispered 'Let's go check on them' Mark nodded slightly, got up and walked to the kitchen. He looked around, but couldn't see Jewel or Seto anywhere. Suddenly, I felt Mark freeze, and I turned to see what he was staring at, or what he wasn't staring at. We left the spellbook on the kitchen bench, and it was missing. I heard muffled speaking, and saw a jet of white light shoot at Mark. The platform of his shoulder disappeared and I fell to the floor. Marks body lay trembling on the floor, slowly shrinking until he was about my size. I scurried over to him and lay my hands on his face, which was cold. 'Nooooooooo!!!' I yelled and I fell onto the hardwood floor. I opened my eyes and saw Jewel and Seto standing over me, giant sized. I yelled and waved my arms, but they didn't seem to notice. Seto them lifted up his foot, and it hovered over me. I tried to scream and make them notice, but my voice didn't work, and the shoe came down on me. The leather crushing me into the floor, until the life was squeezed out of my body.
I can't believe I just wrote that.
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