Chapter 16
Andrés POV
I was sitting calmly on Marks hand watching our favourite horror film, Edward Knifehands, when we hear a knock at the door. I feel Mark tense up and in a flash he enclosed me in a fist. He put me in his shirt pocket and told me to be quiet.
Jewels POV
I was sitting on Seto's shoulder, waiting outside the door to my apartment. I picked up movement inside and what sounded like Mark telling someone to be quiet. It couldn't be another tiny, so I forgot about it. I looked at Seto and he looked at me, he shrugged and I almost fell off, but he caught me and put me back on.
Marks POV
I found a baseball bat to protect myself against any unwanted guests. 'I hope that Mage hasn't found out about you and is going to knock me out and steal my other friend' I said to André. I waited before I opened the door to see if he would make a move.
Seto's POV
I sensed Jewels energy patterns they told me she was very anxious. I was too, but my eyes were reddish purple, showing anyone who knew how to read eyes that I was a strong magician. It bothered me that I could sense two life forms behind the door and I wondered who was there with him.
Random 3rd Person POV
Mark opened the door and immediately swung at Seto with his baseball bat. He stopped with telekinesis and dropped it off the side of the railings. It made a loud sound that hurt Jewel and Andrés ears, but only Jewel let out an audible noise. Mark stopped and she built up the courage to walk out of her hiding place. Marks eyes seemed to grow 10 times their height and without hesitation he grabbed her and brought her to him. He laughed as he hugged Jewel and petted her soft hair, eyes bright and shining. Jewel placed a soft kiss on his cheek and his smile became even wider. He walked inside and Seto followed, closing the door behind him.
Andrés POV
I wasn't sure what was happening but I wanted to know. I brushed my dark bangs out of my hair and yelled 'Hey, is there someone you should be remembering here?' I heard footsteps and knew another giant was in the room and I immediately regretted my outburst. I heard a female voice and I knew I was going to find a face for that voice because Mark was picking me up. I closed my eyes as I was revealed. The sudden change of light partially blinded me and I blinked a few times before I got a proper look. Standing next to me was a giant human like Mark, wearing a cloak and sporting a small Neko on his shoulder. I managed a small wave and she waved back, before turning to whisper to her human friend, whose eyes changed colour from a reddish purple to a light orange. 'Seto this is Mark and Mark this is Seto' the tiny girl said, gesturing to Mark and to the giant whose shoulder she was on. They two giants stared at each other like they wanted to kill if they got the chance, but no one moved. The Neko girl whispered again to her fr- I mean Seto and he walked closer to me. Mark was ready to pounce, but he just held out his hand and down scampered the bubbly little girl. She was very pretty and she was only a bit taller than me but I was still cautious. She was a Neko after all, a beautiful one with green eyes, brown hair and calico fur on her ears and tail. 'Hi' she said in a voice like silk 'I'm Jewel pleased to meet you' She jumped onto Marks hand and Seto stalked away and sat on the couch, but I almost fell off Marks hand when I heard her name. 'I'm André and wait, you're Jewel!' I said in a louder- then-I-wanted voice, causing two pairs of giant eyes to be fixed on us. I felt their gazes burning into us, and I was glad when Jewel broke the silence when she called out 'Mark!' and beckoned the gentle giant. The talked in low tones for a while and when Mark straightened, I looked at him. He stood up, put Jewel on his shoulder but instead of my usual pocket place, Mark left me on the couch. 'Mark! Where are you going?' I asked, and Mark bent down to talk to me, brushing his dreads out of his eyes. 'Jewel wants to talk to me' he said in a serious tone, so I knew he wanted no comments. He stood up and walked out into the kitchen. I looked around fearfully, because I was stuck with a giant stranger who could kill me at any second.
Seto's POV
I paused the movie as Mark left the room, then I saw André. He looked scared, so I got up and walked over to him. I sat down and he looked up at me, fear in his eyes. 'Calm down little one, I'm not going to hurt you' I said in my most soothing voice, but it didn't work, André looked as scared as ever. I felt something inside me leap with joy at the look of fear, something familiar. I stood up quickly, knowing the force driving me on was because I was human, but, so was André. I suddenly realised that the monster inside me has added the general giant attitude to humans to its list of possession causes. That they were pets or slaves, not friends. I saw my vision was going dark and so were my eyes, so I quickly walked over to André and picked him up as softly as I could. 'André' I said in a hurried voice, noting my eyesight was almost gone 'Whatever I do, know that I have no control over it and I'm-' but I never got to finish. My eyes were black as night and I felt my mouth twisting into an sick grin. 'Lets do something fun, shall we' I hear my evil self saying, then I lose all control.
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