Chapter 14
Jewels POV
I wake up surrounded by warmth. I had a moment of fear, but remembered where I was. Late last night I had woken and found myself moving. Seto had gone to bed and placed me on his chest. I felt his chest rise and fall as he breathed, and his hand was covering me. I crawled out of his protective hand and looked at the landscape around me. Seto's neck was just in front of me and I walked to it, keeping my tail still and my ears pricked. I pounced on him but I did no damage. A chuckle escaped his mouth and he moved his hand slowly to carry me away. 'You'll have to do better than that to catch me' I said as I jumped off the bed. I landed on my feet and started running until I reached a pot plant. I hid behind it and heard Seto yawn and get off his bed, coming to find me. He had looked everywhere but where I hid. I laughed silently to myself. 'Humans can be so slow sometimes' I chuckled. 'Oh really' said a deep voice from behind me. I felt a soft pressure on my head and I turned around. Seto was there -well I could only see his legs- and he was petting me with his little finger. I pushed his finger away and craned my neck to look at him. He was looking down at me with an amused expression and his eyes were a lush pink. I walked up to him and sat on his shoe. He smiled and stood up. I tied myself to his shoe so I wouldn't fall off. I bounced around as he walked down the stairs and I almost fell off when he jumps the last few. When he stopped, I was glad because I was starting to feel nauseous. I saw his shadow fall over me and his nimble fingers work at the knot. After a few minutes I was untied and I released a breath I didn't even know I was holding. He cupped his hands, I walked down his shoe, got in and sat down. He lifted me up and held me to his face. His eyes were friendly and I didn't feel any fear when I looked into them. I relaxed into his cupped hands and he smiled. Seto reached a finger to my head, and softly petted my head. I purred loudly as he stroked my soft ears and tail. I knew I shouldn't let him do this to me, but it felt so nice. I got up and walked over to the edge of his hands. I pushed off his hands as I jumped onto his head.
Seto's POV
I saw her tiny form jump and felt her on my head. I felt her walk around and then sit. 'Wow Seto, you're hair is really soft' she exclaimed. 'I suppose this is a first for you' I said. 'Yep, it is. I didn't have time to do this sort of thing with-' she trailed off. I know I hit a sore spot. 'I'm sorry Jewel, for taking you away from Mark. I was really selfish and didn't think about you' I said sincerely. I felt a tug on my hair and her face filled my vision. She was hanging from a strand of my hair and looking at me upside down. I had to cross my eyes to look at her properly. 'Seto, you look really cute with crossed eyes' she said, giggling and blushing. I grabbed her in a fist and untangled her from my hair. 'Hey, tell you what. I'll take you to see Mark tomorrow. Will that make up for it?' I said to her. Jewels face lit up and she hugged my finger. 'Oh Seto, thank you so much. That will definitely make up for it.' she squealed, squirming around in my grip. 'Ok, I'll take you, but first I need some of that gene that keeps me alive' Before she could realise, I used my magic to put her to sleep. Quickly, I rushed upstairs to my secret magic room. I put her in my magic circle and chanted some words. A little sliver of purple came out of her and then I was done. I caught the little sliver in a small tube and placed it in my coat pocket. I picked up Jewel, walked out of the room and placed her on the pillow in my bedroom. It was done, and she wouldn't remember a thing.
Hi guys,
As you have suspected, Jewel and Mark will soon be united. It will probably be in the next chapter or two. I don't really know when this book will finish but I would write a sequel. Thanks for reading,
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