Meditate on this
With an open heart, meditate on today's word. May God bless you as you sacrifice your time to read this. You will find Favour in His sight in Jesus' name. Amen.
"To whom then will you liken God?" (Isa 40:18)
For Isaiah, as for Job, the answer goes without saying: NO ONE. God is incomparable. He cannot even be liken to an idol. He is the holy CREATOR.
God's presence and His enternally dependable Word being comfort, deliverance and hope.
It is not fitting for a King to be jolted by a rough road. Jesus is the King of Kings. So his coming is preceded by roadwork.
Let me explain this. Even a king should move from one place to another. He needs a good road. Not a rough road. Jesus is coming soon. But first a roadwork as to take place and that is the preparation of his people for his coming.
God is the only one who can do the work; it is He who turns "the rough places into level ground" (Isa. 42:16) The Next Testament explicitly applies Isaiah's prophecy to the spiritual roadwork accomplished through the preaching of John the Baptist (Matt 3:3)
His message was: "Repent for the Kingdom of heaven has come near". (Matt 3:2, NRSV) and the baptism that he performed was "of repentance for the forgiveness of sins" (Mark 1:4, NRSV). So the roadwork was and is repentance, willingness to turn away from sin, in order to receive the comfort of God's forgiveness and presence".
God is merciful. He wants you to be saved. Don't let Satan deceive you. No matter the sins you have committed, God still LOVES you. You are his Child. You just need to humbly and sincerely ask for forgiveness.
God made us free moral agents, with full liberty to yield or to withhold obedience. Before we can be rendered eternally secure, our loyalty must be tested. We are also to be exposed to the temptation of satan; but if we endure the trial, we will be finally placed beyond satan's power, to enjoy perpetual favor with God. So who are you loyal to? God or satan? Make your decision. It's not too late 😏😉 God loves you.
I hope you were blessed. Thank you for God bless you in Jesus' name. Amen.
If you haven't given your life to Christ, it's not too late. You can do it now. 😉
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