For better clarity, this is some necessary information to increase your understanding of the world.
-People who have transmigrated from another world are from our earth in the 15th century so for them, this world was rather advanced due to which even after the passing of hundred years of their assimilation in this world, no dramatic technological changes have taken place.
-All beings live only in 2/5 of the world as the other 2/5 is covered by ocean and rocky outcrops unsuitable for habitation and the remaining lies in the west, which is avoided for evident reasons. Only one currency is accepted in all places despite the existence of several empires: Zin.
-AD here is used in the perspective of transmigrated human sense only who greatly helped this world in building a proper calendar though the basis of AD here is based on when the First Great War occurred, responsible for the establishment of Three Order Kingdoms.
-Dryads -Tree/ Nature spirits
1796 AD
Why does happiness exist? Is it simply a desirable state for the organism to act in the most purposeful manner or so it is thought for its very existence implies the negation of sadness leading to another question about the undesirability of sadness again. Questions after questions followed by answers, if even there, ubiquitous in a chain of never-ending cheap tapestry convoluted words, only worth endearing for a logophile.
The compulsion to just be in the moment to even sustain oneself for the nether of a second is born out of this realization yet that compulsion is anything but supreme. Time and again, it fails to exercise its binding effect leading to dissociation, depression, anxiety, etc. When those who have already passed half the remainder of their lifespan, well capable of acting on their rational will fall into this ever-present spawn of existential crisis, it would be nothing short of trusting the integrity of fanatic's evidence from a being who suddenly finds itself in the world for the first time.
Her back rested against the charcoal greyish tree, devoid of any more fruit to bear, yet still retaining its dignity by providing a yellow shade to the unexpected visitor. Her eyes, luminous gold, untainted from the vile wretches like the newborn baby moved here and there, lured by every scent in the air, every sight flashing on her iris, every sound that reached her ears. Bark, skies, clouds, birds, green lush enveloping the forest, the dried yellow leaves, about to give in hanging on the branches above her, the hard brick-like surface covered with the light yellow dust, barely held together by the dry grasses around it all fascinated her.
She had no awareness regarding herself, yet she could feel something inside her as she felt it all through her senses, acting on their own whether by instinct or something else, nothing to be found in her memory which had only started forming now. She felt indecisive as to how she felt for several reasons, being that she wasn't aware of any such process of thinking and feeling and she hadn't moved an inch yet from her spot (which could be construed in a sense as her birthplace) and had enough information or experienced any other feeling yet to judge it.
She was abstracted from common awareness, from society, and thus naturally from inevitable bias as a consequence of being born in a place. In the very instant second after the birth, the baby's unconscious is flashed with the scene of the immediate environment and certain persons. As short and trivial as the affair might be, the bias is already in process of settlement. Furthermore, it is anything but inevitable to develop such bias even more so when the parasite lives inside a body for around nine months and retains awareness for the 1/3rd of the period.
She remained abstracted from this very stage of conception and laid amidst trees, untampered by the human perception in any manner. Yet, just like any other human, she felt a heavy thumping inside her, an allusion to the fear in all human beings motivating them to socialize with one another. She had all the faculties akin to a human from legs to arms, from senses to consciousness. Anyone could have told her at the very first glance that she is ready to walk.
But being alone, instincts were all that could help her to even think about touching her hair. So she stayed as it is, for a while just staring listlessly at the hues of azure blue sky as if on the lookout for a sudden change that might arrive. But alas sky's blue was here to stay perennial. She slightly tapped the soil, unconsciously to express her disappointment, a new feeling flooding her mind adding to her existence greatly.
The gust of wind swept up her dark hair, slightly rubbing against her ear as she felt a churning in her stomach, the feeling of elation rushing her with unexpected dopamine. Reaching out her hands, she slightly brushed her hair as they slipped past her fingers like silken strands. Unaware, drowned in the chasm of her own pleasure and reflexes, peering gazes were all around her watching every development.
No change is capable of producing a stable long-lasting result unless it persists for a long time. Time and the ability to comprehend are two of the few quintessential for achieving any long-term - change. Yet, barely after a breath of time compared to the years yet to pass by, she was already changing at a greater speed than ever imagined. The process of integration was far from being complete but it was fast enough to awestruck the group of spectating dryads.
The spirit of the tree on whose her back rested, curious to see her expression whole decided to make a risky move, a move unbecoming of a dryad. She left her abode and reached another's, pursuing her unbridled ambition. The tree barely sustained by the life force of dryad felt its energy fading away into oblivion as its trunk cracked Snap! Snap! Snap!
Before the vexing frowns that etched the dryads' faces, the newborn fell hitting her head on the rock nearby, knocking her out. An eerie stillness swept the ambiance in place of serenity as red blood splattered out, glistening the rocks and soil under the moonless night.
"What did you do?" A dryad with a petite build, approached the actor in a play (the ambitious dryad), puffing up her nose and with her cheeks dark green to express her rage. A rage was borne out of perhaps dereliction of self-found responsibility at seeing the visitor or simply to condone the other's misbehavior.
"Why are you looking at me accusingly, Seka? It is not as if I knew that the trunk would break just one second after me venturing out for a little peek .." Thera crossed her arms indignantly. Even though she lashed out with her words, the implications of her carelessness were starkly embedded in her mind. Still, just like any other human, she craved desperately for an excuse to justify her exemption from the heavy responsibility finding it detestable all the same.
Just like an alcoholic's word can never amount to the same value as prior to him kissing the bottle, the dryads all understood at once that nothing of any significance was to be gained from uttering a single word in protest now. Eyes brimming with pity, disappointment, sadness, morrow, and repentance all parted their ways as the dryads flew away to search for a place anew, a place where they might not retain any whisk of this memory even if they strained their senses to the utmost.
Artemis still didn't give any inclination to grace the skies or if she did, then that sentiment was certainly lost to the lonely pair of eyes staring upward. Struggling within herself regarding the futility of her act, Thera still moved all the same, her green aura enveloping the ambiance.
Dryads are by nature, the embodiment of life, who lie at the threshold of nature and humanity. At one point, their energy flows as smoothly as elements of nature and at another, they are flawed to the core like mortals. As such, they are capable of both preservation and annihilation at the same time better than every creature.
Thousands of years ago, humanity started its march from being ignorant apes to evolving into presumptuous fools capable of committing all vices in pursuit of virtues to mark them off as noble from other species. The dryads initially followed this hypocritical evolutionary cycle hoping to cherish the fruits too but were quick enough to understand that the only change that took place was the strengthening of the ability to lie to oneself.
Thus, they decided to abstain from the pursuit of such lofty goals and instead started to focus on discovering more and more about their base endowments, no matter how trivial they might be, developing a keen self-awareness.
Only a few managed to reach the peak of this near-impossible goal of self-maturity, one of them being the dryad in play: Thera. Yet just like how god can find everything there is to know, yet be dependent upon others to know about himself, Thera could only depend on the girl laying dead next to her to determine the effectiveness of her sacrifice.
"Back to the unknown I go." She smiled as swept her arms around the girl as a green aura started to rush inside the body, overpowering the speed of vessels pouring out until it all disappeared at once.
"Hope you aren't as delicate as last time, little dove!" The girl opened her eyes once again as the dryad faded before her with an encouraging smile. Instinctively, she felt a warm sensation in her chest. It was neither sadness nor misery, neither regret nor relief but pride. Pride borne out of being able to wake up for the first time with at least one memory to accompany her side.
She was clueless as the leaves swept up by breeze as to where they would land if at all yet another new event had transpired before her. Another new feeling had engulfed her just like another memory had been made. For now, that was a treasure greater for her than the world to come. The future is simply a culmination of the landscape yet to be seen and she knew deep within her soul, that it was all yet too soon to be craved for as she resigned herself once again to the comfort of ephemeral feelings flooding her mind.
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