Chapter 43
** a/n: The attendant in this book tends to be mentioned quite a bit so it's only fair to give him a name and looks. Toby Keith (ikl, Toby, in case you don't know, is a country singer). Toby is also a prisoner that was given the job of shower room attendant.
No one heard much from the guards that night. Tim guessed they were busy with the recent "suicide".
Avi was in a much better mood. He felt as if the weight of the world had been lifted off his shoulders.
Tim, Adam and Avi head down to the cafeteria to grab a bite to eat before going to shower and getting ready for visitation.
As luck would have it, a couple of guards sat at a table next to theirs. They grab their breakfast and sit down at their regular table. Adam and Avi talked quietly as they ate while Tim listened to the guards next to them talk amongst themselves.
They were talking about the body of the prisoner that was found in the shower.
"Excuse me." Tim says as he turns in his seat toward the guards. "I wasn't meaning to eavesdrop but did Y'all say a body was found in the shower?"
"Oh, Hey, Foust." The guard says. "Yeah, Toby found him about six o'clock yesterday evening."
"Was he murdered?" Adam asks, getting in on the conversation.
"No, it looked to be suicide." The guard answers.
"Really? Well, who was it?" Tim asks.
"It was that Hoying guy. If you ask me, that's nothing lost." The guard says. "He was out to cause trouble for everyone. I heard that he started some sh*t with you. You should have kicked his ass."
"I wanted to but Chance and the warden wouldn't let me." Tim chuckles as he lights a cigarette.
"Are they sure it was suicide?" Avi asks.
"Yep, the attendant said that Hoying was the only one in the showers and no one else went in. When he never came out the attendant went into the shower and found him hanging from one of the pipes." The other guard says.
"Wow." Tim says, shaking his head. He definitely owed Toby another carton of cigarettes. "Well, we hate to eat and run but still gotta get cleaned up for visitation. Catch you guys later."
As they walk out into the hallway, Avi pulls Tim into a hug.
"Thank you." He whispers.
"For what?" Tim asks as he hugs his friend.
"You guys saved me." Avi says as he turns and hugs Adam. "I'll never forget what you did for me."
"Is was our pleasure, Avi." Adam smiles as he pats the smaller man on the back. "But we didn't do it alone."
"I really didn't know what to do. I was afraid to tell anyone. I was afraid Scott would hurt you guys." Avi says as they walk down the hall. Tim drapes his arm over the shorter man's shoulder as he takes Adam by the hand. "How did you find out?"
"Hayes heard Scott threatening you in the shower. He told Jackson and they came to us." Tim says. "We went to Chance."
"Chance was going to take matters into his own hands." Adam says. "But he had a lot more to lose than we did."
"I'm so glad he didn't." Avi says.
"We're not saying that he didn't have a hand in it. Lundquist too. You might say that it was a team effort." Tim says with a smirk as they walk up to the counter to get clean uniforms.
"How are you doing today, Mr. Foust." Toby says with a friendly smile.
"Just marvelous, Keith." Tim smiles as the attendant hands him his uniform and shower supplies.
"I guess Y'all heard about Hoying killing himself yesterday." Toby chuckles slightly.
"Yeah, we did. Such a shame too. He was such a nice guy." Adam says as he pretends to wipe a tear.
"We're all deeply saddened." Tim says with a heavy sigh as he hangs his head.
They all hang their heads before they start to laugh.
"Well, that's enough of that." Tim laughs. "Listen, you're doing a tremendous job here, Toby. If you ever need any more smokes, just let me know." Tim winks at the attendant before heading to the shower. "I'll hook you up."
"You got it." Toby smiles as he sits back down in his chair and pulls out a badly worn copy of 'Playboy'.
Tim and Adam walk out into the yard holding hands. Avi had left the lovers in the shower. He wasn't into watching his friends have shower sex, besides, he wanted to stop by and see Chance before he went to visitation.
They were running a little late. They had taken a little longer in the shower than expected. The yard was already filling up with families.
"Your mom and sister are so short, how are we suppose to find them in this crowd?" Adam asks with a chuckle.
"Don't worry. They'll make themselves known." Tim says as he scans the crowd.
No sooner than the words were out of his mouth, a shrill whistle was heard.
"You're right." Adam laughs as he sees Emily standing in her chair, waving her arms.
"I was beginning to worry about you two." Dena says as she hugs her son tightly.
"Sorry about that. We're just running a little late." Tim smiles as he turns and hugs his sister.
"Extra time in the shower?" Emily giggles as she notices that both men's hair was still wet.
"You can blame Tim for that." Adam smiles shyly as he turns his eyes seductively toward his lover.
"So, how have things been?" Dena asks quickly to change the subject.
They begin catching up on things that had happened since the last time they saw each other.
"Who's that guy?" Emily asks.
Tim turns to see Warden Willis walking around visiting with the prisoners' families. Something that Clooney never did.
"Oh, that's our new warden, Bruce Willis." Tim answers.
"Lord, I hope he's nothing like the other one." Dena says.
"No, he seems pretty cool." Adam replies. "He and the governor actually joined in at our engagement party."
"Speaking of engagement. Let's talk about the wedding." Emily says as she begins to dig around in her bag for her phone. "I found the perfect shirts for you two to wear. Don't worry, it's nothing with ruffles." She adds when she sees her brother roll his eyes.
"Good morning, Foust, Rupp." Bruce smiles as he walks over to their table. "Who are these lovely ladies?"
"This is my mom, Dena and my ....." Tim pauses as he looks around at his sister.
"I'm Emily. His sweet and caring little sister." Emily says before Tim had time to finish. "Can we talk to you for a few minutes, Warden Willis?"
"Oh, dear Lord." Tim mumbles under his breath.
"Sure." Bruce says as he grabs an empty chair and sits down at the end of the table.
"As you know already, these two are engaged to get married. We really want to be able to come to the wedding if at all possible." Emily states. "You can't deny a mother's opportunity to see her only son get married. That would be just heartless."
"Well..." Bruce starts before being interrupted by the young lady.
"And to see them married in shackles and those dreadful prison uniforms would be totally un-romantic and against all traditions." Emily says as she shakes her head. "I'm not suggesting tuxedoes but maybe a nice shirt and jeans."
Bruce slowly turns his head and looks at the two prisoners sitting quietly at the table holding hands. Tim raises his eyes to meet the warden's.
"How do you get a word in?" Willis asks.
"She's a thorn in my side." Tim says with no expression on his face causing Emily to huff and Dena and the warden to laugh.
"If I may speak.." The warden chuckles. "The governor and I have already discussed this upcoming wedding. This is the first time ever that a wedding has ever been at this prison so it's a pretty big deal. Since there has never been a wedding here, no rules have ever been made. So, therefore, the governor and I can make the rules as we go. BUT. You have to remember, this is a prison. Only a limited number of people from the outside will be allowed to come. You will have to be searched by the guards before entering the facility. Since it will be in the chapel, the prisoners are free to come and go without shackles. A change of clothes will be permitted. But of course, the clothes will be checked for any sort of weapons, drugs or whatever. Not that I believe that you ladies would do anything like that but like I said, this is a prison. We can't take any chances. Tim and Adam can leave your names with me and there will be passes left at the main office for you and you'll be escorted to the chapel. Am I leaving anything out?"
"Nope. I think that pretty much covers it." Emily laughs.
"Thank you kindly for your time, Mr. Willis." Dena smiles.
"No problem. It was nice meeting you ladies. You guys have a nice visit." Willis says as he pats Tim on the shoulder and heads to the next table to meet the Kaplans.
"Oh, my God." Adam says as he stands up. "There's Chris."
Adam hurries over to his big brother and they grab each other in a hug.
"So how have you been doing?" Chris smiles as they sit down at a nearby table.
"I'm doing great." Adam nods with a huge smile. "We were just making plans for our wedding."
"Has a date been set yet?" Chris asks.
"No, not yet but I think everything else is pretty much planned out." Adam answers.
"Uh, am I invited?" Chris asks with a nervous smile.
"Of course you're invited." Adam says. "Do you plan on bringing anyone? I have to give your names to the warden."
"Uh, would it be okay if I brought Austin?" Chris asks as he draws imaginary lines on the table with his finger. Too nervous to look his brother in the eyes.
"Oh. So you two are back together?" Adam asks.
Chris nods still not looking at the blond.
Adam thinks for a minute. He's happier now than he has ever been in his life. He loves Tim so much and soon will be his husband. Thoughts of Austin never crosses his mind. He has finally found closure. If Austin makes Chris happy, well then, he's happy for them.
"Of course you can bring Austin." Adam answers with an honest smile as he reaches over and lays his hand on his brother's.
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