Chapter 27
Tim remained sitting at the cafeteria, still in shock for what just happened. The brutality of the murder and Adam's apathy for his victim got to him, very deeply. They say looking into people's eyes, one will see what the person holds within.
Looking into Mitch's eyes, Tim saw the transition between fury, regret, fear and finally nothingness as he gasped for his last breath. Weirdly enough, as he stared into his lover's eyes, he saw happiness, a very bright sparkle in Adam's eyes and nothing else, no guilt, no remorse for what he did.
He watched Mitch's limp and lifeless body being wheeled away on a stretcher. An attendant put a blanket over the dead body.
"Here." Tim heard someone say from behind him, as a bottled water appeared in front of him. "Where is he? Please make sure they don't hurt him. Is he alright?" He says, barely moving, still staring ahead at nothingness.
Chance squeezed his friend's shoulder. "He'll be out in two hours. But he gets three days in solitary confinement. I'm sorry." Chance says softly.
Tim snapped his head towards Chance. "This is all my fault." He whispers softly.
"Why are you blaming yourself? Buddy, Grassi asked for it. I think I would have done that too if he was coming on to Avi." He shrugs.
"No, you don't understand. I told him that I love him. He said it back but I didn't believe him because he tried to kill himself over Austin. I made him choose between being released and reuniting with his husband or staying here with me. Maybe that's why he did it. I made him do it." Tears started to fill Tim's eyes.
"Tim... You made a mistake, but still, Adam had his own state of mind, he probably thought about it carefully. That only means that he chooses to be with you. Uncle Ian told me about it. Adam would have probably got less jail time and might even be released on parole. He DID choose you, Tim. And don't you dare tell me you're not happy about Grassi's death." Chance smirks, trying to lighten the mood.
Tim chuckled slightly. "He's one less problem around here, alright?" He starts. "I just can't over how quick and brutal his death was. I mean, I killed five people in total, four of which I shot but Adam, he killed Mitch with a razor, in front of everyone. Even the hardened guards Jones and Gibson looked petrified." Tim shook his head as the previous events started to flood his mind yet again.
"I agree. You know, for a moment there I thought I had to arrest you until Samuel told me it was Adam." Chance laughs. "Really? Why?" Tim raised his eyebrows in a sassy manner. "You too were covered in blood. Speaking of which, man you need a shower." Chance says, pointing at Tim's blood soaked shirt. "I guess you're right." Tim sighs. "Talk to you later, Chance. Thanks for everything." Tim waves as he walks away, heading to the shower room.
As he turned to the hallway, a great force pinned him against the wall. "Did you really have to ruin everything, you f*cking murderer?!" Clooney asks in a pained voice. He didn't shout, he didn't yell, but as their eyes met, Tim could see the fury in his eyes, and feel his anger radiating off of him.
"What the hell are you talking about? Get the hell off of me!" He growls, trying to push the warden off of him.
"I HEARD YOU! YOU MADE HIM DO IT!" with every word, his grip tightens.
"Let go, Clooney. It's not my fault. He was coming on to me. And it wasn't the first time. Adam did what he had to do." Tim explains, still trying to pry the older man's hands off of him.
"No, no he didn't. Is that how much you fucking hate me!?" Clooney growled
"That's not the point! Grassi did stupid shit, and he was in prison. Couldn't you have warned him to not expect any less?" Tim, himself, is getting agitated. He wanted to take a shower so he could go see Adam, but instead, somebody had to remind him of the grim incident that he so badly wanted to escape.
"I f*cking hate you so much. Timothy Foust. I hated you ever since the first time you walked in here. You make everyone miserable just because you are! F*cking fag." Clooney says with a disgusted face.
Tim lost it. He pushed the man away, somehow still controlling himself. "Don't you f*cking dare call me a faggot when you have hundreds of men who suck your dick and I'm most definitely not the cause of Mitch's death. Also, I hate you just as much as you hate me. You abuse your power and treat us prisoners like animals. You're not as high as you think you are, George Clooney. Is this what you're gonna teach your children?"
Chance walked in and instantly locked on his back. It's on the protocol. "What's going on here, Clooney? Your wife is giving birth to your baby and you're here fighting with a prisoner because another prisoner died. What kind of person are you?" Chance says.
Clooney pointed his finger at Tim. "You!" Then at Chance. "And you. All of you. You're gonna pay for this. Very dearly. Ready your dumb asses. Stupid people who do stupid stuff because of love!" The warden stormed out, almost in tears, but not before giving Tim another desperate push.
"Are you okay?" Chance asks his friend. Tim only sighed. Clooney's last words really hit him hard.
" You know what? He's right. We do stupid stuff out of love." He mumbles sadly.
"I understand how you feel, Timmy." Chance sighs as he rubs Tim on the back.
"No, you don't." Tim says sharply. Clooney's words hit him hard. Adam did the exact same thing he did because of Matt, killing people all because of jealousy fueled hatred.
Chance only shook his head and patted his friend's shoulder. "Listen. My father owns a 45 million dollar ranch. My mom was a very successful model into her late forties until I was born. I was their only child. "
"And your point is?" Tim asks sarcastically.
"I lived like a king. I lived off of my parent's money all my life and I ask for this job because I got tired of not working. I was supposed to work for only six months but I met Avi. He's the only person that I've ever loved this much. I didn't want to lose him. The very first time that we kissed, I knew that I had to be around him all the time. Now I deal with some of the sickest killers in the state, sometimes killing some of them myself, just to be around him. I sacrificed a lavish lifestyle to be with the person I love. Timothy, my point is, people sacrifice for the one they love and it's normal. Being in love is normal. Don't stress yourself out because of Clooney." Chance says.
"That was some speech, Daddy." Avi says, trying to laugh through his tears.
"When did you get here?" Chance asks.
"A while ago. I saw Clooney storm out of here, is he okay?" Avi laughs.
Tim sighs. "I really kinda feel bad for him. Maybe he did love Grassi."
"Stop thinking about him. You have thirty minutes to shower before we transfer Adam." Chance reminds him.
Tim shrugged, walking inside the shower room. He grimaced at the sight and smell of Grassi's blood on his shirt and skin. He quickly removed his clothes and proceeded to shower as thoroughly as he could in under twenty minutes.
He ran out to the open field, hair still damp. It was raining but he stood out there anyway, he couldn't pass the opportunity to see the man who had been special to him after just a few months.
Tim was just in time to see a shackled Adam being led out of the oven. His heart skipped a bit, his eyes filled with worry. Were they treating him well? Is he getting fed properly? Instantly occurred in is thoughts.
Chance spotted him, and walked a little bit slowly on purpose. "Look, buddy, it's Timmy." He whispers, pointing towards Tim. Adam snapped his head towards Tim's direction and smiled. "I told him you'd get three days of solitary confinement." Chance chuckles. A panicked look comes across Adam's face. "But you said I only get two." He whispers loudly. Chance chuckled lightly. "Calm down. I just thought you'd want to surprise him." He says with a smirk.
Adam turned his attention back to his lover. He kissed his finger and pretended to blow it towards Tim, who in return pretended to catch the "kiss" and held it to his heart, smiling at Adam. "Chance, please make sure he doesn't look under the bed." Adam says, worried that Tim might see his little surprise. "If you want, I can have Avi grab the stuff from under the bed while I distract Tim?" Adam breathed a sigh of relief. "Thanks." He whispers as he walked, finally losing sight of his lover. -
Chance and Avi walked towards Tim and Adam's cell with their arms around each other, followed by Hunter and Samuel. They are bringing him beer that Chance had purchased and slipped in. "So, Samuel, you and Hunter will distract him. Avi will grab the supplies under the bed, got it?" Chance says as they walked."But, are you sure he's okay? He looked quite shocked." Samuel asks Chance out of the blue.
The guard shrugged. "I guess so. When we were transferring Adam to solitary, he threw Tim a kiss." He says, trying not to smile. "That's so cute! What did he do?" Avi gushed, grinning from ear to ear. "He caught it and held it to his heart." Everyone laughed, imagining scary looking Tim doing the sappy gesture.
But their laughter dropped as they reached their destination. Loud muffled sobs were heard from the cell. Tim is lying on their bed clutching Adam's pillow with his back against the wall. As usual, his books and almost all the things inside the cell were scattered about, strewn around the confined room. "Aww Timmy." Avi says, pushing the door open for everyone to enter. "You're gonna have to stop this real soon. We won't always clean up after you." Samuel grumbles. They took their places around him after cleaning up.
Avi stroking his hair softly. "Are you okay?" He asks. Tim raised up in a sitting position. "I-I j-just m-miss him." He whispers in between hiccups. "Come on, Timmy. You survived eight years alone." Chance patted his shoulder. "But it's Adam, I love him." He sobbed. "It's only for a few days, Buddy. You'll live." Samuel says. Tim only sobbed harder and shook his head.
He reached under his pillow and pulled out a neatly folded piece of paper. "Can you give this to Adam, please?" He says pleadingly. Chance smiled warmly and nodded. "Of course Timmy, no problem." "I just wanted to say that I miss him and it's my fault that he killed Mitch. I just want him back real soon and I'm sorry because I made him choose between me and his cheating husband." He says sadly, calming down a bit.
"We brought you something that might help!" Hunter handed him a six pack of canned beer with a grin. Tim visibly brightened up and took one, popping the cap open. "Thanks." He smiles. "I actually feel a bit better. Please don't forget to pass the note to Adam. "
"Baby, I'm sorry that I pressured you to choose, so much that you had to kill someone just to prove it. I hope that Chance is treating you well, if he's not, I'll kick his ass. I can't wait for you to come back. This by far is the hardest thing I have to endure, spending three days without you. I love you." -Tim.
Adam read the note over and over as he paced around the cell and he grinned from ear to ear every time. He liked that Tim has written him a note to see if he's alright but he loved the fact that Tim filled the note with little hearts, just as he did on his notebook before he discovered his artworks.
He was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard the door open. It was Chance, smiling widely. "Time's up." He says. Adam ran towards the door as fast as he could. "Just ask Avi about the supplies. And also, you might want to take a long shower before you go." He giggles. Adam laughed, and after thanking his friend, went on his way.
Several prisoners were already in the shower when he arrived. Everyone looked over and gave him a cautious nod. A nod that might say either "you're one of us now" or "we're cool, please don't slit my throat", and it made him smile. It made him feel like he's more respected, accepted even when Tim is out of sight. He stripped all of his clothes, thankful that no one's looking. "Good to see you back, Rupp." Says one elderly inmate. "You made your mark." Says another. Adam chuckled and shook his head. "Just did what I gotta do. It felt good though."
He scrubbed and soaped every inch of his body to make sure he's clean and fresh when he meets with his lover and execute his plan to prove that they're finally official. Everyone else was leaving when he called their attention. "Hey." Everyone froze on their spot, thinking of what they'd done to piss him off. "Don't tell him. Tim." Adam says in a stern voice. Everyone nodded, sighing in relief.
Adam couldn't jog any faster to their shared cell. Sweaty, and heaving, he held on to the steel bars to balance himself as he tried to relax. He pushed the door carefully, and what he found broke his heart. Tim is curled up in a fetal position as he sobbed quietly, hugging Adam's pillow to his chest.
"Oh, baby." Adam whispers. This grabbed Tim's attention. He raised up, surprised, but smiled once he caught a glimpse of his lover. "Surprise, honey." He grins and holds his arms out. Tim jumped up and grabbed him in a bone crushing hug. "I missed you, babe. Did you read the note? I'm so sorry I made you choose between me and Austin I didn't-"
"Shh." Adam put a finger on Tim's lips to stop his rambling. "Enough with the drama, we have more important things to do." Adam whispers, looking into Tim's eyes. "Like what?" The brown eyed man asks, wiping his tears, confused. "Like this." Adam smirks as he started to unbutton Tim's shirt. "I like your idea." Tim chuckles and instantly leaned in to kiss Adam passionately.
Adam moaned, grabbing a fistful of Tim's hair as their tongues touched and slid against each other. He pulled away and pushed Tim softly towards their cot. "This was supposed to happen two days ago." He giggles as they both finish stripping their clothes off. Adam soon joined his lover on the bed, positioning himself in between Tim's legs.
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