Chapter 20
Tim rolls over in bed and opens one of his eyes to see Adam getting dressed.
"What are you doing up so early?" Tim asks in a gravelly voice.
"Visitation." Adam answers as he glances over his shoulder. His heart was racing with excitement. Surprisingly, not for the fact that he was seeing Austin today but for the surprise that he had for Tim.
"Oh." Tim replies as he rolls back over, pulling the blanket up around his shoulder. He was making no effort to getting up.
"Don't you think you need to get up and start getting ready?" Adam asks as he turns around, buttoning his shirt.
"No, considering I'm not going." Tim answers.
"What? What do you mean, you're not going?" Adam says. His heart racing but now for a different reason. Panic.
"There is absolutely no reason for me to go to visitation." Tim says with a touch of sadness in his voice.
"Yes, there is." Adam says as he pulls Tim up into a sitting position on the side of the bed.
"Name one good reason why I should go and watch everyone else visit with their families." Tim says.
"I need you there with me." Adam says as he squats down in front of Tim.
"Why? To see you drool all over Austin?" Tim asks. "Two things. First, they call it visitation for a reason. You visit with people. I haven't had a visitor in 8 years. Second. No offense but I hate your f*cking husband."
"What?" Adam asks.
"I don't like him at all and would just rather not be around him." Tim answers and then gives a slight shrug of his shoulders. "Sorry."
"You're jealous." Adam says, a smile playing on his lips.
"Excuse me?" Tim asks with raised brows.
"Are you jealous of Austin?" Adam smiles.
"Uh, no." Tim answers but shifting his eyes not to look at the blue-eyed man before him.
"I can't believe you're jealous." Adam laughs as he stands up and walks over to the small mirror to brush his hair.
"Besides." Tim says as he crosses his arms over his chest, glaring at Adam's back. "I may go bury the hatchet with Grassi."
"What?" Adam growls as he looks at Tim through the mirror.
"I mean, we have been pretty mean to him." Tim says with a shrug.
"I can't believe what I'm hearing. You're actually wanting to talk sensibly to that sleaze bag?" Adam fusses as he aggressively brushes his hair. "He doesn't want friendship from you, Tim. All he wants from you is your dick. He's screwing Clooney, for Christ sake! No telling how many sexually transmitted diseases he has. And another thing...." Adam turns around quickly pointing his brush angrily at Tim but stops after seeing a smirk on the handsome face.
"Tell me something." Tim says with a smile.
"WHAT?!" Adam growls.
"Who's jealous now?" Tim asks with a chuckle.
A shocked look comes across Adam's face.
"UGH! YOU ASSHOLE!" Adam yells as he throws his brush at the laughing man.
Tim dodges the brush and falls back on the bed laughing.
"I HATE YOU!" Adam yells as he attacks Tim.
He sits down on Tim's hips and pins his arms above his head, crashing his lips onto Tim's.
Adam turns loose of one of Tim's arms and slowly slides his hand down his side onto the thin fabric of his boxers.
Tim grabs a hand full of Adam's hair and deepens the kiss by sliding his tongue into the blond's mouth.
Adam begins to palm Tim's erection through the thin fabric.
Knowing where this was leading, Tim breaks the kiss and reaches down between them to stop Adam. He shakes his head slightly.
"Why?" Adam whispers. "Give yourself to me, Tim."
"Not yet." Tim answers softly. "Besides, don't you have a visitation to go to?"
"No. WE do." Adam smiles.
"Okay, I'll go. But if you kiss him one time, I'm outta there." Tim says.
Adam raises up and takes Tim by the hand and pulls him up.
Tim begins to get dressed quietly. As if he would rather take a beating than go to the visitation.
"Oh, cheer up." Adam smiles as he watches Tim mope around the room. "It won't be as bad as you think."
"Really? Me sitting a few hours at the same table with your husband? You don't think that's bad?" Tim asks with a raised brow.
"Take you a book to read." Adam suggests.
"I can do that here." Tim argues.
"Timothy." Adam scolds, crossing his arms.
"Alright, fine." Tim gives in.
Adam's eyes sweep over Tim to make sure he looked perfect to meet his mom.
Tim starts rolling his sleeves up as Adam stands up and runs his hand through Tim's hair.
Tim stops what he was doing, looking up to meet Adam's eyes.
"Was it not good enough?" Tim asks.
"Come on, Sour Puss." Adam laughs, taking Tim by the hand. Tim reaches over grabbing a book and his glasses, hanging his glasses on the front of his shirt.
"Why do I feel like you're leading me to a firing squad." Tim mumbles as they head for the stairs.
"Oh, Hush." Adam laughs, kissing him on the cheek.
"Beautiful day for visitation." Tommy Lee smiles as he unlocks the gate.
"Yeah, yeah." Tim grumbles.
"Bad mood, Timothy?" Tommy asks with a smile.
"Don't even ask." Adam chuckles as they walk pass.
The front gates had not yet been open for the visitors. There is a checkpoint that they must pass through to have any gifts that are brought checked for weapons or drugs. They have to walk through an x-ray machine to check for objects that might be hidden under their clothes.
Adam and Tim finds an empty table and sits down. Adam smiles as Tim fidgets with the corner of his book.
"Will you relax." Adam giggles as he rubs Tim's leg underneath the table. "You'll thank me later. Guaranteed."
"Oh, I'm sure I will." Tim says, sarcastically as he watches a few of the visitors come inside the yard.
Visitation is an all day event so not all visitors come at the same time.
"There's Chris and Austin." Adam says as he waves at them.
"Yay." Tim says as he brushes his hair back, slips on his glasses and opens his book.
"Hey, guys." Adam smiles as he gives each a hug.
"So how's it going?" Chris asks with a smile.
"Actually, it's been going pretty good." Adam says with a grin.
"Uh, what's he doing here?" Austin asks.
"I asked him to come." Adam answers quickly as he sees Tim look over his glasses at Austin.
"Trust me, Buddy. I didn't want to." Tim replies in a low voice then turns his attention back to his book.
Every time the gate opens for more visitors, Adam glances up to see if it's Dena. He's praying to himself that she hadn't backed out of coming.
"Well, can't he go sit somewhere else?" Austin asks.
"I most certainly can." Tim says as he slams his book closed.
"Austin. Stop." Adam scolds as his hand slides under the table and again rubs Tim's leg to help calm him down.
"Yeah, let's just have a nice visit. Okay?" Chris says as he smiles at Austin, which didn't go unnoticed.
Tim huffs and opens back up his book and starts reading.
Adam gets into a conversation with his brother. Austin, himself, seemed quite bored. Adam never noticed the small older lady as she walks inside the gate.
She looks around seeing a bearded guard standing nearby.
"Excuse me, Sir?" She asks in a soft voice. "Could you tell me where I could find, Timothy Foust?"
"Yes, Mam. I sure can." The guard says with a huge smile.
"Wait a minute." She smiles as she reads his name tag, CHANCE. "You're the young man whose phone I called."
"Yes, Mam, I am." Chance smiles. He lays his hand gently on her back and points into the crowd. "You see that guy sitting over there reading. He has long hair and he's wearing glasses."
She slowly raises a shaky hand to her mouth.
"Oh my God." She whispers. "Is that my Timmy?"
"Yes, Mam, that's your Timmy. And the guy sitting next to him wearing the bandana is Adam. He's the one you talked to." Chance tells her.
She nods and thanks Chance for everything then starts making her way over to the table. She couldn't take her eyes off her son. He had changed so much since she saw him eight years ago.
As she walks up to the table, she draws everyone's attention except for Tim. He had his head resting in his hands as he read, finally blocking out the others' conversation.
A huge smile comes across Adam's face as his eyes meet Dena's. She smiles and nods a hello. A tear ran down her cheek as she looks back at her son. The son she had turned her back on eight years ago.
"Tim?" She manages a weak voice.
Tim slowly looks up from his book. He stares at her for a few seconds as if she was a dream.
"Momma?" He asks softly.
She sobs and nods her head.
"Momma!" Tim jumps up from his seat grabbing her into a tight hug.
Adam wipes a tear as he watches the two cling to each other.
"What's going on?" Chris whispers.
"They haven't seen each other in eight years." Adam says as he wipes another tear.
"I'm so sorry, Momma." Tim cries as he buries his face into his mother's neck.
"No, Sweetheart. I'm the one that's sorry. If only I could take back everything I said." Dena cries as she desperately held on to her son. "Honey, I've been too ashamed to even show my face."
"I thought you had forgotten me." Tim sobs as he takes off his glasses. Adam reaches up and takes them from him.
"No, Baby. I could never have forgotten you. I prayed for you every night that God would keep you safe." She says as she tries to wipe the tears from Tim's cheeks.
"I .. I just can't believe..." Tim says as he brushes back his hair. Then the realization hits him. He snaps his head around and looks at Adam. "You knew. You knew she was coming."
"Surprise!" Adam says with a nervous smile.
"That's why you made me come." Tim says.
"So, it's nice to finally put a face to the voice." Dena smiles at Adam through her tears.
"But how?" Tim asks as he still held his mother close.
"Oh, I didn't work alone, Chance helped." Adam smiles up at Tim.
"Thank you." Tim says softly as a tear rolls down his cheek.
Adam couldn't help but get emotional. He smiles as tears fill his eyes. He stands up and pulls Tim into a hug.
Dena smiles as she watches the two. Woman's intuition tells her there's more than just friendship.
"Let's, uh, go to another table so we can get caught up on things." Tim says, wiping his face.
He gently squeezes Adam's hand and smiles. For the first time since Adam has known him, his smile actually reached his eyes.
"That was mighty nice of you." Chris says as Tim and his mom goes to find an empty table.
"Yeah, maybe a little too nice." Austin says as he rolls his eyes.
"You know what? Why don't yall just leave." Adam says, standing from his seat.
"What?" Austin asks in shock.
"You haven't said two words to me since you've been here. And when you did, all you did was bitch about something. So just go." Adam turns and heads to where Tim was sitting with his mom.
~~ Meanwhile at Tim and Dena's table ~~
"Sooo, tell me about this Adam." Dena smiles as she takes her son by the hand.
"There's not much to tell." Tim says.
"Are you guys a couple? He's really cute." Dena smiles as Tim blushes a little.
"That, I have to agree. But see the guy sitting across from Adam. That's Austin, Adam's husband." Tim says, not bothering looking around.
"Oh. I'm sorry, Sweetheart. But who's the guy with the cowboy hat?" Dena asks as she looks over at the other table.
"That's Chris, Adam's brother." Tim answers.
"I see. Well, does Adam know that his husband and his brother are holding hands under the table?" Dena asks with raised brows.
"I think Adam is in denial right now." Tim says.
"Son, do you love him?" Dena asks quietly then suddenly straightens up and smiles.
"Mind if I join you?" Adam asks with a smile.
"Uh, no of course not." Tim smiles as he moves over for Adam to sit down.
"You left these on the table." Adam says as he hands Tim his book and glasses.
"Oh, thanks. Did they leave?" Tim asks looking over at the now empty table.
"Yeah, I sorta told them to leave." Adam smiles slightly. "Austin was being an a... uh, a butthole."
"When is he not?" Tim smiles at Adam. "And to answer your question, Mom. Yes."
Dena smiles and nods.
"Oh, I brought you something." She says as she sets a gift bag on the table.
"Thanks, but you didn't have to." Tim smiles as he reaches for the bag. He chuckles and shakes his head as he begins to pull drawing pencils, a notebook and a drawing table from the bag.
"Uh, she kinda asked me what you needed." Adam smiles.
"I see that." Tim says as he reaches for a metal tin in the bottom of the bag. "What's this?"
He was just fixing to open it when she answered.
"Home-made brownies." She answers with a smile.
Tim quickly shoves the tin back inside the bag.
"Is something wrong?" She asks, giving Tim and Adam a worried look.
"Anything home-made like fudge, brownies or cookies are like gold around here." Tim says lowering his voice. "You can't let anyone know you have it."
"That's really sad." Dena says.
"Doesn't matter if it's any importance or not to the person. They'll still steal it just for the fun of it." Adam says. "Cigarettes are the number one thing they steal."
"Hey, it's just me, Avi." Avi smiles as he sits down next to Dena.
"Well, hello, Avi." Dena laughs as she looks around at the bearded stranger.
"Momma, this is my neighbor, Avi Kaplan. He's harmless." Tim chuckles as he rolls his eyes.
"So. What are we talking about?" Avi smiles.
"The thieves that we have around here." Adam says.
"Oh, did you tell her about the guy stealing your picture of her?" Avi asks.
"Uh, no, Avi. I didn't. Thanks." Tim says as he shoots his bearded neighbor a death glare.
"You had a picture of me? And someone stole it?" Dena asks.
"Yeah. But I got it back." Tim answers as he becomes overly interested in the cover of his book.
"Yeah, he beat the guy to death. That's why he's the king of the cell block." Avi smiles.
"Uh, Avi? Don't you have a visitor or something?" Adam asks.
"No. Esther and my dad haven't gotten here yet." Avi answers with a smirk on his face.
"Tim?" Dena asks, reaching over and laying a hand on his fidgeting hands.
"Momma, Please, let me explain." Tim says softly. "I came here with only the clothes on my back and a picture of you in my front pocket. That picture was all I had. I taped it on the wall by my bed and I'd talk to it every night. Praying that you could hear me. Then one day while I was gone to take a shower this guy went into my cell and the only thing he took was your picture. Avi saw him and knew who he was. I confronted the guy. We got into a fight and I left him laying right here in the yard. I got my picture back but he died later from his injuries."
"Oh, honey." Dena says with sadness in her eyes. "I knew that this wouldn't be a place of leisure. That you would have to fight to survive. I've read horror stories about places like this."
"It's not easy. But because everyone now fears Tim, they leave me alone." Adam says with a smile.
They continue to talk for another two hours. Catching up on things. Laughing and talking. She learns more about Tim's passion for art and poetry and his determination to get his GED. She gets to know Adam and Avi a lot better and even Chance and Rob stop by to chat with her.
Soon it was time for her to leave, she jots down her address and drops it into the bag that she had given Tim. Adam took several pictures for her on her phone of her and Tim, even a group shot of Tim and his friends.
Chance and Rob head back inside as Tim and Adam walk Dena to the gate. Avi stays seated waiting on his family.
"Sweetie, I may not be able to come to every visitation. I'm old, you know." She laughs. "But I'll be here once a week. I promise."
"Just call Chance to let me know so I won't be worried about you." Tim says as he gives her a hug.
"Maybe you can get a haircut before my next visit." She giggles as she tugs on his hair.
"Sorry, Mrs. Foust. No way." Adam smiles, shaking his head. "I love his hair."
Dena laughs as she hugs Adam's neck.
"Take care of him for me." She whispers.
"I'll do my best." Adam says quietly.
After Dena says her goodbyes, Tim and Adam head back inside the prison. Tim could not stop smiling.
Tim sets the gift bag on the floor next to the dresser. He grins as he pulls Adam into his arms.
"You've made me happier than I've ever been. Thank you." He says as he softly kisses Adam's lips.
"I wanted to see you happy. I love seeing you smile." Adam says softly as he wraps his arms around Tim's neck and kisses him.
Tim stretches his leg out, catching the door with his foot and slamming it shut.
Adam giggled into the kiss as Tim walks him backward toward their cot, never breaking the kiss.
They sit down on the cot as Tim begins to leave feathery kisses along Adam's jaw until he reaches his neck.
He nibbles on Adam's ear and whispers.
"I want you."
*~* SANDRA *~*
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