"You have to eat, Rina, think of the baby!" Min-Cha scolded her softly, handing her the bowl. Rina looked at the food in horror, her eyes wide, clutching her stomach, and ran to the bathroom. "This baby is no less bad than his father!" she snorted and shook her head.
Rina hung over the toilet bowl, struggling to vomit countless times this morning. Whoever invented morning sickness was a man, because she vomited day and night, and between them, and all the time.
Washing her face, she leaned against the sink and looked in the mirror. Only a few more weeks, or at least she hoped that, as the doctor had persuaded her, this hell would be over when she entered her fifth month. Rina sighed and left the bathroom, heading for the bedroom.
She looked at her phone, of course, dozens of calls and ten times more messages than Jungkook. It had been three days since she had left the mansion. She had taken refuge with Min-Cha and Boram, but would soon be moving into her apartment. She couldn't keep bothering them for long, and she had to think of a place for the baby.
Taking a set of clothes out of her suitcase, she began to get ready for work. Her tears flowed by themselves as she thought of sitting in his chair every day, carrying his child, but she couldn't be with him. That was the end of them. She had forgiven him once, given him a chance, and he had failed. She would continue to work for the company because she was the legacy of the little one in her womb, but damn it if she let his father approach her again or see his child.
And yet she loved him! What a fool she was to believe that a playboy could change only because she loved him. She had turned out to be a coveted toy, and when she was no longer interesting, he found others, going back to his old life. To hell with it! She stood up and changed her clothes, returning to Min-Cha's living room. "I'm leaving" Rina said, walking to the door. "Do you really plan to keep working there?" Min-Cha asked in astonishment. "This is my child's company, too, and Seokjin assured me that Jungkook will not come there." Rina nodded. "Rina ..." she looked at her and smiled. "It's all right, Min-Cha. I'm stronger now." Min-Cha looked at her uncertainly, but nodded.
Stronger another time! The moment she was left alone, she burst into tears as she slid to the floor in the elevator. Her body shook uncontrollably with tears, and she gasped at the pain that tore at her heart and soul.
The door opened and she tried to stand up. "Baby ..." her heart skipped a beat and she stared in shock at the man, who quickly bent down and helped her to her feet.
Jungkook helped her to her feet and hugged her tightly. "I'm sorry, baby ..." he began, but she yanked herself away and slapped him hard. "Boil your regrets in your ass!" she shouted, and he stepped back, bowing his head guiltily.
She tried to walk past him. "Rina ..." he took her hand and the two stood shoulder to shoulder, looking in different directions. "Please ... Listen to me, at least that?" he asked without letting go or looking at her. "You have nothing to tell me, Jeon!" she replied sharply, trying to free her hand. "Rina, I ..." he turned to her, and she bit her lip as she looked at his teary eyes and the pain in them. The same pain that killed her. Her heart pounded as hope crept its tentacles deep into her soul.
But Rina wouldn't let her germinate. "Shut up!" she hissed and tried to pull her hand away again.
"Rina, listen to me! I'm sorry, I was drunk, I don't know why I did it, but I never would ..." he tried to hold her back, but she began to pull harder and harder with his every word.
Rina felt the nausea rise again and tried to hide it by pulling. She wouldn't let him know about the baby, at least not yet. But he held her painfully tight. "Jungkook, let me go ..." Her eyes watered at the attempts to restrain herself and keep from vomiting. "No, this time I have no intention of wasting months before ..." He paused and frowned as her face turned very pale, she pressed her hand to her mouth and Jungkook released her. Rina ran down to the nearest bin and her stomach tightened as she vomited nothing but stomach juices.
Jungkook watched in horror as she struggled with her head over the bin, pressing against her stomach, trying to vomit again. "God, baby, I'm so sorry ..." he whispered and ran to help her, holding her hair as Rina continued to strain again and again.
"Rina ..." she raised her hand to silence him. "Baby, you can't go to work like that. You're coming with me!" she dropped to her knees and shook her head. "Never ..." Rina began, screaming loudly as Jungkook picked her up. "We're going to the doctor!" he said, carrying her to the exit. Yoongi and Hoseok were waiting in front, looking at him in surprise. "Let me go, Jeon!" Rina growled, but he shook his head stubbornly. "Jungkook, let me go, I hav'to ..." she pressed her mouth again and he quickly let her go.
Rina found another trash can, starting to think she was getting into the habit, and leaned over, but this time she had nothing to vomit. Her head was dizzy from hanging down and constantly trying to vomit. She stood up slowly, trying to ward off the mist that was slowly descending before her eyes."For God's sake, baby, don't be like your father, leave me for a while ..." she thought, and felt a new urge to vomit. "Rina, is this normal?" Jungkook stood beside her, stroking her back soothingly, his anxious gaze on her face. "Normal?" she slowly stood up, but the ground beneath her feet spun and she clung to Jungkook.
Taking a deep breath, she shook her head and managed to drive away the dizziness.
"Is it normal to vomit like that? I know pregnant women do it, but it's ..." she looked at him wide-eyed. "How ... Where ...." she paused and he grinned. "Hyung told me after he beat me ..." he shrugged.
Of course, Seokjin will tell him. Only now did Rina notice the bruises on Jungkook's face. "Why does it hurt me for him, after all he's done?" she thought, touching his slightly parted lip. "Because I love him" she replied to herself, and her heart sank again.
She withdrew her hand and turned her back on him. "Go away, Jeon, I can handle myself." she drove to her car. "My girl won't work while she's pregnant with my baby!" cut off Jungkook and grabbed her forearm, turning her to face him.
"Your girl? Your child?" she laughed ironically. "Wake up, Jeon, you don't have your girlfriend anymore, and as for the baby, he's not yours either!" she hissed, biting her tongue after that lie. "What?" Jungkook almost choked in surprise and released her, taking a step back. "Think about it, Jeon, you've often been gone in recent months ..." she nurtured the lie, trying not to cry. But she wanted to hurt him, to make him feel the same anguish and pain. "Remember, Jeon, think carefully ..." she smirked.
Jungkook stared at her as anger in his chest quickly took over his mind, and he directed him to the only one else to blame for his girlfriend carrying another's child. Without saying anything more, he waved to Yoongi and Hoseok and left her in the middle of the street.
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