"Miss Yon, would you come for a while?" Rina looked curiously at the intercom and hurried to carry out the order, wondering why he was calling her again after she had just delivered the files he wanted.
Rina took only two or three steps into the office, stopped, and frowned in confusion when she found the office empty. The door behind her slammed shut, and she jumped in fright as two arms wrapped around her waist and turned her over. "What ..." Jungkook closed her mouth, sticking his tongue inside. His hands slid down her ass, and he lifted her as he stepped onto the couch across from his desk. Sitting down, he placed her on his lap. Rina tilted her head and deepened the kiss, burying her fingers in the hair on his neck. Jungkook squeezed her hips, sucking on her tongue, and she moaned helplessly. He smirkedand broke the kiss. "I'm sorry, I couldn't help it, you're so sexy in these pants ..." he muttered and she smiled, closing her eyes in embarrassment. "You've seen me with them before, Jungkook" he shrugged. "I don't remember" he touched her lips lightly again.
"Jungkook, you have to stop this, the people in the office have started talking ..." he raised an eyebrow. "Then tell them about us!" he grinned and she sighed. "There's nothing like 'us,' Jungkook." Rina shook her head and he gritted his teeth. "Enough, Rina! Why do you keep persisting and denying that we're together?" he raised his voice, and she looked anxiously at the door.
"I've been trying for weeks, I swear I'm giving my best!" he lowered his head and closed his eyes. Rina stood up and he glared at her. "I know and appreciate that, really, just ..." she bit her lip and turned her back on him.
"For God's sake, baby, you're driving me crazy!" he growled, got up and hugged her. She slid her hands over his and rested her head on his shoulder. Jungkook was trying, indeed, he was wonderful, loving, understanding, compromising, not forcing her to sleep with him or in any other way. And to be honest, Rina had to admit that she was increasingly forgetting what had Taking a deep breath, she turned in his arms and hugged his neck. Jungkook looked down at her, and she smiled, blushing. "Okay, you're right, you're really trying, but you only have this one chance." she rubbed the last two words. Jungkook blinked a few times, then his eyes widened and gleamed. "So ... I mean ... We're official now ..." she laughed and nodded.
He laughed, hugged her, and swirled her around. "Mine! Only mine!" he muttered as she laughed heartily. "We're leaving! Now, now!" he released her, went to his desk, picked up his phone and bag, took her hand, and dragged her out of the office. When they reached her desk, Jungkook grabbed her phone, pulled her bag out of the drawer, and pulled her again. "Jungkook, wait ..." she laughed breathlessly and he looked at her, pressing the elevator button. "It's almost time to leave anyway!" he informed her, and she shook her head. "But I still have work to do, Jungkook ..." she tried to protest. "I'll hire you an assistant!" cut off Jungkook and pulled her into the elevator. "Assistant for Assistant?" she asked mockingly, and he nodded sharply, impatiently watching the movement of the floor indicator. "Will you at least tell me where we're going?" she asked, and he thought. "In my apartment" answered a few seconds later and she blinked. "Jungkook ..." he pulled her out as soon as the door opened and they found themselves in the parking lot. Rina tried to catch up, but with her high shoes, she could barely keep from falling.
"How many hands does this man have?" Rina thought, when he held her with one hand and their belongings in the other, he managed to unlock his car, toss their bags in the back seat, and secure her by fastening her seat belt in record time. Jungkook circled the car, got into the driver's seat, and started the engine, starting at breakneck speed.
"Jungkook, I thought we were going to your apartment?" she surveyed the familiar road that led to her apartment. "Not now, baby, just trust me, okay?" he smiled tensely at her, and she stared out the window again.
Jungkook passed her apartment building and entered the underground car park far down the luxury building a little further down. Rina stared at him in amazement as he parked in a designated spot and jumped out of the car to open the door for her. Picking up their belongings, he headed for the parking lot exit, then up a few steps to reach a glazed outdoor elevator. Her astonishment reached its peak when the elevator stopped on the top floor and the doors opened, revealing a huge apartment with panoramic views of almost the entire city.
"Do you like it?" Jungkook asked, leaving their belongings on a large U-shaped sofa, also looking out the window.
"It's ... How ... When ..." she tried to put together a meaningful sentence and at the same time not look like an absolute idiot. "When I realized that I want you for myself, it's closer to your apartment, so that if something happens, I can react quickly
"he answered all her questions and she stared at him. "But how could you be sure that ..." he grinned. "If you hadn't agreed, I would have kidnapped you and forced you, but I prefer that option." he approached her and embraced her face, kissing her softly.
"Let me show you something!" he took her hand and she followed him down a short corridor to the right of a huge open kitchen. There was a door on the left of the corridor that they passed, then one on the right and Jungkook opened the door at the bottom.
Rina gasped, her hand pressed to her mouth as he led her into a huge bedroom, with a king-size bed in the middle and the same panoramic view. They walked past the bed, and Jungkook opened another door on the right, pulling her inside. Rina had the feeling that she would faint at any moment. The door Jungkook opened led to a huge walk-in closet, probably larger than her entire apartment, and in the middle sat the elephant Jungkook had won for her at the amusement park.
Jungkook watched her with a smile, pleased with her reaction. "When you're ready, we'll fill it with my and your clothes." she looked at him and her eyes filled with tears. "Oh, no, baby, no, no, why?" he began to wipe away her tears as placed a small kisses here and there. "I ... I don't know what to say ..." she sobbed. Jungkook hugged her and rocked her softly. "Say you like it?" he kissed the top of her head. "There's no woman she wouldn't like!" she cried, and Jungkook stepped back again, captivated by her charming smile.
"Wait!" she was startled. "What does it mean to fill it with my and your clothes?" he turned and looked around the dressing room, then back at her. "Did you really think I would start the first real relationship in my life without thinking about the future when we would live together?" he asked, and that was the last straw that made Rina collapse, and she fell to her knees.
"Rina!" Jungkook knelt beside her and shook her. "Baby, what ..." she looked at him, breathing hard. "I think I'm going crazy ..." she whispered, and Jungkook laughed with relief, thinking for a moment that she was really going to faint.
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