Jungkook closed the door and looked at his father. Another thing that had changed in the last month, and very quickly. The day his father had spoken to him in front of the operating room, Jungkook was surprised that his father was paying any attention to him other than giving him an order. He didn't know it then, but now, as he watched his father's pale face, Jungkook could almost tell he saw the man he cared about. In fact, he loved him, yet he was his father, he just did it his way and from afar. His father was dying slowly, and the doctors had already discharged him. Cancer was eating at his organs, and he knew, and yet he hadn't tried to heal himself.
"Ah, son" Jeon Hyun-Ki smiled wearily and pointed to the armchair opposite his. Jungkook sat down and looked at him. He was almost sorry for his old man. "You know, Jungkook, I often remember your grandfather lately." he said, leaning back with a sigh. "He was right, my boy. In the end, there's no one who doesn't regret something." Hyun-Ki muttered, and Jungkook nodded. "I'm sorry, Jungkook, I'm sorry I wasn't the father you deserve, I'm sorry I wasn't there when your mother needed me." he coughed, and Jungkook reached out, pouring some water and handing him the glass.
Jungkook stared blankly at his father. He wasn't sure exactly how to react to his words. His father had often started calling and talking to him, apologizing for the wasted years, for his attitude, for their alienation. He didn't answer, just let the dying old man pour out his soul, pitying him.
"Your grandfather often told me that I was making the same mistakes as him, letting life kill the human in me." his father returned the glass to him. "Jungkook, don't make our mistakes, my boy!" he got up and put his hands on his son's knees. "You know, Jungkook, you're smarter than me." Jungkook raised an eyebrow, and his father's gaze darted above his head. "I'll be with them soon. I miss both of them, and I have to apologize to your mother." said Hyun-Ki in a hoarse voice and closed his eyes, relaxing in the high back of his chair. "Yes, I have to apologize to her, I hurt her so much because I was too proud and absorbed in myself and my own stupidity, clinging to the past" he murmured sleepily, and his eyes closed wearily.
Jungkook sat for a few more minutes, making sure his father was asleep, and then left. Hyun-Ki told him more and more about his mother, reminding him of his childhood. Jeon Cha-Hee was a kind and loving woman who came across a hard-hearted man. And yet, even at the end of his life, his father recognized that she had managed to touch his heart.
"Good morning, sir," she bowed, and he stood in front of Rina, who stood up and looked at him coldly.
"Don't repeat our mistakes, my boy," his father's words had stuck in his mind, keeping him awake all night. Jungkook recalled every conversation with his grandfather, every lesson he had forgotten as he grew up under the cold influence of his father. This woman was his biggest mistake, and he would correct her, slowly, little by little, revive what he had destroyed.
"Can I help you, sir?" she rolled her eyes and he stepped closer. Rina didn't even flinch. He cupped her face and leaned forward, her breath scalding his lips, but her eyes remained cold and He smirked and backed away. "Good morning, Miss Assistant" he replied, and walked to his office.
Jungkook sat behind his desk and waited. A minute later, Rina followed, opening her notebook. "Today you only have one meeting before noon, then you have a conference video call with Mr. Lee, from Japan ..." she flipped through and stared at the next page. Her gaze shifted to him, and he grinned. "Then you can jump off the roof because you have no other commitments!" she hissed, and he grinned even wider. "That's not what your notebook says, Miss Assistant" he snapped. She raised an eyebrow, brought his desk closer, picked up his pen, and scribbled what was written in the notebook, adding something else. With a pleased smile, she set down her pen and turned the page over. He laughed as he read "fuck yourself" at the spot where he had added dinner time with her the night before.
"Very nice, Miss Assistant." he stood up and walked to his desk, standing behind her. His hands slid down her waist, and he put his chin on her shoulder. "But I prefer to fuck you" he whispered and she laughed. "I'm sorry, sir, I'm not in the habit of repeating my mistakes, especially fatal ones." she shrugged and turned to face him, wrapping her arms around his neck. But before she could speak, he pressed his lips to hers, pressing her to the desk. Rina tried to push him away, but he was strong, too strong. Her hands drummed on his shoulders, his tongue slipped in and into her mouth. He held her head as her body began to rest beneath his.
Rina moaned and her lips answered. Her mind and heart may have hated him, but her body recognized her master and couldn't resist his orders.
His hands slid over her body as he felt her resistance melt. Her thighs closed behind him, and she pressed him,he deepened the kiss, drinking her lips.
With a contented moan, he reached under her skirt and his fingers began to irritate her clit beneath the soft tissue of her underwear. Rina spread her hips slightly, her panting moans sinking and caressing his lips.
He broke the kiss, and she blinked in confusion. "You're just mine, Miss Assistant! Never forget it, no matter how much you want me to believe you hate me, your body doesn't lie!" he took out his hand and licked the drops on his fingers. "You're so wet, even the fabric can't hide it, doll!" he smirked. Rina slammed him in the chest and he backed away. She stood up and looked at him coldly. "Go to hell!" she shouted at him and her slap imprinted on his face. He rubbed his cheek, staring smugly after her. "You may hate me as much as you want, baby, but in the end I always win!" he thought, and sat down behind his desk again, staring at the door through which furious Rina had come out.
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