"Grandpa, why is mom crying again?" asked the little boy, and let his grandfather pick him up and put him on his lap. The old man smiled, brushing the hair that had fallen over his grandson's eyes, and stared at the night sky. "Because she's strong, my boy" his grandfather sighed sadly, leaning back in his rocking chair. "But dad says only the weak cry, and no matter what hurts me, I shouldn't cry because tears are a weakness" the boy looked at his grandfather curiously with his huge dark eyes. "There is a difference between men and women, Jungkook. The man is strong physically, he is the pillar that supports the family and protects it. This is an ancient law. Men's tears are rare and only prove that he really appreciates what he has or is lost. " his grandfather ruffled his hair before continuing." However, women's tears are the most valuable thing in the world. I'm talking about real tears, the ones she hides, but they say everything she can't say out loud. The woman is the basis of the family, my boy, she supports the column and keeps her upright, even when the earth shakes.Women's tears signify care, love, and devotion. When women's tears are real, they are directed in only two directions. The first is to the man to whom her heart belongs, for whom she is ready for anything, even to give her life for him. And the second is for her children, for whom she would cross any border, physical or not." the boy look at his grandfather in astonishment." Does that mean that my mother is as strong as my father? "His grandfather nodded and he happily jumped on his knees." I knew my mother wouldn't cry just like that! "His grandfather laughed sadly, thinking about his own mistakes, which his son repeated many times more and hoping that his grandson wouldn't make.
"Twenty years later"
"Staff have been notified, sir. Everyone will be waiting for you tomorrow morning in the conference room, as you requested." Jeon Hyun-Ki nodded and motioned for his assistant to leave him alone. She bowed and left, quietly closing the door behind.
Jeon Hyun-Ki put down his pen, closed the last folder he had signed as CEO of Jeon Groups, and stared at the nameplate at the end of the desk. Tomorrow it would be replaced with a new one engraved with his son's name.
He had been expecting this moment from the moment his wife told him she was expecting a boy. Jungkook was the only thing Hyun-Ki insisted on from his marriage. Cha-Hee was his second wife after the first died while giving birth to his first child. He had loved her from the bottom of his heart and could never forget her. He never managed to overcome the pain of losing his wife and child, and Cha-Hee failed to instill a drop of love in his heart. His son, Jungkook, he was just an instrument to inherit, and nothing more. But Hyun-Ki appreciated his mind and abilities, even though he never really felt like his father. He had raised him as a weapon for his purposes, teaching him everything he knew about business and underground life, without showing a drop of mercy.At the age of twenty-five, Jungkook was ready to take his place, and Hyun-Ki would retire, enjoying the fruits of his labor. Hyun-Ki straightened his legs and folded his arms across his chest. Jungkook was currently on the other side of town, meeting with an arms dealer. His son had an excellent flair for business, and Hyun-Ki could rest assured of his company's fate.
Although he wasn't sure if Jungkook was ready to take over the family government, that would certainly be the case soon. It was one thing to run the company, quite another to keep the Jeon family on the other side of the line.
Jungkook put the lid of the wooden chest back in place and nodded to the man, who was patiently waiting for his permission, with a briefcase in his hands. He nodded in response, set the suitcase on the table, and opened it, turning to a grinning man across from him, who rubbed his hands contentedly. "It was a pleasure working with you, Mr. Jeon." The man closed his briefcase and walked cheerfully to the exit of the old warehouse. Jungkook stared after him for a moment, disliking such jerks who thought they were in control of the situation, when in fact they were a bullet away from the dethronement.
"Take care of that, hyung, I have an appointment." he turned to the man, who was still standing patiently, waiting for Jungkook to decide what to do. "Do I know her?" Seokjin asked, smiling crookedly. "Does it matter?" Jungkook asked dryly and turned to him. "Have fun, I'll take care of it" Seokjin nodded at the crates, and Jungkook nodded, heading for the exit and his car.
For Jungkook, women didn't matter, they didn't have names, he didn't remember their faces, he didn't care about their feelings. They were just bodies that satisfied his and up to that point. He smirked. If his mother was still alive, she would probably be ashamed of the heartless way her son treated women, but it didn't matter. They just weren't worth it, they were weak, greedy whores who used their bodies to get men like him who had the unlimited opportunity to satisfy their every financial whim. Jungkook had watched the endless stream of tears, listened to their relentless pleas not to leave, but this kind of theater didn't impress him at all.
"In this world, my boy, there is only one woman who will rule your whole being, and then you will understand why your mother and father failed to create a real bond with each other" his grandfather had told him. His father and mother had married on account, and Jungkook had no illusions that he was lucky enough to understand what love meant. Once his father had told him about his first wife, it was the first and last time Jungkook had seen in the eyes of Jeon Hyun-Ki any emotion other than anger. Apart from his mother, his father had shown no compassion for him. Jeon Jungkook was the heir, but not the desired son. He still remembered, though faintly, the moments when he found his mother locked in her bedroom crying. He had once asked her why, and she had told him that he shouldn't blame his father. "He's a good man, he's just hurt" she had said, and she had hugged him. Shortly afterwards, she died, leaving her broken heart to destroy her. That's right, although married on account, Jeon Cha-hee had fallen in love with her husband, but that love remained unshared until her death. In fact, the cause of this death was when his mother, unable to bear any more grief, had ended her own life. So Jungkook grew up with only his father and quickly became a copy of him.
He leaned heavily on his back and reached for a cigarette from the nightstand. The woman next to him tried to hug him, but he looked at her contemptuously and she gave up in the middle of her movement. "Get lost" he growled coldly. "But ..." he interrupted. "It was nice, doll, but don't think it's more than sex. The door is over there." she blinked in disbelief, hesitating for a moment what to do, but then sighed and stood up, picking her clothes from the floor.
"One more thing, doll" she turned and looked over her shoulder. "You don't know me, do you understand? If I hear a word about myself from your mouth, you'll end up at the bottom of a beautiful lake" she nodded, swallowing hard, not doubting at all that he would carry out his threat.
Jungkook lit his cigarette and took a deep breath, holding the smoke in his lungs, tomorrow would be a fun day. He wondered what he would find in the company. He hadn't been to the office since he had gone to study in America a little over four years ago, he had returned a few months ago, but his father wanted him to join the Jeon family first as her heir, and only then to take the CEO's place in Jeon Groups. Jungkook hated that he always had to prove himself to his father, but he had no choice if he wanted to get rid of his old man completely. The beginning was Jeon Grups, then the family. Everyone would crawl at his feet, at least in that respect, he wanted to look exactly like his father.
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