Clan of Old
The black cat gazed up at the belt of stars lurking in the night sky. Many cats trudged behind him. The cat bit his lip. Can I trust them?
Of course you can, the voice of the brown tabby said. Have I lied to you before?
No, the cat admitted. But I'm afraid of what they would do to her.
Are you kidding me? Why would I seek to hurt her? She's one of the most important cats in my life, and she always has been, even before she was born.
The cat sighed. I guess you're right, he thought. He glanced upward once more at the stars. How will I know which one? he asked the voice in his head.
You'll know, the voice answered. Now go. Your precious mate and all of those cats behind you are counting on you.
I know, he thought wistfully. He nodded behind him, and the cats ventured forward.
Lionblaze brushed through the entrance to my den where Lightfoot and I were sharing a squirrel. I looked up. He had an urgent look about him. "Stealthstar," he meowed. "There's someone here to see you. She says she's looking for you."
I was confused, but I followed him anyway.
He led me to the edge if the forest, near Twolegplace. A huge group of cats awaited there. One of them looked up when I walked towards her. "Who's this? I thought you were going to get Firestar." She glared at Lionblaze.
I stepped in front of her. "I'm so very sorry," I meowed, "but Firestar is dead. He had been for quite some moons now."
The cats murmured and gasped. How do they know about Firestar?
The cat lowered her head. "I'm sure he is missed greatly. So, I suspect that you are the new ThunderClan leader?"
"Yes. And what is it that you want with ThunderClan?"
"Well, I am Leafstar, leader of SkyClan. We were driven out of our home when the camp dens caved in and the Twolegs invaded our territory. Firestar was a good friend of ours, and we hoped he'd be able to help us."
I had to bite my lip top refrain from gasping. I remembered reading about SkyClan as a Twoleg. I couldn't believe it. Could it be? I thought. Could the five clans be together as it had once in ancient times?
I shook my head. "Of course we will help. Firestar sacrificed everything for us. We should be able to help his friends. But, if I may, how did you find us?"
A small, bony, kittypet-looking cat stepped up. "Hello, Stealthstar."
"Twilight?" I asked. I quickly turned to Lionblaze. "Go get Sweetcloud." He nodded, his mouth gapping open, and sped back to camp.
"Leafstar, if you wouldn't mind, I would like to speak to you privately."
She nodded. "Of course." She turned to a scarred gray tom. "Make sure all the queens and elders got here safely," she instructed. The tom nodded.
"Is that your deputy?" I asked as we walked off together. She nodded. "What happened to Sharpclaw?" You mousebrained idiot! I scolded myself. You're not supposed to know about him!
"He died on the journey. But, did you know?"
Better think fast. "Firestar told me about him."
"So, how did he die? Was there a sickness, or...?"
I sighed. "There was a battle. He died saving all of us."
"Oh. I' sorry."
"It's fine," I meowed. "But he chose me to succeed him, and I'm doing my best."
"That's the best you can do," Leafstar meowed. "I'm sure he's very proud of you."
"So," I meowed, trying to change the subject, "how exactly did you get here?"
"Well, it's sort of a long story," she began, "but the Twolegs brought in these big monsters near the edge of the camp. We figured they'd leave, but the next thing we knew, the ground shook, and the caves began to collapse. Sharpclaw was caught in the tumble saving the kits. He was a loyal deputy. Waspwhisker is the new deputy. I remembered what Firestar and Sandstorm said-" she paused. "Sandstorm's not dead, is she?"
"Oh, thank StarClan, no. She's an elder now," I meowed.
"Oh, good. Anyway, I remembered what they said about the four clans that lived in the forest south of us, so we decided to journey there searching for help. We met one your loner friends at a Twoleg barn. He said that you had left to follow a star because the Twolegs destroyed your home, as well. He looked really lonely. He told us that his companion died."
"Ravenpaw," I meowed.
"Yeah. Anyway, we ventured through the tangle of Thunderpaths in your old territory, where we met Cody. He told us that he knew what direction you went in, and offered to lead us there. Is that how you knew him so well?"
I nodded. "He was my daughter's first mate."
Leafstar jumped slightly. "Oh. Wow. Um, ok. I have a daughter, as well. Two, actually. And one son."
"Oh? What are their names?"
She pointed with her tail to a she-cat who resembled Firestar almost perfectly. "That's Fireheart, and her sister is Stormflower. My son's name is Harrytail."
"F-Fireheart?" I stammered. "That was Firestar's warrior name!"
Leafstar smiled. "That's why I named her Firekit. Stormkit was named after Sandstorm."
"What about Harrykit?" I asked. Leafstar grew quiet. I could tell something had happened, so I didn't pry.
"Leafstar?" the tom named Waspwhisker mewed. "We really need to rest somewhere. Sagefur and some of the other warriors have some minor injuries."
Leafstar dipped her head. "Right. Of course. We shall-"
"Follow me to our camp," I interrupted.
"Really? I thought the other clans were hostile to outsiders?"
I chuckled. "You'll find that I'm very unlike the other leaders." I gestured towards camp, and she nodded to her clan. I lead the way, with the new clan trailing close behind.
ThunderClan was abuzz with whisperings of the foreign clan of cats. Many of the warriors looked hostile. I flicked my tail, and they tipped their heads in confusion and sat back. I slowly climbed the ledge and gestured for Leafstar to join me. Looking down at the cats, I was excited to see most of the cats I had read about. Frecklewish was guiding Echosong to the ledge. She must be ready to retire, I thought.
"Warriors of ThunderClan," I announced, "you may notice some new faces in the crowd. These new cats are not to be treated as prisoners. They are our guests."
"But who are they?" Cloudtail yelled. The clan roared with questions.
"ThunderClan! Settle down!" The warriors immediately feel silent and lifted their heads. "I will discuss with my deputy, and then he will share with the warriors at the evening patrols." I nodded to Lionblaze and he returned the gesture.
I turned to Leafstar. "You may stay here until the next Gathering." Leafstar opened her mouth to object, but I interrupted her. "If you leave before then, the other clans are bound to treat you as invaders." She closed her mouth and nodded.
"Until then, you may sleep in one of the dens with the other warriors and apprentices. Your medicine cats may sleep with in the medicine cat den."
"How many medicine cats do you have? Won't it be crowded?" she asked.
I hesitated. "Two," I mewed. "Now."
She stopped. "What happened?"
"We had three, but he left to help another clan with an unnamed apprentice."
"I-I'm sorry."
"No, it's fine. He'll be returning. At least his apprentice, my other daughter, is still here." I shook my head. "Well, I must discuss the situation with my deputy, and your clan must get settled. Brackenfur!"
"Yes, Stealthstar?" he asked.
"Show our guests around the camp, and introduce them to some of the warriors. If they're staying, they need to find their way around camp. And make sure no one tests them differently. They may be new, but they do know the warrior code." He led the cats away from the ledge. I watched them go, then returned to my den where Lionblaze was waiting.
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